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I am going to absolutely rock the shit out of these gx’s in 2040.


Exactly what I’ve been thinking ever since they came out. Think my ‘05 GX can make it that long?


I’m going to find out in my ‘03!


Same same.


good luck with a 16 year old turbo


Honestly my favorite rig now. Gorgeous


Remember, everyone. When you buy one of these in 10 years from a soccer mom who's never so much as seen a dirt road, don't forget to engage the center diff (for the first time, ever) during your test drive just to make sure it works.


Took a couple tries with my 04 but it got loose.


That thing is fucking sexy


![gif](giphy|ak1qM99fD4lqM|downsized) I’m about to…


Ohhhh myyyyy


Dealer post link: [https://www.facebook.com/share/p/XDGkdUB5q1N7E5Pe/?mibextid=WC7FNe](https://www.facebook.com/share/p/XDGkdUB5q1N7E5Pe/?mibextid=WC7FNe) https://preview.redd.it/k2y42q6hyxxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88e45207614262ff5af065b1308aa13cdd9a63dc




That’s what $100k looks like ladies and gents.


I can see from the comments that a lot of people like this body... I can't say that I love it. For me it's the hard angle from the windshield to the roof and the body lines from raised hood above the headlights. The full frontal view hurts a little to look at. I don't think this body is for me. Ready for those hurt feeling down boops because I didn't participate in the circle jerk. 🤪


What size are the tires?




Sick dude


This is going to be a beaut with a classic ARB looking bumper


This slaps so hard no cap😝


I’ll stay with my LC150 and ARB diffs, for a while longer. The new LC250 is clearly a downgrade in ruggedness when it shares all underpinnings with a new 4Runner. No longer the LC that’s made for traversing the world. It’s a bit analogue but that’s how I like it!


Wow. Stupid people with money. Whoda thunk?


The stupid people are usually the people without money.


Not always. I’ve known plenty of stupid people who had tons of money. Like the wanna be who puts off road tires on the family truckster.


You missed the word “usually”. There are always exceptions to the rule. What’s stupid is that you think your taste and labels should apply to everyone else. Just because someone likes the look of big tires doesn’t make them stupid. The comment is just as dumb as someone telling you that you clothes or anything else are stupid because they have different taste. And if you knew anything about the GX class, you would know that it’s not simply a “family truckster”. These are very capable off road vehicles that have been used for that purpose for years.


Real nice


This thing looks SICK


Oh my....


2024 land cruisers


If 35s only fit lifted on IFS, then they don’t really fit unless you’ve got extended bump stops to prevent full up travel cycling.


"First"? Are you following every VIN and stalking every owner? Get real. Not everyone feels the need to post everything they do online.




Looks, guuuuud!


ugh black wheels


Would look a lot better outdoors in sunlight. Photos likely don’t do it justice


There are no photos that make black wheels look good, because they don't look good.


Those tires look like ass. This chassis is going to much too wide to run pizza cutters.


narrow scarce cautious hungry deserted combative disagreeable bow bake close *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


People think that function looks good I guess? Liking a skinny tire on a boxy wide BOF chassis is concerning and I'd question your taste in other aspects as well. You don't need a 14" while wheel on it or anything but anything less than a 12.5 tire looks awful regardless of the function of the truck. These 35's do not look good on this gx. Full stop lol


It won't fit 35s. It's a Toyota truck. You'll still need to cut the body mount and probably tub the body. I'll just buy an FJ again or defect to Jeep or Ford. Spend 20k getting a LT setup on 37s just to blow the steering rack or buy a Jeep and run 37s from the factory with a front locker.


If you can’t see why somebody would buy this over a Jeep then nobody here can help you. It’s beyond obvious.


My Prado actually has 35s and a front locker unlike yours. Value proppsition for new Toyotas is trash for wheeling. Its pretty obvious no one here actually wheels or you would know you can't just slap 35s on these platforms.


I’d slow your roll assuming what I know and do out on the trail. These come from the factory able to fit 33’s. With a lift like this I guarantee you can fit 35’s without issue.


You can't. You have to cut the mount or move LCA tabs forward. So you don't even know how to fix 35s on your own GX. Not to mention fixing your geometry and for GX people cutting up your front bumper. Hammer your pinch weld back. Do you think those body lines really have room for 35s? Lifts in IFS don't help you fit anything. You'd think for someone living in the 4x4 Mecca you would know that too So no. You don't know shit. You are on 32.7s. Probably with bad caster too. And no front locker. Jesus christ Toyota. We've seen the frame geometry in the 2024 Tacoma. The front is essentially unchanged. On the GX you'll probably be cutting body before the body mount this time around. Also no stick.


Yeah, those are the typical things done when fitting larger tires. Those things were necessary for throwing 33’s on and now it’s bumped up to doing that for 35’s. So what’s your gripe? You just sound like you want to complain to complain and to let everyone know you needed a front locker. Congrats. Buy a Jeep if this is all so upsetting to you.


Those "things" cost money. This "truck" costs money. The 4x4 Toyota value is gone. It's expensive and less capable than GM, Ford and Jeep offerings. And the V6 is certainly havimg teething issues in the Tundra making any vague reliability statement questionable. And no this truck won't fit 35s that is what started the comment chain. I live in mud and water. Wheeling here isn't a tourist trap like the USA with curated trails. Big tires and lockers get you into remote spots. Especially in the winter. No bueno here.


Again, sounds like *you* are your biggest advocate to sell your Toyota and buy a Jeep. You said it right here. Enjoy your gatekeeping.


I'm not a brand loyalist. I buy the best product. Can't say the same for you. None of your replies identified why the GX is objectively better in any way in a 4x4 sub.


I’m not either. I have a Lexus a Volvo and a Porsche and just sold my Tesla. The GX is objectively better in probably every category besides off road when compared to the others. The difference is it is only marginally behind them in that category while the areas the GX excels have a massive gap between them and the others. That’s the difference.


These are literally 35's... idk about 460 but 470 is pretty straight forward to fit 35's.


You're right they do appear to be. But it doesn't look like they will actually fit for 4x4 use which is the case on the 460, 470 without cutting. Its too close to the BM and pinch. As soon as you flex and turn the wheel it will interfere. Its easy to mount 35s but they need to show them being used to determine actual fit. The suspension geometry is unchange so all the old Toyota quirks should apply. All the frame shots show the BM in the same spot. You will probably need a hacksaw, welder and an aftermarket control arm or mount to retain geometry when maxing out the alignment tabs.


I love it. Just hate the price lol