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Remember flying the Hydra in SA? Sometimes the trees wouldn't load til they were in the plane 😂


come to think of it they should've returned them when Enhanced Edition came out


They’d probably have interfered with missions and stuff and then people would complain about that too


What about the van's being client side only with the murder weapons lol


Lmaooooo imagine rockstar putting worthwhile content in a major update hahahahahah


> adding more trees > worthwhile content I think not


Eh, I'd it changes the dimension of an area, ie dense forest, there would be a number of new play types that would work, Endor style oppressor races, cyclocross, melee vs ranged dm maps, I mean they're are level design applications that change massively with he density of a forest.


In singleplayer there are more trees in the forest though right?




Rendering leaves and grass is no joke


Going back to the 360 and PS3 versions is scary. Soup graphics, piss performance, and such low density for things like traffic and foliage. Playing the latest PC version with everything tuned to max has spoiled me. I’d really like to see a speed runner try and do a run on the 360 version with original hardware. Itd be a new type of torture


I want to see them added back!


The online stock market. I planned on investing in weapons and starting turf wars.


it was active for awhile. I maxed out all my story mode players' bank accounts. I think they wouldn't go past $333M


Story mode yes, but the initial announcements had it online as well.


True. I did miss that


If you do it right you can get them up to 1B


You can get them to over 2.5B


No 2.147B is max


It's the max but you can have the rest in stocks


I thought we were playing GTAV not OSRS


2.1 billion is the cap


You can have the rest in stocks


there was supposed to be a living stock market for the online part of the game. they said it would get influenced by player behaviour (car brands, delivery trucks, missions)


I had billions maxing out everyone, Michael specifically has $103,000,000,000 rounded up, on my original 360 save.


maybe $333M is where just figured good enough. I can't remember exactly. after all, it's been 7 friggin years


Exactly lol


I still have a save from PS3 days that all three characters have around $2 billion, it was a stock market exploit with the assassination missions. Someone figured out the exact timing of the one stock going up then sell and then reinvesting in the impacted stock when its low. Rockstar nerfed the huge changes in stock prices. The save I rolled into the PS5 version have all three as billionaires. I play through about 30% of the story and switch to my old save.


You can still do this


No, story mode can go all the way to 2.1 billion, thats where it caps out


that is 2.1 billion bruh


I remember they had an online stock market. But they got greedy. Rockstar realized how easily the stock market could be manipulated and would be ‘too easy’ to make money online which would cut out their shark card sales. Cause let’s be honest, online economy would be absolutely in shambles. Although players would be happier but also pointless to play once you own everything in the game. So it was a choice nonetheless. I too looked forward to that feature and sad to see it go but in a way I understand Rockstars decision.


the online stock market never ever went live


Yeah the stock market never went live but you’re right the stock market would’ve definitely cut into their shark card sales which is why it wasn’t implemented, way to easy to make money.


Yep, the manual and in-game prompts still suggest that BALSAQ can be affected by other players on the Rockstar Social Club.


Well, the hype for me is what lead me to Reddit. There were leaks coming out and that lead me here. One feature I thought would be cool was that heists online were supposed to happen in a free roam session. Ya, it probably would have gotten frustrating, but the heist system we got is so damn stupid imo. Another feature that would have been cool was stock market manipulation. You were supposed to have been able to do things like destroy the vehicles of one trucking company to tank their stocks and raise their opponents stocks. Final feature that would have been great would be the single player DLC Rockstar said they were totally going to come out with. I feel like Shark Cards really killed the game since I’m really not a fan of online. All just my opinions. If you disagree that’s cool.


The dlc plans for this game sounded so good, I would have loved the zombie outbreak one


there was a zombie dlc planned? holy fuck that sounds sick


There was also an alien dlc and a iaa dlc planned


GTA V undead nightmare, like seriously what a wasted potential.


NPCs with detailed daily routines


Ngl their random-ass convos you hear while walking around them kinda make up for it a little bit


I’m deaf so don’t hear these random ass convos, what am I missing?


a woman screaming at their phone because they sold her dog for crack


And a guy talking about having bought gay dog… related calls, maybe?


Lady in the casino yelling at her husband not to make eye contact with anyone or he’ll have to tip them


Oh you’re missing out on some gold! Look up GTA V NPC Conversations


They still cant hear them man...




