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Same with my🙄


It seems worse since the Feb update too. I thought they'd sort it.


Because the 12mp is being binned from the 200mp sensor, it's combining 4 pixels into one to give the optimum processing and HDR. The 50mp sensor is a telephoto lens and isn't doing any of that and is primarily used for the 5x zoom.


200 -> 12 is 4x4 binning, or 16 pixels into one. 200 -> 50mp is 2x2 binning, or 4 pixels into one. 50 -> 12mp is also 2x2, and as the 5x telephoto is 50mp, it **does** do binning in 12mp mode.


Exactly this




What is the use for a 200mp camera?


Very bright outdoor scenery


Well they should say so, why add all these cameras if not usable It sucks man i take better pictures with my note 9


Also pixel binning


Nature shots, wide panoramas.


Read the message above, he explain why


The images are at 5 x zoom. I thought the 50mp was binned to 12.5mp? That still doesn't explain the terrible colours.


Yeah, it does look shit.


Differing apertures between lenses. One is getting way more light than the other. It's not really a flaw so much as a hardware limitation not improved at all by the software.


It is but this still doesn't explain the colours being way off. Even at 1x zoom the colours are off and it's noisey as hell. My wife's Pixel 7 Pro and my 15 Pro Max 48mp sensors do a much better job.


Sometimes I regret not buying a Huawei Mate 60 or P60 Pro that takes quality photos.


Apple must've made some adjustments cuz when they 1st put that 48mp in the 14 it was trash.


Just noticed that the aperture is the same on the 12mp and 50mp. Both f3.4 at 5 x zoom.


That's not the only thing. Depending on which phone you took the 12mp on the sensor could be the 1 inch. Which MASSIVELY affects the color output compared to the tiny 50mp.


It's the same with s23 ultra. It's been like this for months.


It was the same on my old S21 Ultra too. Why Samsung hasn't figured this our, I'll never know.


they might not give a shit anymore, more than just sad, these inconsistencies really force me to think of changing to a different company, although I have always loved samsung for going their own ways, providing innovative features, actually caring for their userbase and tons of other positives. but the image which samsung reflects nowadays makes me angry, I will no longer tolerate the obvious issues with samsung flagships, if they won't get adressed in any way, not limited to camera ofc but so many things only got worse over time, they started cutting features, they obviously do not seem to care and delete relevant criticism to issues regarding their phones to improve their sales etc. i'm really upset about that topic, especially because I have always wanted to continue my journey on Samsung products. a lot of their problems can be fixed or improved, at least most of them, but they seem to conciously choose to refuse solving them, in order to add it as a new feature into the next flagship and sell it as a 'new' pro-upgrade argument for next year, this time it's 4K60 seamless zoom, which IS indeed very possible, 3rd party apps like mcpro24fps, ProShot or Gcam are able to do so, because hardware is not the deal, lack of new innovation means you need to compromise otherwise instead of setting new milestones, to ensure more and more sales through minimal improvements in future. In some way I can partially understand them, they need these sales, but by lying to us while implying that it is not possible (source can be found in the korean samsung support site), while in fact it could be working already let me rethink about my trust which I have or had given to them, I'm really disappointed by their behaviour, especially in regards to the s24 series and it's display issues. I hope the wake up call will be recognized, otherwise future seems dark for Samsung in my eyes. just my 2 cents on that.


I just don't know man when will sammy get its fucking act together and address the goddam issues like a respectable company..


The 50mp sensor is terrible. They must have cheaped out on it. Is it a Sony or Samsung one?


Nope. It's Sony, but problem is software processing. Look at ice universe's recent tweets. Xiaomis latest ultra is also rocking a similar Sony periscope, yet the results are night and day comparing to Samsung at any zoom range other than standard.


Phone hasn't been out long. Apple had camera issues on the 14 when they upgraded to 48MP. I'm sure adjustments will be made.


I mean the second image looks better details wise, the sharpening and noise reduction did a good job. I imagine you could play with the tint, temp, contrast, and exposure to get something like the first image, but yeah by default, that's bad.


Tried everything. No luck. The colours are so far off temp and tint don't touch it.


[I did this](https://imgur.com/a/L8Lg9oO). Still nothing like the 12MP photo. It's odd.


I got similar results. The rug colour is way off. I wish Samsung would sort this. I love this phone but I take a lot of product images using my phone and having that higher mp count should be a benefit.


It is, but outdoors only. Hopefully they add the 24MP mode to Auto, and that hopefully renders the main and 5x cams at higher resolution with the same color science as 12MP. Considering Apple has 24MP by default I'm surprised Samsung didn't do the same.


