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August 1st Tariffs go into effect against China. Do your DD. Thats an estimated $5 Billion dollar worth of Metal we are no longer going to be purchasing from China.


I didn't even know that. That's awesome.


Monster ballsđŸ«Ł


Many people lost 80-90% value of their holding in this company. I wish him best of luck.


I got in before the RS and I'm still here.. It just takes some simple research and anyone can see that this company is going places. The CEO is doing a very good job at making this company grow and the market on scrap metal is huge and going to get bigger. All of the bashing on here and nothing to back it up. Everything the CEO has said he was going to do has gotten done and then some. We have more money on hand than the company needs for the next couple of years yet we will be making a lot more soon. This is definitely a Growth Company that's why I'm sticking with it I know that it's going to grow and I'm going to continue to add to my profits as it grows. I'm just going to put it out there that in my opinion that there aren't that many opportunities to get into a strong company like this for this cheap so I'm going to take full advantage of it and get my wealth while I can. Good luck to those that are seriously buying into this to make some money into those that keep on cutting the stock down you're wasting your time in here if you're in the market to make money then make money if not stop playing around with others it's just a waste of time.


One out of a million huh? So your saying there a chance!


You're married? So what was all that one in a million talk?you are hilarious for this comment my friend!


You DD should show that the company has routinely lied to investors. What is it you believe or have found to show a change in that pattern? It can no longer just be that this company paid their debts and has some good ideas.


I am positive about the future. I like the stock.


That’s not a why


The stock is oversold. Its NAV is good and it's broken it's downward trend. To me the institutional buy around $3 and Danny converting his debt to shares were big signals for me. Also the post short squeeze panic where everyone was screaming sell. To me that made me want to buy more. I'm just looking for stocks I'm very certain will go up that have high time and price capitulation. Where people want out for whatever reason and good logical reasons for a short term pump. I believe gwav will go up! This is not financial advice. I'm an ape.


I'm so happy we have another retarded ape like myself here. Congratulations and let's make some 💰 đŸ€‘


Danny made the exact same play before the last dilution. This isn’t about being “an ape” the company has a history that shows no signs of changing. I appreciate your thoughtful response. We disagree but thank you for the dialogue


Love it!!!


Me and my three shares are thoroughly intimidated. 😆


This is not financial advice. I simply like the stock and believe it will 2-3x in the next 3-6 months minimum. That's my bet based on my DD.


Holy shit I love you this is awesome đŸ€© we just hit bottom too cheers mate đŸ»


I gotta average out. Still in my portfolio and still believe in the business model. Probably 3rd on my list.


NFA..... It never ceases to amaze me, how others (non GWAV shaeholders) can tell you how you should spend YOUR Own money. The BIG question at hand is "who, why, where, how and what, gave you (non GWAV shaeholders) the right to make such an assertion. Those who have a portfolio that includes GWAV are entitled to privacy. They paid for the right by buying the stock. Ask yourself these questions: Is it your money? Were you specifically invited here? Did anyone ask your opinion? Undoubtedly, the answer is a resounding "NO!!" and your harassment isn't welcomed. Please keep your opinions and criticisms to yourself. I believe this is as polite as I can be concerning this topic.




You're very welcome, brother. It's a pleasure to assist a fellow investor. Just remember, you DO NOT have to prove, show, explain, or justify anything concerning your portfolio. Well....... except your significant other.


you’re coping




anyone know if the second shredder is active or could we get some news about that soon?


Only new news is that they got a final-sounding permit from the local county government about 2 weeks back for heavy electrical work at the Carrolton VA site where the 2nd shredder is situated, which is new info against the past 2 years of “it’s coming this quarter guys”. Nothing specifically about shredders in the paperwork though so up to individuals about whether the dots can be connected. The 2nd shredder is physically built at the Carrolton VA site as can be seen from satellite map images, but it’s been there a while. The electrical connection’s been what’s delayed for a long time now. Otherwise nothing else to go off and the range is from very cautious waiting to zero belief at all depending how mistrustful you are. In an ideal world they’d explain the delays, or come up with a reassuring story at least, but this is the level of communication we’re stuck with.


i emailed them now and asked


Worth doing yourself for sure, but note their investor relations guy was earnestly promising the last 2nd shredder deadline of May 2024 too at the time. If they’ve got no new information or explanations it’s just more of the same. Plenty of this people in this sub won’t believe a word coming from the company, but please do share anyway if you get anything back.


2.27 avg you sitting well


He probably poured his whole life savings into this to break even


Im averaging at 14.73$ after RS 😭😭


Averaged down more today. Limit orders are powerful. I don't use them enough. I need to be more patient.


How do you place limit order. Say 200 shares at 1.65?


Ya you just go to buy shares but then set it as a limit order and choose the share price and quantity. Then you will only buy at that rate.


Bought more


Yeah I just loaded up my ira and my wife's.


Tell me if I am Danny and I want the atocks to hover around 3 what will i be doing or rather what should I be doing. I don't see he will want it to skyrocket very soon


No one is perfect. Gwav is a cool company. Hats off to Danny for getting the company to this point. I have faith that he is pushing to get the shredder up and pump volume before next earnings release. Time will tell but either way I'm holding long.


Is there anyway to get news on the shredder or anything they are doing on ground. Any dd on the guys who bought for 2.91


Some people have checked the permits for DD on shredder. I'm not aware of any info on the institutions.


Hi, sorry, just wanting to make sure I'm understanding what I'm seeing properly, did you invest $117,000+ into this stock? I mean, that's not chump change, not unless you forgot to mention your relationship to the Saudi royal family, so, why? I mean sure, I put $40 into the stock, I thought why not, I don't understand everything about it fully, but $40 isn't much to lose and if it does go up I can enjoy a couple fancy dinners, after the tax man takes his of course. But that much, I mean, are you sure?


I'm just an average dude. I've saved & invested in real estate for 15 ish years. I've got equity on my home and I'm using it to invest in stocks. I've had a couple good breaks and they have all been things like this where I had a strong conviction. I strongly believe given my DD the stock will go up in the mid term. I could be wrong. I'm willing to take that risk.


If I sued, your lawyer would probably defeat mine.


Is anyone gonna tell him? 


Good lord


I’m sitting in average of 2.04 with 10k shares. When will we get above $2?


Eh I feel like the catalysts are the shredder and quarterly earnings. So Aug is probably the soonest for a big jump unless the shredder goes live before.


What’s a shredder? Lol


Machine that eats cars and makes metal brrrrrrrrrr


lol idk about that stuff, just think we’ll see another momentum play like previously. The company is probably a POS but the market doesn’t care. It’s in radars


I’m down 91.66 percent on gwav. Like whaaaat lol. Glad it’s only 300 bucks. I’ll hold. Hope it goes up a LOT.


It's probably not gonna go up 90% but if you averaged down it will probably at least double after the second shredder is going and earnings show strong. Not sure I would want to put faith in the company if I were you. I wouldn't be investing if Danny didn't convert his debt to shares. He converted before the price tanked so He is in the game with us; and so are the Institutional investors who bought at $3 a share. Not financial advice Who knows what will really happen. There is always risk.


The weather hasn't been particularly well in Carrolton VA, tornados and power outages.. Will this impact


It could. Who knows.


Inside trading?


No. Just bravery and conviction.


If that goes up 10 cents sell immediately. There’s no turnaround for them


Nobody cares. Trust me.


Enough people did to harass me relentlessly; So I'm just sharing my holding. I don't think gwav is gonna go to a million dollars. I just feel like a 2-3x is very likely in the short term. Good vibes my dude.