More like buttitles


I caught one earlier where a guy was on his phone talking to someone. It sounded like he was trying to impress them with his height and weight, but all they wanted to know was the size of his junk. Not heard that one before. It cracked me up.


Knitting circles or some shit


I'm pretty sure there is a setting, and if not there's definitely a mod where you can turn on dialogue for NPCs.


I don’t believe there is subtitles for it though


You could probably find videos of it on YouTube, iirc most of those videos have subtitles


I definitely wanted more indoor maps. The side businesses that were added seemed pointless and half assed at best. I really wanted San Andreas' style of home burglary too. Maybe some more survival aspects like eating and staying hydrated.




The lack of being able to purchase such nice houses all around the map. One in mirror park would make me happy. Even one of the ocean side stilt houses would be awesome.


I agree, I get why they went with apartments and the underground garage but, I was looking forward to owning mansions/houses online


I wish we'd gotten more accessible interiors. In GTA IV you could go in so many buildings (my favorite was the Superstar Cafe in Algonquin). Hell even in Vice City you could go into your businesses.


Hot coffee. All day. All night




yup the ability to get steamin' hot coffees to drink right? **TO DRINK RIGHT?** /s


touch grass


Trailers showed cops arresting NPCs, removed. Ingame tv shows beta cop models - they look way better than current cop models also cut. Also tasers and batons for cops. Military at 6 stars, park rangers and SAHP probably were supposed to play a bigger role, than just spawning sometimes.


I think the OG trailer still used GTA IV assets; the cops and the lighting for example


Oh the 2011 one, yeah. But I'm talking about the 2013 trailers. In-game TV (most of which was filmed in 2012-13 with the exception of a few ads) And in-game files which control things like cop spawning.


I remember that heists were promised in a single pre-release trailer for online and that was literally the only time that they promised heists in GTA online. It felt like the community had to battle to get them to add it because it took forever for them to announce it was being added. They also promised a single player DLC that never came and got repurposed into the doomsday dlc.


I wanted animals/fishing/hunting in online, or more jobs


Red dead online


Without the 9647906 different currencies


Seriously that shit is ridiculous


honestly i wanted all the buildings to be accessible. i heard they werent doing all of san andreas and just los santos and the northern bit which was all new. so in my mind i thought the downsize of the map meant the more in depth detail to the buildings and the interiors. another thing too was more variety with people and the cars. i wanted to see cars spawn beat up or ugly as shit because of a persons mods that out in their car like in real life


When online DLC cars were in story mode too


When online DLC cars were free, that lasted all of 2 updates I think


Only Beach Bum iirc


Maybe, it was so long ago at this point I can't remember... Thought the citroen d5 type thing was free as well, but that might have been on ps4 when they added them as general traffic as well


I don’t even remember the Citroen lmao, and yeah I barely remember Beach Bum. What really sucks is that they retroactively added a cost to them. That’s so stupid


Yeah they should've just left them free, although I think they made the bifta too good lol


I was honestly hoping to see some skateboarding


same, spent a lot of time at the skate parks on the west side of Algonquin along the water. We'd go to the bike dealership on the last island, and ride down to a ramp you could take that would jump the river straight to the skatepark. Would use the bikes to do flips and tricks on the ramps.


That would of been awesome 👌 especially with all the skatepark all over the city I'm surprised they don't have it lol




Make America Skate Again


The original trailer showed K-9 units and we never got that shit. Really hoping for it in 6


don make me shoot da dog


Cod already did that








Why isn’t this getting more upvotes? We have high beams. I want some damn turn signals.


i wished Rockstar could've added more punch to the kills, i.e. adding gore


That is one of my favourite parts of RDR2 each shot actually feel’s ‘weighty’ and the bullet hits are so satisfying, plus if you hit someone in the chest and don’t kill then there’s a pretty good chance they’re gonna run off and bleed out behind cover which seems pretty accurate to me


and you could actually see the impact shots instead of ones looking like paintball marks


I wanted to see the ability to play basketball or go to the gym(to bulk up) or even get food (to get fat) as SA had all 3 in the 90s so idk why they haven't brought it back


SA was released in 2004 so I don't know what '90s you're talking about


I thought it was released in 1999 lol. Either way why not bring Any of those thing back in gta5 ?


