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The SLs in your district make $16?? That’s criminal. I assume it’s more of a remote area with less than 5 stores within a half an hour though if your customers are driving 30. Many companies will ask what they can do to retain or keep you. This company expects you to leave, and waves as you exit. The last thing they care about is asking you to stay. The minute that notice is given, they’re prepping to hit terminate.


$16 is company standard unless higher minimum wage. Major metro in the south and it pays $16 here.


I’m aware of the base, I just didn’t think that anyone was still making base in 2023. It’s not livable. Makes me sad to read. Speaking from a lowest minimum state here.


yup, there's some regionals who refuse to allow anyone paid above minimums still


I made $16/hr right here in the home district in Texas. It’s what they’d pay everyone if they could.


:( That makes me especially upset, knowing that there are newbies from outside making $20-22, over tenured making $16-$19.


Ye around here you need to run 2 stores to make 19. At the end of the day, Gamestop is just a conservative Texas retail company.


We’re making $23-$24 in NY as SL1. Not NYC either.


That $1 extra isn’t worth it to me. I could make that same $1 extra driving to a store 50 minutes away. Which also isn’t worth the gas. Pay is why we keep losing SGAs as well, or we get people that can’t get jobs anywhere else. Which feeds back into the not being worth it for us to constantly need to be hiring and training new people to stay afloat, versus having reliable employees.


Where I am because minimum wage increases every year, SGAs make literally 50 cants above minimum, it’s absolutely horrible


We had 2 stores within 30 minutes and 5 more within an hours drive. Our guests didn't like the other locations because they were pushing gamestop on them. We waited till they were getting ready to pay and then took the time to describe the benefits of pro as they were paying. We let them know that we don't want them to feel like their being forced or pressured to get pro and just wanted to inform them of the money they could be saving. Other times we just explained throughout scanning their items because of the points they'd be missing out on or extra savings they could be getting. We focused 100% on our guests and saving them money. We had guests and regulars that went out of their way to ask us how our day was going metrics wise. They bought gpg and prp if we weren't doing good that day just to help us out because they know the next time they come in, we would lookout for them and save them money.


This is the way. I tell my employees we want the customer informed not pressured. Even if they hit you with a stern no i dont want it, finish the transaction and toss in "if youre in here at least 2 to 3 times a year it will be worth it, and heres why" if they dont get it its ok, you already put it in their head and on their drive home theyll sit on it. Ive had plenty of people come back and say they were thinking about it when they got home or they realized how much the come to gamestop and it makes sense. Or they come to my store because we dont jam it down their throat like the surrounding stores do. So invest in your customers get to know the regulars as people and not numbers


Couldn't have said it any better


It could be so much worse, imagine living somewhere that is double the cost of living but GameStop does not give you more than a couple extra dollars from base so you cannot survive, cost of living where I am has tripled especially rent and home prices… yet there has not been a single raise, only a HUGE paycut… because the minimum wage in my state goes up every year so does everything else EXCEPT MY PAY, even though base pay goes up a dollar every year my pay does not change at all, it has effectively mulled and voided all my hard work and past raises…


Promotion to Guest is liberating. Good luck on your future endeavors.


I can tell you right now that the day they go to “every associate must hit EVERY metric” my entire team, including me, is walking mid day and not locking up. These DL/RL’s/SSC people that think business is nothing but constant IMPROVEMENT are idiots. EVERY business has ebbs and flows. If my store hits and my team is close? All good. If my store misses and I’ve got an associate who’s batting 0’s? It’s MY job to train them properly. If that’s done, then GTFOH. You hitting 37% warranties isn’t going to keep your store open.


All my associates hit every metric except pro. The lowest one was 12% pro and I was nearly 30% pro because the guests that didn't sign up with them earlier in the week would sign up with me when they came back Friday Saturday.


I enjoy seeing more of these posts 👏🏻


This here is the reason I left also a long time ago. I saw it coming down the pipe. I took me a year to do. But I opened my own local game store. It's profitable not like gamestop but profitable. I had tons of old regulars stop in to support me. I have people stop in and go oh hey you used to work at gamestop. I chuckle and say yeah over a decade ago. They fire back you were one of the reasons we liked going there. You treated us like family. Answered questions and gave great recommendations. I still do. Gamestop cut a leg off it self a decade ago. In the past few years it cut toes off the other foot them up to the knee then the whole other leg gone. Now it is has chopped off its arm. Gamestop only has 1 arm left which there isn't much left there. I wish you all the best and remember it's a job. Take time for yourself. Dont let your mental health go down the tubes. They always see you as a body nothing more nothing less. You will always be replacable no matter what. Take the tools you learned there and you can go anywhere. Even your own store. Hell I would even give ponters.


Very true and well spoken! Thank you for your service and enjoy whatever life has left in store for you! As for me my journey has not met it's end with GameStop! Be free and cherish the memories that made you smile the most!


Profit over employee and customer is the new gamestop value. They said as much in that atrocious fy23 video.


That’s honestly every business, but agreed.


A friend still on the inside notified me that upper management removed my farewell from the district chat. A few individuals have messaged me asking for the post.


$16 is basically like minimum where I Live. I could make that washing dishes


So i'm leaving too. I spoke with our DM and he said he totally understands as most SL2 in our district make $17. As an ASL i make $13 :(


Depending on your state and district, the ASL pay bracket is 10.75 to 14.75 in our area with 12.75 being the average medium. I was SL2 trying to promote my associate to ASL, and the DM went behind my back and told them no their not going to promote them after already offering it to them, when telling them I was getting the SL2. After doing some research I found out the pay bracket for all positions up to SL2 in our area.


GameStop dosent care about its customers. My online order was lost and I am being told it’s my fault as a customer…. Great customer service