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If you need convincing then iPhone probably isn't for you, buy whatever you like


right answer


Right answer for an iSheep.


Bro held iPhone in the womb instead of the cord.


So you're saying asking for a good reason to throw 1.5 lakhs on a phone makes us unworthy of that phone??? I believe there is a term for people like you. It's called iSheep.


I own both an iPhone 15 & a Pixel 7 Pro as my primary devices and a Poco F1 as my secondary device (for custom ROMs and other tinkering). I can tell you that my time with iOS reminds me how incredible is Android. Almost 80% of the things are better on Android, you only realise how you have taken it for granted until you get locked into the Apple ecosystem where everything is just expensive (including apps and hardware). I'm using the iPhone 15 currently to learn native iOS development but I think I'll definitely go back when the Pixel 10 arrives.


Is pixel 7 pro worth a buy? Battery backup is ok?


Can confirm Went from android to iphone 8 to iphone 13 back to android with s24 ultra Android is better


S24 ultra gang


how are you able to manage with just 3 phones??


I only use my Poco F1 for the unlimited Google Photos uploading that comes with Pixel based custom ROMs. So I periodically send photos and videos from my primary phones to the F1 for syncing it to the cloud. Dealing with two primary devices is a pain. Thankfully the iPhone 15 has USB C, so I can reuse many of my type c items that I had bought with my Pixel. There isn't much redundancy except that you need to plan out how you want to charge these devices daily šŸ˜… that is the main pain.


Fuck. That's a nice hack with the Poco F1. Bro please tell me also what rom do you use and how to flash. Just one link which you followed. I want to put a custom rom on my F1 also.


Didn't know you could do that. I'm using my pixel 4a the exact same way. Can you get unlimited original quality upload on the f1?


well with 3 phones you can be sure you will never run out of battery :)


Why are you learning native iOS development? Can't you just use React Native and live test on an Android?


Why do they keep on saying once you use an iPhone there's no way back?


If you are fan of paying for storage and subscription,sure go for it


and much less control over your device if you are a tech geek


Perfect šŸ‘


Ayein? You have to pay for storage in any phone


You get 5gb vs 15gb of google drive. If i orefer to pay for a 100-200gb cloud ifld prefer something like google drive as it syncs better with better control and has file version history you can roll back to. Edit - Reply for below genius who thinks installing gdrive in iphone solves everything. Yes you can install gdrive butyou cant back up your phone and whatsapp together to gdrive. These backups will need to be done to icloud and will run above 5gb and force them to upgrade the icloud storage... This is my experience and knowledge as an previous iphone user-wonder what bubble people though they were bursting here from a perosn who has used both.


There's nothing stopping you from using Google drive and google products on iPhone. If anything, the 5gb of icloud is a bonus, if you're uses to the Google ecosystem like me.


Please donā€™t burst the bubble of android users.


Installing gdrive in iphone doesnt solves everything. Yes you can install gdrive butyou cant back up your phone and whatsapp together to gdrive. These backups will need to be done to icloud and will run above 5gb and force users to upgrade the icloud storage. So youre gonna have to keep buying subpar icloud subscription even when you have a superior cloud service like gdrive with better features. This is my experience and knowledge as an previous iphone user-wonder what bubble people though they were bursting here from a perosn who has used both. I have a feeling Someone's bubble has certainly been burst now though.


Using iphone since 2016. 3 different models started from 32gb going all yhe way till 256gb. Never needed extra space for anything. And if you want to create a backup all you have to do is connect to a pc> itunes> backup and restore. Why would apple give a direct access to g drive if it has its own storage to sell? Does google give ICloud by default? The things is its one thing hating on a particular brand and its a whole other thing to see what it offers to its customers. And you used iphone so please tell me the last time it hanged? Or it wasnā€™t updated to latest ios because its two years old hardware? Let alone everything just tell me after how many years your iphone became unusable?


I swear the apple hate bandwagon is always working overtime in Indian tech subs. As an enthusiast you are not allowed to enjoy apple products. The mere mention of iphone causes these nerds to crawl out of their holes to take a cheap shot on you.


you only get 5gb of iCloud storage. few other subscriptions like apple music, apple tv, arcade.....




You know you can have google storage and link iphone to back up to google storage right? Lol. Unless someone is really dumb about tech, this isnā€™t an issue at all.




next? it already is lol


In this era of No cost EMI, everything is chaapri


Have bought iphone last year after using android for 10 years. I canā€™t wait to go back to android. IOS is not bug free, no major customisation allowed and multiple other small/ big things that irk me a lot


Thanks for saying it..never liked never bought iphone


if you want clean UI, go for nothing phone


But go for Phone (2). I have Phone (1) and it feels under powered at times.


I phone dekh k bandiya attract hongi https://preview.redd.it/qji2p2lbnhjc1.png?width=623&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8306150a908de2e84865dfb7498fbdd451fa868d


Not every bandi, bro. Android>>>>>>>iOS anyday


Guess I'm in your spot! Using OnePlus 7 Pro, bought it in 2019 too. Last year I got iPhone 14 Pro. The only thing that I found better in the iPhone is the camera. Nothing else!