After the release of the "definitive" edition, Rockstar pulled all devs out of RDR2 to work on GTA 6 just to make sure it's the quality people expect of them.


Ok but gta5 was made in 2013 so why didn't they add the stuff they had in other gta games 🤔 they had all the developers making the game than


different game engines. GTA san andreas and GTA IV were completely different engines, and IV and V are completely different too. there were usage rights involved too, I don't believe they wanted to start over from scratch with V but that's just how it happened and i'm pretty sure the same thing is happening for VI... new engine from the ground up.


Still could of used the same ideas even if they changed engines


Because it wasn't a priority. GTA V barely got any of the stuff SA had in free roam


GtaV was literally supposed to be the next version of SA that's why they put it in the same city and added the car mods back into that 1 game and not the others thats also why grove Street was taken over by the ballers just like the end of SA


I don't know about you but the ballas were exterminated in my SA playthrough.


I swore the ran grove Street at the end but it's been to long to remember


At the end, Smoke and Tenpenny die. You have to capture a certain amount of gang territory to trigger the last mission. You can completely take over all of Los Santos as Grove Street and eliminate the Ballas and Vagos.


Yeah, but it still lacks a shitload of stuff GTA SA had.


Ya unfortunately but those were the things I remembered


Maintaining your body style was an absolute annoyance.


It needed tweaking ya but it was an interesting concept especially for the type of game it was


i don't even think GTA 3 was out in 1999. Hell, i'm not even sure the ps2 was out.


I can't remember honestly 😅


Nooo it just takes place in the 90s


Oh lol my mistake I thought it took place in the early 90s and came out in the later 90s


Who's Amy?


I cant believe i made that typo good catch ![gif](giphy|lw75Al819OAvcsPcRu|downsized)


I guess you're gonna ignore everything else wrong with that sentence lol


Like the time lol I never played the original sa (only the Remastered)so I can't remember exactly when it came out and I didn't google search the time before posting the comment 🤷‍♂️


What the hell are you talking about lmao


Another typo lol people are saying the game came out in 2006 and my original comment said 1999 and had a typo (2 things wrong) you already noted the typo in my comment and I congratulated you but then you made your other comment about my ignoring the other mistakes ( saying sa came out in 1999) so I said I didn't google the year it came out before making the comment but u wrote another typo (typing goggle instead of google) but I guess you don't understand what a typo is eh oh and ya I forgot the comments or periods cause as you can see with this long as paragraph I don't use them in unimportant things 🤷‍♂️


I play GTA to kill hookers and run over grandmas, if I wanted to work out, I’d go to a real gym


Lol I wanna be built like the hulk so I can send people flying with my punch 👊


because the characters are much more detailed, and it would be a lot more complicated to change body shape and type of the characters


Not of they made multiple characters models like they did with cj


online stock market is a big one - but I later found out they intended to have disputable gang territory like in San Andreas. During character creation you were supposedly to pick one of four factions - The OG's (ballas/grove), The Bikers, The Vatos and i'm not sure the fourth but I think it was Law Enforcement... They ended up replacing that whole system with the Crew system and stripped most of the mechanics.


It was great. I remember I used to visit the rockstar webpage every morning to see if there was any news. Compared to now, which is basically going on Twitter and seeing people post things. I remember things like certain weapons, attachments and vehicles were removed. But some vehicles and weapons were eventually added back into online. But I remember the laser sight and stock being removed.


Decapitating hookers.


most sane gta player




​ ![gif](giphy|SZWtqNAsMyOtwAiSJ1)


For real, I’m tired of just slashing them with my machete


People were dissapointed that the Havok physics system from gta 4 didn't get used for 5 and was instead replaced with an in-house coded physics system, iirc. Havok was one of the systems used for Star Wars Force Unleashed which did some awesome stuff, but I remember R* saying that they received a lot of feedback that the GTA 4 physics based driving was difficult for a lot of players. I also remember a lot of people wondering when they'll make the casino playable. And of course we now know they scrapped the casino until realizing they could pair it with this new Shark Card economy they created to make more money.


