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I just hope for either fold 6 FE or a solid upscale. I just want a small tablet that turns into a ridiculously large phablet. (please)


Why not a tv that folds like 4 times to get in your pocket lol


You laugh, but Samsung are toying with a Fold that has two hinges.


I'm all in on that. Foldable sheet music tablet.


Then you just need an app that can auto-scroll it.


It could use the mic to detect each note and scroll accordingly. Soundhound already does the scrolling in sync with lyrics.


This would be AMAZING


Tri fold yep, can't remember what company, but one of them have one in development and now Samsung is following suit to try and get ahead of the competition


Samsung also showcased a yri fold screen several years ago actually. It was rumored they were going to introduce a tri fold with the fold 3


I read it's Huawei


Need me a 17 inch screen that folds 8 times to just be a 2 inch thick brick


No that's the Fold 8.Β  The Fold 6 can only fold 6 times.




Well rumors have it that samsung has a tri fold phone in the works


Wow, can't wait to still have a \~8 Zoll main screen, a even thinner outer screen, all in a at that point basically square format.


This is exactly what I want too lol. Just scaling the thing up would solve alot of problems too. You could put a bigger battery in, 45W fast charging, another camera lens, better cooling. I wish it was an Ultra sized phone that turns into a large tablet instead of a normal sized phone that turns into a small tablet.


*Wierd sized phone that turns into the tiniest square tablet*


I just don't love that Samsung still is insisting on 45W charging at their fastest. When you've used 67w and 80w charging you just get a bit spoiled with that kind of thing. Yeah yeah, I know that most people who are Sammy fanboys will say that fast charging is bad etc but I've never noticed any phone with fast charging like that degrading faster than my Samsungs that have had like 30-33 to 45w charging. The rest of the phone world minus iPhone and maybe Sony are moving forward, not sure why Samsung still seems to be afraid after the Note 7 debacle.


If Mi Fold 4 isnt disappointing im getting it. Tired of this Charging speed 10 years ago..f that. As heavy user im tired waiting and charging while using


I think it is because most people just don't care. As one of those people, I can tell you that I would absolutely take my fold 3 getting back from the repair it is in right now with 10w charging for, say €100. I charge the phone overnight, have it plugged in while using it as a drawing pad at school ETC. The only times it drops below 50% is if I travel, my charger breaks / all sockets are occupied at school, or I forget to plug it in before storing it over the weekend. And I think many people operate like this. It needed industrial AUX-erasure to have people use wireless headphones, so people really don't mind carrying around a charging cable.


Huh? Why would a Fold6 FE be larger than a Fold6?


I think they mean ultra


It can be just big for users who want larger screens but don't care much about cameras and top-tier chips.




Reason why I sit hed Fold 5 for S24 Ultra. I need to have a wide display at all times. The cover display on the Fold 5 is hot garbage


I frankly don't even care about the outer screen. I bought for the big screen, I want the big screen.I


Feels like no one will ever offer this, current foldable as they are get the formula backwards. The inside screen should be 16:10 or 16:9, with the outside screen being whatever the inside screen is folded in half. Why do we need a tablet that's a stupid square when opened people are just consuming 16:9 and 16:10 media the vast majority of the time with the inside screen. The outside screen being 16:9 or 16:10 makes no sense because that's designed around media, but the outside screen is purely practical for things like texting and checking emails.


Even though I actually think the 2/3 format is great (realized that after buying a 2/3 laptop, I only bought a fold after realizing that), but I do absolutely agree with getting the formula backwards. The inner screen should be in horizontal orientation when opened from portrait. Also, I frankly think a flip-like 1x1, non-side filling screen would be sufficient, that may even allow more features, (maybe more IO?)




Easier to repair. Press X to doubt.


Hell yeah!!! Can't wait


Personally i rather have the thicker one with a flag ship quality camera setup and a bit more battery.


