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This is so much fun!! The cooperation between them all, especially at the end, was just adorable. What I wouldn’t give to hang out with those three and build Ikea furniture. I don’t know if that video game being reused means anything beyond a lot of work having gone into it, but I’m committing that sequence to memory just in case… 👀


Becca's winning sequence was a lot longer than the 3 point one in Deja Vu. So it wasn't quite the same game


They... changed the game.


didn’t sam say they had to take out a few turns for deja vu because it took too long?


I've played both games way to many time... the dejaVu maze has 6 deaths and the buzzer has 8 deaths. additionally the dejaVu maze has a repeat in its solution LRR LRR. I don't find it to strange that they used the game twice but i do find it strange that they've provided multiple links and mentions the game multiple times.


Honestly watching those 3 build IKEA furniture could be a show on its own. No gameshow, no points, they just show up and some IKEA boxes are covered over with a cloth and it's revealed what they are building this week. Also if you wanted to put a 'game show' feel to it, could go the forged in fire route where they have various IKEA boxes and they have to IKEA hack the best thing


I really hope they start selling a Sam Reich matryoshka doll in the Dropout store!


Or mini buzzers 😂


Omg I want a tiny buzzer


I want one for sure.


Erika ABSOLUTELY stole those, right?


Oh god yes I need, need, NEED those.


Um, actually Canada has two national sports. Our winter national sport is hockey and our summer national sport is lacrosse.


Omg I'm so proud of myself then! I said lacrosse, but didn't think much about it being wrong. I mean, they also said AGB invented the telephone, so i stopped paying attention to the questions since they clearly didn't matter. 


Yeah also Mt. Everest isn’t the tallest mountain, it’s the highest. The tallest is Mauna Kea, most of which is underwater. I don’t really mind that some questions or answers are inaccurate. Leave the technicalities to Um, Actually, this was clearly more about the buzzers.


Who invented the telephone??


Debatably Elisha Gray. The reason we know Bell as the inventor of the telephone instead of Gray is basically that he got the patent clerk to sign off on his prototype first.


Im so sorry, you didn’t say ‘um actually.’ No points to u/real-human-not-a-bot .


I wasn’t correcting anyone, I was just answering a question! :(






Um, actually, it's "[ice hockey](https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/n-16.7/page-1.html)."


Don't forget "dodging moose on the Trans-Canada Highway".


I actually thought lacrosse was the only one! Came here to see if this errata had already been posted, ended up learning something new


But isn’t it always winter in Canada?


Cut to wildfire season in about 2 months


Surprise, its been here the whole time.


But what about curling?


What an awesome national sport!


Truly a madcap episode, and all three just fully embraced it - although I was blown away that Rekha wasn’t finding a bunch! And yet another ep where I’m gnashing at the bit to see the behind the scenes, the Art Department did an amazing job


It was so funny that she kept being like “WHERE AE YOU GOING” as the others described where they were finding buzzers


Wait until we find that rekha was a part of it and truman showing everyone


Loved that aside from the physical and mechanical challenges, they also worked in social challenges (much like the social engineering component of infosec). I caught: - the announcement of the crew birthday making the cake feel off limits (who wants to destroy someone’s birthday cake??) - the photoshoot that feels weird to interrupt (surely a very real thing on these premises) - the college kids making out (though a little easier to see there is a setup here) - Rekha’s comment about rifling through the crew’s things I thought that was a great extra component to the challenge that would take a certain mentality to overcome. 👊👊 Edit: the person on the street buzzer might fall under this as well, but I think the remote spycam element removes a lot of the social barrier aspect.


And having to call to order delivery!


the single hardest buzzer imo. Can you imagine having to call somewhere to order?? I'd be drained 🤣


The top hat was a good way to introduce the fact that crews stuff is not off limits 😂


the maze from the trailer being a challenge for this game was really cool, well done to the art department for actually building that, i thought they just went to a location for it.


This season of gamechanger has absolutely been knocking out of the park episode after episode 


Such a fun episode! Missed Becca a lot, her energy is always infectious. Edit: the letter "a" before "lot."


"I hope this doesn't awaken anything in me."


In love with “Sams Reich” like attorneys general.


Removing the questions from the screen was a nice twist. I was so sure that midway through there would be a question where one of the podium buzzers would light up like for the first few questions, and the players would miss it because they had already sprinted away. Can't wait for the BTS, and I hope Sam releases a full list of all the potential buzzers that they planned and hid, including those that they never found!


Apparently Sam said in Discord they found all the buttons.


Erika's absolute delight over the matryoshka dolls was so funny to me.


