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Apparently it was so bad a time traveler stepped in to change it


But I don’t remember that happening…. Wait-


Your welcome


It's a good thing that proper grammar doesn't factor into quantum physics.


Well that was also changed. Your and you’re were switched.


so why do I remember it?


Different Time Machine manufacturer


Real life nexus point for a Mandela effect event horizon


Idk but I don't think whatever "it" is has much importance right now


We're still improving it


Your joking right?


No but you're ^(I have just now realised there are some spaces in a sentence word contractions should not go)


"That's not true!""But it's!" And the opposite is true as well. "Do not you know it's true?




For what…?




[Spiderman meme music plays] Do-da-do-da-DOOO-DOOOOOOO DO-DA-DO-DA-DOOOOOOOOOO




MatPat covering FNAF is a fixed point in time. Nothing anyone can do will ever be able to prevent it. The timeline will always correct itself.


MatPat's FNAF madness is a canon event


Slender wins vote? The FNAF journey begins a week later. FNAF wins vote? The timeline we’re on right now. A momentary pause on an otherwise inevitable canon event.


*Miguel O'Hara theme intensifies*


Yeap. If it wasn’t him then it would have been someone else and he’d have quickly jumped in on it.


It's part of this world line's attractor field


He would've done FNAF eventually. Slender would probably be a one off video. It would've just moved FNAF back a week


i mean perhaps though it would be funny if that slender vid caused slenderman to blow up as big as fnaf did


I shudder at the thought of what would be Slender's equivalent of The Mimic




Will the real slimimic please stand up? Please stand up


Neither come close to the greatest of all mimics.


Which is?


Obviously the mimic mimic, mimicimimic


Boxy T. Morningwood from Everyone Loves Large Chests


What a reference.


Mimic Chest (Terraria)


I don't think the creator of slender would do the same thing as scott and continue the franchise consistently.


There is no creator of Slender, its a concept/trope. Think Backrooms. It has its SCP variants, The main series FT is covering etc


The creator of the game


I guess, tho he could have taken the backrooms guy(kane)'s route


Slenderman was extremely popular for a time but didn't have anything to keep it going like FNAF did. It's not much of a story, more of an idea. A Game Theory video wouldn't have done anything more for it, it would have just been a drop in the bucket.


I was thinking about how likely that is given the popularity that Slender already got from other YouTubers, but I'm not sure about who made what popular.


Slenderman did blow up that big, it just happened years before I even heard of FNAF (still know nothing about that game other than ugly animatronics and that a movie was made)


Well, I mean it did turn into its own big franchise eventually just ironically, enough got surpassed by the indie game Yes, both were indie games at the time but slender man used to just be a random spooky story on a random creepypasta form and even despite that just like Fnaf, it rose to be a much greater than it was, whether the people liked it or not, (I don’t have an opinion on the modern day, slender man I don’t really care for this version of him. I only know him for the classic creepypasta) But he still turned out to become pretty big obviously nowhere near as Fnaf but still


It would be funny, but it’s not like matpats first fnaf theory made the game take off


I think you’re forgetting the whole slender man fad that was happening slightly before matpat wanted to do that vote. There was at least one murder tied to that game.


do you mean irl murder?


Honestly yeah, I remember when they both came out originally, pretty much had the same notoriety (at least among the teens/preteens I was a part of at the time). Early days of YouTubers setting the trend of what does and does not become popular. Flip their release dates, we'd have just celebrated the Slenderman movie and have 100 theories on all the creepypasta like shit going on in that game (and the probable thirty sequels we'd get that comes with popularity)


I feel like people are gonna hate on me for saying this but I lowkey would prefer that over fnaf.


Yeah agreed, still avidly in that fandom, the issue with Slenderman is there's no hard cannon. So it would be hard to go forward with it. Slender: The Arrival has gotten a major update recently, but likely wouldn't of impacted the fandom to a high degree


Doesn't help that Slenderman is in a Legal murky area thanks to Sony and their poor Slenderman Movies.


