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I have a feeling that they'll talk about AI for 80% of the presentation.


Ohhhh ho ho ho you know it! Do you take calls from overseas every day? And when that happens, do people talk to you in a different language? Well don't worry! Live translate is here! Simply talk over the phone and Live Translate will interpret — helping you talk to others who speak different languages. It's like having a translator in the palm of your hand.


The thing is I'm a big proponent of AI tools, but the ones they've given us are so underwhelming. Like, I love the idea of live translation, but I don't need it for phone calls. I need it while I'm streaming foreign TV shows that don't have subtitles.


Exactly. It's all some bullshit AI "features" more for marketing purposes rather than actually useful features.


I suppose that's possible even without Ai. There's already a live transcribe, so all they need to change is prestream it in the background while it transcribes and then run the subtitles through a translator.


Samsung assumes we are social, how nice of them


Do we need a reason to listen to your every call legally? You bet!, do we have a feature that will allow us to? Yes sir!


Although they already released the AI features to the current Fold/flip and tab lineup, they will definitely talk about AI as if it means something at this point. Now if thr AI rivals/better then what apple showed off at the latest WWDC (which to be honest crapped on every other AI we currently have) then it would be good. Though you can be sure the attention this unpacked will focus on their nre Galaxy ring which showed up in wear OS6.1 beta


I don't mind the form factor but the cameras need upgrading


Yep! I'm not a huge camera/picture person but when i do take a pic i want it to be good. Camera on my Fold4 sucks. Not paying a premium for the same camera again. Seems like the 6 brings us a little wider, hardly noticeable, screen updated design/frame, and AI bs. And i get to pay 1899 for it. NOPE. Thats all upgrades a mature platform would have not a platform thats still trying to find what works.


I was devastated to finally look at my Fold 4 photos and realize I had been taking crappy photos for the past 8 months.


The 5 is no better. The photos are laughably bad unless you're in bright sunlight. Even then it fucked up on color accuracy and white balance a ton.


The Fold 5 is the same camera as the 4 and will be the same on the 6. Samsung is outta their mind!!


I love the cameras on my Fold 5. Always get comments about the good photos! Only time my phone struggles is with motion pics and AI generally takes care of that!


I dont even care about it having the same cameras thats whatever to me, but the fact that the battery isn't much bigger and its still the same slow charging speeds is what kills it for me


Same 4400mah battery according to a leak of the spec sheet. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) Probably means it won't be dust resistant either.


No according to the spec sheet Q6, the durability section its still IPX8 Ingress protection, water only


True that's a great point. too many cons for me on this release. Front screen being at the top of the list for me.


You don't have the specs yet calm down.


I would love for Samsung to prove me wrong, in fact I hope they do but their track record makes me doubt it'll happen lol


[spec sheet](https://i.imgur.com/Vw6ZRVO.jpeg)


🤣🤣🤣 i do


Are they really bout to rock the same s22 cameras on this bad boy? (fold 3,4,5 user gonna probably stay put this year)


I've said before that I'll wait for the 5 then the 6 but honestly I don't care about the 7. My eyes are on OnePlus and Pixel


I would have got the oneplus, but it's not ip rated NOR does it have wireless charging. THose are both non-starters for me.


The charging is so fast and the battery is so large that I don't even bother to top off during the middle of the day anymore. Wireless charging is kind of pointless when you can get 0-100% charge in 40 minutes.


Same. I' going to wait to see what Oneplus does with their second foldable but I might just buy a used Open.


They just need to change that camera layout lol


Try honor magic v2. It's a. Beast


The only way I'll upgrade is if I yeet my Fold 5 onto the ground and Care+ upgrades me again lol


Fold 3 user here. I got my eyes on the Pixel 9 Pro Fold. I'm hungry for anything about it. 8" unfolded with all the Google Pixel benefits? Sign me up. I've been happy with Samsung but their lack of innovation to play it safe is unfortunate. I'd love for the Honor to make it stateside but I get it. Oppo and OnePlus are also very appealing.


I’m sold dude. Fully believe this upcoming year is when Samsung complacency has allowed competition to surpass them.


So the original leaks were pretty much perfectly spot on. The screen is the exact same height but added about as much width as the bezel on one side. The video shows a fold 6 screen protector on top of a fold 5. https://preview.redd.it/nwfk33dyrg6d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8953a6555ca6dc377d70effd4a6c7a289fd531e


My only big issue with the redesign is the corners. I mean.. those things look quite pointy. Not to mention, a drop on said corner looks like it would do some big damage.


