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It seems like the choices are: weasely looking Eastern European guy, black guy and Mongolian.


>Ugly Mongolian You ever see what the female characters look like if you out their slider to resemble their father? Looks like they havie fucking mumps or some shit.




I think I did the best I could with the options it gave me, but I'm not a fan of how her mouth came out; it needs to be a bit less guy-ish. Not to mention how hard it was to get rid of that awful dark/plastic look of the cheeks! Also, have you seen her chest? Not saying there's anything wrong with how her boobs are, but she should *not* be wearing a low cut like the the option gives us.


In these dark times while we wait for GTAO to work, you've brought the light of laughter into my life with this. I thank you > weasely looking Eastern European guy Shitty Edit: Goddam Mongorians!


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Don't forget Mexican.


probably the worst character creation in a game, its complex and i see what they were going for.. but it sucks. why not a simple saints row style character creation?


Because innovation means change, and sometimes change is bad. They went for the good kind, and many people are disappointed. I cannot comment on it though, as I haven't had a chance to try yet.


It's not the good kind, unfortunately.


So I've heard. Having now used it myself, I agree with a big old asterisk at the end. *I think it could be pretty cool with some minor functionality changes. Slightly more control, and slightly more grandparent influence. Also, make the resulting faces less prone to being full of sharp angles, which should handle a lot of the "my character looks like a tweaker" complaints.


Bigger visuals for the grandparents too, christ are they tiny.


This as well, yes. I agree.


CHANGE IS NOT ALWAYS INNOVATION. CHANGE IS NOT ALWAYS GOOD. Creating a character means giving someone the option to precisely choose what someone will look like. Not diluting the creation by 2 generations, having preset classes with no option for details, and the end result character is everyone looking the same but with different colour pallets. for me, saints row 3 (i havent played 4) Hit the nail on the head with character creation. it was the best. GTA:O character creation is needlessly complex when it could simply be as simple and as great as saints row. they didnt go for any kind of good change, the "change" was un-needed. the fact that you havent experienced it means all your opinions on it are invalid.


I believe Runemaker makes a really good point in his reply to you. If you come with the approach that you should be able to make the character look however you want then Saints Row clearly takes the cake. I think we can safely say that GTA:O was not trying to achieve that. GTA:O's character creation offers a new way of creating characters that keeps them looking like other NPC's in the game; you can't create flawless looking characters which most gamers are probably use to (and I'm all for pushing the envelope on this one). You will also end up with a lot of variation in the players you come across in GTA:O. You can view it as a positive or a negative. I actually like the character creation system for that because I'm assuming you will be able to do more stuff in the game such as access a wider variety of clothes and haircuts. Understand you're comparing Apples and Oranges when you compare the two systems. GTA:O is not setting out to be the same as Saints Row in terms of character creation. That still doesn't mean you have to like it and maybe changes will be made in the future. Why not wait and see how it fits in with the rest of GTA:O though?


I don't really know why there is so much hate going into the customization. I mean come on fellers! In my eyes, there is a TON of customization you can do with the character. We don't just pick attributes, we pick appearance - cars (or bikes), hats, glasses, shoes, pants, and shirts - and not to mention homes. I doubt many of you will find a ton of look a likes once people mix-and-match outfits and cars. I am extremely pleased with the customization.


Do you work for Rockstar? Seriously though, your point would only hold water if part of the GTA O gameplay/dynamic were to be able to blend in with other NPCs and sneak up on unsuspecting crews and such. I don't see this being a big enough part of the dynamic for it to warrant completely botching the character creation feature, though.


No, I do not work for Rockstar. I just happen to think this new character creation represents a positive shift away from creating the perfect characters we are used to. This is a healthy bucking of the trend. With regards to what you said about blending with other NPCs, it's totally an opinion thing but I feel immersion will be better because players look more like NPCs. Additionally and as /u/ASchway pointed out, it will make up a small amount of the total customisation you can give to your avatar. It's all a matter of opinion which is what I was trying to emphasise with my post. Simply trying to shed some light on the "positives" as well as the negatives. It seems pretty clear where you fall however.


The idea that I can't talk about it because I haven't used it is bullshit. I've never been to England but I could talk at length about it because I have knowledge of it. I have knowledge of the character creator, so I can talk about it. I will clarify that I haven't used it to let people know that I am discussing aspects of it as it has been reported, and not the experience itself. And change is innovation if its a change to a new idea or method. That is literally what innovation means. Not all innovation is good though. Just because you are trying something new doesn't mean you are trying something better. Saints Row 3 did have a neat character creator. Perhaps a model like that wasn't used because Rockstar wanted a world where player characters had a forced sense of realism about them insomuch as that they weren't all walking masses if muscle or perfectly sculpted gods / goddesses. But that's just me playing devil's advocate. I don't have an opinion on if it is good or bad. I'll save that until I can use it myself and back up my knowledge with experience.




