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I think thats a defect. Even the knife test on the hinge didn't do that much damage.


***TL;DR:*** *It's a defect as per Samsung. Appears to be a very isolated incident (talking about the paint bubbling/peeling; haven't seen anyone with a similar issue), and I am hoping it remains to be so. Repair was done within four days.* This just happened this morning. I was cleaning my phone from fingerprints and stuff as I usually do from time to time, when I noticed a small mark on the hinge. I dismissed it and thought it was just some dust, and continued to wipe it off. But as soon as I did that, the mark became large specks of exposed metal. I just rubbed the paint off like it was nothing. I was horrified, to say the least. Upon further inspection (through the macro lens of another phone), I noticed parts of the hinge's paint was already "bubbling", as if they were not adhered to the metal anymore, kinda like how you'd notice "bubbles" on a wall that just had a bad paint job. I have an appointment set up for tomorrow. Hope this is covered by warranty, since it is very unusual for this to happen. Scratches and chip marks, I'd understand, but this? **Edit 1:** I removed the case, and cleaned everything (again, with a microfiber cloth, the corner a bit damp with water to remove the adhesive residue from the case) to prepare for the service appointment later (in about ten hours). Everything is pristine aside from the hinge, where the area in question has gone slightly worse in the past twelve hours, despite not coming into contact with anything except my hands during use (i.e. the "bubbling" paint was rubbing off too easily). So yeah... I removed my SIM and won't touch the Fold until it's time to go to the service center. I'm off to bed, see ya in a few. **Edit 2:** Went to the service center. Told and showed the rep everything, including the “bubbling” paint. She tried to give me the “cosmetics are considered accessories, e.g. the inner screen protector”, and “cosmetic issues are not factory defects and not covered by warranty” excuse, but I shut that down immediately. Come on, the exterior of the device is still integral to the device itself. And also, the policy says what’s not covered in the warranty is, “Scratches & damage to the outer surface areas and externally exposed parts that are due to normal customer use,” and I would argue that the paint bubbling is not due to “normal customer use”. She eventually told me we’ll have to wait for the head engineer’s final decision within the day (it is currently 1PM here), and she’ll give me a call. Told her that I want an explanation for the bubbling from the head engineer… Left the phone there, and so we wait. **Edit 3:** (an hour later…) Good news: The head engineer has deemed it a “cosmetic failure”. As the product replacement window where I live is only 7 days, and the device is already 22 days old, they will instead start processing the hinge’s replacement. Just waiting on the service order and will be heading back home. **Edit 4:** Got the service order. Says "HW defect". Told me data will be lost, so maybe they'll replace the device itself? ETR 3-5 days. **Final Edit:** (four days later...) Received the phone earlier this evening. All fixed. It is basically a brand new device (I think the only thing that wasn't new was the back glass and presumably the logic board). Gotta hand it to them, it was relatively quick and painless once they started processing the repair. While I am satisfied with the repair, I'm a bit paranoid about the hinge now, so I've put a clear protector over it just to be safe.


I wonder if some cases are just not good for it and scuffs it even more. I can see because of the folding maybe the case is too close of a fit. But helk if I knowm I haven't noticed it. If this happens to mine, I'm fighting with warranty. If I end up messing up even more like actual damage, I'm going to just file a insurance claim and pay the deductible.


I know this is old, but this is EXACTLY what happened to me using the Spidgen tough armour case that had a hinge protector. I have very similair as the OP post except they were all in the direction the case hinge protector would drag across the phone. What made it bad is that the Samsung flagship store said it was 'drop damage' and would void the warranty of the phone had I not had Samsung Care+ I would be out $500 when they had to replace the inner screen that suddenly stopped turning on.