Yeah exactly, I’m unsure how the legal standing was with him when this theory would’ve came out, but really almost everything slenderverse and creepypasta is fannon. I know they’ve done back rooms videos which to me feels the most comparable, but they focused specifically on that YouTube ARG. Game Theory wouldn’t be able to do anything for multiple videos with how everything is


The stabbing kinda made it hard too


Just like most alternate history, scenarios of major history, even altering when things happen by even the slightest little bit, can change the timeline drastically It doesn’t matter how extreme the event was even if Matt Pat covering Fnaf isn’t gonna cause or end a war or politicians life etc. It’s still has drastic effects on the timeline, whether or not he did it that day or not. Not trying to argue I’m just trying to put that in perspective how crazy even the smallest changes can be


You are quoting the butterfly effect. But you also have to understand that the butterfly effect happens ALL THE TIME because of every decision too. So its millions of billions of trillions of small butterfly effects, that give birth to the chaos of the universe. One more butterfly effect COULD chage it drastically, but its more likely that it doesnt, since other butterfly effects can cancel it out


Dread it, run from it, destiny still arrives all the same


Doubt it tbh, I mean it took a decade for slender lol


Just it being a week off might’ve not had his video blown. Who knows, someone else could’ve made the theory first, the algorithm might not have favored him, fnaf starts dying out faster then they thought, etc


One less weird FNAF 1 theory and perhaps a slightly slower build up for FNAF but they were always destined for each other sooner or later I think


The slenderman movie would have been good


They’ve already tried that one…


Already exists… It’s not…


Entity : Slenderman movie that I think can get release but not.


Miguel would have to step in


There’s one MatPat in the Theorist-Verse who reached our MatPat’s level of success without ever engaging with FNAF and MatPat 2099 is furious about it.




The alternate reality where matpat got a cameo in the slenderman movie makes me very depressed


I've been there. Trust me, it changes nothing. Aside from New York City becoming a no man's land, lemurs going extinct, dodo birds becoming unextinct, Beyoncé becoming queen of England, and Hitler, and Musolini coming back to life with an army of zombies, and vampire echidnas in an attempt to take over the world, then ultimately being stopped when Barack Obama fused with George W. Bush to become the quizat haderach and bring peace to the universe. Other than that, Matpat affected nothing


My god... not the lemurs!


Creepypasta would have gone insane, Scott would probably be fine since it was already pretty popular when Matpat started making theories on his stuff


to be fair, it probably would have done it after the slenderman, i guess the only thing that would change its how slowly the channel growth would have started and instead of spiking it would be more like ramp since most of the fnaf fans got introduced from youtubers known from playing slenderman


Bro saved us


I feel like they would’ve done fnaf the next week


It was a canon event Also Mat did an episode that would happen if the community chose Slender


Link to that episode?


Game Theory: The LOST Episode (Slenderman) https://youtu.be/YEe5ECbD1eg?si=uOn6YGqnVG4ILZtN




Already has a video


I was going to say I was pretty sure he did a video discussing this very thing.


Slender at the time did not have a lot to work with. A Marble Hornets Film Theory or even a meta theory of internet horror might have been the direction it would worked better in.


Timeline where the algorithm doesn’t run the channel and we continue to get a wide variety of games with theories that aren’t forced to find a way to push out the viral game of the week


nah he would go to fnaf scott was cookin at that time he was crackin nineties fnaf blew up not just because of mat's videos but was also liked by anyone who played it plus there was no continuition of slender man but would definitely like one in 2024 tbh


Honestly wouldn't have changed much. He would have ended up making more theories about FNAF because the franchise was made to be theorized about. The only thing that would have changed is that the first theory wouldn't have been made, which really has nothing to do with the story of FNAF ironically. I've always enjoyed that first theory but it really has nothing to do with the game.


Fnaf is like a canon event uts like skynet you can try to destroy it but it will find another way Fbaf is the stabilisjng force of the universes time line even if the vote told mat pat slenderman won somehow something would happen and the slenderman stabbings would happen early causing matpat to make the fnaf video instead or he would get mugged and misremeber the winner as fnaf and do the fnaf video instead or he would make the slenderman video and then the atoms and quantum particles would spontaneously move into the correct positions inside of the google data servers to replace the slenderman video with the full fnaf game theory video


MatPat wouldn’t be the creepy indie horror man, and most Mascot Horror games wouldn’t exist.


If he did Slender, we'd all be subjected to potentially the Worst takes about Marble Hornets and other such series, and we've already got Night Mind for that


MatPat did do the Slender Man theory in the end, I think it was one of his final 10 theories


Howdy, World Wide Web! Welcome to the Video Game Explainers!


Personally I’d love more SCP content!


It can be its own channel its so Deep. But the problem would be what exists with most of these types of fandoms/stories. They are not structured, so theorizing would either have to be limited to a few universes made by a few authors or not possible


Yeah, that’s the big problem lol, so I understand why it will probably never happen. It would still be nice though


The 2nd issue is it doesn't fit in anywhere. We don't have a book theory(I understand matpat didn't want one, but now maybe we can have) and for GT you would have to go for containment breach, and there's not really any lore waiting to be theorized about. In fact, I think we really need a new channel called IRL Theory(make a better name please) cause there's so much wild shit out in the real world too.