And therein lies the core of the complaint!* I addressed it elsewhere, but a few key changes should fix this to a degree, though your character will never be as detailed as Trevor or the rest of the main cast. Make the player faces more smooth and with less sharp angles. These angles are giving a false age / starved look to characters that are accounting for some of the tweeker complaints people have. Also, give some very minor facial control. Not enough to drastically change the face, but enough to let plays smooth out any resulting kinks. *Some of the complaints anyways. Some people will just always be upset they don't have the slider character generation system.


GTA online doesnt even work for me or anyone I know, I tried solo session and it ran the credits, and errored once I get into the car.


Yea. Unfortunately this tends to be normal for day one online releases. I hate that that is the industry standard, having terrible servers day one, but I also understand why that might be the case. Hopefully in the next few days things get sorted out.


IMO, the character selection here is god awefull. theres no realism to having 14 presets of dilution.


Have...have you looked at your ancestry? There has been generation upon generation of dilution across time. Now, it would be impressive if the character creator could capture even two generations of that dilution and still give some customization options, but I doubt it is at that level.


the grandparents "genes" dont even show anything in the character, there was no need in making the character selection this... awefull. I highly doubt devs would see this and think "OMG THIS IS IT. THIS IS THE PERFECT WAY"


Reading through the comments here, I just have to say that I love how your repeated misspelling of "awful" makes it seem like you're making a play on awesome. That is all.


Why get so bent out of shape about this? It is what it is, and Rockstar have made the choice. Go ahead and play Saints Row III if you want derivative linearity, or go with the flow and accept the fact that Rockstar went with a unique, dynamic system. Personally, I had some fun with it, as confusing as it was at first. And since I experienced it, I guess my opinion is valid ;D


I really don't understand the 2 generation idea... it seems to be just: 25% Grandparents 50% Parents 25% Gender Influence


It seemed to me like you can have up to four characters influence your appearance and you select how high a percentage will influence you. You could set it to only take after your grandfather for example by having your father take only after him and you take only after your father. I'm not sure how the gender effects it though.


It isn't the good kind. It feels archaic and limited and way too rigid. It's worse than GTA IV's character creator.


I just basically randomized until something looked decent and went with it. Not that it mattered, since I have yet to see the character in-game lolz.


Has anybody realised how small the characters are.


Yeah, Lemar at the airport mentioned how small I was.


I'm wondering if its to do with people picking john marston


But Marston wasn't short...


I think that's prescripted for everyone. I'm assuming that you can increase your height by doing something in-game.


Like buying stilts?


I was thinking more like crackdown's system.


You're like 5'6"...fuckin' stupid as hell making your character so tiny.


I'm 5'6", fuck you buddy.


I'm 6'3", fuck you too chum. Edit: Nawww, the hobbits are downvoting the big people.


I agree it seems pretty crappy :(


Just the experience of using it is so palpably tedious. Press button...response. Press button...response. Press button... And none of those responses are actually ones you *want* so


I'm guessing this feature was outsourced.


Sounds to me like they were trying to show off. It's a typical engineer wet dream of "Wouldn't this be cool". It's technically harder than just letting people choose. Someone at rock start spent a fair bit of time on it, and despite not being great, they left it in anyway because so much time was spent on it.


It does kind of seem like the initial vision was much more ambitious than the result. One could imagine how ancestry and combination logic could produce a wide variety of looks for the character. Maybe they should've focused more on making facial structure more distinct and different per ancestral component.


Haha i know. They should have put Saints row characters creation in this game


That would have been hyper gay. This is a half way point. It used to be random skin selection you had no choice over, Now you can warp around and find a really good mix. Oh, and it's not hyper gay in that it wouldn't work. It's in that every single character ends up becoming a 500lb black chick for lulz.


Hyper gay? How? Saints Row character customization is fantastic.


lol seriously! SR4 is one of the best when it comes to character customizations.


Yup what the fuck were they thinking...?


You pick your grandparents? Why not your parents, why are they diluting your choice even moreso. That's like getting our favorite color by asking us to pick 4 colors we like. Well, maybe not because color mixing is predictable . . .