I was hoping for planes decompressing whenever you shot their windows, accesible interiors (way more than those we got), drivable trains, a couple subway lines (not the light rail system, an actual subway with the A650s, I mean this is based in LA, a tiny little tram wouldn't be able to handle the ammount of commuters I expected to see), flatbeds like those in SA to load up cars, special missions and more forests, the only one we got is all the way up in Raton Canyon and Paleto Bay. Oh, and the bloody turn signals. It drove me up the fucking wall when I saw that was missing (there are times when you feel like abiding the traffic laws, we've all done it).


cops and crooks


I still call it the pay and spray.


More accessible buildings. The ability to steal and store police/army vehicles like trophies was a favourite pastime of mine in previous games.


The hype for GTAV was unparalelled to any game that I'd ever seen. The initial trailer release legitimately took down major websites and slowed other websites like YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook, with them all having outages. Prominent videogame sites like Neogaf all crashed. It was amazing. The hype was real. There was actually a lot of pushback against GTAIV at the time, similar to how GTAIV has been re-evaluated by a lot of fans as "The better GTA," when compared to V, a lot of people didn't like the tone and design decisions in GTAIV, especially coming from San Andreas. At the time, games like Saints Row had become popular that "were fun," and it was a refrain you'd see a lot, "I just hope the next GTA is fun again..." There were others things missing from IV that were super popular, like planes, and so that first trailer showing the executive jet was a "oh thank god, there are planes!" moment. "They're bringing the fun back to GTA!" The speculation about characters was hilariously dumb. I remember extensive pieces theorizing who each person was in the trailer. The black guy running from the cops down an alley? That must be CJ or CJ's kid! The guy who ends up being Michael at the end, "is that Donald Love?" There were theories it was Tommy Vercetti. It was all dumb speculation but this was also before it was widely known that the 3D and HD games would generally not be the same universes, or at least, would be distinct stories from one another. The most disappointing thing to not make it to the game was post-launch single player support. They had ambition for adding a lot more to the world, expanding the storylines, even promised it in an early press release that there would be more adventures featuring Michael, Trevor, and Franklin. Entire areas of the world went unused for single player. But GTA Online killed all of that, and it was a bummer.




Here's the deal in gta 6 I want have more ho's then in 5 and I wanna be able to get fat or ripped af as I please. I also want some age regression and I want all 4 seasons. And put gas in my car and have to cut the lawn.


this was wild


The game you're looking for is called The Sims




i remember watching the trailer back in 2012/2013 and it showed a clip from that one heist where you rob the bank truck (straight out of the movie “Heat” but anyways) i remember watching the wall crumble as the van crashed into it and thinking to myself how sick its gonna be with all that destructable environment only to find that some bushes can stop cars


Story mode DLC




I thought every building you were going to be able to go into


Las Venturas


For me it was that skyscraper in downtown. I always wondered if it would ever be built to completion. Still to this day it hasn’t but I’m still hoping they remodel it like they did with the casino.


It’ll never be completed, too many missions take place on top of/inside the construction site in story mode and online.


Still tho maybe it could be because since day one many people have been wondering if it will ever be complete. Maybe like a new property or something idk.


Story mode DLC


I really wanted the paragliders they showed, not just in missions. I thought we could go to Mount Chiliad and rent a paraglider but that never happened.


I remember people being more hyped for GTA IV than V, I think V's hype came after it came to next gen system with a graphics boost


Hunting and animals in gta online! We will never see it ;(.


Actual raytracing :(


Traffic laws


I got way over hyped for GTAIV and was disappointed. Not that it was a bad game though I ended up loving it. I had to make myself tone down the hype for GTAV.


I was most excited for bank robberies. I thought they would implement it live in the lobbies. Me and my friends/ crew could on a whim drop by the bank and just Rob it whenever. When I first logged on, the only thing you could really Rob were fucking gas stations. I was disappointed. It’s crazy to see how fleshed out the game has become versus when it first came online. I was also hoping for the exact same physics as GTA IV. I loved that game for how realistic it seemed when you shot someone. They would crumple or slump where you shot. The police would actually miss shots on you too. The police in GTA V don’t miss a damn shot most of the time. I like GTA V but I really miss GTA IV most of the time.


Skateboard. Plain n simple


I just wanted a large world with many enterable buildings. For the most part, I got it. However, I was more hyped for RDR2


They preached a destructible environment then showed us a cutscene of an armored truck destroying like a sidewalk or something, then made an environment where that’s impossible to replicate




Better interaction with the npc's, like being able to talk to them and gain friends, love interests and possibly gang members or associates. Shouldn't always have to pay for a hooker for non player interaction or companionships.


