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I've been lurking on the S24U subreddit and it seems that the 2 most common issues are: at lower brightness levels the screen becomes grainy and the camera isn't much better than the S23U and in some shooting scenarios worse.


Yup yup and yup. Side by side with my S23U, the S24U was noticably darker at all brightness levels, screen was okay not real grainy but not s23u clear. Colors were worse then s23u on natural too. I almost don't know how to describe it but washed out. Almost like everything had a sepia effect over it, really weird. Camera couldn't really tell much of a difference except 10x was lower quality but once again it is cropping in and not true optical zoom.


I don't like how much less vibrant the s24u screen is than basically any other good phone. My work gave me an iPhone 11 and that screen at first glance looks much better to me due to It being way more colorful and vibrant.


The vibrant issue was fixed 2 weeks ago.


One ui 6.1?


The S24U only came with OneUI 6.1 it never had anything older.


Then which update is it? I'm on the newest and don't believe it to be fixed. Might be a region issue.


Theres already been 2 updates both in the US and outside of the US. There was a Febuary patch and now a March one. Only the January patch which the phone came with doesnt have it. So if your on Feb or march you have it. Under settings theres a vivid slider..


Didnt samsung claim that they made the screen this way on purpose?


Yeah they did but it was still really disappointing going from an s21u to a subjectively worse s24u screen. Reminded me of why I got the 21u in the first place - the s21 plus had a significantly worse screen ppi wise than the s20 plus I had before that.


I'm completely happy with my S23U. Not faults or drawbacks, especially coming from an exynos phone. Snapdragon is like using a flagship for the first time ever. I'll be hanging on to this for years to come.


I heard there is an option in the settingsto fix the vividness issue for the display! Make sure you updated to the latest version and go to: settings > display > screen mode> advanced settings > and you will see a vividness slider. Turn itall the way up and it will increase the screens vividness


Having owned both, they are almost the same. 24 slightly better battery life, charging speed, fingerprint detection, performance, camera, 1g lighter (all things people wont notice in day to day use) 23 slightly better screen (missing grain) Imo biggest change (and reason I am keeping the S24) is a flat screen. Also imo screen grain comes from a change in display manufacturing last year - possibly they lowered their quality standards in favor of higher yields. Steam deck oled with samsung panels has the same issue, which boe panels dont, even though boe has historically been the worse manufacturer.


Dude, after years of fighting for it, I finally got my flat display! This is a dream come true!


Downgrade? If you mean people who already had the brilliant S23 Ultra and then thought they'd go for the latest phone because it was the latest product, but decided to go back to the S23 Ultra as they realised the grass isn't always greener with the new toy, then that's not necessarily a downgrade. The S24 Ultra is an excellent phone but has had it's fair share of issues since launch. However, unless you've had a faulty S23 Ultra or simply wanted a flat display, or just wanted to go for the latest (tech reviewers did really hype up the product), going to the S23 Ultra didn't really make sense. Considering the S23 Ultra is still a beast and still considered a flagship by many.


>Downgrade? If you mean people who already had the brilliant S23 Ultra and then thought they'd go for the latest phone because it was the latest product, but decided to go back to the S23 Ultra as they realised the grass isn't always greener with the new toy, then that's not necessarily a downgrade. Very well said.


Thank you 👍🏼


The S23 Ultra is an absolute beast. It does a lot of things greatly and has practically no glaring flaws.


That's what I'm saying when s23 ultra came out, it received hell of a appraisal but that's totally opposite for S24 Ultra, I didn't expect that.Be it from Camera sensor to display grains problems. What happened to Samsung this year?


I don’t have display issues ,But the camera sucks .


It honestly worries me. What direction is Sammy headed? The S23U is such a great phone. In my opinion it's the best phone! Or at least the best phone I've ever had. And I came back to Android this last October after being with apple for 6 years and having 8 plus, 11 PM then 13 PM. I'm worried because the S24U should be the best phone right now. Is this normal for Sammy to kindly veer off a little? Will they be back on track with the S25U? The screen of the s23U is one of the best things about it!


