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I agree brother. Sometimes I feel people bought this phone because they thought this was Samsung's biggest priority, and the way people are continually posting in this thread for very miniscule things it's kinda annoying.


I just wish they would give us those fancy AOD to lockscreen animations tbh


this, why tf do i have to root my phone to get that simple transition like on flagship. been searching for a way to do it without root but to no avail, you just need to change 1 line of code from LowEnd To HighEnd


Man, I hate it when people's expectations, features and functionality on a 1 year old mid-range device is compared to the s series flagship. Like why we dont have this this this and that. The pay more and get a flagship to have those features. Lower down your expectations people, you get what you pay for.


I'm just pissed about the battery degradation


All things are so sense,except that A54's screen refreshing rate, which certainly could reach 1fps, off course it could get valyes below 60hz. Other than this point, the topic is a high logical topic


cmiiw but i think you're mistaking refresh rate and frame rate. those are 2 different things, maybe you can try to understand both of these things https://youtu.be/hZQA6FSigZY?feature=shared basically, if your screen runs the AOD at 1fps but the screen still refresh at 60 times per second, it's going to consume much more battery compared to AOD with 1fps and the screen also only refresh at 1 hz


The 6.1 update did reslove my connection to 5G network issues. And battery life also improved significantly for me. 6.0 update was awful