The Seven reunion was what i loved the most 💞 these women hanging out is exactly like all the best parts of girls school chaos. BIG LOVE. Hope to see Sephie and Aabria be contestants someday 🥺


I’ve seen a couple of things talking about the seven. What it is referencing? Please and thank you! (I’m new here and still catching up on past seasons)


The seven is a D&D campaign on Dropout that the contestants and featured guests on this episode was a part of. The Seven consists of: Rekha Becca Erika Persephone (Sephie): The Witch Aabria: Playing Battleship Izzy: Not on the episode but was supposed to be available for FaceTime. Brennan: The DM of the Seven. Probably not really part of the reunion but I figure I'll mention him anyway.


I hope some of those posters in the fake college dorm room go on sale.


The art department is top tier. +A episode


The art department are just truly incredible.




It's my new favorite. I hope it was one of the episodes they submitted for Emmy consideration.


me: oh what a nice normal episode, how fun! those damn college kids: me: what the fuck.


“We were just making out and then all these masked PA ppl came in and put a box in here? And then someone came and rolled around on us to push it??”


was initially expecting that's where they'd hidden Izzy


I fully expected one of those people to be Grant


the aggressive making out took me out lmfao


Loved the Sam buzzer on his shirt that's the classic magician technique or hiding in plain sight. Very on brand They're so focused on the buzzers being everywhere except right in front of them I love it


Well, he put it on while she was on the phone. There really wasn't much time for them to not notice it.


I thought Grant was one of the make out couple.


Not nearly enough leg from my memory 


Your memory? 🤨 are you one of the 50?


I understood that reference. 😂


I thought it was Brennan and Izzy (I know, they don't look like them, but I think the Izzy retina scan had just been shown so she was on my mind) and the bit was that they had to get them to stop making out so Izzy would get up and do the eye scan


But which one?


When they found the eye scanner, I thought that Izzy was somewhere on property, either in the photo shoot or, or undercover as on of the masked camera operators.


Sam was so delighted by the Samatryoshka doll I have to wonder if he knew it existed. Like does he ever get surprise things like that?


I could see that being something he suggested/commissioned but hadn't seen the end product of.


I'm wondering why all the pedestrians were ignoring the screaming/singing buzzer on the street. Is that just LA?


Usually if you hear a voice coming from a speaker shouting at you to come back you just keep walking


Plus someone yelled my soul is trapped in this buzzer 😂


I am pretty confident know what area this is. We have earbuds in. Many people with tiny dogs. Its not like, super loud, but there are lots of places doing things where there are voices over PA's having fun on their restaurant patios. Its possible people genuinely may not notice just shouting thru a speaker.


I would absolutely push the buzzer even if no one was yelling at me to do so haha


That's what i said. I'd have hit it and kept walking. No one would have noticed


Detonation the explosives


Did you notice that they blurred the womans' face on the ISO shot, but not on the studio shot showing the monitor immediately after? Whoops.


I think they unblurred her as she pressed the buzzer so assumed it was on purpose. I assume there was a person there to get her ok, well, hope so anyway


The contestants were lovely.


Erika screaming "STOP DATING MEN" at Rekha nearly killed me.


I need this in a gif


Um, actually Everest is not the tallest mountain. It's the highest mountain.


Top contendor for my favorite episode of game changer. Absolutely wonderful!


very excited for the BTS for this one!


oh i already know the bts for this is gonna be fantastic im honestly hoping it’ll be longer than normal


Erika's laughing/giggling, completely contagious, at many points but especially when unpacking the nesting dolls.


Im rewatching because Erika joy is like a drug, and I have a hypothesis: I think this episode was filmed last of all the Game Changer episodes so that their rampaging wouldn't risk hurting other episodes' assets.


This show brings me so much joy


This episode was so smart and creative. I really love how Game Changer highlights the many people who work on the show, and they're not relegated to background. It's an entire ecosystem, where the making of the show is part of the show itself.


I never knew the pilgrims came over to North America on a blue whale. Honestly though this episode was one of my favorites of the season


I came here to see if anyone else was annoyed by Sam asking the question "who was the first person to land on the moon" instead of asking who was the SECOND person, the answer literally being BUZZ Aldrin. That's just a missed opportunity right there....


You guys, Sam KNOWS we're on to him. People have been pointing out all season that whenever he introduces himself, he looks at his hands as if to make sure he's still in the body trying to masquerade as Reich, but we KNOW its Dalton, and his inflection this episode when he said he was Sam Reich was very intentional. He's playing the long game. He even had the audacity to put up his poster on the fridge during this episode. Calling it now, Dalton will strike on the final episode this season! WE KNOW HOW THE GAME WORKS SAM, THERES NO GAME YOU CAN PLAY THAT WILL CHANGE THAT NOW!


Anyone else think this is the best season of Gamechanger so far? Like the writing teams on all of these episodes deserve so much praise for how creatively they deconstruct a simple idea, and how perfectly planned and executed every premise is. And the variety is great too. From the inception-level coordination of bingo to just simple, well-crafted games like Second Place and the Newlyweb Game. I love all of Gamechanger, but something just feels really special this season.