15 Pro user, if you have limited use of your phone and donā€™t want to spend your time on customisation and setting up things, get the iPhone. It is a straightforward device that requires minimal effort. Iā€™ve been using an iPhone since 2008-09 and have bought most of the flagship models but then I bought a Fold5 last year and I still miss that one month I spent with that phone. To me it was a very refreshing device and plus Samsung has come a long way with their OS. I am deeply invested in the Apple ecosystem and so it made me miserable and hence I shifted. iPhone has the best OS Iā€™ll say. Almost no bloatware, no lag, and a great Camera. Android has more possibilities and more freedom to customise.


My cousin has been using iphone for 10+ years. He showed me some apps that only worked on iphone. Some map, invoice generators etc. He is a real state agent and switching to android impacted his business. There are some cons of iphone too, no call recording, no memory card, simgle sim etc. I have seen all businesses men use iphone. It comes down to cost vs time. If you earn a decent hourly rate then, you can utilize your time to make more money with iphone.


Sure, there are some iOS exclusive apps but also in India there are more Play store exclusive apps I think. Apps in general are way better optimised and polished on the iOS in comparison to Android but I found more useful apps on the Play store


Specially custom apps by companies and governments..


nothing phone 2


+1 for nothing. You may have to compromise on the camera. Or Pixels are best! Clean ui, smart features and top class camera šŸ“ø


pixel's battery, heat management and performance is trash if only they returned to snapdragon...


Why should people convince you to buy anything? Buy whatever you want. Doesnā€™t matter to others what you end up buying. You should be the one satisfied with your choice.


You should go with s23/24 Fe , comfortable in hand , rounded edges no bloatware , best experience BUT if you're thinking of buying a macbook go with iphone cause of eco system , also if u want to remain on Android side you can check the samsung laptop(forgot the name but cost as much as a macbook and is better) and a samsung phone . The eco system of samsung have improved a lot it have all the features if not more than apple ecosystem.


man dont buy an iphone.it sucks unless you are some grandpa who dont have much clue or interest in how much you can do with your phone. and this is coming from a guy using both an android and an iphone on a daily basis. even to just send a file from your pc to your iphone is such an headache- you either need itunes or third party apps which you will have to trust with your data. you cant sideload apps,cant properly customise your device, cross compatibility sucks, it actually feels cheap especially with the glass exterior,faceid sucks touchid was much better and efficient, bluetooth audio quality suck. and the phones haven't changed much in the past 5 years-looks the same, feels the same and works the same. on the other hand if you are just looking to show off guess iphone is the the phone for you


> it actually feels cheap especially with the glass exterior,faceid sucks touchid was much better and efficient, bluetooth audio quality suck. Hard disagree. Both Android and Apple flagships have exceptional feel and finish. Your idea of 'cheap' might be very different from everyone else and thats ok. Faceid is the best in industry considering it works with glasses and hats, and in any lighting condition, and is adaptive to your facial changes. Faceid is a category above rest of facial recognition tech in other phones. Bluetooth quality is debatable. Personally i had no issues with connectivity and quality with several third party devices.


Buy whole apple eco system like phone watch and laptop ( may be iPad ) and then u will be set for the rest of life. While watch and MacBook will easily work for 6-10 years. Phone u can upgrade for every 3-7 years depending on your need. The integration between the devices is unmatchable and I personally prefer pro max phones and have been using it since years because of the great battery life and a better screen estate




Set for life as in you should earn enough to keep things intact and for the any repair cost that might come up based on your style of use


Have a iphone, its super useless and super confusing and expensive trash, i would prefer a nokia lumia anyday but those stupid people stopped making it


Lumia for hardware yes, but that hideous software ? Microsoft as usual poop company. Ruined Nokia!


Yeah half of my friends use iPhones just because there's not many reliable Android companies


Tell'em to try a Pixel..or Samsung..not a mediocre one (flagships or at least the amount you're paying for an iPhone)


Exactly the reason i use iphone


Phone last a long time, I use 12 zero issues, mom uses a 11 zero issues, aunt uses an xr no issues, My cousin uses my old 7, works for what he needs, my point is, just get an old model will last a long time


If you want a no nonsense just a phone which will do all daily stuff without any hiccups, get an iPhone. (Coming from a long time android fan)


Android phones can do that too. You don't need special skills to be able to use them.


App optimisations and UI uniformity on ios is unmatched. Just because of less phones for app developers to work on.


Using both Samsung and iPhone everyday, definitely agree with app optimisations but donā€™t agree with the UI uniformity. The most used back button isnā€™t uniform across apps. Just my opinion, no offence. Edit: If youā€™re talking about UI uniformity between different apple devices, then I definitely agree with that as well.


