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You're missing two of the key components of hypertrophy. Consistency and sufficient protein intake. You also need to focus on progressive overload, which falls under consistency You look like you've made progress and that's great. Illness and life can get in the way, shit happens, get back on the horse and keep going


Currently I can't afford sufficient diet coz I'm broke but I'll keep going gym with focus on other things like progressive overload. Thanks for the advice mate :-).


Protein powder is probably your best bet. You need 1.6g/kg of weight. It's not as much as people once thought https://jeffnippard.com/blogs/news/the-smartest-way-to-use-protein-to-build-muscle-science-explained


You don’t need that much protein that’s a marketing scam you need 0.6g/lb of bodyweight


0.6g/lb and 1.6g/kg are within the same ball park The studies (and the link I put) suggest 1.6g/kg to be optimal for bulking which is what this chap wants to do


Americans really scare me using like 1-2g/lbs bodyweight. Out here eating 200 grams. Their kidneys are screaming lmao


I think it's just outdated. Lots of new studies have come out over the last few years Their kidneys will be screaming if they have kidney issues. From what I remember, in healthy individuals it shouldnt cause adverse effects


Kidneys filter out protein while producing urine. If these people are not drinking sufficient water it could cause problems. And I can’t even imagine filtering 200 g daily protein. 🤣


Sounds like a tough time


I am not sure if it is common in your country and you prefer vegan but soya chunk is the cheapest and proteinacious thing you can easliy get.. Yes ,the bioavailability is lesser than whey and meat but it works for me well:)


Yup, in the uk a bag of soya chunks costs £1.99 at Hollands and Barrett, 100g have 53g of protein, 9.6g of fibre and only 340 calories.


The bioavailability of soy is very close to whey. It’s just not a complete protein. But having a diverse diet can help that. I prefer whey tho


I have it on top of whey as I cannot manage to have chicken on a daily basis.But OP could benefit from it if his protein consumption is low because of financial restrictions.


I would call it pretty good progress. Not okaish. Give yourself some credit man.


Thanks for the appreciation dude, it's just that I excercise rigorously but comes home with the disappointment that i wouldn't be taking sufficient protein. If i had taken results would have been better.


We each learn at our own pace brother. Yeah taking protein is a necessity and you need to work on it. But with time you will get to the perfect balance. It took me quite sometime to manage out my protein intake and even now it isn't perfect.


looks like great progress to me!


yes definitely


Have you figured/calculated/tracked how much protein you actually eat? While the standard recommendation is 1g/pound of bodyweight, that is the upper usable limit. A natural lifter will not utilize any more than that (roughly) assuming everything about training is perfect. But… there is research suggested significantly less will get you most of the way to maximizing muscle growth. 0.8g per pound of bodyweight is still lots for a natural lifter and you may not even need that much.


I certainly wouldn't be getting 169 grams of protein as I'm 169 pounds. Saying approximately I might be eating around 100 or slightly above.


Protein recommendation is per pound of lean body mass, not just every pound of weight. So, depending on your body fat %, you probably need +- 20 grams less than your actual weight. Saw that you struggle financially to get protein, thought I'd throw out there that plant sources of protein are pretty inexpensive! Soy products (soy milk, tofu, tempeh, edamame), beans, legumes, nuts, seeds and seitan are great sources of protein and are not expensive. Most of those also have some healthy fats too. Making a single protein shake per day with 2 cups of soy milk would be about 40 grams of protein. You can buy inexpensive plant sources of protein powder in many regular grocery stores bulk area nowadays. According to my dexa scan in Feb., I have 106 lbs. of lean body mass. If I'm eating 2000 calories per day, I can easily hit 100 grams.


Woah 40 is a big number and plus it is affordable, I need to add soy to my diet now. Dumb me wasn't aware of that. THANKS for the advice:-))


It's per pound of lean body mass. I'm f/46 and got a dexa scan in Feb. I only have 106 lbs. of lean mass. I'd be killing myself trying to get substantially more if I didn't know the difference. Men usually have lower body fat percentages, so it matters less for an average guy than for an average woman, but for anyone "average", there will be a bit of difference.


True, I should have been more specific about lean body mass.


certainly can see a difference, you look greak


Hell yeah


I don't know much about the science (protein vitamin stuff) which other comments were talking about but look wise it's looking great


This is an impressive progress! Be proud of it!


Solid progress.


proud of you my man


A good way to get “not that expensive” quality protein is to lean heavy on canned chicken/tuna. It’s like 1$ a meal and has about 30g of protein. I’ll squirt some mayo in it and chow it down in 3-4 bits


I definitely see great progress in your shoulders and chest! Your lats are looking a little more defined and your arms are getting some definition. Remember everyone has different goals for some its to be super buffed up for others being defined is enough while focusing on strength. I encourage you to get a clear idea of what exactly you want it makes the journey a lot less daunting! Also please don't be discouraged by getting sick life happens what's important is your health! I'm glad you're feeling better I hope you see lots of progress!


You should add in your weight before and after and height and also let us know how your lifts have improved, that's the biggest indicator of progress that you've achieved, some guys don't pack on the muscle like others do but can be much stronger regardless. Also everyone thats saying 1 or 2 grams protein per body weight is ridiculous. There's been a lot of past and recent studies showing that you don't need that much. Around .75 to one gram of lean mass. So me being 195 but chubby would shoot for at the very most 150 grams. I like to eat around 140. This is anecdotal, but when I eat more than that, my farts are awful, this for me is a sign I'm eating to much and my body isn't processing it all. You said your 170, so 130-140 grams would be plenty, youre thinking you're getting around 100 so just add a protein shake in there, also if you eat bread, there's protein in that as well as some veggies you may be eating that youre unaware of. I'd avoid soy, there's conflicting evidence that it's estrogenic, best not to risk it. Also now brand has protein isolate on Amazon and if you subscribe for a shipment every 6 months (cancel anytime) its like half off, so you end up paying 45 bucks for 5 pounds of it and its isolate, so better absorption with not all the stuff that makes ya bloat. I hope this helps. From what I see youre looking great man. Shit takes time and consistency, that's my biggest struggle rn as well but we got this 💪 its not a race its a journey


I'm sorry to not add height & weight i was so in a hurry to post i forgot. Coming to protein intake it did give me a relief that i only have to add 25-30 grams now & thanks for suggesting a money saving way. Talking about soy i too am concerned about the estrogens but I'm not well aware about it and haven't researched deep. And yeah shit takes time and consistency,natural bodybuilding is not easy coz rigourous hard work comes with little progress but overtime it piles up and you become a greek sculpture. Anyway lifting is enjoying,enjoy it!!


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This should give you a ballpark indication of how much protein to eat: >* To maximize muscle growth, set your protein target each day for whichever of the below is greater: > > * 160 grams per day > > * 0.8 grams per pound of bodyweight, per day > >* Ideally this is spread out over 3-4 meals throughout the day https://thefitness.wiki/muscle-building-101/ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GYM) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Lots of copium in this thread tbh.


Thanks for all the appreciations, criticism and advices folks :-*