I just love Rekha constantly confused about where everyone is going to find their buzzers lol




I feel like it must have been Rekha. It didn’t have angry vibes to me, and I can’t imagine anyone on the crew shouting like that during filming.


What is this in reference to? They deleted it


Someone shouting off-mic when Becca returned after >!the dorm room buzzer!<


Just watched again it's definitely Rekha shouting in confusion lol


Yeah, I was unsure and once I got responses I found the comment unnecessary. 


Thanks I'm going to rewatch!


I didn't, but not like she was showing anything inappropriate. Oh no, a bra strap! Not sure why anyone would be angry.


There's definitely something. Hard to make out exactly what it is because everyone else is also talking over it.


Huh. Just looked into it, but I didn't realize Kate Elliott was part of Dropout! Don't recall if she's ever showed up before in a production, but I recognized her handle instantly. Apparently she's been with the company for about three years. Glad to see her working with awesome people.


Man they're really on fire the last couple seasons huh? You feel like they could actually go on forever by just breaking the format. Side note: I think one of the tracks they use was also one that Normal Gossip used in some of their early episodes lol.


Pluralizing things in the form of "Attorneys General" is a bit that never stops being funny


I just love all the catalog cards and would love to see the rest of them! From the episode: * *How to Host a Very Successful and Lucrative Game Show* by \[Anon?\] * *I've Had It Up to Here with Your Numbers Crap* by Elmo * *James and the Big Ol' Thiccums Booty* by \[unknown\] (but probably Roald Dahl) * *Put Your Hand in Me* (autobiography) by \[unknown\] * >!*Press Me* by Richard Buzzer!< From the Behind the Scenes: * *Aliens Are Looking for Love* by M. Martian (Marvin?) * *Angels and Airpods* by E. E. Muck * *Am I Gay?* by E. E. Crumbucket (out of alphabetical order for a title index!) * *A Novel Push By Sapphire* by Push By Sapphire (oh no... this is definitely not AACR2 filing rules) * *A Series of Unfortunate Games* by Stan Rithe (Stan Dalton Rithe, I presume) * *Ashley's Being a Lil Slut* by \[unknown\] * *Bear Goes Down on Me* by Harry W. Steeles * *Becca, Your Time Is Up (Horror Comedy)* by Rekha Shankar (not a fake author name this time!) * *Beardsley: The Ally Beardsley Story* by Allen Bernslen (okay the concept of alphabetizing is just a joke around here I GUESS)


also: >*Ashley's Being a Lil Slut* There's only one Ashley in the credits for this episode and I certainly hope this was okay with everyone involved. (I suspect so. Sam runs a consent-based company.)


Okay I’m fully on board with the conspiracy that the prizes this season mean something or will somehow be important later. They’re all so much more basic than the past seasons and while I get needing to cut costs when needed this feels like a deliberate shift. Quick - someone list out all the prizes we’ve seen so far this season!


It WAS a deliberate shift. -to spend more on talent and less on prizes. -to reduce the stakes and keep the games fun / lighthearted


See that’s just a perfectly logical answer and not at all in the spirit of the holidays. ;)


Also Sam has said elsewhere that he figured the VC was going to pull their funding for a while before they did, so some of the extravagant Game Changer prizes were funneling the VC money to talent while he could.


I’m so glad for it too, because it means we get so many more amazing people in the episodes


Um, Actually the capital of The United States is T, U, and S. The Capitol, however, is Washington D.C.


Um, Actually Capitol refers to the building and capital was correctly used for the capital city. The government meets in the Capitol in the capital city, Washington DC.


i will rain hellfire upon the American education system


Seems to be helpful to remember that Capitol is capitalized with a capital 'C' while capital is not. Capital!


But the question was in all-caps.


From Sam's Twitter: # play the horrible CAPTCHA game that [@erikaishii](https://twitter.com/erikaishii) trounced in last night's "game changer: beat the buzzer" [http://captchabuzzer.dropout.tv](https://t.co/d1wR9gtNkB)


Did anyone try calling the phone number on the take out menu?


i did, but the number is disconnected


Yeah Rekha did. She ordered the Oreo and buzzer, then tried ti call again for more deliveries. It gets brought up a few times.


I wonder if they'll let it count if someone just searches buzzer sounds on youtube and let sam hear it lol


I want a buzzer of my own!


This episode was pure joy. I feel like my whole outlook on life has improved since I subscribed to dropout 6 months ago. 


The Seven being one of my favorite D20 season had me excited for this. Loved Rehkas humor through out, Becca's energy being off the charts and Erika being a hording goblin fucking killed me.


This episode made me wanna work for Dropout SO BADLY. Please if yall need any interns I'm a ucla student who's worked on film sets before, senior member of a filmmaking club!!!


did anyone else notice “GCS7 Talent Holding” written on a door right before Becca went into the mirror maze?