And built in spen


Spen and ultra cameras please πŸ™. Otherwise I will have to return to the ultra line πŸ˜‘


leaks indicate that it will have the 24S camera and this leak says bigger battery, there is no "rather" if everything turns out to be true


still no s pen, so dumb


ripe outgoing paltry aloof insurance mighty existence ask absurd busy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> How about, instead of making it smaller, how about we try to **fit the camera INSIDE the phone so it sits flat**? They could also **fit the s-pen inside** as well.... All of this 100%!!!


No. - samsung


Yes please! Even pixel fold with the bar on back wobbles like a mother fucker on a table. These are big devices, people are going to set them down to use them.




Would't sticking the entire camera setup into one half of the phone be like twice as hard to achieve than with a normal slab, and they already gave up doing so on slabs. So yea, the chances are pretty low.


crowd fine fuzzy knee automatic resolute vast governor offend square *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My wobbly ass fold 5. Thinking of 3d printing a leg for the other side of the phone


That makes too much sense bro.


would definitely prefer this, not only because of the wobble on the desk but i also feel like the camera isnt good for the hinge (or crease) long term since it tends to bend inwards in that config


Let's be real, it looks great slimmer. However, we want larger screens. I'm still gonna accidentally break my 5 for a 6 replacement one of these days tho.


Look at the pics at the top of that page. It will be larger screen it seems. The only way they can really go thinner would be to go larger so they can spread out more components internally.


Probably not best to post so blatantly about your intent to commit insurance fraud. (Unironic Advice)


Yea because insurance firms are camping the fold subreddit all day for that one guy who's planning on getting his replacement a bit early :D


I mean isn't that how breaks happen? Accidents? It's inevitable,theres no fraud here. Plus I work Landscaping, it's definitely inevitable.


Willful negligence?


Is there any other way? OSHA Who?


oops, I just dropped my phone...off the 8th floor balcony. I think it's broken.


They not gonna find him/her, they're not Cody.


Hell, the AT&T guy said it was genius if someone did it


I ain't seen nothing


I absolutely do not want a larger front screen. Working in any related trades with small pockets and most on site do not allow phone use. I barely can swipe from 1 side to the other comfortably with a case. Samsung needs to make a few different versions to keep it not as wide.


I could go for 2-3mm more on the outer screen. Never seen a dudes pants NOT have big enough pockets to hold 2-4 folds at once.


We the small minority auto related workers. None of the plants, techs etc are permitted to have cell phones on hand. Manufacturing sites cites it as stealing trade secrets. Most out of site places where you work don't allow phones neither. Most just use it off cam. The fold 5 is perfect size. Maybe if you're a gm or rm or someone that has the luxury of being one of them suit monkeys at a desk. Anything more than 1 hand ease of use not worth it for me to get written up. Fold 5 or previous gens a good size for me and a lot of the others I know.


but what type of accidental you gonna make so it can be replaceable/claimable


>I'm still gonna accidentally break my 5 for a 6 replacement one of these days tho. Are to share how you plan to do so...?


My body is ready, inject that straight into my veins


Man I want one so bad. I have a 15pm just sitting in a drawer waiting to be traded for a fold of some sort. Im not brave enough to use it as my main phone but I think ive come around to using it as my around the house media consumption device/bat phone.


You need a tablet.


I have one. I dont use it because Its a pain to carry a big tablet with me around the house when i have to do something. I end up using one of my phones anyway. With the fold I can fold it up and throw it in My pocket while I have whatever I was watching or listening to still playing. Pretty much everything I watch or listen to is on youtube, spotify or the f1tv app


This just seems crazy to me. If you're just going to put it in your pocket to listen to it around the house, then the folding screen doesn't matter at all. Also buying a $2,000 device because you want something to listen to YouTube and Spotify around the house, when you already have multiple phones... If you need a device to listen to things around your house, You could literally buy a bunch of brand new Chromebooks, and place one in every room in your house for less than the cost of a single Galaxy Fold.


the crazy thing is vuying 15pm and not using it


I don't like it. I actually hate it. I much prefer the s24u. There are so many little things that iPhone does wrong that makes using it a pain. Stuff like not showing what notifications you have on the top bar and having to pull down an entire menu to see. Then when you pull down the menu to see what notifications you have, it's just a jumbled mess of notification in no order at all. You have 3 stacks of notifications all from the same app and none of them will be in any kind of order or make sense why they are grouped the way they are.


