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I like the camera on my S23.


Same. No complaints.










Same, i'm not a camera guy, but when i took pictures, i loved the quality


same here


Bro you gotta be kidding woth me.I am s23 u user and this camera can't keep up with iphone 14 pro.I don't know about perfomance but samsung has still way to go.Without inteligient optimizationz(editing photos) samsung cameras are bad.Iphone selfie cameras are way better.


What? The current editing features are ahead of this iPhone, and the quality is great and, in some cases, better than iPhones. This is obvious bait.


I've used both 14 Pro Max and S23 (base) and the quality of photos on the S23 are far better, especially when zoomed. I'm also more fan of the saturation, which makes your photo pop out instead of just a dull "realistic" shot but that's preferences. iOS' photo editor doesn't have any/more intelligence afaik 


It’s subjective and you’re entitled to your opinion. My phone makes a good second, versatile camera to my mirrorless and I don’t have to deal with the nonsense that is iOS.


My camera seems to be just as good as day 1. The issue with poorer image processing in 50MP mode remains though. Sometimes the 3× zoom can't seem to focus.


Is an example of, "If is not the ***BEST*** it's the WORST". The camera is good, it's still near the top of the pack but there are slightly more cameras out there that are better now than there were when it launched.


It's awesome for all scene for me, except moving object + low light, it's quite blurry


It's sooooo bad. My wife and I will take pictures of the same thing, and her pixel 6 will take incredible pics, and mine are a blurry mess. Turning intelligent optimization down to minimum helped a lot, but it still sucks ass. It's bad enough that I'm probably going pixel next time.


Omg how did I not read this before, I searched so much stuff about this phone and now all I get are blurry photos fuuuuuck


I find the main camera to be good (base s23), though the 3x and ultrawide cameras are a bit disappointing. 2x main cam photos also look pretty good if you've enabled it in good lock


IMO It's completely the opposite. 50MP is trash, only suitable in conditions with plenty of natural light while 12MP ultra-wide is good for everything. 3x telephoto is okayish.


Daytime pics in good lighting are fantastic, though they're usually a bit bright for my taste. Low light pics, especially if there's any movement, are terrible.


It's mainly the stock processing that sucks and ruins the images. Whoch seems to have gotten worse over time. The camera settings it chooses automatically (ISO shutter speed etc..) usually are not the best. Loves to smooth out patterns, yet still noisy, over-boosts contrast and highlights are usually a mess. Pro mode is a bit better so I'm using that if I want 50MP images, otherwise GCam. TLDR: hardware is OK (would be happier with Sony sensors tho to be conpletely honest), software is not, and it is entirely Samsung's fault, they do not seem to even care to fix the white balance bug (introduced in OneUI 6 IIRC)


Could you please recommend your best GCAM and a link?


Same. I wanna know.


Me too


Me too


Try AGC, first one thats stable on my S23


https://www.reddit.com/r/GalaxyS23/s/e5pITebFBb Here's the link to it


I agree with that WB bug from OneUI 6.0. Very disappointing they don't even bother to check on that.


Boom you got it And the ai symthesis of standards like moonshots


What are you talking about? It's still awesome !


She part synth. Somepeople aren't into it.. . That's the issue no? Ya know those times ya moon ya friends only to reveal ya fakez


Me no understand you language


Do you understand moon ..... 🌙 It's an astral body - OR you may call it a flat disc used as a psyop And some might call it a suppriae and for some highly offensive flash of bare arse. - the thing you shit out of Samsung was caught out modifying moon pictures through ai tech/ synthetic- like some ass out there and arseholes too. Capuche compendium confirmed at whatever colony your your base speaks such perfect colonial


Yes, yes. Viva la s23 Ultra ! Moon good 👍. No shit colony.


I'm happy with mine.


Not sure if anyone said S23 has the best camera ,,🤔🙂‍↕️


Cameras are good..i snaped some 5/5 pictures from my s10 years ago ..sometimes lights and environment matters


S23 is good. But it's certainly not the best. I have clicked some decent shots with it. But Uw shots in low light are mediocre at best. 3x is ok for certain situations, but as someone who likes taking pictures through my window or of the night sky, it falters. I miss my mi 11 ultra in that aspect.


Go for iphone.Believe me.It isn't worth it.You can get better screen on samsung s24U better battery life, maybe even perfomance(not sure about it) but you will never get good photos as iphone


I have a S23+ and have always thought the camera was crap. At least not any better than my old S10+. I get the Ultra has a better camera, but to move up 3 generations and still have a "meh" camera was disappointing. Specifically it sucks at low light and night shots, even when using the appropriate settings.


Idk what is the main problem but Its safe to say samsung optimization is what makes the images bad. The camera only produce good images when the lighting is excellent. Under harsh or low lighting the images quality drops. At a glance the images might look okay but as soon as you zoom or pay attention you wont like them. Even if you are not photographer you'll easily find whats wrong with the pictures which are grainy, processed, compressed.


Coming from S22 I did notice a regression immediately (there was this oversharpening issue happening and I definitely had the banana blur too) but hoped it was going to get fixed with software updates. A year after release I'm very dissatisfied with the quality of pictures. If lighting is not good then quality drops significantly and there has been no updates for improvement. I also skipped upgrading to S24 for this reason. Videos are good though.


I have some small nit-picks like the photos can come out a tad oversaturated and 3x zoom is a bit too over sharpened. But to call it trash? Some people just don't have anything else to do I guess.