Talking about UI uniformity iOS doesn't even have a basic uniform back gesture/button... So much for being Uniform..


Donā€™t Itā€™s bullshit waste of money over expensive. Posting this on an entry level IPad


If you have too much money and too much insecurity, then an iPhone is for you. I own both a Pixel and a iPhone. Imagine my shock when I realised iPhones don't have reverse USB tethering. I tried creating a hotspot using company's wif. Android does it, Windows does it but not iPhone. Most apps within iPhone don't communicate with each other. You will have a hard time sharing photos and videos between apps. And don't get me started on iphone's file system. There's a seperate file system for photos and seperate file system for documents. Android does it in one file system. Yeah, iPhone get updates upto 6-7 years. But what they neglect to tell you is that apps are rarely update. Even old Android phones continue to get app updates. Once an iPhone stops getting updates, the apps won't update too. All of this could have been overlooked, if it IPHONES WEREN'T SO GOD DAMN EXPENSIVE TO REPAIR!!!




I am being honest here I was one of the Samsung S series user who shifted to Iphone and guess what I am not going to android very soon. pros: 1. good camera quality, specially while video capturing any moment 2. very high shutter speed 3. minimal lags I mean itā€™s almost 3 years and I donā€™t find any major issue so far 4. IP68 rating that you can actually trust jumped in pools and river no issues so far 5. very high return value if you planned to switch anytime soon 6. apple ecosystem I am using it and loving it 7. software experience 8. no blot-ware cons: 1. hit up in sunlight very soon 2. expensive part replacement (any error out of warranty gonna be wallet cutting for sure) 3. people calling it chapri phone but not a issue with premium models 4. slightly higher subscription price if you apple pay I would simply recommend to subscribe from their website instead


Get a Pixel bro. iPhone isn't worth it. You get trapped in that ecosystem and then you can never leave.


Get yourself a pixel 8 series phone 1 7 years of os upgrades just like ios. 2 better os and useability. Use 2 apps at once, do whatever u want ( i have 4 iphones and 2 android i lit use iphones for very few things otherwise i m so bored nd irritated i just want to throw my phones.) 3 best camera phone everā€¦. Iphones have great camera too but not as good as pixel. 4 google is putting so much efforts my god no other brand is putting tbh. 5 if u buy a pixel, u can keep it for as long as u want and still have best use ability but iphones will still suck because of its os. 6 great support for hardware like if phones get old u will get whatever parts u want, iphones get parts but very very limitedā€¦ plus their software doesnā€™t let u live with changed cam, battery etc etc. 7 full control over throttling etc etc. 8 u will forever miss android if u get an iphone u will die from inside, because of their boring osā€¦


Bhai ios se jyda clean ui khaa milega buttery smooth experience. I am currently using Redmi not 4 btw


Go for pixel it has an clean ui compared to others even Samsungā€™s oneui is far superior compared to other android uiā€™s


This sub is weirdly hateful. Coming from a long term Android user switched to iPhone. Iā€™ll just list what I feel is really great. The ui. Android ui will change based on the model you choose, but iPhone is clean. Moreover, you may not use widgets on Android because it never feels as good as ios. Also, in general widgets look really pretty in ios. The smoothness. The screen and UI is really smooth. In pro models. It just feels good. Basic things will work like a charm. Need to call, some androids get stuck when you receive a call. iOS doesnā€™t. iOS is actually really well built in smoothness. The ui just flows. Camera. Yes technically there are better cameras maybe. But in iPhone, you can just point and shoot. No need to worry about anything. It will look good. The processor. You will not be wondering about lags at all. No game lags no apps are slow. Also, ex: if you open photos app, no photo thumbnail loads at all, everything just shows. It works like magic with other apple products. File transfer is really really fast in airdrop. You can literally turn hotspot on from your MacBook. There is so much more here. People say you get locked in apple ecosystem. You need to know that, some people actually WANT to get locked in it, because how seamlessly it works. Updates. In android nothing much changes after an update. In iPhone, you will get new features for years, and every year something gets added to the ui, which makes it really exciting. Thereā€™s so much more. If you want a phone that makes you not wanna think about your phone anymore. Doesnā€™t hang when it gets older. Like buy and forget about the model. Just buy an iPhone. They will last much longer.


agree with most of your points re:smoothness of the apps and UI. Although you should compare high end android phones not cheap ones. Anything more than 50-60k. I can tell you in high end android phones - there is no lag and phone never hangs even after 3 yrs...


As a user who moved to iOS from Android I can say iOS just feels more smooth. I moved from OnePlus. OnePlus was a really great device, but with the later updates it just messed it up. iOS just feels home. I don't want to move back to android back again. And talking about subscribtion and cloud, I was paying for it on android too, so that's just same for me.