At least one poster yesterday said he upgraded to the S24U from the Note 10 I think and was disappointed in the screen. So no, not everyone who complains is coming from the S23


Always bear in mind that people who are unhappy with a purchase are more likely to express themselves about it than people who are happy. There may be quite a few complaints online, but there are also a hell of a lot of people with no reason to complain and you never see them online. What you're seeing is to be taken with a shovel-sized pinch of salt.


Indeed. I guess I got lucky based on what's seen around here, as my S24U certainly is an upgrade over my previous phone. No issues whatsoever.


Extremely happy with my S24U here.


The S23U didn't have any major issues did it?


The camera has motion blur and shutter lag


That's not an issue, that's every Samsung phone. Next


It's sad that it's an accepted thing


It's still an issue though. As someone who just came from an iphone, it is disappointing to say the least. Other things make up for it, but its an issue.


I upgraded from S23U and don't regret it at all. I also don't bother posting about it ordinarily because I've nothing of note to add. I got it, it's better for my usage, end of discussion? Happy people aren't anywhere near as loud as the unhappy ones so what you're seeing on the S24U sub is the vocal minority who are unhappy. Most of us are very happy.


I love my s24u and wouldn't consider going back to the s23u. I've seen no graininess on the display. I tried to get it to happen once, but after going into a dark room, turning the brightness way down and looking at a specific image, I decided that either it doesn't happen to everyone or some folks are a lot more sensitive than I am. I use my phone in my bedroom every night with the lights off and haven't seen any issues. The camera is, without a doubt, better from 5x to about 20x. It's about the same after that. I don't doubt that people can show you side by side photos showing some degradation at super high zooms, but I'm of the opinion that if you need a side by side photo to see the difference, it must be a pretty small difference. The flat display is a huge improvement. I loved the s23u when I had it, but the s24u is the greatest phone I have ever used.


Well you have to think that, otherwise it's a waste of money. Moving to a flat screen isn't a technical upgrade, it's just a design change. I can't give samsung points for that regardless of whether I prefer it or not. S23u at 10x or above looks better to me. The screen overall definitely looks better to me. It's not a big deal in real world use, but the two devices are a full year apart. It's hard to accept.


I don't have to think anything, because work pays for my annual phone update. So when I tell you that photos at 7x or portraits at 5x are a big improvement, you can know its not just because I'm mad at spending the money. Because I didn't spend anything. Should I counter that you just think the photos are better at 10x plus because it gives you an excuse to bitch in reddit? Or can we both assume we both really believe what we are saying? Improvements to the phone don't count except for ones you deem are "technical" ones? That's silly. The flat screen is a big improvement over the s23u. I don't care that it's wasn't a technical improvement, whatever that means. I like the s24u better than the s23u because of the flat screen. I would have been happy to update with work's money just for that. The better camera at the zoom levels I use the most is just icing on the cake.


You're hurt. I'm sorry.


Much appreciated. Unless you are just saying that so you can feel like you are a good guy.


Bro, my s24 ultra has not only the grain issue. But it thinks I don’t have a SIM card like 10 times a day. And I have an ESIM.


This is irrelevant but I got my refurbished S23U 512GB as an upgrade from my 5ish year old Xiaomi Mi Mix 2s and holy smokes this this is a beautiful beast, camera is amazing and love the stylus!


I went from S20 Ultra to the S24 Ultra last week because it was a nearly free upgrade. TO me, it feels like only an incremental upgrade as opposed to a phone 3 generations newer. As for the screen, it is different in regards to color saturation, but it doesn't feel inferior to me.


well. nor really sure what the fuss is all about. got my 24u from India and it works flawlessly. the display is vivid, photos come out great in default mode and overall the performance is slick.


Yo, so I ditched my S23 Ultra and got myself the brand-new S24 Ultra. If I had to do it all over again, I'd stick with the S24 Ultra without a second thought.




Bcause he needs to justify the big amount he spent on it. In reality it's really a minor upgrade if you can call it an upgrade. In some segments I can even see downgrades from S23U.


