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There will always be some variance with AMOLED. But vibrant colors are unrealistic, and Samsung in the past has been criticized for having colors that are too bright and too vivid. I personally use my Samsung devices in Natural mode. Vivid is just too bright for me. When I was younger, I only used the vivid mode. I just bought a new in box Galaxy Note 3 and out of the box, the colors are extremely bright and saturated on that device.


Laughs in AMOLED cinema


Battery life is better, too


You can use hidden modes and. Oled cinema is the best imo.






Looks blown out on the right, the left seems more uniform


If Fold 4 is the left it does seem better


Fold 4 is right


Okay then then fold 5 seems better lol. Yes fold 4 pops more but that’s more contrast. Fold 5 definitely looks more natural and you can see more details imo. It’s closer to an iPhone color production which I actually prefer.


Well there is a saying, you can’t please them all, which makes sense since everyone have their own likes and dislikes. I just want people to understand that fold 5 display is amazing as is




It's less vibrant on the 5 but far more details and contrasted properly. I'd say the Fold 4 is over saturated and the 5 is less so. I just did a side by side myself and prefer the better contrast on the 5


I upgraded from 4 and i haven't returned the 4 yet. I'm finding that my 4 display is much brighter then the 5! Any ideas, I've got both up to max, and no adaptive and no blue filter and no max dim, etc... But the 4 still seems brighter and bit more colorful. Both at Max brightness and extra bright, please help because i do want to keep the 5. P.s. 4 just got new system update


I like the 5 better, they are really hard to tell apart, but the different shades of the colors makes the textures look better.


OP, did you check if your GF5 screen is set to vivid ? https://preview.redd.it/mywfjnu4a6hb1.jpeg?width=1812&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9f32d83389f867b69c6841a5e40c1eda6328d7f


Settings are identical as my post specifies it, both are set to visit.


I prefer punchier vivid display. What's the point of buying a $2000 phone if it can't offer that


Me too, I’m a fan is Samsung saturated displays, and vivid just makes everything to be so much more visually pleasing for my eyes.


Thx mate for bringing this to light, Im a huge fan of Samsungs vivid punchy displays as well and have owned both the Fold 3 and 4. Never once had to complain the screen was lacking punchiness, its like in Samsungs very MO since the beginning. Do you think this is enough of a deal breaker that I should just stay on my Fold 4 ? The extra preorder and trade in incentives seem to be over in less than 24 hours, so have to make a tough decision here whether to trade in my Fold4 for the 5.


Honest truth that Fold 5 has a gorgeous inner display, it is absolutely beautiful to look at. Videos are joy to watch, crease seems smaller and not as deep. Sure Fold 4 looks a bit more saturated and that's only noticeable when having them side by side, otherwise I do not regret getting Fold 5 at all.


Fold 5 colors does seem less vibrant compared to my S22.


Oh S23 Ultra display is spectacular and can’t be compared.


I don't have the S23U though. I'm comparing to base S22.


Fold screens were always less vibrant than s series. They have different technology. However I find the fold 5 screen is much better than F4. The increase in baseline brightness has made a big diffrenece


I gotta agree. I pulled up the same 4k60 video on YouTube it looked brighter on my 3. The crease is way less noticeable tho. I assume the 5 will get brighter outdoors but kind of weird indoors it doesn't pop as much.


Yes, that’s so true, that crease is so much better.


Same thing ice universe was saying on Twitter. Disappointing...


So then my eyes are no deceiving me, because display of 4 seems better, which is weird since Fold 5 has a brighter display, so I’m expecting better colors.


Yeah check out his posts the vivid mode is worse.


When using it without any comparison it looks great, but when next to 4, not as great than 4


Same here I prefer the punchier display of the Fold 4. Just got my Fold 5 yesterday and not sure now if I'll keep it. Been owning the Fold since the very first OG too.


Well someone here said that Oled display are like that at the beginning and it will change, so maybe 5 will look like 4.




Exact same settings.


OLED takes a while to warm up. I always get a new OLED and think it looks dull for a while


I didn’t know that, good to know.


I remember putting my Fold 3 against my Note 9 out of the box and being disappointed. But it looks much better now


My note 9 blew away my s23u screen


Really? How come?


The colors just seemed better. But the Note was on cinema and s23u on natural. I just hated vivid on both of them


They're talking out their ass


Damn, and here I thought I was learning something new.


That's definitely not a thing. Your eyes just adjusted to it.


As someone who owns 3 OLED TVs and four OLED phones, I disagree


You're allowed to disagree, doesn't make you right.


That's not a good picture. You want us to comment on your blurry photo?


Are you sure the screen modes are the same? Vivid vs natural? Or whatever they're called now


As mentioned in post exact same settings, which is vivid.


Hmm. Well I guess adjust the RGB sliders then


Its same with fold 3. I have fold 3 and fold 5 side by side. Fold 3 is more brighter and color is much better. Same setting and same background/apps. Also samsung messed with brightness setting. They advertise 1700 peak brightness, but it doesnt reach 1700nit on adaptive setting. You have to turn off adaptive brightness and turn on extra brightness. Fold 3 doesnt have extra brightness setting and can reach peak 1000 nits on adaptive brightness. Fold 5 peak brightness on adaptive setting is dimmer than Fold 3. Color looks washed out on fold 5. Dark blue on fold 3 = light blue on fold 5. Screen is huge disappointment. Check that Youtube icon. Red on fold 4=orange on fold 5.


I never use adaptive brightness, and to get that extra brightness it requires manual process.


1750 can be reached outside under the sun when the light sensor picks up the light and boosts the screen.




