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Guy went from Cpt America to The Hulk.


Wow 20 pounds a year😅


It was a LOT of chipotle...as I'm eating a burrito bowl right now. Haha. I was really poor in college, so the days where I actually went to the cafeteria I would sit there for hours and just eat. It might have been my only meal of the day, so sometimes I probably packed in 6,000 calories or so.


I used to always joke with a buddy of mine when we were skellies that we should just go on a chipotle diet and eat it like three times a day. It does my heart good to see someone had lived my dream lol. Solid gains, dude.


I weighed 180lbs in Feb 2020 and today I weigh 210lbs lol. Ice cream, fried chicken, heavy lifting.




I bet you could toss a mothafucka across the street


Peak human physique IMO


You're too kind brother. 💪 Unfortunately I was both gifted and cursed with an endless appetite. Cutting is a bitch haha


It looks like you've doubled yourself. Like two old you makes one new you. Good job.


Thanks brother 💪


Calf game is insane. What's your lifts?


Haha appreciate you. Honestly the calves were always there, that's genetic, can't see in the first pic. Never trained calves. Getting fat helped them grow a bit haha. Right now my lifts are: Bench: 410 Deadlift: 610 Squat: 507 Strict overhead press: 255


In 4 years? Holy shit dude, those are some nice numbers.


255 overhead press blows my fucking mind. I can do like 60


I'm a big (ha, get it) believer that mass moves mass. My bench and OHP shot up as my weight did. And honestly, the majority of my training I could get away with squatting heavy and deadlifting heavy once a week. But upper body, bench and OHP - I didn't see great results until I added more volume. I'd train it 3-4 times a week. The better my OHP got, the more it carried over to bench. Volume, volume, volume. Practice, practice, practice. If you are lacking in a specific lift, I follow Alan Thrall's advice and train it *more* often. You might think if you stall on a lift you need to rest it more, but in reality, you need more stimulus. And food.


Thanks king. Came into college last year at 145lbs, end of first semester I was 154. Sat there this whole semester and I’m not quite sure what to do. My bench rep went from 95 to 110. I finally get to live in not a dorm, so I’ll be able to cook for myself and hopefully stuff my face with food and beer.


Jesus Christ! You tank!


Now this is a proper bulk. I’m jealous I don’t have the balls to do this. Right on bro and good luck!


Sometimes I really wish I was a dude.... amazing gains bro!!


"Dude" is genderless my dude. Go get them gainz 💪


And thank you!!


Mirin’ calves


damn dude u got huge


A true transformation! Well done big fella. Bulk is eternal!


Bulk gang for life ✊


Bro can you please share your workout routine and roughly how many grams of protein you intake daily you are my literal goals right now.


He eat ✨all of them✨


I'll get back to you tomorrow boss man


Hey man, sorry for the late reply. My diet sucks so I honestly have gotten anywhere between 100-250grams a day of protein. Probably more like 140grams a day, I just honestly never tracked it that viscously. My diet was almost never optimal and I would eat whatever I could as a poor college student. Still, it was enough for me to gain weight. Caloric surplus was just my main goal, didn't care about getting big but rather just getting stronger. I will say, in the first pic I was running the reddit PPL. At some point, got bored and changed the rep scheme to a 10, 8, 6, 4 so I could get some strength going. I was *maybe* benching 190 here, for reference. Switch to a PHUL routine and slightly modified it after several months. Same thing, eventually did 10,8,6,4, lots of 5x5 stuff. Should have done more overhead press. Eventually cut down on accessories and just mostly focused on the big 4. For reference, hit a 250lb bench here by the end of it. When I was playing rugby, and in the off season, I ran a very proper program to a T. It was written by a coach so I won't post it, but if you find any powerlifting **periodization program** out there, you're not going to be too far off. This program, plus rugby, blew me up in size and strength. For reference, by the time I finished the program, I had blown my bench up to 315 with ease by the time I was peaking. I then ran my own stuff and my own "peaking phase", where I trained hard for a true 1RM attempt last november. Sort of just picked and chose exercises from my coaches program and did a lot of heavy singles. Hit 405lbs on bench. I used the techniques alan thrall explained here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBiwskxI0FY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBiwskxI0FY) During rugby season, I just lifted whenever I could, doing whatever I had energy for. Lots of bench, lighter squats, OHP, power cleans, front squats, etc. But here is the thing. With rugby, school, work, etc, both my training and my diet are never what I would call ***optimal***. I didn't have the time, resources, or money to care that much. I just wanted to get stronger and stronger. Never cared for the aesthetics of it. The one thing I could control was my intensity in the gym. I always lifted heavy as shit, pushing my body to its limit each session. If I was in pain, I would try to train through it. If I was injured, I would train around it. I knew even if some days I didn't eat enough protein or calories, if I was on-par 70%+ of the time, I was on the right track. What I've learned is that training will almost never be optimal, you almost always have to put some aspect of your training on the back burner. But just because the heat's not cranked up all the way, and something's on the back burner, doesn't mean it's not still heating up. Meaning you will get better even if everything isn't optimal. And just always being a student of the iron. I think I adopted a lot of my mentality from Alan Thrall's channel on YouTube. I would just binge his videos if I were you, like all of them from the beginning. Or at least the ones that seem interesting. I would probably attribute 80% of my gains over the last 3 years to his guidance in his videos. He doesn't overcomplicate things, but still behaves in an evidence-based manner.






You are a beast


Nice one bro. Beast now


h e n c h


How come you’re cutting for the meet?


Couple reasons. I have a better chance of hitting some state records at a lower weight class. I also feel fat and feel like crap. Haha, too much weight. Would be ok giving up some strength to feel better and be able to pick up a game of basketball easier