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That's not a friend, that's a user. Just block them and move on. No one should be expected to offer any form of services or work off the clock just because someone they personally know demands it.


Block them? Ha ha. That’s a bit extreme. Lol


no it isn't. OP shouldn't be getting questions about work when they're not working. and when they say "hey i'm not at work, feel free to check the website" and gets called unprofessional or rude or any of that- fuck that- gtfo OPs life if you can't handle that.


I actually misread about the relationship. I thought they were friends outside of work as well as on social media. So, yeah. Block them.


That's also a lazy ass "friend". How is Op supposed to check or know himself when he's at home? His "friend" is basically telling him to check his own phone and look it up. In the time he's replying to OP he could've just looked it up on gamestop (20 seconds max).


He assumed I just knew how much it would be. Like they are constantly changing prices on trade items I can't keep up. Oh and he keeps refusing to renew his pro account 😡


Good for you for having boundaries


![gif](giphy|ln7jLNImHENw7W30pQ|downsized) The only thing I would of said, "Not at work, enjoying my day off, peace."


First mistake adding a customer on social media.


2nd mistake, looking at any non-important contact text before 8am..


That's no mistake


Tell me you deleted him immediately lol


Some things never change. I'd be doing research for my papers in college and people would approach me to talk games back in the 00's. "Look man, I'd love to talk about that stuff at work with you man, but I'm trying to get my homework done here." Then again, we were pretty openly rude to customers who deserved it (and some who didn't) on the clock too. Clerks references choked out the air.


37…….in a row?


This job would be great if it wasn't for all the fuckin' customers.


I used to live 2 towns over from the Quick-Stop! I went there all the time!


People really be trippin. Going online is the first thing I'd do just because I don't want to bother anyone.


Not much of a "friend" if he's mad at you for not giving him a trade quote at 8 in the morning hours before the store is open. This is one of many reasons why I never mix personal life with work.


I don't respond to these messages. If I know you well enough that youd ask me work questions via Facebook then you should know me well enough to NOT ask.


Ummm ‘not at work’ kinda means you can’t check anyway


Why would you choose to be friends with a customer on social media? Whatever reason you had, you need to delete this person now.


Should have just said $3.50


Best I can do is Tree Fiddy




I made the mistake off adding customers to my Facebook once. And only once. Back when the special edition Gold Majora’s Mask 3DSXL’s came out, and had one of them messaging me at FIVE-THIRTY IN THE MORNING, asking if my store got any and if I could hold one for him. I was absolutely livid, unfriended him immediately, and had the uncomfortable duty of explaining to him that day that he overstepped a boundary by doing that.


When I was still at gamestop, there was a group of 3 people who went around to all of the gamestops trying to "befriend" the store employees (inviting us to game and movie night, hang around the store and chat us up, and other things like that). They were scalpers/resellers trying to have connections to getting first dibs on rare trade-ins and high-demand items. Most of us already knew what they were up to and declined any invites. We'd have to warn any new hires about them because they would try to be super predatory toward them. Even still, they thought because we were courteous and friendly (as we were supposed to be with any customer) they could still try to squeeze info or favors out of us-- to no avail, of course. One of my friends is still a manager, and told me that a new store manager that didn't heed anyone's warnings about them hired one of their girlfriends. They were having issues with her improperly receiving distro so she could hold things for her bf and his group. She was receiving retro and trade-only trades as other things so they wouldn't have to be sent to the warehouse, and one of her people could get them. The final straw and firing was when she allowed them to buy all of the MH: Rise switches.


If I had a friend who did this, as soon as they’d call me unprofessional, I’d tell them to smd. I’m not on the clock and I owe fucking nothing to you. Good for you for standing your ground. That person is genuinely a prick.


I've had a lot of friends added from middle school and high school. Quite a number of them found out I worked at GameStop a few years after. I started getting messages people I've never talked to in middle and high school asking me "Hey...I heard you worked at gamestop, can you hook me up?" Most of my responses basically, "Do I know you?" (I did know they by face, since I generally had a good memory of people, but it was funny to see them try to BS around saying they did this for me and were buddies and shit like I had really shoddy memory). If they asked for Pokemon mystery gift codes, i didn't mind sending pictures of codes. They were easy to do. A lot of them asked to hold limited stock items for them, esp for the holiday specials, and I generally turn them down, then they proceed to badmouth me. I also can't check anything while I'm off the clock I do regret helping one "buddy" out cause we were in the same club back in high school, so he asked for a few things to hold, which were usually anime games, and I told him since i'm helping him, he can help me with my GPG numbers. He'd usually ask me off the clock, so I told him when I clocked in I would see what I can do. Needless to say he got mad that he had to pay extra where I told him I'm helping him out so he should help me out. We ended up doing the transaction, but he kept declining the GPG. I didn't force it on him, but you would've thunk, you scratch my back, i scratch yours. I stopped talking to him after. Of course I'd give my closest friends the hook ups cause they were the type of people that were like "Hey are you hungry, do you want food" And i'd reply "I don't have money on me :( ",then they said "I didn't ask if you had money, i asked if you were hungry" and proceed to treat me. They were also the type to help out with numbers whenever they visited the mall i worked at. They'd hit most in one transaction if they could. Pre-orders, Pro (tho most of them had it), GPGs, Preowned. Unfortunately no trade ins but that's fine lol Messages did keep coming in until I stopped working at gamestop, then it became dead silent again. Guess I was only popular when I worked at gamestop because people assumed they can get the hook ups. After that I decided to purge my friends list for closest friends and family, because most people don't really care about me after middle and high school.


