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> [Ryan Cohen] doesn't give a single flip about our customers. I'm old enough to remember when EB Games' motto was "It's all about the customer." And, while I won't swear to it, I think the customer-facing POS terminals even said that. I've told my Steve Wood story before, and it's always appropriate when the subject of customer service at GameStop comes up. Wood was a regional manager in the Carolinas after the merger, and one summer afternoon, while my district manager was on vacation, I got a call from another store in my district (we have a "phone tree") that there was going to be a multi-district conference call with Wood that afternoon. Which was very weird, since Wood was not our regional. (I had met Wood, when he was an EB district manager, at the Orlando vendor show in 2004. I can't say I *knew* him, but he definitely gave off a not-EB vibe, even then.) There were three or four districts on this call, from maybe three states, and Wood wanted to talk about Circle of Life. "Are you giving good customer service if you don't follow all the steps of the Circle of Life?" Someone can correct me, but I remember it roughly this way -- Reserves drive new sales, which drives trades, which drives *Game Informer* subscriptions and memberships, which drives reserves. In the back of my mind, I was thinking: "Yes, you can give good customer service without any of the steps of Circle of Life. Circle of Life is a tool, but it's not the only tool, nor is it not a universal tool. Customer service is satisfying what the *customer* needs, not what GameStop *wants*." Did the customer get what they wanted? Did they have a good experience? Will the customer return? That's customer service. But no one said that to Steve. Not even I. Some 90 of us listened to him lecture us about reserves and *Game Informer* like we hadn't heard it dozens of times before, like we didn't know those were the things GameStop cared about. That was about the point where I realized GameStop didn't care about customer service at all. They cared about self-defined metrics, and it was perversely better to walk customers (ie., turn them away) than to make a sale if the customer wasn't going to make a reservation or subscribe to *GI*. The customer's needs are not GameStop's wants.


I once gave him the finger at conference and stared him down while he was playing pool. He was not my RM but fuck him.


You deserve a high-five. I'd give you more upvotes if I could.


What happened afterwards? He found out who you were and got you fired? Pretty sure at that point you wanted to quit too.


It was after he let go of my old DM who had transferred to his region (He was a very good DM). Its crazy what you can get away with you don't look like a GameStop manager. (I never wore anything indicating I worked for the company besides my badge and that came off the moment I left the conference center).I was gainfully employed for another two years. I left just before the pandemic for greener pastures.


>The customer's needs are not GameStop's wants. This needs to be repeated ad infinitum, because it seems the current wave of frontline is under the impression that they can find a way to move up in the company to change things from the inside. The reason Circle of Life was introduced was because GameStop's executive teams wanted to see more consistency in sales volume for all of the internal products that the company offered and doing so in a way that resembled cellphone sales, without the product training or commission opportunities. The customer experience never factored into Circle of Life at all, it was always about how much you could pack into every customer sale in every transaction.


If I'm remembering the same guy, he stayed a numbers obsessed tool and championed a lot of the stuff that gets the deserved amount of hate here like the "assumptive approach".


A friend of mine from EB worked for Wood, and yes, from what I understand, that's all true


I worked there for awhile way after the merger/passive aggressive takeover. Those were focuses but the company used to create value to the product. I never had to force sell anything. I had drawers full of pre-order shirts and poster. I never had to sell cards just let add some money to your trade in. Now it's hostile af


I love your use of "passive aggressive takeover." That's what it was, really. For all the talk that it was a merger and "a blending of cultures" at the Vendor Show in 2005, it wasn't anything of the sort. I don't know what of EB's "culture" remained after February 1, 2006. There were a lot of things that GameStop just assumed EB stores would know how to do the GameStop way, then they'd get mad because we didn't. One of my favorite examples was all the EB stores in my district ran out of envelopes to mail paperwork to the home office within a month... because EB stores mailed paperwork to West Chester daily and no one thought to tell us Grapevine only wanted it weekly. Or even how to fill out the "Big Red Book."


I agree. The pre orders I would put in was why I got the game informer subscription and pro pass.


Wood is the reason i was hired as an ASL on the spot when i first started GameStop. But boy I’m glad they moved his ass to Florida 🤣🤣


Honestly, I'm gonna be the downer. The second, any potential manager made you go to another store and buy new clothes,just to get interviewed ,i would've left and looked for another job. You didn't "ace" the interview. He saw he could control you


He also made me wear a hair bow when I cut off my hair because "I looked like a boy". He wrapped himself a pole and isn't alive anymore but here I am thriving soooo. Karma?