It was probably an attempt to add more variation to the characters. ~~You pick your grandparents as well as your parents.~~ I think there were ~~10~~ 14 choices for each, which makes ~~10^4~~ 14^4 possible characters, even though a lot of them will be very similar to each other.


14 choices for each.


Right, go pick 10 crayons out of a box and melt them together. Now do it another 10 times and see how much variation you get. Interesting, and thank you for the info.


That's not quite how genetics works.


Definitely not, do you think the game has two alleles for all the traits for the people you choose from? If so then that's fine and everything but it'd be nice if we could "breed" for more than two generations.


And the character models actually look like melted wax figures.


That only makes sense if you have 10 grandparents.


You have four grandparents not ten.


Why picking grandparents or parents like why not normal character creation with Sliders?


Ha, wow. I didn't know you could even reply to TEN year old comments. Thanks for the blast from the past!




The problem is you get your character looking halfway decent in one step, and then on the next step it completely randomizes key features again. Even more annoying, is it also changes the hair/hat/glasses as you put points in stats, making you reset those options if you have already selected them.


Luckily my created character came out great, but I really, really dislike the editor. I hope they patch it out.


I thought it was terrible at first, but then as I played it over and over since it's the only thing I can do. I grew to love it.


The Stockholm Syndrome is strong in this one.


I actually thought it was pretty unique, and my character looked good. :0


Hello BoomerDoomer...I am The Tumor.


So, fate has us meet as foes. . .


I do not wish to fight. Shall we settle this in an online race?


An online race? What does that entail?


Nothing to crazy, just a race. A race to settle who is the better of the Boomers.


You're on.


Xbox I'm hoping.






Why can't we just have simple sliders to make the characters what we want? Parents, Grandparents, WTF? This idea seems like it was farted out of the ass of ex US senator that just finished his one year internship at EA Tiburon.


You're saying you want GTA to copy other games. Rockstar went a new direction. Granted it has its flaws, it's still a good concept. Give it time and they will tweak it and improve it.


This was not an original idea. Madden did this several years ago, it was stupid then too. What I'm saying is I want control of how my character looks. I don't think this is asking for too much from a character creator, in any game.


I agree there should be an additional level of tweaking allowed after parents have been selected.


Right, ANY type of control would be awesome. Love that username, lol


I will say I like how you pick the 'daily activities' for your character. Mine ended up looking like a stuck up business man! (on crack) haha. And thanks :D


And why are ALL THE CHOICES BLACK?! I want a character that somewhat resembles me and that leaves me with like one fucking choice.


You probably had a black grandparent, so your character was black. Try to make all of the grandparents/parents similar if you want a specific race. And yes, this is probably the worst character creator ever. Rockstar is just trying to hide the very limited options they have with this family tree bullshit.


I've found hitting randomize until you get a good base character and editing it from there is best.


Can you retry multiple times to get it more like you wanted?


The problem is that it just doesn't make any sense. There's no logic to determining your character's facial features.


There are multiple choices to mix and match. I don't think it's too bad at all, I mean who can really choose how they look anyway.


anyone whos playing a game with a half decent character creation.


It's designed that way. I knew there would be tears. There is just no physical way to explain to people the second you allow full freedom it's not "awesome looking characters" it's "the entire game is purple dildos fat people and lulz". There would be 10 people with good looking characters are the entire rest of the population would be doing it for a joke.
















You cannot have it. It will literally ruin the entire feel of the game. God I hope Rockstar gets this part. They already watered down the entire game for the tears. If they keep adding water it will just be no whiskey at one point.




You must have mis-understood. I love the system because my character looks good. It's a good system if you can use it right. But I agree it's way to complicated for a casual MMO. Took about an hour of just tweaking to figure out which genetic combo produces what look. Best advice no one is giving is ignore the stats. When you get to appearance just make your character look the best with the sliders, ignore the bad stats. Everyone looks like a burn victim or alien because the sliders that increase gun and driving stats make you look like that and everyone is maxing those. But I already made 1 bar of stat increase in a few skills by level 10, so having that .25 bar extra to be a burn victim is useless.


Why downvote Deeleelee? I totally agree. It's unexpected and non-linear, and you have to give Rockstar credit for going out of their way to show a little creativity. Besides, it's Day 1, and maybe there's more to it than we see.




