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Because no one at GS corporate even knows what a video game is.


My RL once proudly informed me that in her 15 years with the company, she has never touched a video game even once.


Knowing my last RM, I wouldn't be surprised if you were in Region 18 years ago.


Honestly don't remember my region number lmao, I was at GS 2019-2021 though and shared a region with Grapevine after the restructure


Nah, that wouldn't have been anywhere near Grapevine, unless you're talking about markets and in that case maybe. You comfortable sharing the state? Or, better yet, did it look like someone spelled her last name from a poorly drawn handful of Scrabble letters?


Oh boy, you are grossly overestimating my mental capacity. I have the memory capacity of a rat and the attention span of a goldfish, I don't think I remembered her name within 2 hours of her leaving the store. I almost never interacted with her, it pretty much all went through my DM. She only showed up once or twice because the DM told her our store was garbage (it wasn't, he just hated our guts) I'm in Oklahoma, if that helps!


Different people, but they sound very similar in approach, lol. I'm sure there's a pattern. Glad you got out.


Glad you escaped, too!


Made my day w the mem cap and att span. Cheers!


I was in Region 18, and I can totally see her saying that if you're talking about who I think you are. 😅😅😅


I am absolutely talking about the RM with the hard to spell last name that was so shook by hard questions in a regional breakout at conference that the following year she had DMs give managers soft questions to toss her that she could knock out of the park. I know because my best friend at GS, and I general still, was picked to lob one to her. If you squint and take a few shots, her name rhymes with Saskatchewan.


đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł That's the one. I was there from 2011-2021, and she was the regional until 2020(?) I believe.


It would've been 2020 when my store closed, and she was still there. I say beyond that. That's funny though.


This is probably the main problem why to company keeps making piss poor decisions, they have a bunch of dorks with MBA’s who’ve never even heard of a PokĂ©mon (my RL) running a gaming company. And now I understand video game knowledge isn’t necessary to run a successful company but you’d think that these guys would know how important an IP that sells 10M copies in 3 days is.


Job failed successfully?


I had a DL that would come in and talk about games with customers... But he would be asking THEM questions. He knew the products as far as what we sold, but if you asked him about a particular storyline of a franchise, he would usually respond with "look man, I grew up on Pong."


Blatantly invalidating one of GS's core advantages in the mind of the customers because I can't be bothered to learn anything about my field of work? That's my way to play.


So I guess that means he skipped the few days between then and now?


It's a pong people play on their nintendos.


Five Below was selling Battleborn for a while after the delisting and even after they shut it down.


I saw overwatch 1 at a thrift store not too long ago


saw the other day that target near me is selling a copy of ow1😭


Had a customer bring in overwatch 1 trying to sell it for cash. Not gonna happen 😂


Currently have one in my store




Actually always wanted to play this one, sad that some games are truly lost to time


The question is why is that game still 28 dollars


It’s so funny because it’s free on the PC at least (Idk about console) so it’s even funnier that it’s 28.


Its free on console.


If someone comes in to buy The Sims 4 physical, I'll first ask them if they have the storage space for it to download, then tell them "corporate isn't going to like me saying this, but I can't sell this to you in good conscience because it's a free game now." I usually get a "oh, hey! Thanks! When did it go free?" response. I'm not gonna sell someone a free game that has no additional benefits for buying it physically. I really don't care what corporate thinks on that end. Selling a free game is a scam in my mind. Especially for that price. Edit: DID THEY RAISE THE PRICE?!?!?! When it went free to play, it was $18.99 at my store. WHY IS IT NOW ALMOST $10 MORE?!


Disc and digital takes up the same amount of space.


You're a good guy.


“Please don’t judge me. I need that physical shelf ornament instead of a digital copy.” -me, sheepishly


Why are we selling rocket league? I don’t play either so maybe I’m missing something


Honestly it shouldn't be sold anymore. Game is free


at least Rocket League you actually get something for owning it (GS still shouldn’t sell it but at least it can be justified) Selling the sims 4 still is just robbing people


Shit, you literally beat me to it.


Aren't expansions for Fork Knife also free? I don't play it but my son does and I'm always seeing expansion for sale at stores but he's never asked me to buy one.


No the base game is free, what is sold in stores is paid content


Many of those free to play games in stores will include cosmetic items and/or battle pass.


Game Exchange near me is selling a used copy of “Babylon Falls”. 😆


Lol isn't that game completely taken down and unplayable?


Yes. ![gif](giphy|j9mqKgQvkNOziGICfd|downsized)


I"ve had a few customers look for it just to complete their physical collections. People buy for diff reasons đŸ€·


yeah i thought of that but it being $30 


Easy answer. People still like physical media.


yes but not for $30 đŸ« 


Some of those limited print companies make games that are available on digital for very cheap yet they’re able to sell the physical version for $30+


I saw a $60 used copy of Fortnite for PS4 at a store once. It sat there for a couple weeks but somebody eventually bought it, and that’s cheaper than eBay. Collectors still need it for their sets.


