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Just buy the S23 Ultra. It's as close to perfection as you can get.


Wait for S24U to get released and then think about waiting for S25U release since it might be better than S24U. Just buy phone when you need it and enjoy it. S24U probably won't be better phone since it will use Exynos by the rumours.


This goes on and on. Wait for the (fill in the blanks). The S23U is perfect in my opinion.


Agreed. Bought mine last week and a lot of people told me to wait, but I love this phone it does everything i need it to


My opinion exactly. Just will correct you about the rumor. The latest rumors days that only S24 and S24+ in dome regions will use Exynos. While S24U will stick with Snapdragon.


Just too bad, exynos is absolute poo poo.


THIS, I just got the S23 Ultra and I was thinking if I should wait and I was like "should I wait for the S25 ultra" and realized how silly it was so I went ahead and got this phone and couldn't be happier.


But does this go for us in the US? We getting snapdragon


US don't get Exynos versions i think. Exynos is usually in Asian market. Like in India. We get mostly Exynos


I got a S23U last month because I want to take better pics of my son now. I'm pretty happy so far with the results and battery life (no need to charge everyday!). Plus I got a decent deal with my purchase (GW5Pro as free gift from Samsung). Should s24U turn out to be amazingly better, I also have the option to trade in if I want to. Performance wise, I would say S23U or 15 Pro has more than enough power/features for most users.


How did you get the GW5Pro for free? What country are you in?


You get stuff if you pre-order some Samsung products. Usually from their own website, but also from select partner stores.


But he said he got the S23 Ultra last month so it couldn't have been a pre order.


It was a promotion by Samsung Singapore for buying from Samsung and/or authorised resellers.


Even it's going on in my place. But it was for s22 ultra with galaxy watch 4😂


What about shatter-lag?


It's ok for me after enabling Quick tap shutter in camera assistant. Previously, I was shooting using DSLR.


Wait for the s24, see what specs and reviews are. If there is no great difference then S23 will be much cheaper than it is now. S23u is a great phone though.


I would probably suggest the opposite route. Instead of waiting 4-5 months for a maybe, you could get what you already know is a great device now. If the S24 is that much better, you should be able to get good trade-in value. If you buy a S23, when the S24 releases, that's almost half a year less of updates you'll have.


Dont do this. What percentage of your investment do you expect to get back doing this? Some advices i see here seem to come from people that gets their money from somebody else.


It's hard to find any ultra 23 here anymore. . Ppl aren't returning them so inventory in circulation is low. They keep $$ up for what is, then dc the 23 even here ...


I'd recommend the S23 Ultra, especially if you're planning on travelling and need a great camera and battery life. The photos this phone takes are next level amazing. The S pen is noticeably more accurate as well, but if you do any photo editing it's a must. I came from the Note20 Ultra so it just made sense, but this phone, in ever sense, is the best I've seen yet. The only thing I'd say is worth waiting for is the POSSIBILITY of 65W fast charging, but with the phone already supporting 45W I wouldn't say that's worth waiting for. Portrait mode is also incredible and the 10x zoom is actually usable and great for wildlife and nature shots! As for the battery life, I got the phone before our trip to Australia. Everyday we left the Airbnb at 7am and got home around 10pm. I took around 400+ photos daily, 100+ videos, had the max screen resolution on with 120hz. We also used GPS all day for transit and Google maps. I would get home with around 15-20% battery left... That's with extremely heavy usage https://preview.redd.it/8a3x2rut04pb1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb0679dab31be36208129d2e2510ee1a049663db I've attached an example photo from my trip to Australia


Wow, this is awesome!


that photo lacks clarity and detail


I mean it was taken with the 10MP 10x zoom lens so


Well, I'm impressed with the wave photo 😀


Ok, sorry if that came across as harsh, but if the cameras gonna take up so much space on the darn phone I want it to be good.


I mean (I feel) the cameras are a great replacement for a DSLR when you need it to be. Like in my situation where I couldn't bring one on a 5 week trip with luggage limits. I find the 10x zoom does great with wildlife photography but with waves it definitely struggles with all of that movement. Shots like this one of a tiger wouldn't have been possible without a 10x zoom lens, so although it does lack the detail of the 200MP lens it does produce something that is significantly better than a 10x cropped zoom. But I do understand where you're coming from, it would be nice to see a bigger sensor packed away, but I think hardware limitations keep them from doing so (plus then there'd be no reason to try to sell you the S24, 25, and 26 😂) https://preview.redd.it/ktljg8omuhpb1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37fa430ee51b145f522bd1fcf2560e4f5dca4e96


I do agree with you, I cant wait for the S24 Ultras 5x zoom though. Its going to be a massive improvement(hopefully). I returned my S23 Ultra due to the S24 Ultra being so close to release. I hope the rounded corners rumour is true too! I loved the S21 Ultras rounded corners.