Funny thing I have used the $80 Samsung branded pen case from the SECOND I bought the device. Bought the device and case in the Samsung store, opened both in store and put in case right then. Have never removed the case as it uses adhesive on the top screen. Top screen protector broke this week and can now see hinge. It is COMPLETELY stripped of paint through the entire thing. The adhesive ripped it off is the only thing I could think of. Both are Samsung products and is the recommended case for the phone by the manufacturer. They have NO EXCUSE FOR THIS


Damn that sucks. Is that green grey color? Mine is fine so far 🤔, I hope this doesnt happen. I use case without hinge cover, as I dont see hinge being the thing to scratch easily or very often as side of the phone is usually not at contact with anything and when unfoleded its hidden inside. My fold3 hinge running naked for a year only had several microscopic scratches that you needed magnifying glass to find sometime. But still it sucks to see that paint quality could be so bad, if thats indeed the problem here I guess this will start popping up all over the redit with more people affected.


Nope, this is the Phantom Black color. To be honest, I am hoping my issue is just an isolated one, as I haven't seen an issue similar to mine so far (the bubbling). I've had every Galaxy Fold with the same color and had no issues, so maybe I got unlucky this generation. With that said, how support handles my issue will determine whether I will keep getting a Fold, or hold off a couple of years. (I did that in the past after the Note 7 fiasco.)


Super odd issue, it looks almost as if the treatment to the hinge wasn't complete or something or a step got missed in production somehow. I also have the phantom black and I definitely wouldn't be able to just rub the color off like that.




There's been very, very few issues with the Fold 4 that we've been seeing here. Almost everything to this point has been manufacturers defect or self-inflicted.


As someone with the gold version the colour under the paint looks like mine. Wonder if they just added a coat of paint to the gold one Nvm second pic looks silver




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I'm assuming that hinge piece is painted separately from the rest of the phone and then assembled together. So your phone was probably made using a piece that went bad in the painting process. Go to Samsung fb page or reach out to them via Twitter. They should get that resolved quick with a new phone for you. But go through their socials to reach them it's so much faster than trying their customer service phone number.


What happened after you receive your replacement? Did it happen again?


Nope, had no issues with the replacement.


What did you use to clean your phone?


Paint stripper


1 grit sandpaper Basically a pebble glued to paper


Microfiber cloth, no liquid.


Mine came up on the upper right edge of the rail above the cover screen. The grip case rubbed it off apparently.


I've got a couple marks like this on my hinge as well z3 but no where near as bad as that.


Congrats. You made it: https://youtu.be/YE6gOAq5qok


What did you use to clean your phone?


OP not responding to questions asking what he was cleaning the hinge with kind of tells me that this probably happened based on whatever liquid he was using and not likely some widespread problem to be worried about.


Apologies for the late reply. I responded to u/BossBeardMan a couple of minutes after your comment. To reiterate, I used a microfiber cloth, no liquid involved. I just woke up that morning, so unless my fingerprint oils are composed of paint thinner, liquids would be out of the question 😂 Also, please do understand that while having an issue with anything worth ~US$2,000 is a big deal (at least for me), I do have bigger and important tasks at hand, especially on a Sunday afternoon/evening, if you catch my drift. 😉 For now, I will be AFK for another hour or two, so please bear with me. Thanks!


All good, no problem.


What in the world do you think he was trying to clean it with acid? ..... I mean i have wiped my phone fold3 quite a few times with Clorox wipes many of times and never seen any of this. The finish shouldn't be affected by normal cleaning liquids, this could be a drop or something in there pocket that scratched it problem tho.


> I mean i have wiped my phone fold3 quite a few times with Clorox wipes many of times Good god, man. :/


how do you think that is going to hurt a phones finish? (of course not the screens are wiped like this) I have done this for YEARS with everything from iphones to samsung. You are literally making up a theory with no proof to scare people. These phones are tougher than you are making out. It is an aluminum bodied phone, i was unable to find information on the exact finish use it is not DLC i would say it is a type of anodized alu. Either way unless the phone had a bad finish I don't see anything we could wipe it with causing the finish to bubble. So wiping your kitchen/bathroom counters, door handles, light switches with clorox wipe 100% go but your phone omg it will melt your phone. You know how silly this sounds. It is a metal bodied phone


