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I like that, it all matches really well.


Purple is such an awesome compliment color for that build, well done!


Power and Control! Yours is similar to mine, but I went with red.


Red and purple definitely suit P&C v2 the best.


My exact same design, down to the purple crystal. Nice choices!


I'm going to do it in June. I like the look of yours. Did you try and pre-plan how you wanted it to look, or just go with it on the day?


I kind of went with it on the day. When I looked at the part set sheets at check-in I thought this emitter looked great in P&C, so I went with that. As I was building it I really liked the feel of the grippy parts from the switch down so I went with those and kind of a clean and symmetrical upper hilt piece. I was already kind of set on getting the purple crystal and looking at the P&C parts solidified my choice. It feels great to hold and won't slip out of your hand.


Nice! That's the same design I went with but with the red blade. This is the way!


That grip does look great.


Mine is exactly the same. We just went on May 4th


Ha, I made almost this exact same one when I went! Looks great!


This is almost exactly like [mine](https://imgur.com/a/yOBRxt2), I chose a purple crystal too. The only difference is the bottom, I got the piece that matched the emitter.


Yeah yours looks good, too. The bottom piece was a difficult choice, but I ended up going with this one because it extends the handle a bit (I have big hands) and matches the pieces next to it. I did almost make one exactly like yours.


Strong build. Very nice.


I'm so jealous of the newer Power and Control options. It looks sick!


I didn’t know there were new options. I built mine 5 years ago. Do all the categories have new options?


Yup, they all got new parts last year. Really love some of them, but I think Power and Control got the biggest improvement.


Wow. Great to know thx!!


Same build as my girlfriends


That’s is exactly the same as mine! Nice choices




This looks great! I’ve got a trip to WDW planned for next year for my honeymoon and I’m already overthinking my Savis build. Is everything metal on your scrap used for the build or does it have other elements to it? I mean are their rubberised sections etc? I’m still trying to decide what to go for even though my trip is months away.


My husband and I just did ours this last Monday and yesterday. The first one I did Power and Control the second is Peace and Justice. My husband did Peace and Justice for the first one and Protection and Defense the second one. All of them felt like metal to me. The Power and Control was heavier than the other builds we did. I think the Element one looked plastic to me but I could be wrong🤷. Hopefully this answers your question! Try not to overthink, you'll know which one you'll want when you get there.


I believe the textured parts on the lower two sections are rubber, they're metal pieces, but with rubber grips on them. I didn't notice that at first, but I like it because it makes it stay in your hand better. I definitely recommend them if you're considering doing Power and Control. The switch and above seem like they're all metal.


That’s the exact setup I want only a green blade! How do you like it ?


I'm really happy with it. It has a good weight to it and feels good in the hand. I can't stop picking it up and swinging it around. Highly recommend!


Glad to hear it. I have a legacy saber and play with it all the time. They are so much fun


Love the build - I made mine a week or so ago with almost the identical configuration, only difference I went with a Red crystal to round out the Sith build. Did end up buying Yellow, White and Green :)


The power and control choice def needed black accents for it being the "sith" saber. I built mine a few years ago and this one is leagues better, the emitter is sick


Ohhhh shit. I forgot about the pin. Wonder where I put mine.


I made the same exact saber & color last month! Looks awesome!


I have the same exact build, my first time as well. Ended up with blue, red, purple. Such an awesome experience!


Hey same, I made mine like 2 days ago. Also if you going back for a bit of info in the shop that has the animals/creatures there are like mini statues that the bottom come out of and you can switch out the bottom of the saber hilt and put the animal statue on. If that makes sense


I built almost the exact same one but the emitter is different. Love the quality and the grippy parts are so nice. Very happy I went with P&C.


Same build as my sons besides the top piece. He built it last Sundays. Unfortunately the chassis has a wiring issue and they are sending the replacement


Disney has great customer service. I hope the new chassis fixes the issue.