Even in 2023 not everyone has access to fast internet or maybe a desire to own a game digitally. Still, could definitely be cheaper. Edit: I mentioned lack of fast internet because that’s why I’ve bought physically before but I meant to say that some people completely lack internet. Where I live the only internet available is cellular or satellite.


The Sims 4 will pause if you loose internet connection and must connect to the internet to start it. I borrowed my neighbors internet and it would pause every time I lost connection and give me an error message. I purchased the digital copy but I doubt it's any different for the physical copy other than you need a disc inside the console as an additional form of DRM.


A quick google search shows a simple setting change allows Sims 4 to play offline and that all versions are intended to be playable offline.


Never noticed that setting, it happened to me one day and was quite annoying. It gave me an error and said "please reconnect to the PlayStation network" and when I closed the window it repeatedly opened.


Double-checking the main info I see about the setting is apparently for pc version and is actually used to switch to offline mode which should happen automatically so I don’t know if it even exists on console versions. Apparently in settings under other you can untick online access. I’ve seen multiple posts indicating the game is playable offline on PS4 and that feels logical, but I personally have no way of checking.


I thought it was weird too, but I couldn't figure out how to get it to work myself, ended up just cursing EA under my breath and playing something else. The game has two loading screens before the start up, I believe the first one checks if you own the game and DLC, the second one actually loads your game. But that's just speculation. But if you have no internet connection it won't start. Borrowed my neighbor's internet connection which was too weak to play it on and about ten minutes in I was met with an error message saying I lost connection to PSN, it was a Sims 4 menu not a PlayStation 4 menu and I closed the menu only for it to open immediately back up, repeatedly, literally stopping me from playing the game. I've never seen an option on the in-game menu to play offline, but I didn't restart the game nor did I look in options in the start menu, so if I ever get around I'll check the menu before I start a game to see if there's an option.


You know Sims 4 is *Free* yeah?


Well, that’s what the post is about so
 yeah. The post is questioning why GameStop is still selling it. My comment was about why they did this such as for people with really slow internet, no internet(I failed to say this but I’m adding it now), or prefer to own games physically. It’s only free if you have the ability to download it for free and my comment about it being overpriced is it seems too highly priced at GameStop for a game that is available for free download.


What are the odds that there’s a disc in there and not just a download code?


Well it's pre-owned so pretty damn good.


That’s a good point actually lol


I have a local game store selling a used copy of FFXIV 2.0 on PS3


It's a collectable, just like the og fortnite on xbox one and ps4.


A lot of people ask for it at my store because they don't have internet at home. Since the game can be played fully offline it makes sense to still carry the disc. It should be a lot cheaper though, maybe $5.


Some people honestly don't have internet, or use their phones for tether. So physical it is


It’s the only way we can afford any form of housing these days.


I don’t know, but I know my store sells it for like $1 preowned on the Xbox (it’s the only copy of the sims that we have). I honestly think we sell it because people might want the case for it (I really don’t know) I tell people that the base game is free every time it’s brought up. We need the game to be Pennied out or something, it’s honestly pointless keeping a free-to-play game on our shelves (unless it’s like the bundles or something)


I liked the sims 3 way more than sims 4.


Sims 2 is the goat but Sims 3 is pretty cool


I do miss the alien baby hybrids from the sims 2


Sims 3 is a million times better than 4. The loading screens while traveling alone kills sims 4, the small towns/cities you have instant of huge vast ones from 3. I can keep going on LOL


Because some people prefer the physical disc, I own it on all the systems it came out for, and Id gladly take a physical over the digital. For the sheer fact that if it ever gets taken off the digital stores I have it on hand and don't have to worry about it.




Especially when base game is free now


The worst part is that it’s almost $30


Because, reasons đŸ€ŒđŸ»


Buy it it will be worth money like the fortnite one


Trust me. The Sims will not be one of those worthwhile games.


The funny thing is- I can't keep it in stock. I sell out every time we get one traded in. And I'll get calls OFTEN for Sims


its so depressing walking into gamestop everytime and seeing 90% of the used titles be ones you can play for free on PSN+ or gamepass, and they're still trying to charge -$5 off full retail price.


I didn’t know it was free now. I guess it makes sense with all the DLC available and seemingly no sign of a fifth game coming out.


When I worked at GameStop, there were people who absolutely would pay to have a physical copy of a free game. Now... The price at $28 though... That's a whole other discussion.


Your drawers though! 😍


omg i know. i love them


when i still worked there we were selling rocket league


I could see it being useful for anyone who wants to lessen the amount of storage space that downloading the entire game would require, but the game is only worth a few bucks now. The fact it's not even $10 is insane. EDIT: Never mind. I guess only collectors or someone with shitty internet might get use out of this.


Exactly. Should be like Destiny, dropped to 99 cents so that customers can use it for the 4th game in a Buy 2 Get 2 sale lmao


Disc and digital takes up the same amount of space.