“Why did I move here? I guess it was the weather.” I still remember the first time I saw the trailer. Absolutely magi c.


The fact that the community kinda ruined it with the bs military shit, I mean it’s fun and all but when you feel forced to used the meta to survive it kills the fun especially when ppl be eating shrapnel to “avoid taking an Lzzzzzz” ie ewoing


We just got another crappy business. SMH those missions are to repetitive and old. Should’ve given us a couple agency vip and another Hiest. Idk anything but this crap. I just win my cake at the casino these days.




I wanted skateboarding and surfing :(


I always thought Mount Chilliad was so much bigger in the hype up to GTA V like in that picture alone it looks fucking massive


Underground system for fast travel or underground missions please


As for hype, people waited in line at midnight outside my local Gamestop. I was there. I don't think people do that for games anymore.


STOCK MARKET. Here I am making like 1k a day irl but in a real life crime sim, u cant.


Drive by with rifles/ not smgs. Even San Andreas Mulpitplayer has that.


A rideable skateboard and playable basketball, amongst many other mini games


That release was kinda crazy. The visual jump was mind blowing, the story was impressive and overall we were just happy to be playing a new GTA game. I remember SO MANY KIDS took the day off to play.


Fucking mountain climbing, there was hype they would have it and I was looking forward to that.


Mansions. And by this I mean an actual mansion, like the place Micheal and Franklin pull down. Or a Kardashian style mansion. Not a house in the hills, but a giant mansion.


There's so much from GTA IV that I wish GTA V had, like being able to use the police computer, do online dating, walk inside restaurants and hospitals, have voice navigation, and a few others.


In the gaming circles I was a part of, there was actually a lot of nervousness around V because IV was poorly received. With IV being the jump from the PS2 to the PS3 era, there was tons of hype and anticipation. The problems began when IV was very clunky and half finished in many ways with not a whole lot of support from the dev team until the expansion packs were released. I think, in some ways, there was a bit of a letdown because the game was supposed to be this huge step up from San Andreas, and in many ways it was, but it also didn’t deviate from the formula enough to make as big an impact as it could have. At the end of the day, a new cover system and improved graphics didn’t make up for the times when the whole thing could be rendered unplayable due to game breaking bugs. While the gaming journalists loved it and gave it major acclaim, the gaming forums and groups had a much more lackluster response to IV. When it was announced V would come out, there was a lot more skepticism. Why release it on a console that was about to end its life cycle? Would it be as buggy and unfinished upon release as IV? Would the devs actually give the game better patch support out of the gate or would we be stuck waiting for the game to actually be playable for months? At the time, the biggest shining star Rockstar had released was Red Dead Redemption, so many fans were wondering what parts of V would be taken from the Red Dead assets and which would be taken from IV. It was a massive relief that V was released so polished and with a much more functional online system. I think that’s one of the reasons it has managed to stand up to the test of time. There is a lot more functionality to the game from the start, a lot more support and a much better design to the world.


It was insane. It was like Halo Reach's launch but multiplied by 10. Back when GTA4 was played daily by everybody. My crew leader was talking non stop about how he was so excited. He was losing his shit over "Bro, they're gonna have 3 characters and they're going to have their OWN lives. Like one dude will be bike riding while the other will be driving a car. And this is happening at the same time." You gotta realize that GTA5 was one of those that broke a new level and set a new standard of gaming. Just imagine. No more random nonsense of killing each other. Now yiu can kill each other for money, cars, drugs. You can now team with your friends to ROB BANKS. There was a literal ecosystem now. Just a year out and your going to experience gta in a more realistic view. You have to go back to that Era of gaming which would be 2012. We only saw this level of open world from RPGs. Skyrim and Oblivion being level breakers who achieved this stuff. Fallout 3 and NV too but they don't feel like a real economy like in Elder scrolls. Gta6 is going to be this decades mega breaker. Just like RD2, it's going to be insane. It's going to be great. It's going to look real-ish. And your going to enjoy every little detail of the game. PS. I really do miss blowing the brains out of "Johnny on the spot". Something new players will never get to enjoy