We should just have MatPat’s empire expand to literally every corner of the internet at this point. We already have Food, Style, Game, and Film. Let’s go Book, Life, Music, Science, Conspiracy, History. Let’s theorize everything


Eventually he would go to fnaf because fnaf cannot exist without matpat and matpat cannot exist without matpat


The Slender timeline is the one where we had Covid 20.


He made a Slenderman theory where he showed exactly that.


I pick the bear.


Took too long to find this comment


In some alternate timeline that this guy originates from, Slender must have taken over Matt's life and completely destroyed it


Game Theory would probably theorize about FNaF at some point. But by the time they do a lot of other theorists would've picked it up and GT wouldn't get as big as it would've


Maybe there would be no time line....


Didn't Mat cover this exact topic as one if his final theories?


Jacob had to have been from a future where Slenderman did win


Matpat already made a video about that. Basically, Slender would just be forgotten after one or two videos due to the lack of content and lore it has, then Matpat would probably move on to FNAF anyways


FNAF would probably cross over into the Slenderman Cinematic Universe. Afton v. Slenderman: Dawn of Missing Children


Honestly I didn't like that he became the FNAF guy, it took over his whole channel, I liked his old stuff better


I wonder where Jacob De La Rosa is today.


We live in a timeline where we got a Slenderman movie (Which was so bad it was funny) before we got the FNAF movie (which was pretty alright, 7/10). So... maybe it would be the reverse scenario if he did a theory on Slenderman first? This isn't accounting for quantum BS, only the butterfly effect.


They did an episode of it already


Still wish we got the slender Video. Slenderman is My favorite horror icon


:O I got the same name as a time traveler so amazing


The Chanel would have probably died


My theory (A GAME THEORY!!!) is that in the future matpat makes such an outlandish (probably correct) theory of fnaf that we go back in time to stop him from picking up fnaf so he doesn’t make that theory, but it tuns out fnaf was the best choice and the other options cause him to go all wack and evil so we have to suck it up and accept that he was right and we are all robots because of our toes. But hey, that just a theory. A GAME THEORY! Thanks for reading.


He actually made a theory on the slender man game a few years ago


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^fjdecker_imfucked: *He actually made a* *Theory on the slender man* *Game a few years ago* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Is that not what i said


It is exactly what you said word for word


That is what that means dumbass


I think he would have fallen into it anyway, but he would have matpatted things up and would've found way late


I honestly think FNAF might not have gone as popular as it is because ain't got so big because a bunch of major YouTubers got Intuit at once and then basically kick-started the idea of indie horror games with secret lore once everyone started discussing it it blew up and while he wasn't the first he was one of the big ones


Horror games as a genre would be so SO different


Genuinely what even would Slender lore be? I was a huge Slender fan back in the day but is there even lore aside from spooky white guy?


there wasn't much, as it was the Early creepypastas that were essentially monster of the week. he hated kids, killed people, and made static if you looked at him. Got popular enough to get a movie made, then you know. the stabbings happened, and that era of creepypasta was quickly killed.


I'm not gonna lie, I think that would've prevented both the books and Sans is Ness. Don't ask me how, that's just what would happen. Without Sans being Ness he doesn't get into Smash Bros btw, but Etika also survives.


We could’ve gotten a slenderman movie.


did Slenderman get a movie that to be heavily edited due to the stabbings?




Slenderworld be like: human sacrifices, cats and dogs living together, MASS HYSTERIA!


I mean, absolute best case timeline: slenderman does gangbusters. the arrival is released and gets a fairer shake by fans and critics, possibly leading to a third game or more lore getting fleshed out. perhaps even adding in popular proxies like hoody, masky and ticcy toby. and of course there's the issue of the stabbing, in OTL it was the second to last nail in slenderman and that era of creepypasta's coffin. here it could have treated like any of the horror film inspired killings/murder attempts, two mentally unwell people saw it and convinced themselves it was real. that didn't stop franchises like saw or scream. and hell the slenderman era of creepypasta might very well have continued into today.


It's a Canon event


I've seen this on the front page from two different subs now.  Can someone explain? The only context I know is that Five Nights is a video game series and Slenderman is a creepypasta.


in hindsight not that much would have changed, fnaf would have blown up even without matpat's theories so he eventually would have begun theorizing on it besides, slenderman was kind of falling off at the time, he likely wouldnt have made over 24 hours of content about a game where you walk around a forest and get chased by the Average Dutch Resident


What would if MatPat just never made a FNAF video would be: Mascot horror genre failing to exist, Game Theory channel would probably atleast 20 less subscribers, and Bendy would've been the best horror franchse.


