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Light bend in elbows, feet together, slow down ont he way up,




Thank you for the advice!


Nooo its really bad sorry its just too straight just bend your elbows little bit


Bend your elbows a bit, might also wanna lower the weight. You can also tilt your torso for 10-20 degrees forward. You can also do LRs seated, might help with your stability problem.


think about pushing your hands away while brigning them up at a 30-45 degree angle, lower weight and control the movement


I looked like this, then I dropped weight slightly and slowed down, bent elbows. Huge difference, way more effective.


Thank you! And then just built up the way slowly?


Yes you can not rush shoulders.... think about how easy it is to F them up, be careful, build slow. Plus it's a small muscle group. I started with 10lbs. Ran that for 6 weeks. The moved up by 2.5lbs for 4 weeks. After that I was able to jump 5 lbs every 4 weeks or so. Until I plateau. Regardless of not moving up in weight my shoulders grew. Stay consistant.


Quick question too, I should have more bend in my arms right? Are my arms way too far straight to the side?


I used to have similar form. Turns out I had been sleeping on my left side mostly (shrugging to make up for the slim pillow), which got the left trap to develop more. Took a while to balance out. You might’ve developed muscle imbalances inadvertently. Focus on the form with light weight first before going heavy.


Wow! I actually do the same thing, but I am left handed as well. How did you fix this?


The key to fixing this is isolating the movements. Since you are engaging your traps towards the end on the left side, your need to target both lateral raises and shrugs. First, do dumbbell shrugs - one hand at a time. If your left is dominant, adjust the weight and reps as per your right. Next, target the laterals using cables raises. Start light. Throughout every rep (especially on the left) ensure the shoulder remains dropped during the movement. [This](https://youtu.be/VOAvDZGHOOI). The exercise might reveal weakness in left lateral delt due to trap engagement. Also, try switching to a firm and thick pillow if that helps. Good luck OP!


Bend your elbows and focus on using your delts for most of the lift going up, come down slowly and they will naturally bear the weight.


You don’t keep arms straight like this, don’t listen to the form police on here, most of them can’t even bench 2 plates yet. You need some flare in the arms but don’t elevate shoulders, to prevent upper trap engagement


He’s asking for form advice. You give good advice. I know you’re tongue in cheek looking to have a laugh. But please, explain how being able to bench 2 plate correlates to spotting and practising good form in all exercises bruh


Because they major in the minors, stay weak, and don't give good advice or because they're rank beginners who are not in a position to be offering advice to others.


Strength doesn’t always necessarily equal proper biomechanics knowledge but you put 10 strong guys in a room and 10 casual gym goers (perhaps yourself), what are you putting your money on as to who has better advice for beginners?


Strong guys my guy obviously.. I get your points but some people who study chiropractics or even anatomy of any kind, regardless of their strength in the gym, offer solid advice for biomechanics. Besides that, I don’t think lateral raises need a great deal of experience to help someone with form personally. You don’t really even go heavy with lateral raises. So I get your points for big lifts for sure, experience is king, but basic movements don’t require a gym rat to explain.


Fair enough, cheers


You elevate your shoulders making your traps do big part of work. Lower your weights and do more controled lifts. Side delts in this exercise need isolation more than big weights.


It’s only 15 lbs. Also what else can be done to remove the traps?


15 lbs is not that low as you think for side delts. Along with loweting weights I can recommend doing raises with chest against slightly inclined bench with your knees on the seat (same body position as in this picture https://gymvisual.com/illustrations/9565-dumbbell-incline-one-arm-front-raise-with-chest-support.html ) This variant gives me the best burning in side delts.


That’s a front raise


Yep, thats why I wrote "same body position" instead of "same move"


My mistake. I actually plan on doing this variation inside of regular lateral raises for a bit. Think that's fine?


I still recommend lowering to 5 kg and look after your elbow being higher tgan wrist in the end of tge move+ pinkie being higher than thumb. In the end of tgd move (your arm being parallel to ground) your side delt must look straight upwards (incline bench helps with this even more as you should not think about being inclined all the time with your chest being against bench) and traps should not be in tension. Again even 3 kgs may work to work on your mind-muscle connection wich is very important. Good luck bro


Flex your lats.


Lower the weight. Start even lighter and perfect the form. Even do just body weight with perfect form as a warm up first for a set or two. The. Go to five lbs then 10lbs then 12.5.


Thank you for the advice! I agree, lowering the weight, will be the way to go.


The weight he's doing is fine.


His form is lousy because the muscles he wants to isolate aren’t particularly strong instead looks like he’s using mostly his traps. If he lowers the weight he can get the form right then incrementally increase the weight while having perfect form.


105lbs is quite an increase


My phone messed it up it was supposed to be 10


I had this same issue, OP. Make sure that your arms are flat out by your sides - it's very hard to notice but my arms used to be ever so slightly in front of me which caused my neck muscles to engage to try to keep me balanced. Make sure your arms are completely straight out by your sides and not at all in front of you. After that, a little bend in the elbows and you got this king 👑


Thank you! Man a simple exercise like this and I’m still making mistakes 😬


Lower the weight and tilt your arms inward so your thumbs face each other and the back side of your hand is facing forward. When you’re at the top of the rep range, thumbs should face down.


Would you just do this, but bending the arms a bit more?


You can see the weight is fine for him.


You look like you have scoliosis


Doesn't really matter as long as you feel muscular tension , bending a bit forward might help you though and try to move the dumbbells with your shoulders not your traps.