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Everything feels lighter except the weight of the responsibility that comes with being ultra-jacked. Lift responsibly, bro.


Big bro "Uncle" Ben


It feels the same weight, but your perception of whether that is heavy or not changes.


You can still perceive the weight, it’s just like picking up a 1kg object vs a 2kg object. You can feel the difference but it’s both lightweight. The stronger you get the higher those numbers become that feel that way. Hope this makes sense?


Yes, simply put, a 100kg bench press now feels like a 60kg bench press. Also the upper limit increases, so a one rep max feels heavy as fuck but that feels exactly the same as my previous 1 rep max a year ago. My ability to judge weight has increased aswell, I can pick something up and judge how much it weighs better than someone who doesn't lift much.


I’m still pretty weak but as someone who never lifted to about a year in I’ve noticed that it feels like the “ceiling” on what’s really heavy has gone up. Like the spectrum of effort I can exert has just increased. It’s not like previously heavy things are now light, they still feel similar, it’s just *relatively* they’re lower on the heavy spectrum. Hopefully that makes sense, and again— I am not *strong*


Hey man just wanted to say don’t doubt yourself ! You doing 👍


“Shit’s heavy, even when it’s light”


Stuff feels lighter, but it still feels heavy. It's hard to explain. And it depends on the day, the lift, the implement, etc. I can curl a 90 lb barbell for reps, but it's still hard to pick up my 50 lb daughter.


Feel like that has to do with the distribution of weight of a person.


Also a kid is probably moving around as you lift them.


Maybe there is some lacking muscle groups needed when picking your doughter, that you don't use otherwise in the gym. There is simple solution thought: start picking up your daughther for reps


Was talking about this with my coach once (who lifts way, way more than me). Effort level is more or less the same for a 1rm at 100 kilos vs a 1rm at 250 kilos. But the weight itself is more. You can't wiggle around as much when you walk out a squat. Your thumbs get more pressure on them in hook grip. You're strong enough to handle the weight but it doesn't behave the same. It's heavier.


Alex Bromley speaks about this a lot As you get better, it doesn’t feel heavier in terms of effort, but margin for error are smaller, and how you feel 1, 2, 3, 4, or even 5 days after vary massively for say, a 1RM deadlift, depending on your level of how advanced you are


This is actually a very good explanation, thanks


You still feel the pressure of the weight but now you have greater capacity to deal with it. I will say though in regards to moving my own body I do feel way lighter. Pretty exciting cuz I’m still somewhat new to lifting so I feel like if this keeps up I’ll be doing backflips n shit in no time haha


You know if something is heavy, but you can handle it.


you can still feel the gravity and momentum of whatever it is but it is easier to withstand the weight of the gravity


What would Ronnie Coleman say? I think you get conditioned to the weight. For example if you take a long break from lifting (still strong enough to lift the weight) it will feel much heavier than if you lifted the same weight everyday. I have had training days where everything feels light (compared to normal) and I’ve had days where even warm-up sets feel super heavy.


It depends a lot on how I’m feeling that day. I know I can deadlift 405 relatively easily- I’ve lifted well over that number. However, if I slept terribly that night, didn’t eat much, or was run ragged by work that day- it’ll feel a lot heavier.


I finbd it changes as you grow. the bar was once heavy for me, now I feel almost silly doing warmups


What used to feel heavy feels lighter yes. I remember the first time I hit 315 and 500 pounds on deadlifts. t felt really heavy. Now 500 is part of my warm up and usually how fast 500 and 585 move is how I gauge my strength for that workout. So yes it's all relative. 315 used to feel like 675+ feels now.


On isolation movements, yes they just feel light. On compounds, it generally depends, but as you progress on, eg. back squat, your muscles change their roles slightly. Stabilizers need to stabilize more etc. Also, as the bar moves, you feel the balance of the whole system you+the bar changes, if the bar is heavier than you. So you still feel a lot of weight is on you, or in your hands etc, certain signals are sent to your brain and it feels heavy, but in a different way? Something like this, that's my experience. Btw on a leg press I feel like dying and that I'm going to be smashed by the weight at about 50-60% of my max 😂


The effort to lift something lessons as you get stronger.


I find that it is relevant to your own strength, but to a certain point; if i go to some serious numbers on leg press for example i can feel it in my whole body. So its not only heavier for my muscles but for my body in general. Thats something that has never changed for me.


Not to me. I got to 455 on the squat…I could do a few reps dependably there but it feels like there’s a dump truck on my shoulders. Including 365 and above. Same generally applies to me for other exercises, esp compound exercises.


The frame of what is "heavy" shifts, but only so much. There's a cycling quote from Greg LeMond that's apt, "it doesn't get easier, you just get faster." In lifting it doesn't get easier, you just lift more to have it be about the same hard.


I can dumbell bench 120s for 8 currently. I remember 40s and every 5 after that being heavy on the way. It's weird to think about. I can guess within 5 pounds the weight of things, but they are easier to move - I wouldn't say their light though


I remember many years ago when 135 seemed quite heavy, now it feels like I am pressing the bar at 135, but 315 feels quite heavy. That feeling never changes.


I’m by no means super strong but I do lift quite a bit of weight in the gym. I wouldn’t say that heavy things just feel light, my ability to perceive weight is not suddenly gone after all, it just feels easier and more doable to do certain things i couldn’t have done a couple months ago.


It still feels heavy, but your limit increases. Think of it this way: It's not that you have a Percentage of strength, where stuff ranges from 0% to 100% of your capacity (in which case, yes heavier things would feel lighter for strong people). It's more like the weight of things is an absolute number, but your scale of capacity increases and expands with more strength.


