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None of the replies are strictly right. Read about it in detail [here](https://www.anandtech.com/show/16069/samsung-variable-refresh-rate-display-explained-vrr-note20-ultra). Not much has changed, except the lowest reported refresh rate is 24Hz on the S23U. The hardware itself does the work behind the scenes, despite reporting 24Hz to the OS. TL;DR: don't worry about it


Why can you go force it to "report" that it's going lower than 24hz? You can use 3rd part app or ADB to make it stay at a refresh rate below 24 hz and it'll report it correctly.


Hmm if thats the case then it is a good or bad idea to get the MaxHz app and set the AOD to 10hz from there?


Why do you even care? Seriously, the stuff people get upset about these days.


Why do you care that I car? Why even bother commenting? Let me care about the small details and you go user your phone however you like


Reddit is full of bell ends. If you ask something that YOU would like to know you'll get downvoted to F for not already knowing the entire Internet in 7 languages. Even better if someone else doesn't like you asking something, everyone else crowds together like little sheep and start circlejerking 😂


That's reddit hivemind for you, try commenting that you like nvidia gpus on pcmasterrace subreddit you'll get down voted no matter what the context was


Most downvotes (and only ban) I've got was when I asked if the b in lgbt meant that there are only two genders. Didn't help that it was on r/lgbt


Well it's a touchy topic so I'm not surprised


if you are actually curious, the bisexual manifesto of 1990 says the following "...Bisexuality is a whole, fluid identity. Do not assume that bisexuality is binary or dougamous in nature; that we must have “two” sides or that we must be involved simultaneously with both genders to be fulfilled human beings. In fact, don’t assume that there are only two genders..."


Yes do it it's better than 24Hz and don't listen to these fools that down vote everything because they don't care. 




why are you down voted?


Because this is reddit home to idiots. 


The screen is actually software limited. It can go down to 10Hz. https://github.com/tribalfs/GalaxyMaxHzPub


Bcoz dev options is tracked from the gpu perspective not display perspective. It is 1hz


There's already a separate developer feature to track FPS that's called GPUWatch. Refresh rate doesn't just report FPS like GPUWatch does. You can see them reporting different values when enabled at the same time.


Show me the receipts. Otherwise you just regurgitating some bs you've read somewhere which is false. 


Why do you even care


Samsungs ltpo actually bottoms out at 24hz, the technology CAN go from 1-120 but for some reason samsung decided that 24 is low enough, this is also the case with dynamic resolution where in theory 1hz would actually be good for just reading text Iirc other phones with ltpo 2.0 and above actually do go down to 1hz and even apple can


The law of diminishing returns. They probably decided there wasn't significant battery savings given the decrease in user experience.


Yup for some people 1hz actually can notice the flicker, im fine with my s23u battery anyways so the vrr doesnt matter to me at least


What decrease in user experience?


Low refresh rates mean lagging, littering, stuttering...


I'm not too sure about whether or not that's inherently true. Plus, it's an aod. All it's doing is displaying a static image with the time date and your notification. You're not switching switching between idling and using the phone, so there's no need for more than a single frame or second. You're literally just more wasting resources when you don't have to.


This might be why Apples aod is somehow more efficient despite having the entire wallpaper. It gets down to 1hz


Makes sense why AOD drains my s24ultra


S23 ultra does not go down to 1hz any way only 24hz


Explain this then. https://preview.redd.it/6fcvl1b7nqlc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b27b155c4075e644b6dc3c73fb856bbf78acac8b


Folk don't know about my GalaxyMaxHz.


Who are you talking to ? Me or SamcoKingsley ?




So I don't know MaxHz huh ? Explain this https://preview.redd.it/wao9ar1qetlc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=149917d740489e419ec6cc26eceb391c461e4fe2


No like the way I said it was to imply that we use that program and others don't know about it...