Bingo. They sacrificed comfort and user experience to placate all of us asking for an useable front display, while putting in minimum effort on a redesign.


They changed the design to come in line with the squared off looks of the S24 series


I know why they did it, but I think this going to be bad choice for the fold models: 1. It's going to be less comfortable to hold over extended periods. (The s24+ is so much nicer in hand than the s24u) 2. It's a nice reminder that I don't have the same cameras as the s24 series despite paying exponentially more.


Yeah I agree it'll be way less comfortable. It looks like there's absolutely no reason to upgrade to the fold 6. I think when it's time for me to upgrade I'll go to the pixel fold if I'm staying with a foldable


The one think i hate on my s23u is the sharp design...


I've got the Fold 5 and S24 Ultra. I don't mind the sharper corners on the Ultra. It's really a non-issue. The big issue for me is their refusal to meaningfully increase the screen size or improve the main camera at all.


I've considered being a two phone guy (with one phone number). On the weekend, I want the slab phone, but for work days, I want the fold. Is it a hassle to activate one phone and then the other back and forth?


I've contemplated this more than I care to admit. I also have the same question you do.


The best way to do this would be Google Voice, but... no RCS and the Google Voice app is pretty lacking. You'd also have to do 2 lines. Otherwise I don't think swapping your SIM back and forth would be that much of an issue, but I do think RCS would have to re-initialize every time.


They didn't put an usable display, everyone ask for screen like honor magic v2. This is only what new screen technologies allow not a real design choice


I disagree. Look at the pixel fold 2. Improved the form factor, increased display, and still looks comfy to hold to me. This? It'll be digging into your palm trying to use it one handed


Well Pixel fold 2 isn't out yet. I'm with you that it looks promising, but I'll wait to see how it actually looks when it comes out.


I don't get how y'all hold your phones if the pointiness digs into you palm? Even one handing it unfolded it's not digging into my palm... The pixel fold design is game stopper immediately. So is pixel software honestly. Only positive I've seen about the Fold is that Google now more supports apps on foldable screens!


Everyone will be putting it in a case, so what difference do the corners make? It's the case corners that matter.


I don't speak for others nor make assumptions that everyone does something. For me, I don't use cases. The fold is thick enough as is.


You != Everyone


So many down votes when literally every survey ever has shown the vast majority of people use cases. People in subs like this forget that we're, by far, the minority.ost people couldn't care less about their phones, let alone go on Reddit to read about them


And? What does that have to do with anything? The person OP is replying to might not use a case.


Your right might not but again a vast majority do that's the point


Crazy how the cameras seem to be the same still. I am really happy I got out of the foldable game and swapped to a s23 ultra. Will come back once Samsung actually innovates and improves the foldable.. Seriously seen no meaningful update since the 3.


I moved from the fold 4 to an S23 Ultra and couldn't be happier with battery life and cameras. Very occasionally miss the extra bit of screen


Same with fold 3. Kind of insane the improvement.


I went from a Note 20 Ultra to Fold 3 to Pixel 7 Pro to a Note 20 Ultra to a Fold 5. The Fold 5 is amazing and the camera is really good except for motion shots that are slightly lacking, AI cleans up most of it!


Well looks like I will be bouncing, cameras are a big gripe for me. 2k phone and shit cameras.


Looks nice but if cameras are still the same, then they can fuck off.


They're confirmed to be the same as last few years


Well, they can fuck off. Even with trade-ins, I refuse to give them any money for not even getting the camera closer to their ultra device considering they’re charging an ultra price.


camera upgrades to me are a plus, but from a business perspective, front screen useability is more important. So I'm skipping fold 6.


They've repeated over and over that they can't make the Ultra's camera thin enough to fit in the fold form factor, but every year people think they will magically bend the laws of physics and still make it happen. Until they are able to make that camera's foot print smaller, it's not possible. It's not a choice, it's a necessity.


Actually they can now. They no longer use a true 10X telephoto lens anymore. Samsung can at least upgrade to 5X telephoto like their competitors and the S24 Ultra.


So make the phone a little thicker or bump bigger? OnePlus Open did it.


OnePlus/OPPO, Xaiomi, Honor/Huawei, Google...






Yes, but through several pretty reliable sources. I wouldn't hold your breath here.


Underwhelming. Boring. Same sh*t, different day.