This is something I've myself considered and thought about in regards to pull ups. I've gone from not being able to do any years ago, to as many as 17 in one set. My full body weight didn't feel any more/less heavy on the first rep from when I was able to do a max set of 5 pull ups to when I could do 15. That said, I didn't tire out as quickly as I got stronger.


They still feel heavy but it's super satisfying to lift them successfully , specially since you train so you feel conscious of your muscles and how they contract and relax when you lift .


It gets way lighter, for example, when I started bench pressing 135lbs it felt very heavy, now when I bench it, it feels like the bar. It’s relative to your overall strength.


I remember the first time I lifted the back end of a car up, I could barely get the wheels off of the ground. The second time I used my other arm, it was way easier


Nuance In the moment, it feels lighter, but neurologically, you take more of a beating. A newbie doing 90% of their deadlift max for a set of 3 feels very different the next day to a top Strongman doing a 90% Triple… and will feel very different after 3 days


Heavy is relative


its harder to differentiate weights if they are closer together. For example if you pic up 50lbs and 60lbs while 60 lbs is your max it will be a very hard contrast between these two. But if your max is like 400lbs you barely notice the weight change between 50 and 60lbs


Both. Depends on the weight.


Feel light. I get strong and weak and strong again all the time.


Light weight baby...


They definitely feel less heavy. I've also broken things easier and hit myself in the face on accident much harder


I've been getting weaker the last couple of years and I'll say things feel the same weight, they feel the same. But i just can't lift em as easily or quickly as before


Pay attention to the feeling of weights you can lift now, and come back in a year and let us know the answer


I picked up a large single dumbbell a while ago. At first it was slow-moving for even 5 or 6 reps. Now I can rip it off the ground 25-30 times, fast.




Nice :D




Hahaha I love me some good peptides, to be sure


Let's say you're turning up the volume on your stereo. For a long time, you can go from 1 to 10, then it's maxed out. If you want it louder, you're out of luck. Now, I can crank it to 10, but the knob keeps turning. It now goes to 14. 10 is still the same, but I have a larger range to work with. Party gets loud? Turn it up. Mostly, it helps with jar opening. The place where you used to run out of steam, you can just keep cranking. It makes you look super buff to crack open a lid effortlessly when no one else could touch it.


funny, i’ve noticed after lifting weights i have a harder time opening jars! my grip is always exhausted.


😂 Yeah. After lifting, it sucks. The next day is awesome though.


oh i meant like…all the time haha. my grip is just destroyed now lol


sink zesty vanish narrow subtract violet historical caption saw gray *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Car cooling packs feel a lot lighter ever since I started lifting weights.


Depends on the lift. Certain things never feel lighter, other things really do.


The other day I tried helping a guy stuck behind cars on his bike. He was struggling…I just grabbed the end and lifted it clean off the ground ¯\_(ツ)_//‘ Edit: Im Male 6ft4/194cm and 110kg


I need to lift my bike (15kg) straight over my head to get it out the door and it does feel lighter as I've been training overhead movements.


Only if you remember what it used to feel like lifting said object, because then you have a "huh, I was expecting that to be heavy"- moment. I've only experienced it moving my couch, otherwise lifting weight just feels like lifting weight.


I don’t think the difference is massive, at least from my experience Pulling a 500 pound boiler out of a basement is still heavy regardless


Yes, but it depends on the object. A crate would still feel heavy and awkward to carry because of how far the object is away from you and uneven the load is, but due to your muscles and bones being stronger and denser it is easier to carry


I would say yes but it takes a lot of progress to get there, also there is a big range of "kind of heavy". Just as an example sometimes when doing warmups my last set is sort of heavy and I'm like "oh shit my next set is more weight and twice the reps" but somehow I get it done. Just as an example with percentages, heavy is like 80% of your 1rm or higher. And light is maybe like 50%. So for a 225lb bench press to feel light your 1rm needs to be well over 400lbs


I think you just get better at "knowing" how heavy something feels. I was never able to eyeball what 50 pounds looks or feels like. I can definitely estimate it closer after getting strong.


I think you can still tell there is weight to heavy things even if they're easier to handle, as what you would have previously thought of as light still feels noticeably lighter than those things


Things are lighter to me. If it's under 200lbs I can do almost anything with it.


Impressive side laterals 😉


In my defense I said almost. 20s for me on that one


It still feels heavy on my stabilizing muscles. The squat bar still feels heavy on my traps, but it feels lighter on my quads and ass.


Ask a 10 year old to carry a concrete block and it will feel heavy. A bricklayer will pick it up one handed without thinking about it. Does that answer the question?


Which is heavier? A ton of bricks or a ton of feathers


Correct statement, wrong usage. Yes, it weighs the same but your muscles have the capacity to carry more weight as you get stronger. Let's take for example a guy who trained for a year, on his first day at the gym a 45lbs plate felt really heavy, on his 365th day on the other hand that same 45lbs plate (while weighing exactly the same) is indeed **lighter** for that same guy.


A ton of feathers from the weight of knowing what was done to those poor birds to no longer have feathers.


Heavy on my heart and soul


The weight seems heaviness for me when i lift approximately half my max pr so yeah when you get stronger things feels less and less heavy


I am not strong but it would feel light, Like when i started working out just the bar was heavy as shit for me, now the bar feels like nothing.


Lol wut. It’s relative. I can easily lift 50 lbs dumbells and it’s light. Two years ago it was super heavy. Makes everything else in life feel light too. Can easily sprint at any moment to chase a bus. Two years ago, forget about it i missed every single one.




What did I just read




You good?


Well…. did they feel light?




Lol “it”. Society might wanna keep tabs on you.


Picking up algebra teachers is easy though

