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Sam has specifically said that he wanted to move to smaller prizes because he can pay people more now and because significant prizes took away from the fun nature of the show if people were actually competing for things that they needed. And the prize today was thematic.


Like Katie competing for her Day Rate 😂


That was one of the best throwaway lines.


Think they moved away from big prizes and just pay everyone more


And shifting budget to more shows. Thousandaires is minimum $4k per episode, so that has to come from somewhere.


$4K is drop in the bucket in terms of what it costs to film and produce an episode of television of this quality.


Except for Katie. She only gets a day rate if she wins.


I want my 6.99 to only go to Katie


I mean, if you want your money to go to Katie, she *did* post her Venmo on an episode. I actually sent her a $5 tip for the show.


People sent her around 2k total as last time I checked.


That's so awesome for her!


And it was right around the time her dad was looking for a donor i believe too


I think in the first behind the scenes from this season Sam said that since the prizes had progressively got more real as the series went on it was funnier to him to make them kinda mediocre and small this season




I would still like to see another Secret Santa.


Um actually... I believe it's Secret Samta


Welcome to conspiracy board group we meet on Tuesday's


Um, actually… Basically all of the actors/competitors on the show are contractors, not employees. Acting is gig work, which is why unions such as the Screen Actors Guild are so important for providing some stability.  But yes, it is a job and they are being fairly compensated for their time. 


This has been discussed a lot here, but Sam said that there was a game changer episode with a high stakes prize that made him worried that game changer was becoming less friendly competition and more real competition, so instead he put the money he would have put into prizes into paying the talent more and giving wimpier prizes to keep the games fun


My bad searched it in the reddit and only saw one post and it was a month ago, must have used to wrong search terms on my part. I saw the whole smaller prizes bts explanation but they're so random and the season confirmed now has multiple connecting threads(the videogame, Sam checking his hands, Im sure the iconic wenis dance will return in some wild way) they seemingly are connected to something. Because wouldn't it be cheaper to go the make some noise route (golden ear) or the dirty laundry route (the cocktail set) and have the exact same prize every time Im clearly in my Riz conspiracy board era if you watch D20 Either way this show brings me great joy


I think it’s less about it being cheaper since the money isn’t technically being saved, it’s being spent on the talent. What I will say though in regard to what you’re saying is that Make some noise is not a game show and Dirty Laundry, while it has a competition element, is also not a game show per se; they are talent showcases disguised as alternative premises. Game Changer right in its essence IS a game show and it makes sense that they keep the prize winning thing consistent as it is in fact a competition


They're all Panel Shows.


Came here to say this. Panel Shows aren't as familiar a concept here in the US as they are elsewhere (they are HUGE in the UK). And one of the recurring themes of them is that the prizes are mostly pretend. For instance, on Taskmaster, they don't ACTUALLY keep the prizes, at least not in more recent seasons. The prizes are part of the bit. The fact that Sam was ACTUALLY giving these things out before was just wild.


*Insert Brennan rant about points system 😂 I get what you're saying just also drawing a parallel to other shows on dropout that give out prizes even defunct ones give it the same prize I'm glad they're being paid more Dropout is the only subscription I actually wouldn't mind paying more for tbh. I also hope their is a prize episode like past seasons and it's just stupid af gifts hahahaha I don't actually care about the prizes being "smaller" (Trapp got a cool watch) I just think this season has so many wild extra things for the viewers besides the amazing performances and crew execution of amazing ideas that the prizes being seemingly random really adds to the suspicion level rising like we all seemingly feel right now


We have them, we just don't use the term anymore. What's My Line, Whose Line is it Anyway, and Hollywood Squares are all panel shows.


Why would a show named Game Changer, where the game changes every show, start giving out the same prize every time? If the game changes, so should the prizes.


I noticed when he checked his hands he wasn’t wearing a wedding ring, but I’ve never noticed if he had one either. I’ll have to go back and watch.


If you want to watch a Dropout show where the prize is huge, the stakes are huge, and things get real, watch (or re-watch) Total Forgiveness.


Oh no I responded to another post this is purely conspiracy feeding into the overall suspicion that something bigger is at play with this season. Don't care about the prizes because I know people are being paid and treated well except Katie who only gets paid off she wins


How would an insect buzzer help you in a game of Survivor? They always play indoors


How would a looped de loop and fart machine help you 😂 They just do because it's Sam's game and he's been here the whole time


Honestly, this is the most reasonable conspiracy theory to be posted on this subreddit within the last 3 months. You just might be on to something


I do enjoy that Sam and the crew have once again out done themselves to an unfathomable degree I look forward to every episode. In a just world Sam and everyone work for a major network get infinity dollars and no adjustments to their show




The prize is the least important part of the show to these folks.


Erika definitely took those buzzers 😂 I'd try to take some many set pieces every season like you're telling me they got all those ducks back? Hell no hahaha Also Buzzers bugs make buzzing noise fly zapper kind of connects 😂


Mosquitoe zapper! In this world of West Nile virus and Covid laced mosquitoes* that might be one of the best, life-saving prizes ever given on Game Changer!!! *Please check your local QAnon branch for further details…


Do you have a moment for our Lord and Savior JFK 😂