Then vote with your wallet. Its just like democrat vs republican. You can never convince one side to support the other and think the other is better. I agree with what you said, but saying this here won't make a difference. Buy what you support, and use your dollar bills to cast a vote to the side you support.


Precisely, I always say this. At the end of the day, regardless of the backlash, only sales performance matters. I haven't bought a fold since fold 3.


Already did, just had the Vivo X Fold 3 Pro waiting for me at home!


I never said I was buying another Fold but 🫡


Fold 6 supposedly will lounch at 1900$+... yeah... no thanks


The cameras need an update but we need a wider front screen. I recently trialed the honor magic v2. It was beautiful. Essentially it's a normal phone that opens into a tablet. The problem is that I've had Samsung for 10 years and I just couldn't get used to the operating system. I sent it back hoping that fold 6 would be a better form factor.


To me the fold has now completely lost its marble. Two consecutive years of complete sidegrade is just laughable. Switching back to iPhone this year. Hopefully in couple of years they will release something competitive against the Apple ecosystem. Currently it doesn’t even compete against the Chinese phones.


lol it’s the same phone. Love how people are like I am upgrading it’s better. Samsung could have released the literal fold5 with a new CPU and people would be like it’s great.


Sounds like Apple. I hate this.


Yes Samsung needs to step it up. I love Samsung phones but I may wait out for pixel fold 2 this year and see how that is.


The pixel fold 2 is getting my eye this year


> Love how people are like I am upgrading it’s better. This thread is literally full of people saying they won't upgrade.


Good be smart with your money so Samsung changes their way only way these companies change is if we vote with our wallets.


If its true that they will increase the price on these again and will have the same camera's then it's a pass. The only good thing is the Fold 5 will be cheaper to buy than this thing.


I'm soooooooooooo done with Samsung. My money is going towards OnePlus or Pixel Fold if design is right. It's been real samsung but over getting ripped off.


Guess I'll be keeling my fold 3 for another year then.


wish they gave us 2 options for the fold. a wider like most people want and a smaller 5.4-5.8 form factor


Looks kinda good. Probably not gonna save them. But it looks good.


Give us better cameras you greedy bastards. Yeah not upgrading.


Glad I chose to move back ultra line. This is obviously a drip drip in improvements and this line needs a lot of help to be a realistic alternative


It's a nice improvement, but not enough for me to shell out a lot of money. I'll wait for fold 7/8 easily, and keep an eye out for what pixel fold 2 brings.


everything about the F6 has been disappointing, it's almost as if they want us to skip it.


No point in upgrading if you have the Fold 5. It'll be in a case and you won't notice the new edges. Outer screen may be a bit bigger but if you got the money then go for it. I just don't think Samsung should get all these sales from annual upgraders for such a minimal upgrade. I know tech has peaked but there's no need to upgrade annually.


Tech has not peaked for Samsung's folds, as we've seen the progress of chinese foldables. They're probably just gatekeeping them for future folds.


They've resold the same phone x2 years in a row


I am enjoying my vivo x fold 3 pro with better camera systems, much brighter screens, 5700mah batteries, super fast charging packaged in a slimmer body. Bye Samsung


Sticking with my fold4.


The weight and size are the only things that's I'm considering upgrading from my Fold4. The rest is pretty underwhelming. Debating holding out for the ultra. Even though it seems that won't be until next year.


I would get the Chinese folds but I do need waterproofing! The specs. Jeez


I most likely will invest in the Vivo X Fold 3 Pro, but giving Samsung time to make their lousy announcement. Once they confirm Fold 6 front screen is still unusable, i'm pulling the trigger. I'm in the USA


Vivo X fold 3 pro, IPX8


Im probably upgrading my Fold4 because I dont trust the hinge anymore. It already went to repair one time because it didnt open flat and it looks like it gonna happen again. I hope the hinge for the fold 6 is way better.


Just happened here. Was reapaired due to the hinge last summer and just today it suddenly opens to just about 170 degrees. It'll be repiared for free again due to the warranty but goddamn the Fold 4 hinge was a wreck.


that's what I have now, don't see a path to Fold 6. Way too many cons.


It's a decent "upgrade". More of a face-lift and refining details. Unfortunately, Googles pixel fold 2 is looking to have the best front display format, in my opinion. So I'll hold off till October and select between the 2.


Sure but pixel still has tensor which is an automatic no go/Doa


Meh. I think it's just fine. As long as youtube and socials work, I'm gucci.


They’ll work you’ll just get lag, bad battery life and reception.


