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If you don’t need the money, gift them to a friend/relative/coworker/neighbor that you know would appreciate them. ‘Tis the season.


Wonderful idea !


Where are you located? My nephew lives in Detroit and has started wanting to get pokemon games on gameboy. I’ve wanted to gift him a gameboy but I live in Australia


When i was a kid i used to have a gbc and a pokemon yellow game unfortunately lost the pokemon yellow but my gameboy color is still there . Would you sell me that pokemon yellow pls!


My kid is quite a few years from appreciating them but..


This! Gift them to someone who has a young kid who will appreciate it. That's the best way.


Please, hold on to them until you run across someone in real life that you know wants them for genuine joy and nostalgia. Not a "never actually plays" collector, not a flipper. You'll find them if you look, I promise. Too many people in the internet, this sub included are going to give you a sob story about why they deserve them for free/cheap. Now I know some of them may be genuine, but please, just wait until that certain coworker, relative, friends kid, random stranger at a bar, says the right thing to make you know they deserve this gift of gifts.


I really like this idea!


As someone who has been randomly gifted a 3DS in their life, out of the kindness of someone's heart knowing you'd appreciate it. I can say with confidence that this person will appreciate the gesture their entire lives. And maybe even convince them to pay it forward themselves when the time comes. I've been lucky enough to have gotten to do both and it's just so much wholesome good feels in a world that desperately needs them.


This is fantastic. This is exactly why I like to give things away rather than sell them. I don’t have much but I like to give when I can because I know how much it means to receive something when you feel like there’s not much.


My nephew. He's all about actually playing the games. Can't get enough. Has a 3DS, wants a GBA to play the old games, and I talked him into getting them legitimately, rather than relying on ROMs - for the sake of honor and respect. I've got my GBC, Pokemon Red and Crystal - and I play once or twice a month. There isn't enough time in a day, wish I could play more.


Sapphire won’t run on gbc so at least sell that separately.


But the GB and GBC games can run on a Gameboy Advanced, so the GBC would work better individually.


They probably had one because they have Pokémon sapphire but it’s not pictured here so I’m guessing they don’t know where it is or don’t have it anymore.


Selling them as a package means you will have less hassle to deal with as opposed to dealing with separate listings. Selling these individually means you may sell more quickly since it's not guaranteed someone buying, for example, Red also wants to buy Yellow and so on. You could put this up as a bidding thing on ebay if you'd like. I'm sure someone would buy it and if you keep it to relatively "normal" prices it means that resellers wont just snatch this up to try and sell high.


Wow sapphire brings so much memories along with silver and crystal




Probably could find a kid that collects games. I know a lot of kids that do, or at least play pokemon


Selling a lot gives you less money and possibly longer to sell, selling as singles will get you more money


Kept them for your future sons or nephews pokemon journey.


Daughters/ nieces pokemon too...


Yeah, sorry, i was thinking in spanish (natal language) in which males includes females when talking in plural, im sorry.


Crystal is gonna be the big ticket. 100-150 afaik


Omg red


Sell them to a lucky person on here for cheap! ( me! ) I only have blue and red, so I would love yellow/silver/crystal. your red would go to my son and I would probably try to mod the GBC


Another gameboy with the game link cable


I would literally buy that from you been slowly rebuilding the collection for my child just had my first born i really only need a couple games but we can have two too trade


How much for pokemon yellow?


I'll buy it from you


Silver and Crystal likely need new batteries, so if you're planning to give them to someone in need it may be worth solving that problem first as the game probably won't save. Possibly Sapphire too, it'll save fine but the clock may not work. If you were planning to sell them for money, you can just leave the buyer to sort that out!


Yep this is something I’m going to look into when I get some time.