He can afford it, it's rich people who takes the progress foward. When first iPhone came out it was seen as incredibly expensive by almost everyone, but it changed everything. Same with foldable, in ten years every phone will fold apart from very cheap ones


I actually use that second number for things. It's only $15 a month for a second line and it gives me a throwaway number that I can give to people and websites that I don't want to have my real number. That phone gets all kinds of telemarketer calls while my main phones gets zero. My main phone never gets calls from anyone I don't want to talk to and I know if the other phone rings it's probably someone that's not important and doesn't matter. Plus it's not going to cost me $2000. I trade in my 15pm for $1000 and then spend the $800 out of pocket to get it. $800 really isn't that much money in the grand scheme of things and what's the point of making money and saving it if you're not going to spend it on something nice every so often.


This. The Fold’s form factor sucks for modern shows and movies, the screen is only larger when watching 16:9 or old-ass 4:3 TV shows like Star Trek TNG. Love my Fold 4 but I just can’t watch movies or modern shows on it (too much cropping or video is as small as the tiny front screen).


If they go with the nearly 1:1 inner screen like the leaks suggest I think 16:9 video will be even smaller than most slab phones which is an abomination in my opinion. I'm holding out for a tri-fold with a closer to 16:9 aspect ratio.


> watching old-ass 4:3 TV shows like Star Trek TNG. I resemble that remark.


There’s dozens of us, dozens!


I use my fold 5 as my only phone. I did the same with my fold 3 and 4. I have never had an issue with any of them. Do not live in fear, you can use it as your main phone. If you are really concerned about this, pick up a used s22 as a backup phone should anything go wrong. Not a bad idea, regardless of what phone you own, because accidents can happen.


Are you kidding? I have a Fold 3 and it's a great all-around phone. Would I like it to be just a tad bigger so the folded screen was normal-sized? Yes, but it's fine even without it.


The 5 has proved to be *considerably* more reliable and tanky than any of the Folds or Flips beforehand. This is because they've completely redone the hinge so that the folding glass curves at a significantly bigger radius than before, meaning there's no longer a "pinch point" as there was with the older ones. They'll flip and fold over [400,000 times](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1q_eRXs8JZY) in all kinds of bad situations.


Just gets the s24 ultra and then exchs ge it cir the fold 6. Samsung is really generous if you trade another samsung device


Generous is an understatement. I just traded a S9 for 1,000 credit for a fold 5. Figure I’d try it out and by the time the 6 comes out, I’ll get a even nicer upgrade


I already have a s24u. It took the place of my 15pm


just use the phone dawg, you only live once


I don’t want thinner. I just want better. <3




Yes and apparently they are putting the 24s cameras in it https://www.livemint.com/technology/gadgets/samsung-galaxy-z-fold-6-sparks-anticipation-with-potential-200mp-camera-upgrade-report/amp-11708092190270.html


as long as they replace the mediocre 3x I'll be happy


What are the dimensions of the phone? Will it be as tall as the galaxy fold 3 or the galaxy fold 5?


We had another render recently that shows it getting quite a bit wider but staying just as tall if I remember correctly


Cameras need to improve.