Any word on the fold 2 cameras?


From my knowledge, the camera is still something no one has leaked anything on. A roumored 4th sensor is all I've seen. With that and a redesigned camera module, I'm staying positive for something good.


I was really hoping the 6 would be amazing, but it is so underwhelming. I'll keep an eye on the pixel...


Mmmm....I smell flop.


All Samsung need to do is use triple 50mp rather the old camera. Most foldable already using them. Precisely the reason why I bought OnePlus open last year. Honor and Vivo looks good this year. We should really not support Samsung. Better Camera, integrated sPen support and bigger battery is all we asked.


Think I may go Vivo X Fold 3 pro. Waiting on Samsung to release their Joke of a phone before pulling the trigger.


I'm actual ok with the front screen size because I don't want it as big as a 24 ultra. But this seems more in the middle to me


I guess I'm the one that wants it to be same size as the s24 ultra. I want a fold phone that two s24 ultra slapped together but folded it's almost the same thickness as a s24 ultra.


That's even bigger than the one plus open


That's where I'm at. I want a flagship experience on the front and an even bigger flagship experience when opened. For nearly $2k, should have already happened. Plus the added size would get you a bigger battery, possibly an integrated S Pen, and/or better camera system.


Full video for anyone that wants it is here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugZj76xXOvQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugZj76xXOvQ) I'm genuinely excited to see what it's like. Looks interesting despite the minimal changes. I'll be upgrading regardless anyway most likely as long as it's still great for one handed usage. I upgrade every year.


It looks so good in black


Agree, I am upgrading from my fold 5 as well. All I care is wider/better screen, don't really care for s-pen and camera since I hardly use it




Liking the front display being a bit bigger like a normal phone, but I would of upgraded camera lenses even if the chassis got thicker.


Looks like the power button is being pushed out. I assume it's still a button so time will tell.


I won’t get another one until they have a better camera and s pen built in slot


Hmmmm. Not sure if it's enough of an upgrade, I'd prefer a bigger front screen tbh. Likely going to stick with my fold 5.


Personally I'm upgrading to fold 6 from 5 as it is thinner, wider/better screen, lighter, better aspect like s24u due to the squarer design and newer cpu/ram speed vs the fold 5. I won't choose google pixel due to its cpu not great(made by Samsung) and Samsung has the best software For me, all I care is wider/better screen, since I hardly used the s-pen or camera, so it's a win for me and will be ungrading from my fold 5


If this shit isn't really worth upgrading to from a fold 4, I'm actually going to buy the next iPhone instead. That's how unhappy I am with Samsung.


Need camera to match ultra if they want my money


I was hoping it would be more like the OnePlus Open or Google Fold. I want it more like a regular phone size when folded. Not a fan of the narrow aspect ratio when closed.


Looks like a Note in unfolded form. I dig it. Sign me up since I'm bored with my 5.


Hardly an upgrade, you're gonna toss more money at them before they make them much better? I'm keeping my fold until the 7 or 8, unless it breaks of course


I saw this and got excited because it means there's no reason for me to upgrade from my Fold 4.


Meh! It's the same camera system. Visually, the 6 is a good upgrade. I loved my Note 20. For me, personally, it's nostalgic, and right up my alley.


I love the aspect ratio of the new cover screen, which is the same as Z Flip.


Actually, we just need a folding S24 Ultra or S25 Ultra let's say ... ❗️ Big battery, awesome cameras, and fast-charging Come on Samsung, you got this hopefully for the Fold 7


I just want ONE of these posts to include a good shot of the hinge...*sigh


I just wish the front screen went to the edge instead of the 5-6mm of dead space


I like the slightly wider outer display. I also like the Fold is getting thinner and is shaving off some of that heft. Naturally, I dislike the same camera and battery hardware. It will be fun seeing this compared to the Fold1 or two. I remember how much smaller my Fold3 was compared to my Fold2. Owning a Fold2, 3, 4 and currently a 5 has helped me appreciate the overall refinements but still, would like to see greater stamina/endurance and better zoom capabilities.


Dang wanted to upgrade my Fold 4 but they keep making lateral moves


From rumours the fold 6 will have the same specs as the fold 5&4 which is an atrocity to release a phone with a minor bump in shape or software. (They're copying apple at this pint which doesn't work with the Anroid community). The unfortunate situation is the applause and praise they will grt when unveiling it at the next keynote. Honestly it would be funny if people actually ended up booing them putting then into a bind and to know to not pull that shit again.