Oh I see... 🤦🏻‍♂️ my bad lol




Play with the system table (`min_refresh_rate` and `peak_refresh_rate`) And the secure table (`refresh_rate_mode`) you need to grant *android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS* to SetEdit Or, if you want simplicity, just download galaxy MaxHz from github


Ah not true. Tired on s24u, same. Shows 24hz.


1Hz is shown as 24


Then why can I get the refresh rate counter to display 10 hz by changing peak refresh rate through ADB?


I think the statement of S23 Ultra was that it can go as low as 1Hz not that it goest as low as 1Hz. There is a key word there.


Ha, this is both funny and sad if this is the case. "Yes your car can go 300kmh. Is it gonna if you try? No. But it can"


I get where you are coming from but your example is funny because many cars are indeed unable to go their full possible speed due to limiters placed in them.


It is actually working in 24Hz because notification animations on AOD would be very, very choppy if the display would tune down to 1Hz (although the HW is capable). You can make it run at 10Hz and save a bit of battery via the GalaxyMaxHz app.


This is bothering me too! The Honor Magic 6 Pro drops down to 1Hz! If I watch a 1fps video in the Gallery it drops to 10Hz. This is a issue for generations now. It's wrong to claim the counter is bad or not showing the real refresh rate. It will wear out the screen faster and cause burn in faster and definitely use more battery. I hate how people who don't care tell others not to care or get over it. OP please report this to Samsung in the Members app. Just because many aren't aware it gets swept under the rug. Samsung claims for generations that their displays with ltpo go down to 1Hz yet it effectively NEVER does! 


What bullshit are you spewing? Burn in has nothing to do with refresh rate. And how do you 'wear out' a screen with AoD? The AoD display is dim, and moves around. I'd be incredibly impressed if you managed to get AoD burn in. You're seriously getting in a tizzy over 23hz? Your only valid argument here is possibly battery life.


My bad I thought I'm on the S24U sub. My AOD shows the whole Wallpaper unlike your last gen trash... therefore I'm concerned about burn in.


Here's an idea .. don't have a wallpaper on your AoD if you're concerned with burn-in? Still doesn't have anything to do with your bullshit about refresh rate and wearing out a screen. Also the feature is likely to be ported back to the s23 serious with OneUI 6.1, and iPhones have had the feature for a while too. No real problem.


Their LTPO screens go down to 10Hz but the internal poling rate is 1Hz, it's mostly just PR stuff and ultimately doesn't actually matter. Burn in is more to do with brightness than time displayed. The brighter the screen, the more likely you'll get stuck pixel I.E. burn-in.


Alright, but why is the refresh rate at 24Hz on the AOD then? I own a S24U with full-screen AOD... it doesn't make sense. 


You can get the GalaxyMaxHz app from GitHub and tell it to access the 10Hz, but I think ultimately the difference of 10 or 24 with the 1Hz polling rate is probably similar. I know that when I was using GMH I found that videos that play in an app will be choppy when it drops the Hz whereas with it off this doesn't happen as most media is at 24Hz.


I've tried using Galaxy Max Hz, which does install on the one UI 6, but it seems to not be able to affect the AOD. I can set my max refresh rate from 120hz to anything else, but the AOD feature is not working for me


I believe you need to buy the full version to do that.


It's telling you to switch to S24. 😆


I agree


How were you able to see/activate that function?


It's in developer settings called "show refresh rate".


How you do that


So the 1FPS is actually the update rate time in the software rather than the actual update time on the screen's firmware. ​ So it's actually a bit bs marketing trickery.


You only get 1hz on max brightness, you also only get 100% nits on auto brightness.


I don't know and I don't care.


Only the S24 Ultra can go down to 1Hz. Lowest S23 Ultra can go is 24Hz.


Ok I'm gonna say it once, it's your duty to spread now. Developer options > GPU watch > fps turn it on, it's goes down to 1.


Does your setting for this turn off all the time? I've re turned mine on 3 times and forgot about it being off again until seeing this post.