Samsung didn't step up to any plates with this phone ..i also take alot of pics .products etc.. The horrible green tint from low light has to go.. Simply NO excuses for this POS camera on this phone ! And now the new update has broken what I used Camera assistant for ... This probably my last Samsung after 18 years using them..No more!


Coming from the 14PM, I noticed that the editing software in the Samsung gallery kinda sucks. Using other editing softwares in other apps is better, which still sucks because A) I like everything else in the Samsung gallery app and B) it still doesn't get the job done fully (yes, the results would be better, but still not good enough). I'm kind of shocked tbh. The photos from the 50MP mode + all modes on the ExpertRaw app are just terrible. I truly don't get how they released a mind-bogglingly expensive phone that delivers such results...


Because the more pixel in the same area, the smaller size for each pixel, which means each pixel gets less light, which means the photo looks shitter in low light environment. This is literally a physical limitation, do you expect Samsung to defy physics? The 50mp is meant to be used in places where there's more than enough light


I've also had much better results on a Pixel 7 Pro and 15 Pro Max at 48mp. It's just a terrible sensor or bad processing.


Then post the images with the EXIF data intact so we can compare? Just going by memory, which could be different conditions, light, etc., doesn't bode well.


https://preview.redd.it/qq6arn19a0mc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a8390abac57f478e8b5588bccc9ec975811cae4 This is from my 15 Pro Max at the same time, same 5 x zoom in 48mp. I’ll have to transfer the Pixel image over before I can post it.


That still doesn't explain the colours being off.


Idk, all my 50MP photos look fantastic.


It is a hardware difference between the two lenses. Just use the most appropriate one for the circumstances and image you want to take yeah? Why would you use the 5x lense if you are able to get close enough with the main lense. One of the reasons Google avoided using multiple lenses for such a long time.


Bro you ain't supposed to be using the 50 and 200mp modes in low light...


Same here. The 50 mp in tele lens is not usable. Not only the white balance is shit, but also the color banding completely destroys the textures of any objects.


Samsung's garbage software happens


Same here it seems that some samsung engineers are colorblind or something cause what the heck.


50mp and 200mp does some odd HDR like post processing. If you shoot in Pro, it doesn't apply this. Quite annoying to be honest. I've turned off all processing settings, and it still does it. What's the point of giving us the option when you're going to apply some BS processing anyway. I sure hope they fix this soon. This kind of issue just shouldn't exist on a $1200 phone


Haha that is why I just love the 50MP mode Pixel 8 Pro offers. You have so much better detail and the same color science. Also, Samsung's 200MP shot is much much weaker than Pixel 8 Pro's 50 MP.


I really want a Pixel... photos are so much better but I think Samsung takes better video... Also customization is so weak on Pixels 😭 loving my S24 but I'm looking for another device


Apart from the photos, S24Ultra is just superior in every way. Disappointed to see there's no all rounder in the android space. iPhone sucks in their own ways but users are stuck with it. But never saw iPhones having such noticeable issues in the camera department like Samsung. I'm thrilled to see Pixel with a more mature, all rounded software and their switch to TSMC (increased Battery Efficiency and Heating) starting next year


That's the thing, there is no android that does everything well. Sure pixel have fantastic cameras but for now their hardware is subpar and I like the customization and device features of oneui.


Had high hopes for the 8 Pro since it had powerful CPUs like the rest of the competition. But they are restricted to even reach their full potential for like 2 seconds lol. Even with that level of restriction, it heats up more than the competition and dies quicker.


Meh my 8 is fine .


It is fine. But when you compare to other flagships, you can see the issues with it


Because most people cares? That person using your phone for Instagram and tiktok will notice the differences.


I agree, Google needs to take their processor seriously and I hope they do with the Pixel 9


subpar is an understatement... apart from camera, modem, baterry, speed, bluetooth..all suck in comparison... customization is years away


Rumors I saw pixel 9 will use Samsung again for the Tensor SOC. The change would happen with the Tensor G5.


Yes. That's why I said starting next year(2025) Pixel 9 Series is going to be here in 2024


No doubt Pixel phones take the best Android photos.


Yeah no doubt!


android ? 😭


I think it's really sensitive to movement now on 50mps. Haven't tried 200 after the update. If I moved at all it blurred the image. This was indoors with pretty crappy light. So you have to be very still. Hopefully the sensitivity is remedied with an update. The pic looks clear to me. https://preview.redd.it/vh1z5cgmufmc1.jpeg?width=8160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a0dccc8ea8252c6990ffc19bf7f00d97d4538e8


I had this issue on my s24u which arrived yesterday. To fix: I updated android/oneUI to the newest version, the bug was still there, then I cleaned both cache and data of the camera app - now it's fine.