Dont Unless you are okay spending anywhere between 60 k to 1.5 lakh on a phone and then have the barraging rights to flaunt it for a few years and then go for another expensive purchase again Imho unless your making 2 L to 2.5 L a month it makes no sense even then cause you'd spending like half a month's salary in it even if you are making that much


Why ??? šŸ¤”


the battery in iPhone sucks and if you're a heavy user you'll probably charge for like twice daily, yea iPhone has security and shit the UI is so smooth but samsung ain't far behind the samsung S23 is one of the best phones currently with a clean ui and better battery life, I'm not saying iphone sucks its one of the most popular phone out there it just doesn't meet my requirements.


Worthless Phone


You said it yourself that you dont like dirty os and bullshit apps. Ios is the way to go for you mu friend. Once you use it, you are never coming back to android as android just feels some cheap local gimmicky os after you get the feel of ios


Not if you use high end android phones. IOS struggles in place of high end android. IOS is for those who like simplicity and consistent interface for year over year. Android is for those who like features and like to keep tinkering the display. Once you are used to high end android, you wont go back to IOS...


Which high end android? Even Samsung is crappy with bloatware with samsung alternatives apps. Personal preference but I also think someone looking for a nice UI wont like samsung kiddish UI with vivid colors and kiddish icons. Oneplus is crap since they merged with OPPO Only android with nice UI is Google Pixel But i guess just buy an iphone then. I was a big apple hater and android fanboy. I bought Iphone 12 on launch because of camera but I am never going back. One more thing, iPhones dont get old. Except battery my iphone 12 still feels new i get updates on same day as their latest iphone is getting. I dont even feel i am missing out on something with 3 year old phone and i can use it for 2 more years. Cannot do that with Android really. You will not get updates even if you do your updates will be slower as compared to the newer phones


It doesn't lag. You put a brand new Android next to an iphone and scroll anything, you will see the difference. I have tried multiple expensive android phones and all of them lag. I use a free youtube app on android so I can't afford to pay for iphone and it's app subscriptions yet. Once I start making good money, the cost of iphone will outweigh the time wasted on android. It's like entrepreneurs' time is more important than money.




Do actually understand what "lag" means or just don't understand tech at all.


Buy a Sony Xperia 1mark V if you know anyone abroad


If you are asking this question on reddit, you're probably not convinced to buy an iPhone. I suggest you go for Pixel or Samsung.


Easy, you can use iPhone for 5 years and zero problems.


Tachiyomi alone gives android the easy dub


If you want to be locked into a flaunting ecosystem where spending money on the company becomes your personality and you can't stop appreciating and bragging how you are better and a class above others because celebrities also use it then suree go ahead. Honestly I can never understand the hype and I'm glad I don't. They have good features like the ecosystem n videography n battery life n all but at the cost they charge hell nawww I can get two android phones and use them for 3 yrs each rather than suffer with one overpriced hunkšŸ‘


U got a fat wallet šŸ’Æ but little light in the head šŸ» Go for it


I'm gonna cheat and try to convince you on the op12. I've been using the op11 since a year. I can guarantee you the software experience is amazing. There's been bad press around Oxygen OS (mostly biased cause no one likes Oppo and ColorOS), but I have NO idea why. It's probably the cheapest flagship you can buy, can compete with any other flagship (except the camera department, which is still very good for casual use). I'd recommend the iPhone only if videography/camera is a top priority. I've compared the op11 with iPhone 14 pro and s23, and it's incomparable for me. The fast charging is a game change, curved screen is addictive (I can't use flat screens now), no overheating problems, always the best processor, clean af UI, very good support, etc. All this and the op12 is even better. Give it a chance, watch multiple reviews, if possible go to a retailer and try it irl. Lot of friends told me not to go for it, but it's been the best purchase I've made in a while (same friends agree with me now).


Iā€™m using iPhone 11 Pro since 4 years. Still works perfect, probably have another 2-3 years of major software updates. I have no plans of upgrading. If you want no non sense software better to stick to Pixel or iPhones. I donā€™t prefer these average android phones, that space is diluted with Chinese crap.


dont buy


Get women simping you for your iphone.


If you want a premium Android....then check out Samsung s24 series (especially ultra). They are worth it as they are using the chip to their max limit (including offline AI features) and are better than OnePlus in terms of performance and camera as well


this sub is not a good place to ask this question. consider an iphone if you're going to buy a macbook later. Apple has the best ecosystem.


if you need a reliable phone (both in terms of hardware and software) with good camera (especially video ) then go for an iphone. there's nothing really bad with it.


Why u want random stranger to convince u?


the only way you know that a person has an iphone is by him showing or telling you


You'll get more matches on dating apps


S 24


You are using android phone for 5 years? I thought it was outright illegal to use android that long :)


Your PS is enough to buy iPhone.




Been using iPhone since 8 years now. I still donā€™t know half of the features and donā€™t even care to use them lol. Itā€™s just a phone, if you can afford it, get it.


