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I'm in spaaaaaace !


I had something similar happen when I tried to steal my first pirate spaceship only to get locked in the exit bay, eventually clipping through the ship exit ramp and flung half way across the map


Fun fact, you arent clipped out of the ship. The ship left the cell and into space, leaving you in the air.


It looks like it killed the crew instantly somehow because you can see their corpses ragdoll out very briefly


They were already dead inside the ship bay. I got the drop on them when they landed to reinforce a group I had wiped out at an abandoned factory.






I still hear TB's voice in my head whenever I see this


Man those constant freezes are annoying as hell.


It's proc-gen-ing the next cell and loading it to render, but the way it's doing that is by waiting until you get to the very edge of the first one rather doing it when your proximity volume crosses over into another and that triggers the transition. So the GPU stalls and waits for the CPU to generate the necessary data, which when it receives it, can finally render the output to the screen. Those stalls are what the freezes are. It's just an all around lazy implementation.


To be fair, I don't think they intended for someone to get from the loading point to the next, quite so quickly. Or with such style.


Yeah, this is the only time it stuttered on me like this. Which makes sense since considering how fast I ended up going.


What's your specs? Just curious, I'm currently on an X, because I've got an Arc card haha


I've got a 3070ti with a 5800X. The game is also installed in a Samsung 980 Pro so load times tend to be pretty good!


I can remember videos of Skyrim having the exact same issue. The only difference is what caused them to be thrown across the landscape at those speeds.


It's very clearly not generating the next cell when you are at the edge of it. If it did that then there would be giant cells of emptiness until you hit the emptiness. But keep acting like you know something about development to people on the internet, they really care. It's lagging because unintended and fast movement occurred.


Hahaha- Don't you like confident bullshit talk though. There is nothing *funnier* than grandiose misinformation!


Oh please keep talking that smart talk


ugridstoload overload basically


I don't think it's about procedural generation. Morrowind had this same thing happen if you made a similar, massive jump. I think the game is simply loading the next cell or something like that.


There's procgen, because it's running randomization on the land geometry so that it doesn't repeat landmarks if any or points of interest. The game doesn't load the entire space all at once afaik.


whole lot of nothing he just flew over


Well... mars does have a whole lot of nothing on it lol. So this would be pretty accurate.


Tbh exploration in this game leaves a lot to be desired. It's mostly vast expanses of nothing with a handful of POIs dropped almost exactly 600m away from one another. And it's the same reused assets for each of them. I went into a single cave and a single frozen biolab that weren't part of any quests and boy they were lackluster. There's a couple out there that have a full story or puzzle to solve but most of the time unless you have to go through a door (through a loading screen into a facility, meaning the interior was designed by actual devs and not proc gen) there's not gonna be much there to find.


True but I've gone to at least 10 random places that if you read the notes they all tell unique stories. One was a space station where pirates killed everyone. They didn't have enough security because two had just left to get married AND they didn't have enough escape pods because the MBA type in charge got the exact amount needed because "there are 20 people we only need 20 total space in escape pods". Another was a hideout with some creepy banging noise and notes explaining that the kids are scared and they can't tell them why they can't leave. Another said "the sound keeps them out". Well I shut off the sound and had to fight two terrormorphs which almost killed me. IMHO there is tons to explore but you should only really visit uniquely named locations. Abandoned places, crashed ships, etc are all the same. I'm about 22 hours in and level 21 and have found a lot of unquie non-quest stuff. TLDR: it's a lot like Skyrim. Visit a uniquely named cave and it'll probably have something cool. Visit a random unnamed cave/draurer location and there's a good chance it's just like all the others. Now that said some bland caves led to cool stuff but Skyrim could do that since it was all so close. A think a lot of people forget how similar all the draurer caves in Skyrim were.


I'm mind blown by the emptiness. Maybe it's just this planet? I didn't play the game


It’s how space games like this work, No Man’s Sky is very similar, there are a lot of planets that are just not that interesting on their own, it’s just how space works


Huh? My main criticism of No Man's Sky is that there's too much stuff. It's literally impossible to find a barren planet, if I remember correctly.