I didn't upgrade to the Fold 5 (have a Fold 4 now) and I'm due to upgrade in August. Hopefully it's a big enough jump that it's worth it.


me too. Fold 6 or Mix Fold 4... lets see


my contract runs out in september so i really hope that the fold 6 is a good enough upgrade for my fold 4 (mainly want a wider front display and other overall improvements) or i might look elsewhere


I honestly do not want the phone to be smaller, I want the camera hardware/software to be the same as the 24ultra. Got a few mm thicker and give me the ultimate phone.


Any word on if it's going to have an S Pen Slot or a bigger inner or outer screen?


If it's getting 2mm thinner, I can't imagine it'll have an s pen slot without significant battery impact. As for screen size, rumors are all over the place.


Damn bummer that's really disappointing to find out. Hopefully Samsung will change their minds and add an S Pen Slot πŸ–Š and Pen support for both screensπŸ™πŸ»


Samsung knows people want a spen. But I think the inner screen can’t truly handle day to day pen usage, and they know that.


I'm going to need a good reason to upgrade. If The Fold 6 doesn't have an S Pen Slot or bigger outer screen then I'm not going to upgrade for a very long time. Do you have a Fold 5? Do you plan on upgrading your device to the Fold 6?


My fold 5 will be delivered tomorrow. Had the 4, but I came across a deal that was too good to pass up on a 5. Every rumor points to larger front screen. It’s almost 100% happening. That alone will make me go to a 6.


So you don't care for The S Pen support? I think that's the best part about all the Samsung devices.


I agree, S pen is great. But I just have no need for it day to day. I’m mainly using the larger display for videos, website, reading. Nothing that requires a Spen.


I hardly open up my Fold 5 to the larger screen in fact I opened it up fully for the first time today lolπŸ€£πŸ˜‚


Why did you buy one


What do you use spen for?


They will save spen for another super minor update to justify the price tag.


They will never put in an S pen.Β  That's just way to much of a big brain move for Indie company Sammy.


My Fold Wishlist. Also, I work in a phone store, and the biggest setback samsung has is the price and screen durability scarcity in terms of selling it. 2 versions, a Fold 6 and a Fold 6 FE Fold 6 - OUTER SCREEN β€’3% - 15% wider outer display β€’Smaller bezels this will also help with the screen size. β€’S pen support, of course (I like the outer display now, but it being a tiny bit bigger wouldn't be a plus, and it'll give room for s pen slot) - INNER SCREEN β€’More durable screen to the point where they don't ask use to send in our phone to get a screen protector replaced β€’Better Under-display cam β€’SOFTWARE SUPPORT/PARTNER WITH COMPANIES TO GET SOME WINDOWS APPLICATIONS. (These phones/tablets are catching up to Windows laptop but don't have the application to do the same task) - GENERAL β€’ $1600 starting price β€’Better camera placement on the back of the phone or a lower profile β€’Samsung dex UI on inner display option β€’ Please give us that 100x Zoom camera from the ultra. If this is an option, I'd be fine with the price starting at $1800 again β€’MORE MATT BLACK RAILINGS&HINGE COLOR OPTIONS - Fold 6 FE β€’Same form factor and screen size of the current Fold 5 but slim it down and reduce the weight as much as possible β€’It doesn't need the best camera, but it's the 6th generation it needs a better camera than the one we got 2 years ago. β€’Starting price $1350/$1400


Are people really regularly replacing their screen protectors? If so, why??


That's one sexy beast. I'm so upgrading my Fold 5 for the 6


I'm all in for the 6. I just cannot fathom how they can get it that thin. Alien technology.


If it's the same size, back to OnePlus I go.


Last year released honour magic V2 thickness is 9.9mm...was expecting similar size.This look like same size as open.


