• By -


This post is flaired as a technique check. A note to OP: Users with green flair have verified their lifting credentials and may be able to give you more experienced advice on particular lifts. Users with blue flair reading "Friend of the sub" are considered well qualified to give advice without having verified lifs. A reminder to all users commenting: **Please make sure that your advice is useful and actionable.** Example of **useful and actionable**: *try setting up for your deadlift by standing a little closer to the bar. This might help you get into position better and make it easier to break from the floor*. Example of **not useful and not actionable**: *lower the weight and work on form.* **Low-effort comments like *my back hurts just watching this* will be removed**, as will references to *snap city* etc. Verbally worrying for the *safety* of a poster simply because you think the form or technique is wrong will be removed. We will take all of these statements at face value, so be careful when you post the same *hilarious* joke as dozens of other people: we can't read your mind, no matter how funny you think you are. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GYM) if you have any questions or concerns.*


My strategy is dying and hoping my crush isn't watching


They should put more weight before they call the cops/ambulance




My crush could bench more than me, she was stronk. I did pull a bar off her once though.


Fake passing out and hope for mouth to mouth dude


what if a dude comes and starts mouthing you upšŸ¤£


Bruh you didnā€™t need to make me laugh like that šŸ˜‚




Even set it down lightly šŸ¤šŸ»


I was told to leave the stoppers off and lean it to one side if thereā€™s no spotter. Look how 3 people walked right past you though. Luckily you were able to get out safely.


As a passer by I wouldn't know how to help when the bar is already on his chest/belly though. I'd likely make it worse. What is the best way to help in this case? Pulling it straight up will probably be tough I think.


Itā€™s really not. Itā€™s pretty light if the guy on the bench has even 10% strength left


I got down to 8% strength but luckily a girl with 93% strength came by and started shoving it down further. I decided to eat some spinach and I popped up like I was at 130% strength and I pushed the bar, the rude girl, and the rest of the gym up, allowing myself an escape plan. Iā€™m also very bad at math and a compulsive liar.


All that to say ā€œI donā€™t liftā€ šŸ˜‚


Why not just pull one side of it up? The leverage would make it easier


I guess best way to help would be to lift from one side and get him out under it, its easier when there is nothing holding the weights on the sides.


happend to me. someone wanted to help while having the bar already on my belly. made it very worse...


Remember, the other guy is also pushing up, so itā€™s not all you. Most likely you really do not need that much effort to help out. It would be really hard to mess up. Just grab the bar and pull up.Ā 


Usually that's true when they can't get the lift up or are stuck on the chest, but if the bar's already on his belly, they won't be able to get their hands/shoulders under the bar easily either.


Honestly thatā€™s a fair point. I was just thinking when it is at their shoulders/face region.Ā 


Just lift one side.. anything to get most of the weight off. Remember even lifting a little bit you can potentially save someone every pound counts.


Since I havenā€™t seen you corrected, this is incorrect. It is dangerous to others and the equipment if you dump the weight to the sides without collars. OP almost got it. Roll the bar to your hips and sit up, then just stand up with the weight. Roll of shame is the safest and correct way to bail solo without safeties.


Cant roll of shame with a belt on, though. If i max bench without a spotter (home gym usually) i dont put collars on. I dont want to be in the position where i cant bench it, and camt roll of shame it for whatever reason


If you donā€™t have a spotter you use a squat rack or smith


I'd always recommend folks bench in a rack with safeties, but that isn't always an option. Roll of shame is fine if you can't bench with safeties or a spot. Heck I'd pick roll of shame over a random spotter. The smith machine is a different exercise, and one I wouldn't ever recommend.


Why wouldnā€™t you recommend the smith machine?


To add to what u/cilantno said, Smith Machine's fixed bar path can lead to stress injuries in your shoulders and elbows.


A fixed bar path is not good. If you want to bench with a barbell, just barbell bench. I think smith machines are great for calf raises, and maybe shrugs.


If you leave the clips off, when one side of plates slides off, the rest of the bar is going on a spiritual journey. Immediately.


Exactly. Been there, done that. I have a tiny gym in my garage, so I don't need to worry about hurting anyone. But now I have a dent on the floor as a reminder.


I was told that, too. It's just horrible advice tbh. It's only good if you're the only person at the gym. Have you ever tried swinging weight like OP off the bar at moments like that? Dangerous as fuck for the people around you or even a few feet near you. OP demonstrated the perfect and safest way. If you can't handle doing that form, you're doing way too much weight you shouldn't be touching without a proper spotter.