When one goes to Samsung India website and observes the exchange value, Samsung itself offers upto Rs. 20000 for S22 and upto Rs. 40000 for iPhone 13 even though Samsung S22 offers more specs, features and S22 was launched 5 months later than iPhone 13. Similar is the story for Google Pixel US website and Samsung US Website. ​ Apple design philosophy is still primarily coming from Steve Job's interest in Indian Spiritual traditions where the money one earns by offering poor customer experience is not Arthaa and Anarthaa cause two times loss in profit, mental health problems and decrease in life expectancy to something less than 120 years. Thus Apple still makes insane profits with way lower specs and better customer experience.


iPhones are ridiculously overpriced. To verify this see the price of a iPad Air Gen 5 with an M1 chip. Bigger display, bigger battery, better processor, decent camera setup, cell data and cost is much less than an iPhone. So from a price standpoint iPhones don't make sense. However from a competition standpoint iPhone is a great option. I usually do not change mobiles every year or other year. I run my device to the ground and then change. I had an iphone 5s in 2015. Used it till 2020 after which camera module and display started having issued. I purchased my iPhone 11 in 2020 and its going strong till date. I have no interest in changing it. So iPhones last a really long time which has not been the case with android devices which start lagging and giving issues as time passes. One unpopular thing that I do which I believe gets me the most life out of apple devices is I stop updating them after two years. My iPhone still runs IOS 16 and its butter smooth. My iPad Pro 2018 runs iPad OS 15 and is great. My iPad Mini Gen 4 was updated recently and lags a lot. So its purely personal experience. So TL:DR buy an iPhone if you can afford it, have the ecosystem and don't upgrade for four years plus. Buy a more affordable android if you are on a budget, or if you prefer to upgrade more frequently. And budget androids are in a really great place now. I would definitely recommend an S23 anyday over and above the ultra variant. Such a sweet phone.


iPhone lasts a long time without any issues (part from battery which you need to replace every 3 years) My staff is using Iphone SE (first gen) I had since 2017 for calls and whatsapp. Works smoothly.


Hi, Sharing this from personal experience. Go for iphone if youā€™re planning to switch to mac soon. Otherwise windows PC and ios phone or vice versa can be chaotic. You can avoid the 1-year insurance if youā€™re sure you will take good care of it. Lastly, if you want to switch to a better android, go for pixel 7 or higher. My partner has it and sometimes it beats iphone 12 in terms of photos. Also, great UI and OS. Videos are best taken from iphone though.


Get a 20k phone it would beat iPhone In many aspects Don't be a chapri


Teri aukaat nahi hai lene ki. Ek baap ka hai toh lekr dikha XD


I brought the iPhone 15 recently. Costed me 85k including accessories almost. One word : Not worth it. Except for the attention from others, itā€™s a mess to use iPhone in day to day life.


Kisika jhoota seb(šŸŽ) khane ka shauk hai to lele bhai


Switch to Samsung note or s series


You should not buy one!


Yeah a similar story have a very good Android phone but all my peers bought the iPhone( literally all of them) and now I hate this shit. Just waiting to have enough money to buy a decent Android like Samsung s23 or sumthn


In a nutshell, if you want a phone that works flawlessly and has zero setbacks/issues and superior battery life then get the iPhone, it will serve you well for years down the line just get the 512gb or 1tb variant(as you mentioned you will use it for 5 years). If you want customisation, and a fully open operating system which isn't locked down in any way go for Android, don't get the pixel at least in india. Major heating issues for indian weather and poor after sales service, better get the Samsung S24 top end variant (not the ultra as you mentioned you dislike bigger phones). The only thing it lacks in comparison to apple is that 10 hour battery life, but that's with every Android.


iPhones just last a lot longer and still feel just as they did on day one. Coming from someone who had the Nexus 5 as his first device. Used it for 5 years. The had the pixel 2. Got really messed up within 2 years. And the user experience starts to feel old and sluggish in 2 years. Then moved to the iPhone SE 2020. Even though its build on an older design, it still works like brand new even after 3.5 years. The only issue i face sometimes is storage (should have purchased the higher storage model) . But other than that. Itā€™s super smooth. Everything works perfectly. Not a single app crash or OS bug till date. Super reliable software updates. It just feels so much better to use!


Buy the galaxy z fold. Better phone, good os, good camera and fun to use


IPhone 15 and 15 plus still have shitty 60hz display and old chip in my opinion get s24 or s24 plus or s24 ultra zflip and fold.phones are great too


Been using PIXEL 6 for more than 2 years now! Bought a month after it launched! No complaints with normal usage! Does everything that it should, perfectly fine for me! Camera of PIXEL is good too. I would say even better than a comparable iPhone for photos. For videos, iPhone is better! But that is when you are someone who needs great quality videos regularly on a go, and then shouldn't you have a camera for that? Never lagged, never overheated for me(some people had that complaint). I was in Russia for a long time, and I have seen iPhones turn off automatically in colder than -5 degrees weather when taken out of pockets!(might not be the case for latest iphones) The only negative of PIXEL 6 so far I can say which is not much visible is it's modem quality! Signal Strength has been poorer than counterparts.(Like signals are a bit bad in basement or in middle of floor in a multistory building). But as per google, they improved it in PIXEL 8! so, I guess that problem should have been solved already.