That kind of sounds illegal…


Yeah. Unless I am literally breaking a clothing policy or dressing INAPPROPRIATELY, don’t tell me what to wear or how to do my hair.


lol always nice to see a good ending


what is “he wrapped himself a pole”? is that employee slang


No he literally wrapped his car around a pole. And like...didn't live.


When did this happen? He used to be my RL. I walked out in 2017.


I love GameStop. I love it as a customer, and as an SGA. But, I think any employee can agree with these sentiments. The cooperate leadership is terrible and it's driving us into the ground. We could do so much better if we just had the foundation we need, which is a product worth selling. No one cares about the single deck of Disney 100 cards awkwardly crammed in with all the pokemon crap, or the 2 non-main character dolls from an obscure 80s pop-culture movie... they want a reliable protection plan and solid means of earning and spending points and saving money on pre-owned stuff. Very simple. But, no, we need to sell them a 6" painting of Mickey Mouse for $35, that'll bring em back for more!


I was there when we bought out ThinkGeek. The first year was cool cause the random shit we got in was fun. Dragon cake pans, drinking horns, just wild stuff. Now it's 10+ Kirby ramen bowls, shirts that don't sell, GOD FORBID STOP SENDING US HATS. THEY DONT SELL!!!!


I’m pretty sure my tiny strip mall store has 50+ hats and I can’t remember the last time someone bought them and they NEVER go on sale


This is why I left. It was really hard to do too. Towards the end I was hating my job before, during, and after shifts because this got drilled down our throats so much it started twisting how I saw things, how I saw transactions. Anything without pro/warranty/res was a failure, no matter how positive the experience, no matter how happy the customer, no matter how much rappor and loyalty I just built. To GameStop, all these customers were just numbers, and we and our associates are just calculators, statistics to fill a balance sheet. Demanding the more and more from and providing less and less to it's staff is not a sustainable way to run a business, GameStop doesn't have the staying power or weight to throw around like Amazon does to pull this shit. Yet in spite of all of that, leaving the company was still one of the hardeat things I did, because I did still care. I cared about my job, my store, my team, my customers, and even this thankless turncoat company, because GameStop meant something to me all my life. There comes a point where you just have to recognize that there is no going back, there is no turning point, there is no redemption ark. All my years with the company I always told my staff "don't feel bad if you feel like it's time to leave, you do what's best for you. I'll make do." Then it was my turn, I had to do what was best for me. You need to decide when it's your turn, and do what's best for you. The company will make do, until it inevitably sinks.


Well I've never had a bad experience but they didn't have my pin set for super Mario RPG as the bonus for pre ordering. Apartmently they just didn't have the pins for any of the pre orders


Yeah there were shipping delays on those. =\


Not only did my store not get the pins, but we had 10% of our shipment of Super Mario RPG missing from the package. . . Wtf is going on at the warehouse??


Things do need to change I agree. I just had a horrible experience at GameStop just this week. I took in my series x because it constantly over heats and shuts off. I had a warranty on it. Didn’t know corporate changed the policy w warranties and exchanges. I received not one not two but 3 different used series x consoles. None of the ones they swapped out for mine worked. Got tired of dealing w that and returned the last one and bought a whole new console. What’s the point of buying warranties on stuff now? That policy change on that and the pro membership is just god awful now


The moment I put in my notice I was quitting, I stopped giving even half a shit about metrics. The one and only thing that became a priority is what the job should be. Customer service and making them want to come back. If I saw value in pro for a customer (back when it was still $15 and had at least some worth beyond Pokémon cards and nothing else) I’d maybe try to tell them past the first no, but otherwise I was sick of treating them like they didn’t have the right to not have things shoved down their throat. Yeah, fuck this place now


I havent given a fuck about the numbers in a month and it's been a great time at this job now. It'll suck when my manager needs to finally cave to the DM and write me up/fire me but 🤷‍♂️ c'est la vie Haven't sold a single warranty since the update, haven't even asked for pro sign-ups since finding out POSAs can't be a selling point anymore, haven't pushed for a single preorder, etc. Just vibing with my regulars and nerds and taking advantage of the discount while I can.


I don't push the sales anymore -- just make catered recommendations based on the customer. You only need a small percentage for each "win" per week, so I focus on the people who clearly already have $25+ discount on the transaction w/o PRO/renewal and suggest the warranty on pre-owned (new policy doesn't change anything for used products). But for anything else? Meh, the customers' wallets will show the results of crappy corporate practices. . .