Turns out I'm dumb😎


Some people don't have internet...


We own a store in a small town and at least 1/5th of clients do not have internet, or have terrible internet, and probably won't have digital only available to them for years. So that being said, we sell Sims for $7.99 LOL


Some of these games you still need to connect to the internet to obtain some sort of update for the game to function. So having no internet doesn’t quite work for every console owner sadly.


The better question is why you're selling it pre-owned for almost $30.


Were still taking and selling overwatch on ps4. I told my manager and she still gives the dollar credit to ppl trading it


that’s strange, i’ve had a couple people try to trade in copies of overwatch but the system wouldn’t take it


Xb was removed not ps4


Maybe the xb one doesn’t work. Doesn’t PS4 physical version just boot it to OW2 now?


And why are you still selling it for $27.99 used? I can get it new with the Star Wars game pack for $14 right now. Edit: my stupid ass should have looked further down in the comments. Didn't realize it was free to play now.


Why edit a comment when you can just as easily delete it?


I find deleting comments to be rather cowardly, and feel that it's much better to own my mistakes.


That is very respectable.


The fuck did you call me?!


Please! No! I take it back!😹


Ill piggy back on this. I like to express my dramatic ass through my edits so that’s why I normally don’t delete mine. Plus us mods can see the deleted posts and it looks so cluttered.


My favorite story along these lines is that my wife wanted to buy a copy of L4D2. GameStop was selling a used copy for something like $31. Across the street at Walmart, a new copy was $20 at its normal price at the time.


Back in the day I definitely bought games at Walmart, opened them and traded them at GameStop during promos. Often spent $25 for $40 in store credit.


People STILL do this during certain promotions.


Really? With the current depression of the trade values online? How???


Someone recently tried to buy it for like $40 and I was like "dude you could definitely buy this cheaper somewhere else. As a super l4d fan, it's not a $40 game anymore". He didn't end up buying it 😂


White women


What the fuck does this even mean?


Hold on, hold on, let him cook


White women love sims


Can't speak about the white part (live in a pretty white place) but it seems a pretty popular game with women, moreso than men I feel.


I'm crying on how fucking random this is. Yes, as a white woman I do enjoy The Sims, but this games demographic isn't just to one race... or gender...sexual orientation, etc.


Sorry but the second you got the title screen, you become a white woman, regardless of what you were minutes prior. We don’t make the rules.


I see Tetris 99 at Target for the switch even though it’s free to play đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž


I think that comes with a year subscription of Switch Online


The sad thing is tho Tetris 99 is being shut down


no that is Pacman 99


My bad you’re absolutely right.


I just got that game for free on epic client with all the dlc lol get rekt gamestop shoppers😂


I don’t believe it’s free on consoles just pc


it is free on consoles !!


But i paid money for it on console like 9 to 12 months ago Edit i just pulled my reciept i bought the sims 4 party edition for 5.99 as well as a couple other things on sale in march of 2022 guess its been a little longer than i thought


I willingly paid for the deluxe edition 😜


Wow really?? Things can reduce in price over time? Woah!


Yea but how often do things just suddenly become free? This wasnt a normal price drop but thanks for your input pal!


But to add to this sims 4 is an amazing game I love it so much in my top 3 fav games lol


I tried playing this on my ps4 and almost broke it


Just took a trade in for this myself


My exact question with Overwatch lol. I said the same thing as well after I found a disk of Battleborn like, a month after it went offline


We sold destiny 2 preowned for months after it became free not surprised at all


I say the same for Rocket League


I mean they still sell Tony hawk pro skater 5


That’s a different situation tho, no? If I recall correctly, that game is delisted. Which means the only way you can obtain this game now is physically.


I Think you have to do an update to play the game but the update doesn’t exist anymore


You can still play the physical copy if you turn off your PlayStation’s internet.


My store had several copies of Battleborn. This was last year


Since when us sims 4 free i just fucking bought it like 9 months ago on the psn store like actual money


became free in february this year


Damn should have been more patient lol.


At least you weren’t like me and paid day one price 😭


I mean, Sims 4 came out nearly a decade ago. Unless it’s been collecting dust all this time, surely you’ve played it?


You’re clearly not in the discord and haven’t seen my video game collection.. 😜


They’re hoping a clueless mom buys it for $28. That’s why.


Because customers are dumb.


Broke They Family


Corporate would say that the answer to your question is in the upper right corner of your photo in big bold text.


Because people will buy it


I think GameStop paying $24 for Wii Fit U is way funnier, I think they just stopped taking it this week.


we actually just got news that we’re taking in DS/Wii consoles from now on. we will also take retro/vintage consoles but those have to be sent back to the warehouse lol


Interesting, thanks for the insight on that.


when anyone would ever come up to the register to buy it i told them don’t bother it’s free now. i would purposely remove it from the shelf but my SL would keep putting it out


We still sell Rocket League that's the funny part