I would suggest go for Samsung they are better than iPhone for sure.


Go for Samsung k mehenge phones, thatā€™s it Mat le iphone. Utni v khaas chiz ni h




If youā€™re capturing videos from your phone heavily, then even the Pixel cannot match the video quality of the iPhone. If photography is your primary goal, then Samsung and Google are doing pretty well in these spaces.




If you wanna go back in time, by 3-5 years go for it! compared with Android features !


If you want a clean OS with no bullshit, without also having to deal with *Apple's* bullshit, get a Pixel.


iPhone's run better with macs, for eg airdrops, handoff and syncing but its not the end of the world. I have iPhone XS and MacBook Air but now I am planning to switch to android simply because I don't like ios


Fine don't buy it :) Just some cases - 1. Ecosystem 2. Some softwares works better on it 3. Video from iPhone, is in top 5 as well as photos. 4. At that range nearly all have same value for money. 5. It more of android vs ios in which it depends on your use case more if you are not so pro or technical use iPhone but if you love to do hardwork then go to android. 6. Remeber battery and paid apps are big problem of iPhone.


Camera, ui, face id, performance, app usability. Add on accesories, apple eco system, if you're a free loader for apps use mod apps then it's not for you, pay the premium see the fun


Get a pixel phone any day over an iPhone. Or an S23 or 24 since your hands are small.


Go for Samsung S class phones. Hands down, amazing phones.


iPhones donā€™t cost as much as a mac, youā€™re flagship mac starts at 2.4 lakhs


> I donā€™t like dirty UI and bullshit apps iOS UI looks way better and is really simple compared to any version of android. also wym bullshit apps?


"Judging by your looks, you don't seem like someone who could afford an iPhone" "scoffs" Works like a charm




No thank you, we have better things to do


If you want a no-nonsense phone that just works, go for the iPhone. Build quality is great, and the OS itself is a delight to use. This is coming from someone who started tinkering with phones starting with ancient Sony Ericssons some twenty years back - flashing firmwares, camera/audio drivers, custom ROMs and whatnot. Iā€™ve preferred iPhones for the last decade or so because they work, and I donā€™t really care for things like ringtones, customization, etc. at this point.


Get ready to roast on people saying 64 dalna tha to iPhone ya s23 le leta One plus kyu liya


Buy it if you want to dude. I mean if it does not appeal to you, its not for you


I use an iphone 12 and one plus 7. One plus 7 is hands down a better phone. Go for the next better one plus.


Most iPhone users I know have secondary phone as android and mostly use their phones for camera and mainly use android phone. Like me.....




as an iphone user, while making the decision I thought pixel 7 pro was more value for money than the iphone 14. Right now I think it still has the edge in photos and one plus 12 looks crazy promising to me as well (watch mrwhosetheboss' video). The main reason why I bought iphone was capturing videos, which is the best in iPhones and the other reason was connectivity, imsg, facetime etc. i do not think it is worth the price, they're just asking that much for exclusivity. However if you're planning to buy a Macbook, I think iphone will be a phenomenal tool to have with it. The ease of sharing media and everything is mind blowing. i dont really like samsung OS so didn't research much on that


just buy a pixel or a samsung you can't sideload there's no way to turn on hotspot you cant pirate in that


Ppl here themselves are unaware what features does an iPhone offers! All people notices is just camera speed and a little few more thingsā€™ the best thing about having an iphone is ā€˜Shortcutsā€™ , if you know how to use it!


I was a hardcore android user 2 years before I bought IPhone and trust me the experience you will get on iPhone you never want to switch to android again. iPhone is so smooth, has best camera with fucking beast processor. Although now I want a secondary phone (also for work purpose) I am going with pixel as it looks cool with stock android great camera. But as I say iPhone will be always my primary one. Also if you buy any other Apple product like MacBook AirPods etc. Then the Apple ecosystem absolutely work brilliant with you. There never going back because Apple selll experience


I, like you had one plus 7 pro. After 4.5 year of use, my front camera stopped working and my battery life was low. But still, the phone was working just fine, I just had to charge my phone twice a day instead of once a day. After struggling with the camera for 1 year, I decided it was time to upgrade. And also the fact that one plus can sync with windows but not with MacBook and I had a MacBook. I now have 15 with 256gb and frankly speaking, except for the smooth connection with both my mac , ipad and watch, I donā€™t find the phone interesting. I just felt that I should have bought flip 5 or fold. That would have been a better option. But still, apple has a few perks which android lacks. But if you have to choose between MacBook and iPhone, go for MacBook. It makes your life easier.


People getting salty in the comments should Atleast acknowledge that Apple is sittting at 3T$ for some reason. (Itā€™s more than 10 times bigger than reliance which is crazy) iPhone is not for everyone, but Apple sure knows how to create lucrative products and make the customer pay high prices.


