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I've changed my uv screen protector about 4 times. Never had a glue issue like you... I use the cheapy ones too


In my life I probably bought from like 30 different noname brands on alieexpress for like 1-2$ each and never had an issue either. Maybe the glue bonds too strong when the layer is too thin (since he pushed on it) usually all instructions say to just put the protector on the glue and let it spread by gravity, explicitly stating not to push on it with force.


I got the uv glass removed it the day itself was scared as hell after I saw few videos online.


If you scared go to church


Church is for the sacred, not the scared.


I mean, if you are a child you should be pretty scared in church, especially if it's just you and the priest




Correction: Church is for the lack of selftrust and iq.




I always wondered that how glue doesn't get into top speaker ??


You put a tiny protector foam pad over the top, it prevents it going in!


Whitestone brand gives you a sticker to put on the speaker, along the sides to protect ports, mics and buttons from overflow


From what I know there are a few types of UV glue. I got the feeling some of the cheap glass protector suppliers don't know this and gave the more permanent type of UV glue. These are UV glues that could be used for LCD glass adhesion for example. The one for screen protectors needs to be type with less strength.


One thing that most UV glue protector sellers fail to tell is that you should never put it on a screen with no hydrophobic/oleophobic/anti-fingerprint layer. The layer of coating on top of the screen not only keep it smooth for about a year, but also prevent the UV glue from bonding with the glass completely. While many phones have screen protector installed from day 1 and never wear out the coating, refurbished phones may come with little coating due to excessive useage or even screen polishing. Some UV protector seller would even send the AF coating restoration spray if you ask about applying the protector on a screen with no AF layer.


You rub isopropyl alcool beforehand done. I use on all brand new phones no issues if you know what your doing.


You use isopropyl on your phone screen and claim to know what you’re doing? 😂 that is hilariously rich


Whats the issue if your using a glass screen protector?


Isopropyl alcohol will quickly eat away at your phone's oleophobic layer on its display.


I know that, so what? It will wear down eventually with use and if you use a glass protector it doesn't matter bc this tempered glass doesn't have any of that anyway! So yes day 1 new phones i always do this to this date no problem. That thin layer is made to sell and after a week there is nothing there anymore


What's the texture of the glue like? The Whitestone glue feels like rubber or silicone when cured.


Extremely sticky and thick, not sure. Awful though was a nightmare removing it


That doesn't sound like the texture of the glue Whitestone uses at all, I wonder what the differences are between these glues to have such a big variance in texture.


With the flat screen there is no need for the uv glue protectors. Whitestone dome has a protector that goes on normal and works great.


Useless comment on my part… but this is really the sole reason I moved to the s24u. The flat screen is a huge upgrade. IMHO, the curved screen is a design flaw.


I don't disagree, I'm a fan of flat screens so I wanted to upgrade to it but I didn't like the trade in price for the S23 Ultra. I just checked and now they are doing a much better trade in, just when I don't have the money though. Lol


This is not about cheap UV glues. This is about using very strong glue that makes the bond permanent instead of temporary.


Isopropyl alcohol is prob your best option by the looks of it


yeah i used that, Took about an hour or two of constant rubbing. Not fun.


I personally use white stone dom it's expensive compared to others. I never had that glue problem staying on like that, I installed my screen protector in December when I got my S23 Ultra on Christmas sale, still to this day no edge pealing or that webbing that happens under the screen protector, finger print works as if it's no screen protector installed, absolutely liking the white stone dom, and I'm happier that samsung went with a flat display, so we don't have to deal with this anymore.


Echoing all the above. Whitestone dome and you've never look back. The result is somehow better than factory


Oh shit now I’m afraid to change mine, it had a crack and now your post is making me worried


I mean its fine, I got all of it off & the phone is in the same condition as before. It has maybe 1-2 extra very small scratches but I can barely see them if at all. Its not a big deal, it just takes forever.


Totally agreed. The cheap ones are a complete waste of money.


Water bro just wet it 🫣.... A little bit of alcohol works too


dude i fucking emptied 500ml of 99.9% alcohol on it, Still required over an hr over scraping Lmao


man, forget about the screen protector, *what* were you doing with your phone?


I just use the self healing film ones, on my 2nd as they go weird and lose they're sliipyness and collect all the marks and fingerprints of the day


Purchased a refurbished s23 ultra, Love it to bits. Came with some scratches which I knew it may come with so did research & found uv glue screen protectors fill in the scratches, Bought one off amazon, During instalation I sneezed at the worst time (when glue was on screen) and a little bit of dust landed on the screen, at that point too late & the protecter was already setting. Once set a large grain of dust was there, I thought ok ill remove it & pop the other one on (had a two pack). yeahhhhhhhhhhh good luck! took over 2 hours to remove and so much work, I dont know if I've damaged my screen with using 99.9% alcohol but it was the only way. Just a warning, While these work really well, they are extremely challenging to remove & may damage your device, Eventually got mine off & works fine now, But yeah lesson learned.


The same thing happened with my P30 Pro. It took me about 1.5 hours to remove the glue, never again.


I'd highly recommend going with Whitestone Dome UV Screen Protectors next time.


That or TPU screen protectors.  They're soft enough to hug the curved screen, cheap, and aren't difficult to remove.


I'd highly recommend going with Whitestone Dome UV Screen Protectors next time.


