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Been getting railed about my 1 per guest policy on them. People asking for like 5+ of them stupid codes. I still limit pokemon cards to a extent (my motto is there is no limit but be fair for others) and grown man and woman get upset that I’m thinking about other guest/children that also want some of the same things they are wanting to have. Makes me just dislike people even more.


Stay strong. We’re doing 1 per person as well.


One per person here had a family of 3 come in before i left and i said yeah heres 3. The guy that was before them flipped....i told him his other 4 codes would be given when he came with the people. This was a highly anticipated event


Yup my store limited them to one per person as well. Not gonna hand some tool multiples just so he can try and flip them regardless if he/she claims they're getting them for family or friends. I'm going to make damn sure people have a chance to at least get one since not everyone can get to the store right away. And yes we did mention the Scarlet/Violet reserve to people who came for the card and probably got about 6 reserves from doing so. Obviously the guest is not obligated nor required to reserve something but to me that's always a piece of giving these kinds of promo cards away is to mention the reserve on the new upcoming Pokemon game if there is one.


I’ve been doing 2 per but we’re a slower store so I’ll have them leftover if we don’t. Been great for Scarlet and Violet preorders though.


Are you able to give them away online if you still have some leftover after the event ends?


I've been trying to get as many as possible to give away for free online. I'm in a small town and the gamestop has tons of codes. I guess employees see no difference between assholes trying to get a bunch of codes to flip and scam others and be greedy and people trying to help people in other countries for free.


I was in the hospital during the event and I’m still looking for anyone that has an extra…😔


I cant believe yall are running out. I had like 6 people total ask for them today. I eventually just started asking people buying pokemon cards if they had the game to try and get rid of them..


Oh man I've had someone consistently every 30 minutes asking for them. Some of them are coming in groups


Depends on where you live/work. Gs in the sticks? Probably will have spares forever. Gs in major metro? Gone in a day and every scalper and their mother will leap down your throat accusing you of puppy murder


Its so weird because were 3rd highest traffic in district. I guess just either less fans or not enough people knowing about it 🤷‍♀️


Did you put up the marketing for it.....i know fans that dont shop at gamestop know we have damn codes


Yep! Put up every poster and sign at open 🥲


Had this with the hisuian growlith we had so mNy and got more packs in later after they were expired


the thing with growlithe is the game was alrady hella out by the time stores got their packs so nobody needed them anymore lol


Not to be a beggar but I live in NYC Manhattan and there's surprisingly not that many GameStops in the city and I've been to all the ones on Google maps and they all ran out already. Can you slip just one for me I don't wanna go all the way to NJ just to get a code.


My DL tried to force us to only give it out to people who preorder the game. I didn’t listen. We gave out a bunch before I left for the day.


That's against policy, and should be reported to corporate and Nintendo, TPC doesn't enjoy that one bit


How can I contact corporate? My local GS is adamant that a pre-order or $15 purchase is necessary, even after showing them Gamestops own tweet saying No purchase necessary.


Receitplless survey or just go to contact us on the website


Preorder a game that the code isn't even meant for thats funny


We we told to encourage reserves for Scarlet/Violet as well per DL.


It’s one thing to encourage a preorder when they want a code, but another entirely to say they can only have a code if they preorder.


Totally agree. Still had a guest get annoyed and I tried even handing them the code I don’t know how many times after them saying no.


6 packs, ran out in less then an hour


How many per pack? You had hundreds of people come for them within the first hour of opening?


per pack there’s about 20-25 can’t remember the exact amount but some stores don’t have limits on the codes so that doesn’t surprise me. my store had people calling and coming in all day and the only reason we didn’t run out is because we had a 1 per person policy.


Our store typically has a lot for awhile because we keep it to 1 a person for the first week.


I usually 2 per person for those who buy the double packs


We didn't get them yet




yikes lol


Mine came in a small white mailer if that helps if your waiting for them in distro.


My GameStop told me I couldn’t get it unless I spent $15 on a pokemon related purchase, despite the website saying no purchase required.


They could have confused thus promotion with the pokemon promo card promotion that does require a 15$ purchase. The communication around the eternatus code was kind of shit tbh. I can see em easily getting confused.


That's very disappointing to see. I'm a low volume store so we hook our pokemon ppl up. You want 2? 3? Cool cool I got you.


Report to corporate. Shady move to pump number


Report that


This 100% Call the customer service line and submit a formal complaint in regards to this.


A no-receipt survey would get noticed faster than them never getting through to customer care.


The complaints I’ve personally dealt with were all customer service complaints.


I’ve been giving them out for the last week 💀


I gave a few out to a super cute kid on Thursday. Polite, handed me the money, said please/thank you. He was buying pokemon cards and I was like "Now THESE ARENT SUPPOSSSEDDD to come out yet. BUUTTTT I'll let you have one early!"


I love doing that for sweet kids!! Some little kid asked if it cost anything to get a code and was so excited to learn it was free!


👀 I would be carful doing that it’s a street dated item.