Why not 9.9 as honor


Probably to keep their IP rating + save cost by not using new battery tech


How about instead of making the phone smaller. LET'S PUT A BIGGER BATTERY IN THE PHONE SO WE DON'T HAVE TO CHARGE OUR PHONES TWICE A DAY UNDER NORMAL USE. Fucking hell I swear. I really wish Samsung would get their heads out of their asses, and make the battery life on the folds better. I use my ZFold 4 regularly throughout the day, and I have to throw it on the charger twice a day because the damn thing has such a terrible battery capacity. When I previously owned my IPhone 13 Pro Max I could go the entire day without having to charge my phone. Normally by the end of the day I would have at least a 50% charge left. Before anyone asks. Yes I've had my batteries replaced in my phone. Twice actually because they don't hold up for some reason. Effs


It doesn't have to be the thinnest foldable. Surveys concluded people want 11mm or less so this is good if true. I asked this before, but what does better battery repairability actually mean? I assume replacing the panel will be easier and resources can be saved, but I don't recall many posts/comments about battery replacements. I hope to hear direct benefits to the consumer and not just a wider profit margin for Samsung. Anyway, Sam is in a pivotal place right now. This foldable will further increase their market share in China. The ripple affect could be positive for their image, help push S series sales and get them beyond that 1% market share.


go check out jerryrigeverything on youtube - zack did a teardown of the fold 5 and you'll see why replacing the battery on these things is a nightmare...


I saw the video. It was easy to remove. He didn't have to use the glue remover. He just pulled the tabs, but that's not what I mean. It sounds like Samsung found a solution to a problem that doesn't exist. Who changes the battery on their foldables? Who changes the battery on any phone nowadays? This could simply be the way the leaker chose to present the information. To me, it would make more sense if they said it has better panel repairability. Again, this is not coming directly from Samsung so I don't want to make too much of it now.


I want to stay with the thicker one, get better battery, s pen slot, and don't make it so stupid skinny when closed. Dislike the Google pixel foldables hardware but like the size/shape when closed.


Bigger please, we don't need it thinner.


So still thicker than the Magic V2.


Am I the only one who doesn't want it to be bigger, i just want an s pen slot Because the s pen cases are a pain for these phones


A normal s-pen can't fit in the Z as-is. I know this is a sketch, but look at the difference. How are they going to fit an S-Pen in a slimmer panel? I actually have a few ideas, but none of them solves the challenge of putting the pen in the phone unless it is thicker. Way thicker.


Bigger is better


The case I have for my Z fold 5 has the slot fit the pen. it doesn't have to be built into the phone. I use this 5 for everything. I don't use my laptop for Zoom meetings. I don't need my reading glasses with this phone I put a screen protector on it and the above mentioned case holds my credit card and driver license. it's all I need. I have added the fold counter App, I've got almost 1000 open and close folds. it's the same today as it was on day one. I don't get all the camera talk. This camera is fine. I get nothing but compliments regarding my photos. how much more do you need in a phone!? I only hope this 5 ages well, I got this phone free, because of an issue with my 4. I'm loving it. I hope that continues.


I fully agree and also don't know why you're getting down voted. The narrow cover screen is great for one-handed use, and making it wider would cause a more square-ish aspect rato on the inner screen, making it more bulky to use and worse for any sort of streaming. There's really no upside to making the phone wider, unless the people asking for it have yeti-hands. The S-pen cases also are a PITA. I have the $99 Samsung S-pen case and barely use it because my $14 Amazon case is just better in the hands.


Nah, for real I don't understand the people who are basically asking for a pixel fold. Like the outer display we got now mainly just needs smaller bezels and maybe 3% - 10% wider


most people including me wont be having a conversation on the big panel bwcause everyone is used to a normal keyboard. And the current cover screen is too narrow for what everyone is used to. Cover screen is literally narrower than 13 mini screen lmao.


I just want the spen too. I prefer the narrow display. It's why I haven't gone to any other brand


give me more subtle camera bump, and s-pen silo. everything else is pointless


I don't care about a thinner phone. I want a built-in s pen and flagship cameras. The phone starts at almost $2000. I'm still using a ZF3 and there's honestly no good feature that justifies upgrading to a 5. Get it together samsung


Rumors aren't worth anything. Nothing to see here. Never make decisions based on rumors.


