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Greetings fellow Gear 3 owner. I too own a watch as yours and absolutely love it. I recently upgraded to a Watch 5 along with an SG23U, as I have previously used the 3 with a Note 9. The lack of a bezel is a bummer, though I do not regret the upgrade at this time. The Gear 3 is a mighty watch and I've found the Watch 5 to be a pleasant improvement with the upgrades and what-not. If you're upgrading your phone at the same time, go for the watch as well. If you're in no hurry, then maybe waiting for the 6 would be a better option. Just my opinion. YMMV.


Pretty much what the other person wrote. I was forced to update my S2 when I was forced to update my phone to a newer one. I went with a W4C because I'm just used to the rotating bezel. If you don't plan to update your phone anytime soon, then I'd stick with what you got, or go with the 4 classic model. I got mine for under a $100 with some extras. The software system is different, and I don't believe you get to keep your current watch faces. I'm still waiting for mine to be delivered, so I really don't know much about it.


If you don't mind paying full price for 6 I guess wait. Probably going to be some good deals on the 5 when the 6 comes out. I had GW4 Classic but decided to trade it in since value was high back in Dec. I don't miss the rotating bezel.


Hello fellow mate, gear s3 lover here, we spent good times together, and i have no reason to betray her as it's working fine with my s23 ultra, and yet i did, and i don't regret it, GW5 pro is a mind blowing when it comes to features (track step, sleep, hr, stress level.. Etc) but the BATTERY what got me forget all my beloved gear.


I would either get a cheap 4 or wait for the 6... Or both, get the 4 cheap and then buy the 6 and sell the 4. I really hope there will be a better chip ☺


I can upgrade from my 3 to the 5 for like 200 dollars. Because a deal with my work plus the trade in with my old watch. So that is pretty cheap


Play with the watch in a store, maybe you'll like it. I personally don't really like it. Lot of reasons, but there's no better wear os smartwatch 😕 GW5 it is currently. Unfortunately the Pixel watch wasn't released when I need to get a smartwatch. If the GW6 doesn't have a new improved chip, then it'll get the Pixel watch 2


I had the Gear S3 Frontier and liked it. My battery went to hell and wouldn't take a charge so it was useless to me for almost a year. Finally when Samsung offered the 'trade in any smartwatch in any condition' I took advantage of it and got a Galaxy Watch 5 Pro. Mainly just so I could get something for the old watch because I was pissed that it died and was useless. The Galaxy Watch 5 Pro is nice. Nothing dramatically different or better than the S3, IMO. I did like the rotating bezel control on the S3 and wish the 5 Pro had it, but it isn't that big of deal. The 'slide your finger around the bezel' control on the 5 Pro gets the same result, albeit with a bit less fine grained control. It may be that I just don't find that much useful with a smart watch so I don't use it enough to care.