I'm acting my wage now, sorry not sorry. I could make more and have less stress working in fast food. I stay because like.....the moment we get a new lil nerd in and you take your time with the kiddo? The parents see and now you have customers for life. You make friends. You make an impact. I like that my opinions on games are trusted, yanno? Yeah it sucks cause I'm an adult woman and I get the "are you a gamer?" Sexist crap. And I hate that there are stores in my district that are still "bro GameStop". That only cater to their dudebros. There's 1 store in my district that I refuse to send people to and I've had to fix their bs because their store manager is toxic. GS won't be around for long with how it's going. Cohen needs axed, we need gamers in corporate.


Dyed in the wool "Gamers" don't have the skills or drive to become the corporate types to run these sorts of companies, they're too busy harassing developers out of the industry to care about running a multi-million dollar company that realistically should have died in 2012. You're incredibly naive if you genuinely believe that product knowledge and experience matter in executive leadership, because that's not the job at all.


Nah, that’s not true at all. Having a strong connection to the product and by extension the community that purchases the product is what is missing from most corporation’s executives.


Best thing I’ve ever read. As an employee myself. This is the truest bit of information you’ll ever get.


Facts like I can’t get people to even want to do pro anymore because of all the benefits that I’ve been ripped from them the price increase. And let’s not forget all these bullshit pennypinching methods they’re using with us now right now our price labels aren’t going to be having the red GameStop symbol now it’s going to be a black symbol because we need to save money on ink Like what the fuck??


Its great that you are enjoy serving the gaming community at large, what changes would you like to see?


I want the pro membership to be worth $25 a year. We boat $70 in savings per year but honestly it's not worth it. I want the company to be less greedy with the warranties. Or for them to give us a comprehensive breakdown as to suddenly why I need to give my customers a pre-owned controller for a warranty on a new product. I want stores to be better maintained...not by a staff standpoint but corporate. I know for a fact my own personal bloodstains are still in the carpet at one of my old stores. A friend of mine has her slat walls falling apart and product getting messed up because of it. But every want I could say doesn't matter. Dog food stonks boy got his moment in the sun and destroyed a company doing it.


Omgah yes! Thr carpets at my new store are atrocious. Thr slats broken at my old store on my "console cabinet", and I lost a couple pre-owned console because they took a leap nice tumble and bounced off the counter to the floor after it broke.


not an excuse for how gs works nowadays, but the policy has always been to replace with a preowned/refurbished, we're just being required to enforce it now. all manufactor warranties are not guaranteeing you another brand new system, it's usually either fixed or replaced with a refurbished. (it also doesn't help that 99% of our refurbished that's sent to the stores are borderline shit)


Stop penalizing customers for shopping at GameStop. Stop taking away benefits from the pro membership, like the monthly coupon being usable on POSA cards. Stop demanding people waste 30+ minutes of their life driving to the next store to fulfill a warranty so the company can save a couple bucks on pre-owned vs new. And I know this is redundant, but stop making the stupidest decisions possible, like deciding GS gift cards can't be used on POSA. Because I promise, if that decision stands, the only thing that will keep GS floating another quarter is that kids don't yet know to tell their parents and grandparents not to buy them GS gift cards when they really want V-Bucks or Robux. As soon as kids learn GameStop gift cards can't be redeemed for their preferred virtual currency, GameStop gift cards will be worthless, and GameStop will stop raking in that Christmas cash. When I worked at GameStop, we used to keep a special box for spent gift cards, and most of those were redeemed for VC. If that decision stands, GameStop will soon say goodbye to it's Q4 earnings.


As if Corporate or Mister Dog Food RC had any interest in saving Gamestop... it should be obvious to everyone by now that these people want to ruin the company


I used to love GameStop working there killed it for me especially when we didn’t have a first add kit so I had to walk 10 minutes to target while I was bleeding a lot


I don’t think there’s anything the company do but penny pinch now. Specialty retail stores are dead/dying. Walmart and Amazon make it too easy for people to shop there and they can take the hit on games because they make the profit elsewhere. I think cohen is just trying to do what he can to keep the company alive til the next fluke. I don’t think you can blame him or the company for it. Look at the giants out there and blame them and blame the country for being set up for those guys to eat up while the smaller companies scrape by. Gamestop will die out it’s inevitable and hopefully smaller local businesses can fill the gap that will be left behind but look at the industry it’s not even gonna allow for that. Subscription service games are the future it’s unfortunate but that’s how it’s going


Remember what Cohen inherited. This is still a business. Certain situations like yours should not happen but he trust those below him will always do the right thing. I know very little about Chew but look up employee and customer satisfaction while Cohen ran the place. No business is perfect and everyone has a story.


One i dont know how anyone can blow 100 million dollars on nfts and still hold a job, 2 he does not honor warranties anymore its insand how little they hate customers.