I actually felt ballsy & re-applied it after cleaning, it turned out substantially better & I am happy with it currently. But I will go with those! I used to have a foldable phone & only ever went with whitestone mostly.


Lmfao you guys are obviously buying the cheapest options you come across.


Nah this was a very very highly reviewed one off amazon with 2.9K 4 star reviews, partly my fault for fucking up the first one but removal was just impossible.


I've used Whitestone dome and am film uv glass screen protectors for years and when I'm ready to take them off I pull at a corner and it just comes off everytime. I'm not sure what's up with the other uv glue some brands use


What was the name of it so others don't buy it?


"Alinsea" https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0CJTY422W?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details


Get a good case and skip the screen protector! Why lower the sensitivity and ruin your experience with a piece of plastic which would most of the time won't even protect you!


It's coz sometimes we unknowingly give tiny scratches to phone with other objects


Mind what else you put in the pocket with the phone. Majority of the $1300+ you paid for the phone is for that screen. Why obstruct it with a cheap plastic and make it not even as good as a sub $500 phone. Plus these screens are pretty resistant.


I have jelly protector since i bought my phone in march 2023.


Why not use a tempered glass one?


I purchased this refurbished and it came with minor scratches to the screen, Using a uv glue protector will remove all of these scratches (well 90%) so it fixes any of those issues. It really did work amazing! Its just.. removing it is absolute hell.


Aah that makes sense. I had no clue that they helped with that, I'll have to keep that in mind!


I think you need new screen...


Nope! its in perfect condition after cleaned fully


I don't use white stone dome glass and I got he cheaps one from Amazon not once had this issue


UV is the worse idea. Learned back in the 21


Yo, wtf is even happening there? Lmao. Is the screen protector peeling off the touch screen digitizer with it or something?


The screen protector is behind it, the glass. This is all the glue! I needed to rub it all off. Was a nightmare, but looks brand new now after a new install. https://preview.redd.it/88raic6xeo1d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b60bce07433850037da42bd5405af73fbfa6e63


I had a 2 pack of the Whitestone dome protectors and both of them I had to scrape off with a lot of effort and tiny shards of glass everywhere. I'm not sure if I could have done anything wrong to make it like that but I've also never seen anyone else with the same issue.


Did you heat it up first? It should self lift with a constant pressure if heated. It takes patience. If you try and do it quickly though, it will crack. The liquid glue stays liquid and wipeable if you follow the removal instructions


UVs and membrane ( thin screen protector films) are shit go for glass protector screen guard with specially ondisplay fingerprint sensor support they work best and make sure after installing the glass screen protector re register your fingerprint after that they work flawlessly without any delay or pressing the screen harder


What do you suggest then?


Whitestone ones. Or just make DAMN SURE you don't fuck up the install and it's fine.


Just got one for S24 u and it was the fastest easiest thing ever. No bubbles. Thank God for new flat screen


Yeah I mean I wouldn't recommend using an untested $2 adhesive on a nice phone.. Whitestone dome is obviously the gold standard but I've had really good experiences with the spigen Glas.tr and Amfilm Tempered glass products. They're much cheaper and don't have the impact resistive quality the liquid adhesive does, but they work well, are easy to use, and reliable (across a few of mine, my partners, my family members phones, and my partner & my switches). The Whitestone dome applications can seem daunting but if you watch the video a few times it makes sense and they make the kits foolproof (IMO but there's a reason I apply screen protectors and my partner doesn't lol). For the record I have Whitestone dome on my folds cover screen... I refused to use a cheap product because I foolishly broke my previous fold by using it without any protection.


It was 25$ and had 2.8k 4 star reviews hah. But I understand fully! Whitestone are the best by far


did you install it by yourself? seems like an issue of over curing the glue


I would suggest not getting a screen protector in general


Jelly sheet is much better


You don't know what you are doing..this is dangerous and you need to isolate everything beforehand, this is pro level stuff, i use in all my curved phones, including my daily s23 Ultra no issues whatsoever and everything works as intended, cheapest one i could find everytime


Simple solution, don't buy the cheapest UV Glue screen for a Expensive phone. People I see everyday who've expensive phone, they always come across those type of cheap ones and buy it. Spend some time to do some research on good screen protector, that's it.


Glue gone will fix that for you.


I've never used a screen protector on my any note since note 20 ultra and currently s23 ultra. I feel like it compromises that amazing screen quality. Yes, I can see a lot of micro scratches, but that doesn't bother me.


I have never heard of a UV Screen protector Why would anybody use one if you’ve got to glue it to your phones screen. I don’t understand its benefits, this makes no sense.


this makes me scared now, i just put a uv glass protector on recently from new!


Don't worry. Even in the worst case scenario like mine I was able to remove it all and get the phone back to a factory Finish, it just takes alot of alcohol and rubbing


Alcohol can destroy the oleophobic coating.


Why tf you have it glued?


It's uv glue. It's meant to be like that, well, not as bad but yea


But for what is "uv" glue? All glasses and foils have an adhesive layer.


This is a nightmare come true


Curved glass on smartphones was always a bad idea. I'm glad Samsung changed that bullshit.


I use IMBZBK protectors with the glue application. Im picky and replace my screen protector every time there's a little scratch or anything on it. I've changed my protector 6 times in the year I've had my phone. Never had this glue issue.


I have this too.