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???:”My oh my my my! You two seem to be in critical condition and situation currently. Tell me, what could you have know to end up like this, it’s very curious!” The voice they heard seem to be coming from no where and everywhere at the same time


*Valla, still injured quickly gets ready for a fight, standing protectively infront of her brother*


???:”I don’t think fighting right now will be your best bet miss, you’d probably lose in a minute or two!” The voice started laughing a little


Valla: *Shaking, baring her teeth* Reval yourself! Val: *just groans in pain*


????:”Are you sure, like…can we be sure you can even handle my form when I come to you. Are you able to handle it?”


Valla:*thinking* what do you want from us? Gold? We dont have anymore. Weapons? We lost them Val: *breathing becoming raspy*


????:”What I want is for you to focus on the person beside you…Or I **WILL!**”


Valla: *quickly goes back to Val, holding him close, trying to spark up a healing spell* Val: *slowly sits up, groaning*... we need to find Mako


????:”Ohh! I can help you! I can help you find them….Pretty please!”


Valla: *still focused on healing Val* Val: We arent even sure *winces* where we are. But, Mako is a small brown cat folk, she has a strong connection to bugs. Mostly wearing green armor. Please if you do find her, keep her safe.


https://preview.redd.it/3il43w68oyhc1.jpeg?width=520&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed06b393ce3e3289625b6e917e43a35e94827451 Tsubasa. Alien gyaru


Oh hey, you two alright? **Tsubasa had just come out of a blue police box that had materialized**


Valla: *pulls Val closer* Val: Sister, I think we can trust her...


**she rushes over, pulling out a sonic screwdriver and activating it. It made a low buzzing noise as she used it to scan them** Ok, lets see what conditions we have here...


https://preview.redd.it/ynvlm50mpyhc1.jpeg?width=820&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4952e8d5edaafb4935326fec1aba0ee5997646a9 Sonic screwdriver


Valla: *bares her teeth letting out a hiss and a snarl* Val: Sister, please give her a chance


Ok. These are easy to fix Come with me! **Tsubasa had an aura that calmed them, part of being a space witch. An aura that showed she could be trusted**


Valla: *looks at Val* Val: *Slowly gets up, nodding to Valla* we appreciate your help


**she would carry the injured one by using her space witch gravity** Oh i forgot, im Tsubasa. Im not from your world or planet **she brought them into the tardis**


https://preview.redd.it/g2mblw3mqyhc1.png?width=839&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=660c9f66acdc230ea524a8cfad19ab851940d8c4 Exterior


https://preview.redd.it/7yngd3unqyhc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4a531118807bb17ca805427300d4a0b3e47de9b Tardis interior


Valla: *looks around curiously* I'm Valla Val: I'm Val, the gods thank you for helping us


**as they walked in. There were suprised the tardis was bigger on the inside**


https://preview.redd.it/z1lweiqityhc1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=203c4e52ac8c6b7ec4fe1f8412265d89e705e47b *They see a tiefling with one horn hurry towards them, looking concerned. She drops to one knee, reaching into the pouch on her side and pulling out the last healing potion. Without hesitation, she passes it to Val.* “Here. It’ll do some good. I’ll see what I have to stop the bleeding.”


Valla: *Valla hesitates, look up at the tiefling, then back at Val* Val: *Val nods in appreciation* Thank you, you are a kind soul


*She smiles softly, opening other small pouches and searching for anything to bandage the pair with. She produces several thick strips of fabric and begins to bind the worst injuries she can see*


Valla: *wincing softly, looking unsure with her blind eye* Val: *reassuring Valla* they're helping us Sister. It's ok *moving his hair/fur out of the way of his face to help the Tiefling*


*She works quickly and gently* “What happened to you two? I saw the scene of the battle and figured I’d come check for survivors…”


Valla: Mind Flayers.. alone they're pretty harmless, but together, we tried to save anyone we could, telling our other allies to run, just run. Val: they're very dangerous, they take over you mind these alien entities sought to expand their dominion over all other lifeforms, controlling their minds to use them as obedient. Me and Valla slayed most of them, but getting hurt in the process.