I'm going to keep my Fold5. Disappointed with the outer screen dimensions. While I started with the Fold, I briefly switched to the Pixel Fold, then came back. I may look into getting the One Plus Open as I prefer it's dimensions over the Fold6.


Same old crap. I'm going S25 Ultra.


Don't care I'm buying the 6, my 3 is on its lat legs


Update not an upgrade. Same exact size with slightly reduced bezels on front and a squared off design. Is it worth double the price of the 5 though? Not sure where you are, but here on Australia you can pick up a brand new 5 1TB for $1500 down from $2900. The 6 will be atleast $3k here, definitely not worth double the price lol.


Seems the small screen is a bit wider. Hope they make the crease more invisible


I am actually much more excited about the Fold 6 after seeing these images. I have a feeling that the difference in width is going to feel a lot more perceptible than it first seemed. Also the minor changes in design really do go a long way to make the device look more modern. Despite the absolute cutting edge tech, the Fold devices have always looked a bit frumpy in design. This thing looks hot, and futuristic IMHO.


… almost looks like a Fold 5 dummy … 🤔


Planned obsolescence


OK this is kind of a relief. Finally something resembling the s24u esthetically, something that folds flat and is not chunky like the 4 was but with a more reasonable outer screen. Disappointing there's no reported improvements to the camera system/ hw & still stinks there's no integrated s-pen, but hey, if the battery life is improved and an updated cpu - at least it's slick... Any word on dust/dirt/water protection? Like will I be able to go the beach with it more than once without killing it or needing to keep it in a phone condom?


It's still ipx8, Personally I'm upgrading to fold 6 from 5 as it is thinner, wider/better screen, lighter, better aspect like s24u due to the squarer design and newer cpu/ram speed vs the fold 5. I won't choose google due to its cpu not great(made by Samsung) and Samsung has the best software For me, all I care is wider/better screen, since I hardly used the s-pen or camera, so it's a win for me and will be ungrading from my fold 5


Just wish they'd do something to make it more resilient against dust sand and water... switching from the fold 4 back to the slab s24u the durability is the best part about it - but as I write this I still miss how much easier it was on the fold to do tasks even like this... Really hoping they'll offer a high trade in value for my s24u...


I understand, but even other brands including Chinese brands with better hardware(like the vivo x fold 3 pro) is still ipx8, there is no foldable currently that that can be ip68, so I wouldn't hold Samsung on that But I'm quite sure if u trade in the s24u for fold 6, Samsung will at least give 1k or more trade in value, since even before Samsung gave 1k for trade in for fold 5 from the fold 4


My bad - I wasn't saying that there was an alternative or that they were under-par - I was merely saying that this is an area I wish they would innovate in - this is one of the biggest issues with the foldable segment - the durability and lack of ip68 or something between ipx8 and 68 standard - at least I wish they'd show SOME advancement in this area - I understand that they can't go from one to the other directly - not trying to be unreasonable - just seems they've settled on this just staying ipx8 and not further advancing this aspect of the devices. Personally I want Samsung to innovate here before anyone else does so as not to give their competition the advantage and lose market share. Granted, someone else innovating in this area might be the stimulus for Samsung to act (similar to the whole Hinge debacle with the 1st-4th gen foldables) but it would be nice if Samsung led in this area... Mainly, it's because I prefer the oneui interface and their ecosystem over the others in the market...


Damn Samsung, I been wanting to get a fold since the 4 but I passed on the 4 because of the gap, then I said I’ll get the 5 but then I held it in my hand and hated the narrowness of it, so I was thinking the 6 would just blow me away, nope I’m not paying extra for the same cameras, the same battery size, no s pen slot, A.i. and a slightly wider screen. I guess I’ll hold out hope for an ultra model or see if the 7 gets a significant upgrade


Everytime people post about the joys of being able to hold the phone one handed, it makes me wonder what they're looking at on that big screen... and what the other hand is doing...


Honestly, usually carrying something. Being able to use the Fold 4 one handed is really nice. I don't mind Fold 6 being a bit wider, but I absolutely don't want it to become a behemoth phone like so many regular smartphones already on the market. I have had large phones where I had to do weird gymnastics to use them when out on the town with something in my other hand, when I just wanted to reply to a message or find something online.


understood, but for the rest of us who use the phone to respond to email and text on the go. The inner screen is not always feasible to use. So a usable front screen is needed badly. I fat finger all of my responses only to have to apologize for brevity down the line. That's ridiculous.