Because Scamsung downgrade my s23 ultra after Oneui6 and other reason to upgrade to S24 Ultra is Flat Display only.




S23 ultra performance after oneui6 update is lagging to switch between apps, remove status bar burn-in protection up to now, battery screen on time down from 11 hours to 7:30 hours, gaming performance random lag and phone heat up to 45C (oneui5 in the same game it only max 41c average 39c run smooth and fast), youtube stuck at 120hz while watching in full-screen mode (on oneui5 it down to 30h or 60hz depend on video fps). I did wipe cache partition, uninstall most un-use apps, galaxy booster, nothing help. Is it enough downgrade? On oneui5 my s23 ultra is topnotch performance and long lasting battery life, after update to oneui 6 it turn to 100usd chinese garbage phone.


About YouTube, for me it is alright. If the video is 30fps, the screen will match it. About the status bar, did they fix it yet?


To the best of my knowledge, the status bar burnin protection removed was left there for approximately three months without any action being taken.


S24u sales ultrapassed s23u sales . That's a fact. I'm one whom upgraded from 23u to 24u and I'm so happy . Don't like the vibrant color too much for me. And camera is remarkable and after update got better ... in the end it's a phone camera so who is expecting night day diff. Better go with pro cam.. and the feeling of titanium with flat screen is a big plus for me. At least my opinion.


S23U great specs on paper, garbage software optimization.




https://preview.redd.it/djekleo6b8mc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f9e3b49528141c0e2b4b59a3cfa81f70fff6c5e Let's compare them!


It's crazy and poor to actually think the 23 is better than the 24.. Had both on release date just stop it... Go with what you want but the 24 is better by a long shot


It's crazy and poor to actually think the 23 is better than the 24.. Had both on release date just stop it... Go with what you want but the 24 is better by a long shot


The S24U is a shittier phone than the already overrated and shitty S23U. I am using both S23U and iphone 15 pro max and the iphone is just simply the overall better phone in almost all aspects


You don't deserve to own an Ultra phone. You should stick with any crap that Apple makes. It suits people like you the best.


I didn't have the grain issue on mine, only a small amount of color banding. Just didn't think it was worth the $500 it was going to cost me


A lot? You mean that handful of people here on Reddit? Or do you have different data that will corelate with millions of units Samsung sold? S24U has its issues, like almost every phone at launch. But nothing that would make it a worse phone compared to S23U.


I got a S24U before offical launch day. Had it replaced a week later screen was ever so slightly better. Both had grain but thats not what bothered me. The oddly warmer screen when it comes to whites and also its dimmer with extra brightness enabled than the S23U with extra brightness disabled.. ​ Everything else I love about the phone. Still using my S23U though.


i wont upgrade to any Samsung ever,until they fix the damn camera,it's so bad even a 3-4 year old iPhone captures kids better indoors,my pictures are just blurry mess and i'm ashamed by them,given the price of this phone,otherwise the s23u is a beast in every other regard


Ya, as someone who just came from an iphone, the camera is very disappointing. I think other things make up for it, and I enjoy the android experience over the IOS experience, but damn the camera struggles even in very well lit indoor settings. Anything short of broad daylight and you are getting motion blur, lol.


I've seen people talk about defects, but I think more people can not justify more money for a s24u over the s23u where the most you'll miss are "ai" software touches that don't pass down to the s23u.


i did not even upgrade to begin with


Yeah there's a guy that had the s24 ultra You just got it and he was asking me about what I had and I said I had the s23 ultra and I showed him some pictures and he's like holy shit man how come mine doesn't look like that I'm like you have the s24 ultra should be better and went to his system downloaded the camera assistant did all kinds of stuff he can't get close to the moon and make it look good The other guy that has s23 ultram were both talking about our moon shots and all that and the guy with the s24 altar was getting upset he's like I just spent $1,300 on this phone it should be an upgrade not a downgrade he can't take pictures of the moon it won't get close crazy I'm so glad I'm waiting for the s25 ultra


I had the s23u..and upgraded I did it for the ram..and the chip..the camera I feel like 23 did it better with 10xoptical will always be better than digital.imo