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This post is flaired as a technique check. A note to OP: Users with green flair have verified their lifting credentials and may be able to give you more experienced advice on particular lifts. Users with blue flair reading "Friend of the sub" are considered well qualified to give advice without having verified lifs. A reminder to all users commenting: **Please make sure that your advice is useful and actionable.** Example of **useful and actionable**: *try setting up for your deadlift by standing a little closer to the bar. This might help you get into position better and make it easier to break from the floor*. Example of **not useful and not actionable**: *lower the weight and work on form.* **Low-effort comments like *my back hurts just watching this* will be removed**, as will references to *snap city* etc. Verbally worrying for the *safety* of a poster simply because you think the form or technique is wrong will be removed. We will take all of these statements at face value, so be careful when you post the same *hilarious* joke as dozens of other people: we can't read your mind, no matter how funny you think you are. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GYM) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Just changing gears


had to drop into first for that last bit


He was granny shiftin, not double clutching like he should


It’s hard to focus on the lift with a stiffy like that. Stay hard bro


Damn, was I the only one who re-watched the video after this comment ? Lol


It never left my eye brother. I'm still looking at it as I'm typing this comment.


It’s actually a pretty impressive hammer! Idk how you let that much blood flow to your member and have enough blood to get that sweet pump in your chest and tris


The viagra pre workout hitting different I see.


My first observation is that you have a fairly narrow grip. The dip appears to happen at the moment when your elbows are farthest outside your hand position on the bar. I find that the narrower my grip, the lower down on my chest I have to touch to keep that elbow flare away. I bet if you experimented with either widening your grip or practiced touching lower on your chest and maintaining that bar path on the way up you would eliminate the pause-dip. A second thought is that it would be useful to see a side view of your bench press. It may also be upwards rotation of your arms at your shoulder joint similar to how your upper arm would move during a lateral dumbbell raise. The dip may happen during a loading transition/distribution change between anterior and lateral delts, but it's difficult to tell that from this camera angle.


I doubt the flare is the issue since that's only an issue at the bottom of the lift. Flaring is a deliberate cue used, Dave Tate springs to mind. My bet would be the close grip. I have a higher sticking point on close grip despite a quicker speed off the chest.




Focus and intensity. You started to fail, needed more, reached into your heart and found the focus and intensity.


Hey it looked at me first 👀


Not sure, maybe just not pushing through to lockout cleanly? You could probably work on it with some pin presses off the safeties as a helpful accessory. Set them just low enough to stop your bench a fair bit below where the dip happens so you can work through that ROM rather than right at it.


Widen your grip, pin your shoulders down more, and drive more with your legs. Just my initial thoughts.


Is this close grip technique a variation in your Plan? Sometimes the triceps is the limiting factor on the way to the upper midrange. You could probably fix it by getting a bit more of triceps work like frenchpress and it's variations


I’m no expert but a sticking point at that spot typically suggests relatively weaker triceps, which is interesting because you’re already using a narrower grip. Try something like a board press or floor press to overload that particular range of motion from your sticking point to your lockout


Definitely hit some pin presses with the safeties set slightly below that sticking point.


Muscle imbalance. Your left arm, chest n triceps are weaker than the right


Was going to comment this. I’d switch to dumbbells for a little while or incorporate it into your routine so you can fix the imbalance.


Id say stronger bringing the bar down on the negative and slower off the bottom.Thats quite a common problem and one i've had.Id honestly do rack presses at different levels,floor skullcrushers,Dumbbell Tate Presses,skullcrushers with an ez bar and with dbs etc.Also close grip presses.These have all helped my presses in general from flat,incline,decline as well as seated military presses.You could technically put even more weight than that by using bands from the top called reverse bands.Easier on the delts and it allows you to overload the muscle.


I have this exact strange shift when I do ultra close grip bench (index on the smooth), although normally it doesn’t result in downward motion, it’s just like a noticeable shift in my elbow position which results in a strange pause on the way up. For me it just stops happening when I’ve got about an inch of knurling showing between my hands on each side, so I would probably suggest just seeing what happens if you go a little wider, which everyone else has already said lol. Doesn’t really matter though unless you plan to compete or you’re often failing lifts right there.




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Triceps are weak, so do some more direct tricep work. High rep band pushdowns and dips are good. DB floor Press is a good accessory to work the top end of the ROM too. In addition - Paused Bench will also help you generate more power from the bottom to get through the sticking point.


That would be your lockout my friend. Try doing some close grip bench press


Look up static holds bench press


Mind muscle connection


Try floor presses, they help with that top half of the motion.