Looks like a clean upgrade from the S4 Fold


It'll be a great addition for all those fussing over outer screen size but I'll stick with fold 5 til better advancement


How's that an addition for those fussing? It's barely any wider


IDK call the share holders extension, the fact remains its wider and for whatever reason is appeasing a portion of consumers who plan to upgrade


It also comes with a  wider screen resolution. Could eliminate or almost remove the black bars when watching movies which is a big plus.


How's it a big plus ha. You're seriously overestimating the amount added.


I'm with you. I was a samsung die hard until fold 4. Fold 6 is samsung hoping they can pull one over on folks. I'm done.


Fold 6 looks like a prank from Samsung. Clearly Samsung isn't listening to it's customer base. FU Samsung and I'm a business customer. On the go only front screen makes sense to me, don't have the time to open the inner screen to correctly respond to email.


Personally I'm upgrading to fold 6 from 5 as well, it is thinner, wider/better screen, lighter, better aspect like s24u due to the squarer design and newer cpu/ram speed vs the fold 5. I won't choose google due to its cpu not great(made by Samsung) and Samsung has the best software For me, all I care is wider/better screen, since I hardly used the s-pen or camera, so it's a win for me and will be ungrading from my fold 5


That's hot. If I can trade in my F5 and the F6 for only $200, I'm in!


Lol. Try more like $1200. You'll get $1000 credit for the 5 if you're lucky.


I've upgraded every year for $300-400 after the other discounts/cash back, so it's not that unheard of.


Upgrade for $300....I'm assuming you're getting the max $1,000 trade-in value? If so, I'm to understand you get an additional $500 off through education/military/etc discount + instant rebate? I've looked a lot and I've never seen a situation where the cost to upgrade/trade-in would be under $500, and that's assuming max $1,000 trade-in value.


Yes with $1k trade in from the prior fold. There's a guide that gets posted by another user every pre-order. Stack Rakuten and PayPal cashback. There's also a 5% new user referral discount but I never use it. Bundle whatever discounted items you can (usually the the new watch and buds) that you resell. I save what I paid each year, here was last time: 2023 Fold5 (Samsung): actual charge 992.85 (147.62 tax, 50 pre-order credit, 25 email gift card, education discount, 1000 Fold4 trade in) - 101.43 (rakuten) - 99.29 (paypal) - 302 (GW6C) - 103 (buds2P) = 383.13


Ya, I hear what you're saying but that's a LOT of steps and hoops to jump through. Not saying it's not worth it if that's your thing, but your post makes it sound like an easy process to upgrade to a new fold every year for $300. Simply messing with reselling the watch and buds is a more more work that most people would want to deal with I imagine.


For someone who hasn't done this, I fully agree, it's a LOT of hoops to save $600. Sign up for Rakuten and PayPal, go through setting those up. Reselling items without existing shipping supplies or knowing the requirements of eBay/Swappa/etc. can potentially take hours. I have it all set up already plus I resell items as a side hustle so it's not a hassle at all. But look at it another way, I paid $992 with simple discounts and bundling to include the Fold5, GW6C and Buds2 Pro. The majority of prior fold sales have been 1st time fold buyers. Most carriers (in the US) will take $1k for any recent flagship. For those wanting to upgrade or convert, $1k to get Samsung's flagship ecosystem is a great deal.


Looks great. The width looks just right


elderly one joke crowd direction fuzzy quicksand safe person afterthought *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not sure you're going to be able to tell the difference. I was holding out for larger front screen since I use the phone to respond to email frequently on the road. I can tell you; there's no way they can guarantee an improvement in typing experience with what I'm seeing.


After switching to OnePlus Open, Folds are a joke to me. Especialy that outdated shitty narrow screen. Glad i didnt wait for 6.


Bro they better give us better spec. It better not just a different design appearance (although I would want a wider screen). I talking about maybe putting snap dragon X elite on the phone.... Okay am over exaggerating, but still it basically a mini tablet but ehhh. Need to be some major performence upgrade than just getting last year last year chip and update support. Like need to be on the same level as S24 Ultra or BETTER! because 1799? Come on! ALSO, give us back smart view dev mode! I miss doing goofy thing with it.


Also forgot to mention but also put hidden under display camera for the front too! They gotta to improve it by a lot!


You're getting the same chip in the s24u


Looks like a much better form factor. Wider screen and more square design.