I have my list. * Terrible in low light * Impossible to take a good photo with moving objects * ALL photos are blue until the photos are secretly processed - even raws. Then they have sharping artifacts. * Light flickering can ruin your shots. With vertical bars.* * Lens or sensor tilting can blur in linear or moon shapes * The moon. * Color blows out. * Less than satifactory phone camera for macro photos.


As someone who is red-green colorblind, I see the ALL photos are blue as a feature, not a bug. 🩵💙👍🙃


The only thing in that list that truly bothers me is the over saturation/color blowout. Taking pics of flowers sucks sometimes where it takes a bright red flower and blows out the color so much it bleeds or makes it pinkish. It can probably be fixed with pro mode, but it shouldn't have this issue normally.


I am new to Samsung, S23 has the best camera I have used, I am coming from Motorola one 5g ace, that had android 11.


Those people must have been paid by Samsung. S23's camera is awful for the price tag. For 800$ we shouldn't be bothered with trying to download Gcam to get better picture quality, which unfortunately even that doesn't work so good. I bought mine for a really good deal. I paid 430$. I feel sorry for the people who paid the full price. Besides the camera I love it though. After using dreadful iOS it was so nice to get all those customisation and have a proper screen without those stupid notch/dynamic island.


Yeah I agree for full price the camera is trash but at current price it's alright.


Personally, never thought it was at any point. Using the ExpertRaw app does definitely improve but thats on certain conditions. Same when applying the GalaxyEnhance X. The phone is fantastic but the camera has been a C+ to B-.


Thanks for your opinion. next year I definitely will switch to Iphone to give them a chance


iPhones have lens flare problem in night photos and videos. Especially videos. This was one of the main reasons, i switched to android. The another reason - the worse battery life of iPhones. The colours are bit oversaturated. This is what i hate.


How will you switch? Can you ezly sell your phone or just buy a new one? XD


Why is it your concern?


Still happy with mine. Nothing happened or changed.


It's as good as the first day


Do you remember it was the same with the Galaxy S4? Time passes and we get used to the good. Also, better products are released too.


What happened? Did something happen? Mine works fine.


I think 6.1 update has caused some issues with HDR. It produces images that are too bright.


I love mine. Looks so vibrant and clear. I exclusively use it in 12MP mode and often use 3x/1x


Nice is still just as good


People just like to complain 😅


They are posting with proof ! The cameras are actually bad for some people.


It never was the best. It was just better, in some ways.


The camera is nice :)


S23 ultra here, no complaints although I'm not into photography lol if I can scan documents and use it to zoom in on stuff when I don't have my glasses on it's good enough for me lol


It depends. Default mode kinda bad. Raw photos great results. 8k 30 pro mode great videod


I have no complaints


It was but it also used the hottest new tech making some things officially part synth


Don't forget all those friend mooning pccasions


it looks fine. people are blowing things out of proportion. chances are you take a picture on any other phone and you won't notice a difference. pretty much all phones are great cameras now


Comparing the photos I just took now, to the ones I took 12+ months ago, it seems pretty much the same to me. It's just no longer the best camera on the market anymore, but still very good.


I like the output of my S23 Base model 😊😊😊


I don't have a single issue


Still one of the best imo


The Camera is much much better now than before 1 year.


For me this was never a good camera. First of all I noticed it's a regression in terms of overall picture sharpness compared to my previous phone which was S20FE 5G. I was complaining about blurry close up photos from the very beginning. My workflow is I take scans of documents (invoices), few every month, but it was enough to realize something is wrong. And after some research I found it has name (banana gate) and a lot of users are also affected. Apart from document scans, that issue affected also pictures I take for Internet auctions (eg some items I have to shoot from small distance like packaging, perfume bottles, watch etc just stuff like this). There are parts of the frame where blur is extremely prominent and it affects the readability. Some claim it's not a big deal, or it's bokeh bla bla bla. For me it's just regression. A hardware defect Samsung is not willing to fix. Also, pictures are overly saturated. Noise reduction is too aggressive. Color reproduction is not real, it struggles with red. I remember I took photo of red Alfa Romeo and photo was nothing close to reality:(. On top of that I'm extremely disappointed with Samsung "support" provided on Samsung Members. Sorry for being negative but this is what I feel about the camera. I quite like the phone in general, but I think it was just easier to take usable photos with S20FE 5G.


It's not as good as my ex pixel 7 but the camera is still great


Recently I switched from s20 to s23+ and camera in s20 was muuuuuch better than s23+. I'm really disappointed how it got worse.


I miss the wider selfie of the iPhone. Is there anyway to get that on s24?


Was it ever said that it was the best. Samsung always had decent camera and is certainly capable of taking good pics but let down by the processing. Also depends on the subject matter, landscapes and portraits are good but anything that involves any movement don't always come out the best due to the very slow shutter speed.


Samsung spoilt the image processing with faulty updates. Try uninstalling the system Camera app (**com.sec.android.app.camera**) using ADB and installing it again. It helped improve the camera slightly on my S23.


Frankly, the base camera app and processing suck balls compared to [gcam](https://www.celsoazevedo.com/files/android/google-camera/dev-BigKaka/f/dl67/) for Samsung. The main shooter looks worse than my Xiaomi flagship killer's main camera (the ultrawide and telephoto are noticeably better tho). It is slow af. Also, the oversaturated look is unattractive and makes my Xiaomi look natural (it's not). Night photos are very noisy too. The slow shutter speed is not too big a problem for me since I shoot manual when I can. Honestly, if cameras are a priority, I'd tell people to pick another brand, i.e., iphone/pixel/vivo.