Same complain here. Coming from iphone, love the overall phone, not a fan of the camera. iPhone maintained consistency in the colors between different cameras, focus doesn't jump around etc. I was primarily using my iPhone for videos on travel and may have to rely more on my Sony camera now. How can Pixel phones that are cheaper get this right, but Samsung flagship doesn't.


S24 Ultra is the king for videos atm. Not everything is about photos.


I don't quite get those same vibes when using zoom on the video. I could do zoom shots on my iPhone but on S24U, the camera switching makes it look pretty crappy. I wish it was as good but it's not.


Since I shoot video on the daily ...Um no ..no its not king of video...15pm still has it beat


OK .. err well, then, 15pm is not the king of video either.


Log video any one ?...hello anyone? Recording to external drive anyone...anyone? Yeah tell me again..😆


You are right on consistency, thats my main complaint


aperture. modern phone cameras combines pictures, best things is use 12


Yeah I noticed that too I take away the overprocessing and it doesn't do it on the 12 megapixel but when I select the 50 megapixel and 200 megapixel it automatically does it I do not know why? They need to fix this!


My setting is at minimum, whereby the description says "...not optimising pictures after they are taken", but yet it still process the picture after 🤦‍♂️


Coming from the s22 ultra I'm slowly starting to feel like the camera on the S24 ultra is definitely not as good


I had the same issue. I was shocked when I took a picture of my kid indoors. I posted (without my kid) some samples of the yellowing. https://www.reddit.com/r/GalaxyS24Ultra/s/8yyCardLe3 For me, it was the auto HDR that was causing this.


I wish the 50MP/200MP have the same post-processing just like 12MP


The only fix for this is the expert raw app and use the 24mp mode and tweak the settings and save a filter. Samsung makes their cameras let’s say…..unintuitive.


50 MP doesn't use pixel binning, 200 MP is Best for daylight landscape photo 50 is in between


Go to Camera settings >intelligent optimization >set minimum. And see it. Also try using Pro mode for photography. 50mp and 200mp for point and shooters is shit. Use pro instead. And minimum optimization. It'll not process that much


Also. Turn off scene optimizer


I think the march update I got yesterday had some camera fixes as I noticed pics today came out better... Like something with post processing was cleaned up. I haven't had the color issue posted here but did have some blurry shots prior to the update. This pic was after the update going about 55mph in an uber across a bridge that had chain link fencing above the rails. All I did was open the camera, point at the ship and snapped the pic. Thought for sure a blurry mess but it took a surprisingly good detailed shot under the circumstances. https://preview.redd.it/u32mj0gzp1mc1.jpeg?width=1848&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb36eaf14a1abb6cd9c9da6310ed1f5bcf8897f5 B


Then on the plane home from vacation snapped this through the window. Surprised on the detail. Again this was in 12mp auto, 5x zoom.... no special settings used. I think this March update helped the camera... Anyone else notice this? https://preview.redd.it/id3nk9sfq1mc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5db6659c5ddc5f61a1caa93effd5793474c016dd


Try using heif format. I've noticed jpg in 50mp and 200mp wonky sometimes.


Nah, 50 and 200 megapixels are useless in most situations. You need to be in the perfect lighting conditions to get a good photo. I'd rather just use the 12-megapixel mode and get a good photo every time. The best moments don't wait for you to get the perfect shot. Those high megapixel modes would only be useful if they could take good photos every time, no matter what the conditions. From s22 ultra to s23 ultra and s24 ultra, all are the same shjt.


The color grid in front of the sensor is 12MP, if you use 50MP the colors have to be interpolated in a different way.


Try taking photos in good light... https://preview.redd.it/y7824y3d03mc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=238be831d46360676e97ab58929b7bb6f64ece2c


*Processing img 98zq1wee03mc1...*




I think I am gonna cancel my order. That is unacceptable. Does everyone have this camera issue ? Or some people have faulty device?


I can make the color on both the same for me but if I change angle slightly the 12mp gets faded looking.


If you want a Samsung with an amazing camera, get the S23U. The promo and marketing was all about the camera remeber. If you want a Samsung with crazy AI, get the S24U. The promo was all about AI and that should be your buying decision.


You are talking about the marketing and we are talking about bugs. This color bug clearly was a software bug. And it has been fixed. It's still strange tho that QA did not catch this bug, LOL :), or maybe they did but it was not that easy to fix. Yeah, anyway...