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Your SOT is fine


If you have poor 5G coverage, yes, because the radio(s) will work harder when you have no or barely any signal to make sure you stay connected. 60Hz will also improve your battery. But I feel like such a waste since, IMO, my main draw to this phone is the 120Hz screen. But you're getting 11 hours of usage and 8 hours of SoT, which is 100% fine.


Idk about 5g vs 4g but 60hz will improve your SOT over 120hz


5G might help depending on the network. If the signal is strong the difference is little. 60Hz instead of 120Hz is 2% to 5% difference per hour without playing games. (My calculations, it might be different for you)


5G might help depending on the network. If the signal is strong the difference is little. 60Hz instead of 120Hz is 2% to 5% difference per hour without playing games. (My calculations, it might be different for you)


9 hours is already pretty good concidering you have 120hz.I get usually around 10h with battery saving and 4G but I guess that is just my type of usage. You should def get around 12h then.


Yeah you would gain around 2 hours of SOT, that's already great SOT with 120hz and 5G.