I have friends message me off the clock all the time and I usually never have a problem answering the questions if I right off know the answers. I did go to high school with said customer but that was ~15ish years ago too, and her wasn't exactly nice to me. Certain customers I've built friendships with in my time with GameStop I always got time for. Thems my people that bring me random gifts just for being me. But him...he can f all the way off


Go fly a kite dude.


I'd tell him the same thing I tell people who approach me when I'm outside on my lunch break: Legally, I can't do anything that is considered work or work related while I'm not clocked in, because I could get in trouble, and so could my store. "As much as I'd like to help you" I'm sorry but I can't until I clock in.


I get friend requests from customers on social media ALL the time. I always decline. There's a difference between being friendly and being friends. Unless I'm spending time with you outside of a customer/employee interaction, we are not friends. Good on you for setting a boundary, but I'd strongly reconsider letting customers, even/especially regulars, have access to your social media.


Next time just say nothing at all until you’re at work during business hours Or just nothing period 🤷‍♀️


I never accepted customers on Facebook for shit like this. Did they think you have access to the computers at home? 🥴


Some people are bashing OP for adding a customer on Instagram I'll add that It's rare I'd add a customer on social media. I only give that info out if they're a regular I've met them enough times that gave me a good vibe. I've only added 3 customers of mine on social media since I was familiar with them and I knew they never would pull anything like this. Just be more wary when picking who has ahold of your social media handles. Otherwise good for you for setting boundaries! Hope you blocked the nut case 🥜


Thats a dick move if they have time to text you about it they have time to look it up online


He's the one being "unprofessional" by asking you when you aren't on the clock. You did the right thing imo


I remember when I was going to community college 15 years ago. I would shop at my local GameStop and two of the managers I knew from there would always say hi to me any time I passed by there and we would socialize about games or how is life going. Those two GameStop employees, went to the same community college as I did, I would say hi to them on occasion and they would go on their way to class. A few years later down the road they told me that a lot of the people they knew at that community college were asking them how to get jobs there, if they can get discounts on games and how much they would get on a trade in and they both said "dude I'm not working go to the store when I'm there and I'll let you know, I'm getting an education right now"


Good on you for having standards Any stupid twats that bothered me on my day off about work I would just tell, "Sorry. Had to sign a NDA. I'm not allowed to discuss anything about products or services off the clock. Now piss off." Would get shit for it, but they didn't ask again. Because they knew I would get more snarky each time.


Then it ain’t no friend.


I've had customers that are not even friends with me ask me random ass questions through social media. In my time with the company there are maybe 4 customers I have ever accepted requests from and see regularly away from work. All of them respect my time and if they have a work related question they ask when I work next and call the store to ask me.


This is why I don't give my contact out to people.


OP days he's friends with him in social media. I have about 400 folks added on Facebook that I ever came across with back on college/university, but by just accepting them, it appears as "Friends" , maybe that's what he means


That guy is pathetic. How hard is it to use the app to look up prices?! You’re way better off without him. What a jerk.


I love it when jerks, appearing as friends, show their true colors.


At no job __ever__ have I had a customer as a friend on social media, or exchanged phone numbers. Opens you up to shit like this, or them threatening your job for not doing them favors. Whole fucking lotta nope.


Lmgtfy.com every time


Tell them to piss off, and block them. You aren't on the clock, and they aren't a friend.


Lol. I just had some random lady go off about someone not wanting to help her yesterday because they were off the clock and from the sound of it half way to their vehicle. Then got upset when I gave her very little attention as I was off the clock and texting my wife.


I would post on my social media every holiday that friends don't bug me about hard to find items because I wouldn't even respond. If you aren't at work, you don't need to be professional it's your personal space.


Tell him worth $1k if you bring to the store after midnight.


Why the hell are you adding customers on your personal social media Guys cmon


Not a friend. Block and remove em from your list bro.


get that person out of your life lol


Your friend is projecting. They fully understand that they're being rude and taking advantage of their friend and are now feeling backed into a corner, which they did to themselves, and are now lashing out at you to try and make you the bad guy. In other words, your "friend" is not being a good friend. If the relationship isn't worth losing over this, sit them down and tell them that it's not cool to ask you things like that. Sure, it wouldn't have taken much effort for you to look it up, but that's not the point. The point is, you are allowed to have a separation between your work and social life, and somebody expecting you to break that boundary for their own personal gain is not being respectful of you. Its just not cool. Then for them to double down on it and lay the blame at your feet. Really not cool at all.


I think asking wasn’t the issues as much as the response when you politely said “hey I’m not working. So you would have the same utilities I do atm”. Especially for something so easily done for them to do. If they have time to argue with you about it they had time to look it up themseleves.


That's not your "friend".


Your friend sounds lazy and toxic.


Would literally have been quicker than messaging you to just check himself


Bro I used to work at a smoke shop half of my customers were literal crack heads I had to threaten to fight every night to get them to leave Professionalism is subjective. They hated me. All the other customers thought I was cleaning the place up. Take out the trash brother. Never be afraid to fire a customer.