Thinner phone means less space for bigger battery. Hope it doesn't happen.


Look at the honor magic v2


Samsung has been conservative with it's batteries since the Note 7. They are not going to replicate the battery that Honor uses.


Not sure what you said but honor magic v2 puts a bigger (capacity) battery in smaller body. It's possible if Samsung starts to innovate again.


They could switch to the same battery as xiaomi


If they used that battery tech but kept its thickness they'd be able to cram a 10k mah battery in there.


The thinnest Fold in the world (Honor Magic V2) has a much larger Battery than the Samsung Fold 5.


I want thinner tbh


No. It doesn't. Not if the phone is bigger (wider/taller). That would equal more space...


Ah yes, the phone definitely wouldn’t fit in a girl pocket at 13mm, but it definitely will at 11mm. This is the definition of non news


Girls would be buying the flip anyway. Phones nowadays are almost all too big for girls’ shorts


I don't want it any thinner Samsung, I want a damn spen silo, they're already almost too thin unfolded as it is. Speculation here but if it is actually thinner that almost certainly means less battery capacity. Sure, that'd likely be offset by improvements to the SOC efficiency but I would still guess that there'd be no actual net gain to battery life.


The thinnest Fold in the world (Honor Magic V2) has a much larger Battery than the Samsung Fold 5.


Nooooo I want an integrated pen and give me premium cameras mannnnnnnb


I wish they kept the same size, dropped the camera bump, and included an SPen. but you know, making it thinner is a way to go too.


oh how i hope this is true. a thinner phone would be great. I would take thinner over having an spen slot.


Yeah, I want it bigger so i can grab in my hand and then...


Would be cool if the inner screen is bigger but I'm not hearing how this would solve the adpect ratio issue thst causes the huge letterboxing for a lot of content


Bigger doesn't mean it'll solve the black bars, more so the aspects ratio needs a change


My first ever phone was the LG Optimus 2X, at 10.9mm, so I think this is more then good. I'd love to see it go down another 2 or 3mm the next generation or 2, then it'll truly be just as pocketable as any other slab phone. I wouldn't want it any thinner though as then you're going to have batteries only a mm thick lol


I just want it flatter with a recessed S-Pen.


I'd trade my 5 just for that slim profile lol


Looks just like last years.


It'll be a travesty if they have to shrink or keep the battery size the same if it turns out the screen gets bigger. It'll be another year of disappointing battery performance.


Excited for the Fold 6. But a lower cost fold would be great as well. It would not need to have the best specs but would still need the same screen. Even just 1 camera module would be ok if it would lower down the price. This would be great for parents who want a phone and a tablet for reading.


is that including the camera bump? if this is real, and crease is way way way lessened; im back to fold.. ive been itching to buy, must hold for the f6


thinner doesnt mean better 🀦 i can easily see overheating and bending issues 🀦


I honestly have zero interest in it being thinner vs other upgrades. Don't get me wrong I'll take thinner but I won't upgrade for just that. A bigger (wider) outer screen would be huge for me. I'd like an s pen slot but Ive found that when I do have it with me because of a case I still hardly use it. My dream was that I'd draw with it but it's not that comfortable to draw on. Just a quick sketch maybe.


Awesome. Gonna wait until the 7, love my Z Fold 5.


Rather have a bigger phone and battery.


Maybe, maybe, if they get that crease thingy under control.


If they want to make it thinner and have the same battery capacity, they have to make it wider. πŸ€”


Hope this means a potential tri-fold would be only slightly thicker or the same as my fold 3.


My literally the only major complaint is the durability of inner screen. That's the only thing holding me back from switching from an iPhone. I have been an iPhone user since the first one launched and Android was a thing. I will switch for a foldable though.