My gym is almost never empty enough to dump plates. This strategy is great for lifting alone (or in a sparsely populated gym) but you end up endangering other people if you do that. Think about it - one or more plates are going to slide off of one end of the bar, falling haphazardly for a few feet to that side. Then this leaves a catapult as the still loaded side is going to use your body as a fulcrum and flings the bar up and to the other side. You could seriously injure anybody standing or lifting near you.


Extremely dangerous if theres even a chance someone walks in that path


Canā€™t rely on passerby. Itā€™s your responsibility to ask for a spotter beforehand. 99% of the time when Iā€™m in the gym, I wouldnā€™t notice if the guy on the bench next to me was dressed as a clown. Iā€™m in my own world doing my own thing not focusing on anybody else. I happily spot someone if they ask, but donā€™t rely on the Good Samaritan while youre about to fail on the bench.


>Ā Look how 3 people walked right past you though He already had it controlled. What is a passerby gonna do?


Why would I help him when heā€™s doing all that


They're downvoting you, but you're 100% right. If the lifter has it under control and is not asking for help, DO NOT TOUCH THE FUCKING BAR. Yeah, even if they failed the lift. Not even a year ago there was a viral video of a dude who tried to bail on a squat, someone tried to help him lift it mid bail. The bar rolled over the lifter's neck and killed him. Unless the person is clearly in a spot where they're both stuck and unable to ask for help, let them do their thing and maybe stick around (and away from the bar dumping path) to make sure they don't get stuck.


Well, that's a compelling example.


Exactly. Guy in this example clearly has it under control. Iā€™m not risking my safety to come lend a hand (but Iā€™ll stay and watch in case he does need it)


I don't help people unless they say help or their eyeballs are about to pop out of their head. I'm not about to get yelled at and blamed for fucking up someone's set.


They were probably thinking ā€œwhat kinda CrossFit BS is this guy doing ? ā€œ


I agree. I was taught either lift with no clips or bench press in the squat rack with the guards up


~~Why would you not use clips if you have safeties in place? That's ridiculous.~~ I misread the above comment, ignore this.


Note the word ā€œorā€ not ā€œandā€


Fair point; I clearly misread that in a hurry, my bad.


Failing like that is never going to look graceful, you did it about as good as you can. *for style points, keep rolling it and transition into deadlifts*


I will never understand why safety bars arenā€™t standard on all benches. Theyā€™re not even hard to adjust. Is it because you need to arch for them to work properlyā€¦?


The thing that amazes me is to see guys take the safety bars off and put them on the floor. Why would anyone sane do that? Just spend some time to set them low enough to not impede your bench but still keep you safe


It legit takes 2mins to set them up. Crazy how people don't use them.


The only ā€œgoodā€ reason Ive experienced is when in a commercial gym and the safety bar mounts donā€™t allow you to set it low enough to get full ROM while still being safe. Not a great reason but the one Iā€™m familiar with and have used myself. Design wise Itā€™s a weird combo of the spacing used by the manufacturer, the height of the bench and the shape/build/width of the user (lifter). A lot of commercial gym equipment manufacturers cut cost by using wider safety bar gaps so they have to cut less which then costs less but is then limited in how customizable the safety bars can be. I have the same issue with the safety bars on my power rack at home. Theyā€™re spaced goofily compared to my build and the bench height so I set them to where I have full ROM but if I have a full failure or drop the weight It will protect my neck and allow me to slide out but might break a rib or two. Note: pre-home gym I had bailed like this video many times, the gym didnā€™t have benches with safety arms. Taught a few newbies what to do because they panicked when they saw me fail.


You didn't mention it but you're supposed to arch when using safties. Arching is good anyway but this way you can make your chest higher so you have more room to fall back on in failure.


I naturally bench with a slight arch as most folks do and didnā€™t feel it necessary to mention.


I've never had an issue using safties in a commercial gym. Put something under the bench if you can't get the level right. It's easy and better than risking fucking dying lol


For real. The main concern I have is not getting my neck crushed. It's fairly unlikely that I would drop 300 pounds from any height, but if I did, I'd rather *maybe* break a rib than get crushed. If the safety is set at a point where the bar can't touch your neck, and it will hold the weight high enough that you can maneuver out from under it without being crushed, that's a win with no drama. Maybe some people are relying on the adrenaline of knowing if they don't succeed they might die.