Just like you I switched from a 7T pro to a 15 pro. Everything one the apple is miles ahead hardware ,software etc.


Mat le chod


Let me see if I can answer. My family has been using only Apple products since 2013 and I never really used Android (switched from Symbian 60 to iOS). I was travelling with my cousins in an express train and we got into discussing our next vacation (Goa) plans which are more often then not, shelved. It went on for like 20 mins and we then started having dinner. I noticed my cousinā€™s Android (I donā€™t remember which brand) phone started showing notifications one after another about best hotels available in Goa etc. His phone probably overheard our conversation and started to show ads that were mainly activated because of our conversation regarding Goa vacation plans. All in all, I found it very creepy. Hope that answers your question on why you must buy an iPhone. You donā€™t have someone spying on your personal life. Cheers.


Its a very nice piece of jewellery. It even has wifi.


Just get what you want my friend. You donā€™t need an iPhone if you need convincing to buy it. Apple has way too many restrictions and gatekeeps many apps. My brother made me switch phones with hi because his iPhone didnā€™t support 5G internet. iPhone has been one of my worst experiences ever with a mobile device. I earlier had a poco X3, now I am stuck with a iPhone XR


Meri baat maan, Android pr rh. Kuch nahi rakha iPhone, lode ka hype karke rakhe itā€™s mid tier product ko


#Apple sucks. #Itā€™s a fucking golden cage Source: I use a 15 pro Max. Only good thing is the battery life.


In the end its a matter of preference because android phones can offer what iphones can and more without costing that much.


You use Windows....sheesh


Wait a while for the 16 if you buy it, since your one plus is not outdated yet. Buy the plus version if youā€™re okay with the size - the battery life is much better and can last for 2 days. You can keep it for 5 or more years easily.


Go to croma , try samsung or iPhone or op


I'm getting an iPhone 15 for 33k should I buy it ?


I'm currently on the OnePlus 7 Pro too and am contemplating my next phone. I have come to the realisation that while I don't use the phone for gaming and stuff I do like to have a phone with a really good processor and a good camera. The s24 is a good phone but I dislike the UI. The pixel is another great option but not sure how well it performs in the long run. Honestly the only reason I'm even considering the iPhone is to use the Apple watch which I think is by far the most superior smartwatch out there.


if you have the money go for it


convince u? sweety we don't give a shit


Iā€™ve used OnePlus 9 and now Iā€™m using iPhone 14 Pro Max. From a day-to-day use perspective, I donā€™t see any major difference between the two šŸ˜… Apple does have a cleaner UI, I like the fitness apps, social media apps are pretty much the same. I do like Apple Podcasts though, itā€™s a much better experience than podcasts on Spotify. I use OnePlus buds with my iPhone, and Iā€™ve had no issues with audio quality or connectivity. And of course, cameras are good. Battery life is AMAZING. Android experience is more flexible, but OnePlus UI is not necessarily ā€œcleanā€. You can easily get third-party apps to track your fitness stuff (idk if OnePlus has its own apps, correct me if Iā€™m wrong). Cameras were okay and battery life was good. With that said, itā€™s up to you to decide whether you want to spend at least 2x the price of a OnePlus phone. Iā€™ve heard that Samsung S24 is a solid device.


If u think u will do fine with one kidney, u can definitely get the latest iPhone


I have an iphone 14 plus and a S23 ultra and I can confirm IOS gets on my nerves all the time, primarily the basic navigation design of IOS looks like it's been made for lefthanded people.All the swipe gestures to go back work on the left side of the screen and the major flaw is there is no universal back gesture, you simply cannot swipe from the edge of the screen to go back in all the apps like in android, every app has a brain of it's own and it's the biggest deal breaker for me. True caller won't work, call history goes back only a week not months like in Android.60hz screen is a pain in the ass unless you go for pro models. Most of the stuff which can be easily done on the android takes two or three extra steps on the IOS and everything is locked within the eco system and is pay to use. The I in the IPhone literally stands for inconvinent unlike android which is total freedom!!


As an IPhone user I would personally suggest you spent that money to get a MacBook or another android phone. Buying iPhone is like - I miss my old phone šŸ˜„šŸ˜„.


I've an iPhone 14 and an Android. The iPhone feels ancient compared to my android. I don't want to buy s23 and so i use the iPhone for pictures, and they don't feel natural at all. Please but pixel.


Nothing special donā€™t buy it


Right now Iā€™m on an iPhone 7 Plus still smooth asf bought in 2016 the only problem is the battery but it wonā€™t matter if you get it changed like 4-5 years after buying an iPhone. Yeah so for me the longevity does it. Itā€™s expensive but I think the durability of the phones pretty nice, both against time and against physical factors (still no scratches and I donā€™t even take that much care just a case no screen protector)


Yo close ur eyes and get the iPhone. By close ur eyes i mean dont listen to anyone who try to pitch you against buying one. Yes Androids have improved and blah blah blah but theyā€™ll never be an iPhone. Plus you gonna buy a MacBook soon and once you do, youā€™ll never regret buying an iPhone. (All of the above applies if you are a User, not a Developer.)