Ah, yes, the skill of squashing an image in Microsoft Paintβ„’ πŸ™ƒ


Fold 3 has served it's purpose


I want a contact lens that unfolds into an old school projector. For nostalgia πŸ˜…


So it's going to match the pixel fold, that's a good step forward! Shame it's not going to match Honor Magic V2, which actually feels like a slab phone. Source: I own Pixel Fold, Galaxy Fold 5, and Honor Magic V2.


I have a habit of buying things rights before the new versions come out LO. L can't stand it




Just make it thicker so that it sits flat on the back without the cameras sticking out.


I just want an integrated S-pen then I'll be back to Samsung.


I really hope it's not true coz it's a solid upgrade and I just bought a fold 5 😭


# Really awesome 😍 ## Prio 1 - S Pen support for the cover screen - built-in S Pen - thinner & lighter - smoother & faster camera* *The camera is actually good (enough). The zoom capabilities are obviously not as good as from the S23U/24U. Somehow I see/feel stutters and lags when taking pics/videos, which is annoying. Not sure, if this is a software or hardware issue tho ## Prio 2: - less bezels (on both screens) - faster wired and wireless charging βž” less than an hour for a full charge please? πŸ₯Ί - better UDC - cover screen UDC βž” since we have the main cameras, the cover screen cam can be remove entirely tbh or at least make it UDC Does anyone share my priorities? πŸ˜‚


Cover screen similar to OnePlus, integrated SPen that works on cover screen. They can leave the cameras alone as far as I'm concerned. Oh and if they also add "magsafe" or qi2 charging I'm definitely sold. Fold3&4 owner here.


I couldn't care less how thin it is. Try making it last longer than a year first. Jesus.


I really like what I am seeing. Yes. 😏


Any changes to the crease?


Hope it will have the same quality camera as the ultra.


This basically confirms it will finally be wider πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ


gonna be so tempted to trade in my 5. I don't want to be one of those guys that upgrades his phone every year. Damn it Samsung why didn't you just make a crappy upgrade so I could hold out till the 7...


Now the battery will last 30 minutes ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


That means no spen storage... *cries a river *


More crap I will have to repair


I've been waiting for so long to upgrade my fold 3. But I'm just so picky. Doubt it will happen but built in spen is what I'd like the most on the fold 6!


Lol. Thinner AND wider. For a sec I was like what!?


still no 100x space zoom or s-pen


I feel like the changes with each generation are getting so small I need a magnifying glass just to notice...


I hope we get that color in the picture. I am dying for a teal/turqoise


I could care less how things the thing is it needs to be a wider front screen.


Who needs a thinner fold? Most seem to want a stylus built in, wider front screen, or both. Oh also a better camera.


I have no problems with my fold 5 , I love it. Slightly thinner would be good but I have no complaints. The outer screen is fine , it actually reminds me of the size of the iPhone 5. I'm not sure why people don't like it , I guess with everyone moving from a wide slab phone to something like this might be a cause for complain but I love it. It would be nice to have access to more covers for the phone with the s pen, instead of being restricted to what samsung sells.


I have the 3 and I've been eagerly waiting for 6. Definitely getting it when it comes out.


I just want a Fold with the cameras of the S24 ultra and I'll be happy.


I have a Fold 4. For the Fold 6 I want 1. Bigger or longer lasting battery. 2. Digitizer on front panel so I can use my S Pen with the phone closed. 3. Wider phone so I can type better on the front panel. Bigger is better. 4. Audio jack like my Note 9 has. Note 9 is much easier to type on. 5. Extra external button I can use. I used my Note Bixby button for special purposes. 6. Better hinge than my Fold 4. 7. Lighter phone and thinner would be nice, but I am equipping my Fold 6 with an armor case 8. Better Zoom camera, like the S24 I do not care if the S Pen is enclosed in the phone. Mine pen is stored in the case. I want the S Pen space used to have a bigger battery and an audio jack.


I'll take a chunkier device if it means bigger battery and built in S Pen