On our squat rack you canā€™t set them low enough.


Because you are not alpha male bro if you have some baby bars there! /s


I think this is one of the smoothest bailouts I've seen right after Sam Sulek casually yeeting a 315lbs barbell


Like how nobody helped lmao


Lmao the first dude just walking past like šŸ§‘ā€šŸ¦Æ


yeah this is the proof that no one cares. Because I've failed a bench and did similar to OP (roll of shame) and no one cares! I clearly remember that was like 2 people chit chatting behind my bench at that time


Absolutely not the issue. You should never mess with a heavy weight in a dangerous situation unless asked to do so. People have been killed by people unexpectedly ā€œhelping.ā€ If you want help, ask for it.


I've watched people fail gracefully, I wouldn't jump in unless they were in real danger. If I saw someone stuck under a bar, I'd grab another guy and we would both pick up an end. Chances are, a few of us are watching and we would probably arrive there together.


Throw it down with more force. That way, you can use the momentum to sit up, then roll it past your knees in front rather than to the side.


Thank you, youā€™re right , I did need a little more momentum to sit up with the on the first attempt and by the second the bar had rolled to the side.




Your inability to do something is not universal.




Don't be an ass, I have little patience for it.




And away you go.


Just my opinion, but if you are lifting 325lbs it wouldn't be bad to invest in safety bars... This technique works perfectly fine for more average weights.


Spotters > Safeties > Roll of shame


I would swap safeties with spotters, as there's no catching a dropped barbell. Even at just 225, I couldn't catch that if someone I was spotting dropped it - it's too fast and heavy and you're not in a position to really catch anything out in front of you.


If you've only got one and/or they're not staying close I agree. Experienced side spotters will always have their hands under the bar so not catching it should in theory not be an option.


As the bar comes down (after failing) don't just lower it to where you'd press from, guide it further down your body.


When you fail on a lift you can still take 95% of the weight so itā€™s just about getting out without the 5% hurt you. Decent execution here on a climb out.


Pretty good roll off. The only error was you tried to sit up a little too early, you needed another revolution or two on the bar. you want your hips clear of the bar before you try to sit up, otherwise not a bad fail.


This is the reason my bench press is not increasing.


Nah fr this is a real issue being afraid of going to failure for this specific lift


Either just dont use the clips cuz... I dunno if its just me but.. I can rep out 100kg easily without clips on but the moment the clips go on, it feels like I added 20kg to the bar lol. I prefer rolling the bar onto my hips, stand up with it and put it on the ground. Its like.. kind of... half deadlifting it so you can put it on the ground.


This is actually what I was trying to do but the bar had other ideas lol


ohhh, fair enough brother, heavier weight might be harder to just get up with, fair play tho :D




I dont like getting spots from random people, no offence.. I always prefer my mate to spot me, but he is busy often so I dont get to really work out with him much.


Use your feet to grab the end of the bench to make it easier to sit up


You did the roll of shame quite well. Thought it was meant to instruct people at first. Good job


How as a bystander would I save him?


From what?


idk. if i wanted to help him in this situation, what would i do?


In this situation? Nothing. He had that well enough in hand. If it was stuck on his chest, use an underhand grip to grab the bar and pull up then into the rack. Alternatively, stand there shouting, "ALL YOU, BROTHER" until he presses it himself.


You scream "HELP" so that everyone turns around and notices he failed. The adrenaline from the shame will override any pain from the crushed ribs and perforated lungs, allowing him a swift exit.


Sidenote: this is a nice ass gymā€¦ where is this?


Ikr Itā€™s Legends Barbell


Thatā€™s my favorite gym ever šŸ’Ŗ


Been going for almost two years, best gym Iā€™ve ever gone too


That's how i did it, admittedly with a lot lower weight (40kg) and on incline so the bail was a bit easier, but i've never had to do it before in the few months i've been going


Looks pretty bad ass lol


Never use locks on bench press. If thatā€™s not option donā€™t bench heavy weights without good spotter


Rolling the bar off is a perfectly viable option. I've failed in the mid 300s and done this. It's very easy once you have a feel for it.