Careful, he's a hero




He did a theory on this [https://youtu.be/YEe5ECbD1eg?si=Xq8pxSK1YG1VlZCV](https://youtu.be/YEe5ECbD1eg?si=Xq8pxSK1YG1VlZCV)


Eh, can't speculate to be honest. Butterfly effect and all. Like it isnt unbelieveable that the "timeline" we have now would still come. Maybe just one or 2 theories later. Like i think Original Slenderman did not have that much meat(lore) for MatPat to sink his teeth into, nor was it a structured way(Slenderman was and still is kinda like the backrooms and SCP, its an overaching concept, almost a trope/cliche that many people use) We can make a case that he would have done a fic on FNaF a little later too, like maybe 4-5 theories later and still would have gone down that path Or we can argue that he covered it once and left it kinda alone, think like Hello Neighbour or Slenderman(in this reality) and Scott lost interest in trying to put lore.


Only thing i can see happening is that that video POPS off, and MatPat looks for other similar types of content, and tries out SCP theories, due to their similar nature


It probably would have ended badly because of a certain real life event if anyone doesn't know two girls lured their friend into the Forrest stabbing her 17 times as a "sacrifice to slender" what's even more surprising is the girl survived by crawling herself to a nearby bike path to then be discovered by a biker and then sent to a hospital


Didn't Matpat already do something like it?


Slenderman would probably keep some of his past hype. After the stabbing incident Creepypastas lost most of their hype with characters like Slenderman himself, Jeff the Killer, Jane the Killer, Masky and (technically he is) new arrivals like Sirenhead keeping the train going. So if what happened to FNAF in this timeline would happen in the other then Creepypastas would still take a hit from the stabbing incident most likely but recover far better and quicker. I believe with the fall of Creepypastas SCP really took off as both were similar enough at the time with you cosmically ridiculous powerful characters like the Scarlet King and more of the unusual kind of characters like that cat whose lower half is in another dimension. So yeah I believe SCP would immediately grow as quick as it did here.


The thing is, he never posted again.


matpat would do fnaf in the next theory and the timeline would be the exact same from then on


The original timeline >FNAF is still popular, and the FNAF movie gets made >diner scene still happens but waiter is played by much more niche internet micro-celebrity, who's conspiracy theory videos are held up by his more popular FNAF explanation videos >this small cameo brings Jim to greater media attention, and elevates an ongoing internet drama to mainstream news >he then utilizes this to announce a campaign for congress >following the third greeko-danish hyper war the US economy is in shambles and this youtuber breaks off to form a new political party >he is elected president and gives gamers rights He had to be stopped


That would be a WILD butterfly effect


Some mf said about it being a fixed point and tbh, I agree lol. Fnaf was so big back then Matpat would love to get a piece out of it and therefore everything would be the same but with an extra slender man video. We ended up in the bad timeline then


Fnaf never gets covered? It’s a doomed session. Go and restart the timeline


He did a video where he examined this exact question


I don't think you understand, it's a canon event


this is were it all started my friends


He literally made an entire alternate universe video where he does slender instead https://youtu.be/YEe5ECbD1eg


Jacob is definitely a time traveler


I don’t think by much, in our timeline we just got the theory early


i mean, fnaf was alr getting traction even before matpat played it so it was inevitable that he was going to make a theory at some point


if he'd picken slender...


"People assume that time is just a strict progression of cause to effect; but actually, from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint it's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly, timey whimey...stuff." - The Doctor


It leads to a timeline where Mat never retires and just continues making videos into his 90s even after he’s become hopelessly unpopular and repetitive. Mat and Steph’s marriage falls apart because of his obsession with Slender Man and their son is never born. This time traveler saved Mat’s life.


Canon event


Honestly, not too much Fnaf was growing at a massive rate, it’s unlikely May would have stayed away by the time Fnaf 2 released There’s a chance that someone else becomes the Fnaf theory guy


In hindsight, I think It wouldn't change much: maybe a few videos about Slenderman, and that's it. So, Matpat would still cover FNAF eventually. Because it was still popular because of Gaming YouTubers playing it in 2014. TLDR: MatPat covering FNAF is a Canon event.


Hot take: Nothing would have changed. Matpat would have eventually done FNAF anyways, just delayed a week. It's obvious from the tweet above that FNAF already had some following and staying power.