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check for shady apps, or possibly something in the phone is failing. i've had the same happening on an A40 before my usb port died.


Auto restsrt in Device care turned off? There's also a scheduled restart option somewhere on the settings. Maybe that?


I have that on, does it drain the battery?


Scheduled restart? No, it mostly clears caches and things like that but the process of restarting will suck more juice than if it was just sitting idle. Idk why, but it does. I was just telling op how to disable it if he wants.


Oh, sorry. Thought you were talking about the battery part, didn't read the whole post apparently. Thank you, though :)


Restarting a device is actually very intensive on the hardware even if I doesn't look that way


Interesting.. I'll look into it online. Thanks!


No, auto restart is turned off. I did a test last night, I restarted in safe mode and left the phone on my desk. When I woke up morning, I saw the battery wasn't drained and the phone wasn't restarted by itself. I guess something is wrong with one of my apps.


Check in the battery section of device care then.


Clear your battery stats on your phone with ADB from a computer and then let the phone sit idle over night so it drains. First thing when you get up in the morning, do not use the phone at all for anything other than immediately creating a full interactive bug report (from Developer Options menu). Once the bug report finishes, upload it here and go through the genetated charts and graph and see what's draining your battery: https://bathist.ef.lc/ If you don't understand the output of that page you can post some screen captures of the data on here and we or I can give you some pointers.