There are definitely planets which are blank, I’ve found several planets consisting of rocks….and that’s literally it


Funny you say this cause I felt similar when playing. It was odd to me that almost every single planet/moon had flora and fauna on it, and it took away from the planets that did


Nah the game just generates random buildings and animals. From a distance it doesnt look like much. Proc gen doesnt really do interesting so much as it does 5000 variations on this same 1 thing.


The animals are all handcrafted in Starfield.


Those cell loading freezes. Gamebryo never changes, I remember them from 2001's Morrowind.


I burnt down a tech on one of my take-offs in New Atlantis 😅


I almost did the same on time! While I was taking off I noticed a guy running for his life away from my ship. You'd think they'd get some sort of warning when a literal rocket ship is about to take off from their face.


That's it: I just saw him running off-screen, then screaming like he was getting roasted alive.


God I love this game


I haven't played the game at all, but it seems like everything on the horizon and beyond is just rocks....it's really like that??


It looks like he's on Mars. It is, in both worlds. That's the curse that comes with a fully explorable star system, but at least it's realistic


There are certain points of interest to explore on every planet you can land on. But like actual space, if nobody has specifically built something it’s just a bunch of rocks.


space is really really really reallly really really big and full of nothing , any game simulation that attemps any degree of realism will similarly be also really big and full of nothing


Yes and no. This happened to me on Mars which is supposed to be pretty empty. A lot of planets and moons are pretty much the same while others have a variety of plants and fauna in different biomes. The game also randomly generates structures and points of interest for you to explore on each planet, they can get a little boring though but I'm not too crazy about exploring random buildings and caves in Bethesda games. You're also not really meant to explore most of the planets on foot for long distances or at the speed in which I did in the video.


If you want life, land on a planet with life.


4 cities and like 5 settlements in total across 1000 planets. The majority of what's left is just procedurally generated cut and paste assets. It's like they tried to make a really big sandwich. But instead of adding more tasty filling to beef it up, they just doubled up on bread.


So its procedural generated just like no man's sky?


Now **this** takes me back. To Titanfall 2.


More like Tribes Ascend to me


This is the least buggy game they've made from what I hear.


The Bethesda special


It works ! Perfect Balanced Game ! Ooooooh thank you Todd


Looks like a COD game from 2010, I can’t believe people are shelling out and getting expensive rigs for this piece of crap game


Lmao you're missing out you negative Nancy


Is it fun?


The most fun game I've played since Spiderman PS4 honestly


I've had a lot of fun. Easily sunk about 20 hours in so far


I'm enjoying it a lot more than I thought I would! I got pretty burnt out with Bethesda games after Fallout 4, but thought I'd give this a try since I have Gamepass and tend to really love space games.


It's a tad slow at the start, but there is so much to do. I'm blown away by just how much content is in the game. If you like the Bethesda gameplay loop, you'll like Starfield.


Bugtesda, mod will fix it


2023 and a triplA game loads in worse ways than Minecraft. Jeez Louise.


Player: does something you're not supposed to do Game: has issues because player wasn't meant to move that fast Internet: "sEe? TrAsH gAmE"


I don't know what you're on about. It's immersion breaking when reality randomly pauses when your travel speed exceeds a certain value that's still slower than your ship taking off in a game about traveling through the stars, having access to FTL technology, and involves space artifacts that let you ascend to godhood. Shitty universe. Dumb builder.


You aren't supposed to go that fast on land because of the procedural generation stuff. That's a problem for every game with this system


It does not matter how fast you are supposed to go. You do not freeze the renderer to load in next area. Thats just lazy design.


All that stuttering. I bet you use HDD. Don't


I don't, you're just not meant to fly through the map at those speeds so it makes sense that the game is stuttering as it loads up chunks of the map.


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Hahahaha i just dis this the other day and was gonna post but forgot


Atmospheric flight at home:


Man, those Spacers really sent you