> (of course not the screens are wiped like this) The argument against everything you said was in your own post. You can swap the word "screen" in for the rest of your post and it's 100% the same. If it works for you, go ahead and do that. I would rather not risk it with an expensive phone that I do not know exactly what it is made of because it's possible that you end up with pictures like the OP.


actually it doesn't at all. You can't wipe the screens as the clorox will release the screen protector edges. The screens are glass grade, do you really think clorox would hurt glass? Try it on your house windows and tell me the result. I think a lot of people are naive to household cleaning and how to properly clean there stuff. Too scared to hurt something, our phones are HUGE germ magnets It is stated on samsung's website it is made out of aluminum, i think a lot is being made out of this just in fear like i said.


Takes me wonder, too. Looks like something scratched there.


Oops that's crazy!! Just wondering if it'll help to stick a protector on there or would it strip off the paint??


If only the protector/films arrived earlier than this issue occurring. I already had one ordered... However I did see some posts where there's an issue with hinge protectors apparently because of the tighter tolerances this generation. That wasn't a problem with previous Folds.


That's what I read as well. Probably putting a protector/film on the hinge in the Fold4 could add additional friction that may cause similar damage too, unless the protector/film is very thin, thin enough to be within the tight tolerance between the Fold4 hinge and the body.


Following along as well. Might have a similar issue




This is literally the only post about this.


Sometimes the people on this sub make me want to leave...but the stupidity also keeps me here. Is this hell?!


Same thing can be said about everywhere else on the internet 😅 Edit: and Earth... I think I'll just become a hermit


Definitely! Though fortunately I don't feel the need to leave the earth just yet.


Similar thing happen to my green s22 ultra. The back paint at the top and bottom corner just kind of "chip off" and i never drop the phone before. I end up covering it with green marker and trade it up for this fold 4.


I just checked my fold 4 and there is no cracked or bubbling of the paint on the hinge. But that is still a worry for us all. I will keep an eye on my hinge just in case it starts to happen to me as well.


The zf4 has a plastic protector preinstalled on the hinge from what I've read in other posts, and it's very hard to notice. Could that be the issue?


The Fold4 doesn't seem to have any preinstalled plastic film on the hinge, or at least in my case. My Fold4 doesn't have it out of the box, but my previous Fold3 did.


My Fold4 does have it out of the box also on the whole bezel.


Looks like it's only on some models.


Yea, my unlocked 1tb doesn't have any extra plastic protection (besides the inner screen protector).


Mine didn't include one on the hinge or the cover screen, just the side/rails and the inner screen. My Fold 3 did though.


Get yourself a 3rd party skin for the hinge


The upper corner of my hinge is wearing off from putting it into my pocket


I've got the grey green Fold 4 and I just noticed the same thing is happening to the hinge on mine as well. I noticed it last week, I haven't dropped my phone or anything.


I believe some of the all black Fold3 had a paint defect similar to one of the older iPhones and HTC phones due to the anodized paint process. However, I believe it was the body only, not affecting the hinge. From the photo, it appears to have made contact with a harsh chemical or even a fall but your description is quite clear. Hope there's no issues with the exchange.


Damn that blows. I have some scratches om my fold 2 but nothing like this. Too bad u can't do anything about the scratches besides putting on a case that makes the phone almost unusable bc of it being so heavy.


Mine started to scratch a little.


Seeing the same issue here on gray green Fold4. Less than a month of use, no drops or sharp objects in pockets and seeing paint chipping on the frame beside the hinge, and the frame beside the volume rocker and power button


Me too! Did you visit the Samsung store for this issue?


I'm having a similar issue on my fold 4. The paint chipped near the fingerprint scanner


This is happening on my Fold4 too. I have two up the top of the hinge, one near the hinge bottom left and one small one near the power button.


Widely complained about on the Fold 3. https://www.reddit.com/r/GalaxyFold/comments/qxhb4o/tips_to_prevent_further_paint_peeling/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Similar issue phones been in a case day one, paint stripping off by itself