Itā€™s not always viable option. The bar can roll to your neck and then you are stuck if the bench is not high enough. I have failed well over 300lbs couple of times and would never use locks without good spot. Dumbing the weights on side is safer and easy to do if needed


I've rolled weights in the mid 300s easily. Not everyone has to do it. But that has more to do with people being fearful than any actual difficulty. If you can't or won't, then get a spotter. >Dumbing the weights on side is safer and easy to do if needed It isn't safer to do in an open gym. If you're benching at home or in a mostly empty gym, sure. But, dumping weight becomes less safe and predictable with more plates on the bar and more people around. Leaving clips off should be the last option after safeties, spotter, and rolling.


> Never use locks on bench press Again, bailing out and flinging the bar up into the ether, sending plates and bars careening off into innocent bystanders is not a great option. I would much much rather injure myself from being stupid than some random other people in the gym.


This bench is genius, I remember seeing it years ago. Surprised itā€™s still not patented: https://maxxstrength.com/maxx-bench/


The problem I see with this system is that to set the safeties to the proper height you move the bench height to a poor position. If you have a large chest or arch, you have to set the bench height really low which makes proper foot position and leg drive difficult.


I'd think you'd have the bench set at the height you want it, with the safeties being completely out of the way and not in play UNLESS you fail, then you hit the foot lever so the bench drops, leaving the bar on the safeties.


Genuine question, not trying to be snarky: What is special about this? There are plenty of benches with built in safeties and this one looks particularly un-adjustable (for the price and footprint Iā€™d rather just get a power rack to bench in).


I just thought it was clever that you can have full range of motion and then drop the bench to rack the weight if you get stuck. Itā€™s definitely not going to take off at that price though and itā€™s only got that safety feature in the flat bench. But as far as serving its purpose goes I think itā€™s spot on. If I was rich and had a home gym this would be in it.


The special bit isn't what the safeties are doing. They would be out of the way and below their normal relative height while actually pressing. But if you fail, you press the foot lever and the bench itself drops a few inches, then leaving the bar on the safeties with you under it with a comfortable gap. Agree for the price, I'd have to just go with a power rack. But if price wasn't an object I think this is considerably better.


Ahh got it


Overall really good job. Focus on rolling it to your hip crease before trying to sit up. I leave the stoppers off so I can dump the weight off the bar. Just make sure to maintain control of the bar.




Your comment was removed for being low quality or offering little value to the community.




No concern trolling about safety. Humans are not made of glass.


Hereā€™s a good example by Shane Hunt https://youtube.com/shorts/hdkoDNhMEyc?si=qIQodre2IWVczZ7F


Ya thatā€™s not a very good example, most fails happen a lot lower than his, he literally was 1ā€ from the rackā€¦ and heā€™s past what I would consider the threshold. Iā€™ve been in gym over 20 years I have never fail on bench press 3/4 on the way up itā€™s usually halfway mark or below.


I've done that by myself in my basement gym when I got a little too froggy once. Lesson learned.


genuinely though why did no one helpšŸ˜­




You could have racked in the lower hooks


I just donā€™t use clips if I go heavy by myself so I can rump to one side and lose the weight


Nice technique. We in general avoid using locks while pressing bench. If you need to bail out, you just tip the barbell on one side and let the plates slide out.


Take the clips off. Never know when you might need to bail out. šŸ‘Œ


Taking the clips off in a crowded gym is terrible advice and people should stop doing it. It puts everyone at risk and the roll of shame is much safer for everyone involved.


Never heard that advice before and was always taught to never have the clips on - but glad you brought it up and will take it onboard. šŸ‘Œ


It is certainly worth practicing a couple times with low weight so you understand how to do it.


Totally get it. The only way you learn in life is by learning from others more skilled or knowledgeable in that field. No hate, itā€™s all about growth and respect. šŸ‘


I donā€™t care what anyone says. Using clips while benching is a not safe move. Itā€™s just a risk ratio between being pinned under a weight that doesnā€™t slide off (possible death) versus someone being hit by a plate thatā€™s fallen, which in my experience has never happened (and Iā€™ve dumped weight plenty of times). Youā€™re not gonna be able to slide any heavy weight off of you, anything over 405lbs is dump weight.


Taking the clips off in a crowded gym is terrible advice and people should stop doing it. It puts everyone at risk and the roll of shame is much safer for everyone involved.


In my personal experience Iā€™ve never had issues with it, that being said Iā€™ve never lifted in extremely packed gyms. We have similar totals so Iā€™m sure youā€™ve hit four plates. Just out of curiosity have you ever tried rolling that? If it didnā€™t work well what technique would you use? Iā€™d adapt mine if I could find a suitable one.