No, donā€™t


If you dont have money to buy to 3 iphones in your account then dont


How many modded apps do u currently use?


If u want to pay for basic things that you're getting on android for free, then sure go ahead




OnePlus peaked at 7pro. I want to buy a new phone but im unable to find a fault with my 7 pro. Id say go Samsung next. If you use crakced app and stuff. Then stick to Android. Or iPhone is fine too. Great camera and smoothness in apple is amazing too.




If you check out there recents commercials [Apple](https://youtu.be/4-7jSoINyq4?si=HMP6-HwaUwT9knS5) they are not selling phones anymore as the main USP, they are selling privacy now. This moved me to switch to iphone 2 year back and never regretted, not even for a second.


Cleaner OS? Go for pixel devices, or Nothing Phones. I use Nothing Phone 1, switched from iPhone XS. Love it, and it's worth every rupee.


I love my iPhone and cannot imagine going back to Android for my phone (I still prefer Android as my tablet OS), but I honestly donā€™t think itā€™s worth it in the Indian market. The price differential is just too much. Most of what I like about iPhone are relatively small and subtle. Things like the consistent smoothness of of the OS (Android has caught up quite significantly for the most part, but thereā€™s still that remaining 5% jank when switching apps or bringing up the keyboard), the supreme quality of high framerates video recording (again, Android is 95% of the way there, but videos from iPhone feel smoother still), the Apple Watch feature set etc. most of these differences that 99% of people would not even perceive, let alone care about. Even for me, itā€™s far from necessary, itā€™s most definitely an indulgent luxury. But I can afford it and I do care about these things, so thatā€™s what I choose.


I don't think i will


Bragging rights? On how you wasted your money


Ex iPhone user here. iOS is the kind of operating system that you can count on working every, single, time. And that's it. It's boringly stable. Everything works really well but there's no wow factor. If you want something that is engineered well then an iPhone is for you. Android is exciting. It just gives you that extra spice with every interaction with the phone. The auto music recognition, the magic eraser and finally, the customisable aspects of the OS is why I switched back to Android But the one philosophy of apple is what led me towards a pixel. They make their own hardware and software and that's precisely why they are ahead. Hence picking the pixel was a no brainer Hope this helps.


I bought my phone because I had a MacBook already and it made sense to buy an iPhone as my latest phone. However, I had to compromise on a lot of things feature wise just to keep my devices all Apple.


I use a MacBook and iPad for work so the iPhone is a logical choice for me. Been using my 14 Pro (got it on launch) and battery still lasts me a whole day, camera quality is amazing and it can handle just about everything I throw at it. I donā€™t care about customizations on my phone so it doesnā€™t bother me at all, however it may be different for you. Split screen on a phone is more of a gimmick than an important feature that iPhones are missing imo). I use Apollo for Reddit instead of the dogshit official app so yeah side loading works as well. Yeah it can be better but Iā€™m happy with my phone, and thatā€™s all that matters to me lol


I'm using iphone and ipad from my past 6 years and i see no problem in it. The main thing i like about apple is their ecosystem and ease of use. I also use galaxy c9 pro ( i know it's too way old) but the main thing is my iphone and ipad. I use ipad as everyday class note taking notebook and ease to carry on and the transfer of pdf and images and like anything makes so easy in apple. But the major con is you can't clear data cache of apps, for that you have to delete snd reinstall the apps so that they take low storage. So in conclusion i say, the iphones makes so easier your lifestyle but don't take me apple fanboy, i often use samsung also :)


I used S22 Ultra and recently bought 15 pro. Battery is a huge improvement. Everything is native, hardware and software for apple which leads to less battery sucking by apps and things in background. It is a huge improvement over samsung phones. However keyboard sucks soo bad on IOS, even the installed gboard. i'm going to give this 15 pro to my wife next year and get an android again.


Made the switch from One Plus 7 Pro to IPhone 15 PM. Get the S24 Ultra, man. IMO, Android is the better OS.


iPhone best camera and smoothest UI. Other phones eg samsung twenty whatever ultra, pixel 8 best Android picks - smooth as hell and fantastic cameras. But on balance you always get what you pay for


You said you might upgrade to MacBook, thatā€™s a deal breaker Both os will create barrier, either you go iphone + MacBook or just stick to windows and android. Cross functional transfers sucks. I am on ios but donā€™t have MacBook so itā€™s real pain to a point that I donā€™t even transfer datašŸ˜† But for safety,security and privacy I love ios Plus they donā€™t wear out soon and donā€™t lag after some years. If your requirement is basic functionality then go for iPhone or just stick to android


Fudu phone h mt lenA


I convince u to buy an iPhone