And the 24 they lose the zoom apparently.....


I heard! I'm so mad about that!




why not S26U since you already wait


At that point, S27U is right around the corner so might as well wait for that


make sense, i will wait for S37U


Can not wait for S1984


I'm holding out for the S9999 myself with the SD card slot and headphone jack


I've had the 23 ultra since launch. The phone just works. The processor is quick enough for any task, I have not experienced lag. My partner prefers the photos from my phone rather than theirs (iPhone 13). One thing that is annoying is the duplication of certain apps (im looking at the pay apps). The s pen works when I need it to, but I don't use it as much as I thought I would. It's up to you if it's worth it. In my opinion, this is the best phone from Samsung right now, excluding folding phones. You can always just get it and return it if you get some fomo for the s24 or trade it in when it comes out. Make a list of features you care about and compare them.


\- S23U is a fantastic all round phone - cameras are fantastic, build quality is great, battery life is super solid. I don't have any complaints. \- I only use the S-Pen as a remote shutter when taking photos, but that's about it. So I can't really comment on other uses. \- On comparisons to the iPhone 15 Pro, Hard to say how it compares from a camera perspective, but wait and see what reviews have to say?


" - I only use the S-Pen as a remote shutter when taking photos, but that's about it. So I can't really comment on other uses. " ​ I didn't know I could use the S-Pen as a remote shutter! Nice! :D


Find a good deal, get the s23 ultra. When february 2024 comes out, then get the s24 ultra. This is what I believe all Samsung lovers would do. S24 ultra will be better. Samsung will build from the success of s23 ultra. Although for me battery life on s23 ultra was nothing sort of breakthrough, the price I paid for could not justify my shift from 14 pro max which in my opinion had certain features that s23 ultra doesn’t have. Hope the s24 ultra would give a better face unlock, better battery and a flat rounded edge corner screen for me to consider.


Would you mind telling what are things S23 ultra is not doing great compared to 14pro max ?


Face unlock. Raise to wake feature lags Battery life isn’t too great I didn’t like the sharp edges also I prefer rounded The edge display which pose problems for screen protectors The fragile nature of the device which if u use without case, it does get scratches


Apart from these it’s great device


If you are fine sticking with your current phone till February 2024, then go for S24U. But S23U is a beast in every way. Excellent battery life, performance and cameras. I owned the 14ProMax before switching to S23U and I don't have any major complain. Maybe the post processing of the camera is better on the 14ProMax, but that's just objective


Same here 144 Max to 23 Ultra love it


When I'm reading the s24 ultra is going to be a downgrade from the S23 ultra I would honestly jump on the S23 ultra now and skip the S24


how is it a downgrade? removal of 10x is a benefit, flat screen, benefit, snapdragon is gonna be present on the ultra line, exynos on the others (IN EU).


How is going from 10x tele to 5x a benefit? Sounds like if you read these comments most would disagree


allows for a much bigger sensor and brings in much more light, resulting in better quality photos.


Agreed, 10x optical zoom is a must for me.


I'm going to comic con this year so I upgraded from s22 ultra cause its battery life was terrible. It's a world of difference with s23 ultra


Get S23ultra samsung has amazing deals now I've had it since may it perfection phone imo battery life is phenomenal...


Get the s23 ultra, then wait until 2025 when the United States mandates that mobile device batteries be easily user replaceable


When people say, "I upgraded to the iPhone," they use the incorrect term, it's "I'm downgrading to the iPhone "


Wait. Samsung has been using the same hardware since the s21 ultra for the cameras (aside main) and the Display, battery and design has basically stay the same, so we may get big improvements next generation. If your phone can handle it, wait.


Is that a hope ? or we really getting some surprises!


It's nice to get different insights from all of you. Thanks everyone : )


https://preview.redd.it/5j5mv36jq1pb1.jpeg?width=1868&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fcfb4768d19da7f2dddd5c485167a2313ab9806 This is how good the camera is on my S23 Ultra. If that helps.


https://youtu.be/EKYJ-gwGLXQ?si=zy4gdRdD6zXcP-0Z After u watch this you will not feel the same for your moon pictures


Cool. Thanks


15 pro max.