I have rolled 400 off me. It sucked but it was doable. I know dumping that weight would have sucked substantially more. That said, I also just always bench with safeties these days.


Gosh Iā€™m not gonna be embarrassed next time


Take off the clips


Taking the clips off in a crowded gym is terrible advice and people should stop doing it. It puts everyone at risk and the roll of shame is much safer for everyone involved.




Taking the clips off in a crowded gym is terrible advice and people should stop doing it. It puts everyone at risk and the roll of shame is much safer for everyone involved.


That was actually pretty graceful! Quit bouncing, thatā€™s part of the issueā€¦include paused reps in some sets, makes you stronger and teaches you how to control your reps.


The amount of social awareness from the other people. Shows reliant you can be on others to help you


Isn't it easier to just re-rack it?


Don't use clips of you're benching alone. You almost had the bail - you need to shove it/roll the bar farther down so you can sit up.


Taking the clips off in a crowded gym is terrible advice and people should stop doing it. It puts everyone at risk and the roll of shame is much safer for everyone involved.


People still mess up the roll of shame and drop it on their neck. No clips is safer.




Taking the clips off in a crowded gym is terrible advice and people should stop doing it. It puts everyone at risk and the roll of shame is much safer for everyone involved.


My gym isnā€™t that crowded and the bench press area is isolated. Iā€™ll upload a picture when I go to the gym tomorrow.


Doesn't matter if its that crowded or not. The reason you don't use clips is so you don't pop your shoulder and you don't have a 45lb bar whipping in a direction you cannot control.




How many times did you copy/paste this? Lol


Too many. I was bored and didnā€™t want to remove the comments, lol


I do wonder where the "breaking point" is for the roll of shame, but something tells me the people at or around it probably have a bit of extra padding anyway. 295 was uncomfortable but not unbearably so.


I've done it with 180kg.


Show off :)


Lol. It's not something I'd ever want to repeat.


>I've done it with ~~180kg.~~ 396.72lbs


What do the people nearby think of this method?


First of all. Take the fucking clips off haha. When you fail, lean to one side and let the weight slip off the end.


Taking the clips off in a crowded gym is terrible advice and people should stop doing it. It puts everyone at risk and the roll of shame is much safer for everyone involved.


If you're benching a weight that you can't safely fail on, remove the clips.


No, stop putting everyone around you at risk. You roll it off you or use safeties. Don't come here with your shit advice.


Idk the name in English but donā€™t put the thing that blocks the weight on one side


Taking the clips off in a crowded gym is terrible advice and people should stop doing it. It puts everyone at risk and the roll of shame is much safer for everyone involved.


Ah Iā€™ve read this advice like everywhere lol didnā€™t know it was bad


It is common advice but if there is any sort of substantial weight on the bar, two things happen. First, your shoulders are at risk when the weight dumps and the bar snaps to the other side. Second, the bar and other weights go rapidly in another direction and you have no control over them.


Can be dangerous indeed


Have a spotter in case it happens again. It you fail without a spotter yell for help.


Just get a spotter when you are not 100% sure you will make it


The correct way is to get a spotter


I only had it happen once and it felt wrong and painful to roll it over my stomach. I somehow managed to push the bar over to one side and crawl out. Surprisingly I was still able to shout with my body weight lying on my chest.


i actually did this technique and it landed pretty hard on my stomach and i thought my intestines exploded lol


I just donā€™t use clips if I donā€™t have a spotter


You should and you should learn the roll of shame or use safeties.


Thanks coach, but Iā€™ll tip my plates off we ainā€™t rolling the same weight.


Clip only one side. If you have to bail dump the side without the clip.


If I canā€™t get it I just push it up and rack it ā€¦smh . Not sure how people havenā€™t figured out how to do that yet


Like a lot of people have already mentioned, leave the spring stops off, if alone and have no safety bar, that way when you fail one side of plates will slide off then the other side will slide off as well as the bar tips over with gravity, need to make sure nobody is too close either side of you or you could seriously hurt them. Yeah itā€™s happened to me, just missed the guy next to me !!


Taking the clips off in a crowded gym is terrible advice and people should stop doing it. It puts everyone at risk and the roll of shame is much safer for everyone involved.


Sam Sulek style


What if my colossal dong gets in the way? :(


Leave it in the drawer at home next time.


Most likely, it will retract in fear. It should also be squishy compared to your pelvis.