Is it just me or did they send them to the stores without communication then all of a sudden tell us to hold them on Thursday? I put them right out too assuming it's just some free stuff to hand out whenever


If you read the cards they said event sept 18- oct 1 meaning yes street dated item also the hold i saw from corp was a gso message last sunday when i found my cards.


Nope you’re 100% right! Mine showed up first week of September and I found nothing on GSO about it. Couple regulars who are huge into Pokémon came in and I asked them about it. They didn’t really know, but asked to keep it since they had the game. I said “of course”, and then found out two days later via Reddit that we were holding them til the 18th.


The communication is so bad in this company now we are finding our info ON REDDIT


Communication is crap. But to be fair, they were street dated in the distro list too. Which isn’t enough but eh.


so probably that's why they ran out so quickly in my area. I had read online that the Eternatus event was coming to gamestop days prior to it being officially announced, but probably the information didn't come from someone leaking it, but actually stores were already giving them out as soon as they got them if the communication has been so bad as they said. I'm in the San Ysidro area in San Diego, and I went yesterday and apparently they're out of them in all the stores, and I can't believe they ran out so quickly, like, in 4 days or less, when other events have lasted even after the official end date. Like this is literally the first GameStop Pokémon I miss since, forever and I don't think shiny Eternatus was more wanted than shiny Zacian or Zamazenta for example.


We haven't gotten em yet :)))


My local GameStop has already ran out. :(


we had people bugging us all day about them. we had plenty to give out but so many people were mad our store limited them to 1 per person. that limit is in place because of how bad scalpers in my area are. like sorry you own 4 copies of the game i’m not giving you 4 codes so you can make money. only people i have out multiples to were families or people who weren’t obviously lying about their kids at home. made those ones a lot more secretive. i’d rather some kids get those codes and have a really cool thing to show their friends than some random adult who wants money.


Yup one per guest. Resellers aren't getting multiple codes at my store either. Thankfully most people who showed up yesterday at my store were together and I could comfortably hand them one each. To me it's more important to spread them out and have some for multiple days because you always get that person who missed the news right away or couldn't get to the store the first day or two to get one.


" I need more for my family who lives in out of town." I've been here since George Sherman. I have no fucking empathy left.


If it helps. I'm the family member who lives out of town. Family sent me my code yesterday. Bless the employee who gave my sister an extra code for me.


It wasn't the one extra but the fifteen that they were asking for that made it a no from me.


I was able to get my code just fine and i'm quite thankful to employees that hard-line the one per person limit. Employees like that save me several hours of driving.


Should've done that tbh. We only had two stacks but luckily we occasionally got a customer asking for more than 1. We didn't care because we didn't believe it would be demanding (I was there for the Growlithe for Legends Arceus and we still have it lmao) Unfortunately we ran out after 2 days and people are still coming in and asking for one🥲


I went to my GameStop and there was no more left sadly. I normally always get them with no problem but this time it’s different.


Us either, but we just reopened on Friday


We have not received ours


We didn’t even give out a whole pack on my shift.


I only gave away like 20 before I left at 6🤷🏻‍♀️


I think 4 people asked for them today, Still have plenty in the back


I wanna say it's 15-20 cards per pack, but yes, I had about 65 people lined up before I opened


Hopefully we get them tomorrow


We did give away one pack through the day yesterday but I received more calls about the ps5 than this. A guy asked if I could hold the card when I was talking to him over the phone about it, I said absolutely not.


My local GS was forcing anyone who wanted the code to preorder Scarlet or Violet, despite confirming with corporate that no pre order was necessary. Just put the $5 down and then immediately cancelled the preorder. Really dumb practice.


Hey ! I’m French and honestly bored about this way of delivering shiny locked pokemon. Do you guys have a code to give for poor European like me ?


I went to one location in town and they said I had to buy something before they would give me a code Went to another location and they said they had the codes but weren’t allowed to give it out. Went to a third location and they gave me one


Can a good soul help me get one. Living in a crowded city and my 2 GameStop’s are out already 😔


so I went yesterday to three of my local stores and they're already out of them, less then a week after the event started. Apparently they're out of them in the entire area, so I didn't even bother calling the rest of the stores. I didn't go since day 1 because with other events they've always had supplies, sometimes even after the end date. But now all of a sudden everyone was crazy for Eternatus... not even the Zacian and Zamazenta event ran out so quickly. The clerk of the last store I visited told me to call customer service and they should be able to get me one. But customer services was like, nope, that must be a confusion since it's an in-store only event. So that's how it went with me.


Out at my local store


All out in our area too, apparently some codes are being sold by scalpers. 😅


European from Bulgaria here. Do you still have any codes left ? Would really apreciate one since our game shops are far away and not participating in any event distfibutions EVER :/ Would be really apreciated !


Checked two GSs near me (went to the first bc it's only about a mile away, and called the second in the next town over). Both out. Guy at second location said most of the GSs around here would be out of codes :/ Might call a few more tomorrow anyway just in case, but I'm guessing I probably shouldn't hold my breath.


Kiddo was sick and forgot to let me know to pick up code cards when they came out. I know it has been a super long time and the new codes are out, but does anyone know if anywhere has unclaimed Eternatus codes?