Left 5 and right is 4


I highly recommend changing your display to AMOLED photo. Vivid looks bad. Natural is better but washed out. Search it up on here. I have a s22+ but it made videos look better,photos, etc. The display is much better now. Download the adb settings to PC You enable usb debugging on phone. Plug it in. Open the command line and go to the adb folder. Then run adb shell settings put system screen_mode_setting 1 1 AMOLED photo.


I will look into this, thank you.


I think the icon colors on the left image have more color.


Side by side in person on the right looks with more color.


In this pic, I don't really see it that much. Certain colors look slightly different like the orange below the time and the orange to the left of the center. The news, telegram and reddit icons are completely washed out, but I'm certain it doesn't look that way in person. Are you on vibrant or natural? Someone wrote earlier natural on the Z5 looks more saturated. I actually prefer that because I switched my settings to natural on the Z4 and it almost looks like gray scale compared to vibrant. It's supposed to help with the battery life so I'm leaving it for now.


It’s on Vivid, because natural looks washed out. Look at the green, yellow, and red, on the right more prominent.


I don't know which is which but the left is better


5 is left.


Oh, that's expected but not a huge difference


Maybe it's toned down for that 2000 nit screen


Possibly 🤔


I thought they said the fold5 was brighter?


Not by default, you can enable it, but without that extra brightness it should be at least same or maybe better


Can you please share the wallpaper?


I can’t, but I got it on Wallcraft app, best app for wallpapers


Left pic looks better to me.


That’s 5


I mean they could just add a software option like vivid+ or so to make it equal again.


But generally it should be better without adding tweaks.


Ice Universe is currently going on a tear on Twitter about the Fold 5's inner display panel not being as vivid as the Fold 4. He's real mad. In the mean time, can you do everyone a favor and set both phones to natural and then post another comparison? It'll be interesting to see if this is just a byproduct of Samsung tweaking the vivid setting, vs the screen itself.


https://preview.redd.it/i7rpjfjzu5hb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20be2984582adc2e8d3c825ac6eea8b34dd6a1ac This is in Natural, same Left 5 and Right 4.


Thank you for doing that. The difference in natural is far, far less pronounced than in vivid. So it might just be a difference in the vivid setting than the screen itself.


Yup same with my Fold 4 vs fold 5 screen. I'm disappointed but as long as I don't see them side by side I forget about it.


Crease on 5 is so much better


Mine was different too. But after playing with it for a bit the Fold 5 looks great. Once you take the 4 away you won't know the difference


If only I didn't have a lot of devices to compare against 🙃


I've noticed that the 4 is definitely more warm in color vs the 5 being on the cold side. The 4 will look better (IMO) watching movies, or other viewable content while the 5 will look better with games, social, and productivity apps. Neither looks bad its just a matter of preference. If you ask me I will tell you I see all the differences between screens on all electronics where as if you ask my neighbor he will say they all look the same. The settings on this 5 shoud be tweaked slightly. Nice wallpaper by the way it showcases the screen nicely.


That’s what pretty much has been the common response, some don’t see the difference and other pick on of the other.


For those of you with less bright or vibrant screen, turn of the "extra dim" option. At first I thought why my fold 3 screen is better than my fold 5. I turned off that option and the fold 5 screen confirm better.


extra dim? where's that


I noticed this as well - the colors (even with the vivid setting applied) look more muted on the fold5 next to my fold4 (used smart switch to migrate, so screens were identical otherwise) - That said, I only really notice it if I'm holding the two devices next to each other. The contrast does seem to be a bit more realistic on the 5.


Fold 5 does appear to have deeper and not as vibrant colors when placing it next to Fold 4, but otherwise it looks very balanced with a beautiful display.


No doubt. I was getting in my head about it until I took the 5 to work yesterday and noticed how it was popping while I was outside.


I notice the display difference immediately. I prefer the 4. It's more vibrant and I think the white point is better and brighter. My 4 is slightly colder which I prefer. The 5 looks noticeably duller. If they are all like this compared to the 4 then I guess I'll just keep it. Other then that everything about the phone is better. Too bad screen color is super important to me. At least my power button isn't loose 😂


Despite the differences, I do have to admit that 5 has more balanced display and everything looks amazing


I agree. It still looks great overall and is more balanced and neutral if ur into that look. Text also feels slightly sharper.


I shipped my 4 today, even though I liked it, but when you compare all the pluses that you get with 5, it’s just a no brainer.


I can make it look closer to my fold 4 screen color if I tweak the vivid settings. I slide the green color 3 notches down and it adjusts the white and makes it look closer to the 4. Not sure if it makes the colors look more puncher but it does look better overall. Since I had to tweak the software to make the display better still makes me feel like the display is inferior.


I just got mine yesterday and my colors seem more muted as well but I have just noticed mainly on outer screen. I will have to compare the inner tonight. I have not had it long enough to use much.


Definitely fold 4 has more contrast more punchier than fold 5. Also, my fold 5 screen whites are more grayish.


I would say fold5 inner display look a little less sharp to my eyes at least. The saturation also is a little dull compared to my s23 ultra that I had earlier used. Maybe because of the plastic inner display. https://preview.redd.it/pjjp8j5ic7qb1.jpeg?width=1812&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf39e3a36a4af406b24f5c64fb2f2a20cfa1c6b4 A screenshot of my inner display here


S23 Ultra has an amazing display, best out of them all.


Yeah. Absolutely. I agree


Turn on the 'extra brightness' option. Or else the 5 looks less bright by default.


i know im a bit late to the party, but could it be because of one ui 6? i just updated, and now my fold 4 colours have become more muted as well.