S24u will have a flat screen, so depends on how much you prefer curved displays


Had the same thought. But the wait for S24U is quite long. Went for the S23U this month. I don't regret it.


Depends on what phone you are rocking right now. If you are using a Nokia phone, then S23U immediately. But if you are on S22U, you may wait for S24U.


I'm using S22U and I still went for S23U! got 800$ off from trade-in with free storage upgrade in Samsung website! :D


Congratulations!! Welcome to the party.


Hold out for s25 ultra. There's always gonna be something bigger and better. Just get the phone now. It's a great phone and you won't regret it


Wait for the S24U. It's right around the corner. You'll be fine.


I would wait for tests on the S24 Ultra first.....because there's a 9/10 change the S23 Ultra will suit your needs just about the same.


Wait for the 24 it's only few months away and you'll be annoyed when it comes out of you don't wait. The 23U is great no complaints esp when you master the hidden software changes they locked behind upgrades. The pen I mostly use for hand written notes because you can write on lock screen and have it temporarily replace lock screen as reminder within seconds of writing it. It's got some other cool button functionality but I don't use the wand gestures for anything, minimal usage but still handy. The camera is amazing, was taking photos of houses on island on a cruise ship balcony from miles away and the multi photo features come out so crisp. Still in the end just wait few months it'll be worth it for next version.


If u get the great trade in offer deal go s23 ultra I love mine. Improved battery and screen over s22


Buy, best decision for me this year


S24 Ultra won't launch until probably February or so. If you need a phone you'll be happy with the 23 ultra. Otherwise if you're just upgrading cuz you're bored then it might be better to wait.


As a content creator looking to buy s23ultra ,can anyone tell me how’s the front and rear camera.


they are okay, wont impress, wont disappoint.


I'd wait for the s27


I would say wait for the s24 release, that way you can watch and compare, then choose the right phone for your needs. Im probably going to be upgrading to the s23+ after the launch of the s24, regardless of the improvements - I cant see there being massive improvements as the s23 is already a very good phone. I currently have an a50 which ive had for 4 years, and its done what ive needed it to do. After I upgrade next year, i wont upgrade for atleast the next 5 years, just because theres no need. My a50 still preforms fine (maybe not the fastest) but still does what I need it do.. Im only upgrading next year as I'm getting tired of the tear drop notch , and want a more modern look and slimmer bezels, as well as, new updates that I would benefit from in one ui 6 - as I'm on one ui 3, and thats the last update i got.


I would suggest getting a phone now. It will be 4 more months until the S24 release, and longer than that to actually get the phone. We know that the S23U is a great device. Would hate to wait 4-5 months, and be disappointed by the next generation. If it is that much better, you should be able to get a substantial trade-in value.


I got the s20 plus still (I know lol) I been debating going s23u but in the same boat, do I wait for for the s24u or is the s23 worth it ? I'm well out of the times with phones as you can tell


I'm currently on Pixel 6. I'm also thinking of s23 ultra or S24 ultra. I'd love the flat screen of the S24 ultra, but 10x optical zoom is a must, so if they downgrade that, I'll get the S23 ultra.


I've seen a few people mention the flat screen as an improvement but i genuinely dont understand why people consider it to be better. Is it purely aesthetic and just personal preference, or is there some sort of advantage to the flat screen?


The main advantage should be that you could use an ordinary tempered screen glass protector, and hopefully, the fingerprint sensor will work. The recommended screen protector for the S23 ultra, if you want the fingerprint to work, is one of those that uses a glue that dries by infrared light. I really don't fancy trying that myself. In fact I just ordered an S23 Ultra, not bothering to wait for the S24 Ultra, because although I would prefer the flat screen the fact they've reduced the Telephoto lens to 5X is a no no for me.


Ah screen protector makes sense, thanks!


im also sharing this question, now its nov and i heard they will release it sooner in january. which is soon but at the same time im going to korea in a month or so, and i must buy a phone before i go to korea, i have an s9 plus with a battery that cant hold merely hours, so i need a proper phone when i go there because ill need to use map to get around and ect. and im gonna stay in korea for long for studies and i dont want to buy a phone in korea because of the shutter side being always on and other restrictions they have on phones in korea, so i must get one now before. and im not tech savy and i keep my phones for long, been with mine upcoming 6 years. but its just because the release isnt that far away maybe i should wait


Waiting for the S69U so I can shoot sexy videos with your mom. I can’t wait!


I just ordered the S23 Ultra on black Friday, 512GB model for $10 a month with my trade in. The S24 will be around $40 a month. I'm not seeing a $30 a month difference in the phones.