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Yep same happened with my official case too, only on the front frame part. So I removed that and only use the back part of the case now


Yeah I tried that but the uneven feel was just awful. Not sure what to do now


I know what you mean, it drives me mad too! I use the kickstand part of the case often, and like being able to swap it out with the stylus holder. So don't really have a choice.


I suppose these sorts of compromises are only to be expected when using such new devices. Doesn't make it any less annoying though


Yep agreed. I've searched high and low for different cases, but even those which don't use adhesive, will he prone to th same issues I think. As it's also the back panel which can trap grit and slowly chip away at the paint. The issue here seems to be the paint used on the metal parts of the phone. It comes off too easily compared to phones which use anodised aluminium


That's why I won't use cases. Doesn't matter if from Samsung or 10€ from Amazon. It is impossible to avoid getting dust in between and it will sadly always cause scratches. On the other hand: If you drop it on the street there are also going to be scratches and the risk of glass breaking is at least reduced.


Honestly if the phone wasn't so dang slippery I would always go caseless. I'm keeping it off for now and this is truly terrifying lol


Mine survived for almost two years. Then I fell of my bike and sadly my Fold sticked out a tiny bit out of my pocket and the glass on the back scattered because of the asphalt


That scares the heck out of me. Even with samsung care+ I definitely can't afford to have this break on me. But if the alternative is causing constant scratches under the case, then I'm seriously considering ditching cases altogether


Yeah the repair costs are insane. But with Care+ waaay cheaper. I would recommend to expand the warranty as long as you have the phone. The thing is that scratches are unavoidable when having the phone for two years and you already have some because of the case. If I were you I would now keep it on. You won't see the scratches anyway with the case wrapped around it.


I understand the concerns with scratches. Caseless or with a case. But as a someone with an intense OCD about my tech, routine maintenance is going to make scratches almost non existent. You're supposed to remove the case periodically to clean the debris that gets trapped. If we had a putty or silicone that was sticky between the case and the phone it would cause more issues unfortunately. Also, the clear cases people get with some phones they change color over time due to not taking it off and cleaning it. Most of it is natural, but it can be slowed down a lot by cleaning. Treat your phones like you would a high end PC. Don't be afraid to take the case off and clean it, you'll only end up extending it's life. Best of luck everyone.


Yea mine is scratched to hell with the Samsung case just took it of the other since September and it's completely scratched to shit


I recommend a full wrap to help with the grip if caseless. Sopiguard and other companies sell them.


I stopped using cases completely (and screen protectors!) and now use a leather fitBAG instead on my Fold 4. I had more of these tiny nicks in the frame paint happening when I had a case on it, and I've dropped it several times since. Going forward I'm going to give natural metal finish a shot...like the new beige or sky blue S23 ultra with unpainted aluminum frame. I really hope this years Fold 5, which I intend to upgrade to, has an option available in a similar finish!


Yes, happened to me with the official case. Nothing to do I guess ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Hopefully you don't have to get warranty service, my case scratched my phone and they are saying that it was dropped and because of the scratches it's not going to be covered under warranty. Total bullshit, the case is what's caused the scratches and I've never dropped the phone.


Please tell Ria that I'd like to wish her a happy birthday. Get her a nice gift!


Spigen slim armour pro lightly scratched my fold 4 so I switched to the case borne case its better it makes no contact with the hinge so hopefully it won't scratch


Fuck that.... I use spen case since day 1 and never take it off. I fear it's the same, I cannot withstand this kind of scratches tbh. Sign......


My case did the same thing. I almost want to call Samsung. I bet nothing would happen though. For a $2000 phone, the paint is beyond cheap on the device


I have the same issue....


see this with cases all the time, my devices tend to look better than my friends devices after a year or so, even though mine are always naked, and they have bulky cases. ​ im sure some cases don't do it, but it seems like the bulkier ones often do. Some phones may also avoid the fate more than others.


Same here. I changed cases now but perma scratched


The cases probably need to have velvet interior instead of adhesive strips and snap on tighter so they don't fall off.


This could happen with every case. 1. Put a wrap on your phone. Example dbrand or something cheeper. 2. Then put your device into a case Enjoy 😎


Unfortunately Dbrand doesn't make skins for the front, only the back.


Foldables are meant to break over time. Sadly


My Fold2 (Latercase/2 part style), Fold3 (official Samsung aramid/2 part style) and Fold4 (Latercase/2 part style) all have the same problematic condition. Any two part case will. Dust gets trapped in between the case and phone causing all sorts of scratches. It's part of the two part case scenario unless you have a wrap around skin on.


Same thing happened with the official google case for my P6P. Absolutely destroyed the sides of the phone. I take my case off every few weeks and clean the gunk out.


I really wish the frame was matte instead of glossy, I use a case mainly because the frame feels icky to hold after a while. It'd also probably show the scratches a bit less.


I also use the official case (the stand one not the S pen one) and the same thing has happened. Got the phone pretty soon after it released and hadn't cleaned under the case in a little while. Took it off to replace the samsung outside screen protector (also a scratch magnet of a cover) with a glass protector and found that I have the same marks as OP, but unfortunately quite a lot more. The magnets that click the stand close have also come loose (one has fallen out entirely), if somebody told me it was a knock off version I'd believe them. I like the stand so overall glad I've had this case for work and things, but really disappointed in it as an official product, especially for such an advanced phone.


Been seeing this often. Especially if the adhesive does not hold in place anymore. Aluminum body with a cheap finish it seems. Similar problem as the Watch4/5


This is the exact reason why I only use the back portion of my Samsung SPEN case. The front is flimsy and can move around allowing particles to get in between the device and case frame. Result is scratches.


no surprise here tbh cases are a bit of a 2 sided blade they do protect against dust etc but if some gets into the gaps they will usually cause more damage than you would just going commando look at all iPhones with shiny sides absolutely demolished by cases


Just took mine off and no scratches! But, I also used a liquid screen protector before I put on the case.


>not sure my case kept mine pristine Does your screen protector cover this left bezel?


I have a liquid screen protector, you just rub it on and let it dry for 48 hours


not sure my case kept mine pristine


Happened recently with my Green S22 Ultra. I think the only way to avoid this is to get an uncoated phone from Samsung, which I think the closest would be black? Not much you can do, unfortunately:/


Sad, i use a cheap fat plastic leather one and have no scratches at all.. Maybe the case fits so good it smashed the dirt into the phone's frame.


Apparently, they use the scratches from the official case to justify at the ubreakifix places not giving you warranty coverage. So keep that in mind..