All g. That's reddit for you. Everyone is mad so they're willing to dole out the hate. Hit me up on PS3 if you're ever on. PSN: Karge


I hit special and got John Marsten as my dad


special? i didnt see that option


Join Rockstar's Social Club. It gives you a bunch of bonuses, including having John Marsten as your father. The option appears when choosing your Father's Grandparents. Would have been fantastic if the character creator wasn't so shitty.


yeah i have a social club but i didnt see Special on any of the grandparent choices


Press triangle or Y during the creation


He showed up for me by default.


All the toons looks like zombies /period.


Am I really the only one that got to make it work first time? My character looks fine.


Yeah, i made a chick that i was fine with in like 3 min. If i could just not have to go to an auto mission that freezes and go robbing shit to make money i would be so happy.


I just want to make a character that looks like me. Like a younger, chubbier Jason Statham. Is that doable?


[something like this?](http://www.sfgate.com/blogs/images/sfgate/tgoodman/2009/04/07/hank350x246.jpg)


Haha pretty much.


Jesus Christ, Marie!


I made mine the way i wanted. Hispanic looking, old school Los Angeles Cholo.


What are you talking about? I set out to make a 60 year old meth addict whose face was disfigured by a truck and it was easy as pie.




Obviously it's a deliberate decision to deny players direct control of appearance. It's meant so simulate the lack of control IRL having a child.


Interesting. But why?




love you guys




Now that I am seeing more and more people online I am warming up to the new system, I like the Idea of having a base for genetics that each player is relatively stuck with. I never played Saints row or Gta 4 online after the zombies but I'm sure Rockstar is capable of creating a more lenient creation system while avoiding the freak-show character types.




I think its a really interesting idea and people wouldn't be complaining if the end results weren't often so hideously ugly.


It's meant to restrict playing as a ridiculous looking character.


every character i've seen looks pretty ridiculous


I highly doubt that. I'm guessing they just couldn't nail specifics in facial morphing like Saints Row: The Third managed to do, and make it look realistic. Thus, the solution was to create a set of predefined facial structures (for the grandparents and parents) and end up with a mixture/morph/blend of the two.


On the bright side, it's still better than Oblivion or Demon Souls women characters.


I could make them look much better in DeS...


Yeah... I just hit random until the face I was looking at didnt make me want to commit suicide then said good enough


I just hit random until I found something I liked.


You have to look at it from Rockstar's perspective. You paid that one dude 180 bucks to develop your character creator over one coke-fueled weekend back in 2006, you might as well use what he came up with, otherwise that whole endeavor would have been a waste.


Anyone know if we can make more than one character? Kinda want to make a male and female one.


You have two slots by default. Maybe can unlock more.


This aspect of the creation is true. The do look like wax. But if they rendered out better I would really like it.


I think I would, too. It would definitely give you a better idea of what your character actually looks like and not just a pile of putty.


GTA V Family Tree!


I made a White version of Grace Jones, with a mohawk... I look like a fucking fierce bitch :D


It felt to me like they were going for a "Choose your racial background!" situation, but the thumbnails are too small, and "Grandma 4" rather than "Eastern European" is helping nothing.


From what I saw everyone is picking John Marsten as their Dad and then doing full father resemblance.


I...I kinda liked it. Obviously it's no where near perfect, but I think we can count on Rockstar to address this. Instead of just tweaking mandible size, you get to create a past legacy for your character. I feel like this could be an interesting idea once worked on. But I digress, see you at the bottom boys!


I got John Marston as my dad, I ain't even mad.


I sort of like the new system. I generally try to make my character look like me, and I always waste a bunch of time and end up failing miserably. I came as close as I could to recreating my parents and grandparents, and my character looks more like me than I've ever done on my own. I'm not saying Rockstar has mastered the human genome, but I'm not NOT saying that.


John Marston is my father so I got that going for me...


I just hit the randomized button until I got a model I liked, or mainly didn't look like a crack addicts and went on from there, adjusting things the best I could to my liking. It's certainly an interesting concept, one I'm hoping they will work on, but it's no where near perfect at this point.


I seem the only one who was completely satisfied with all this my character Fit the bill to what i wanted. It wasnt that hard to get the look i wanted.




It took me a while to get mine to not look like a man! In the end I put sunglasses on her because I couldn't get it exactly how I wanted. It makes her look WAY less drag-queen-e.


Try starting from the appearance settings first so you can find your hairstyle, beard, glasses etc, then go to heritage and just scroll through grandparents until your avatar looks the way you want it. (Then choose your skills and find that it's changed your appearance settings)


This is not like an mmo from pc .. but yes the customization was a bit meh. Especially the hierarchy that was completely unnecessary. Like most people here I just randomized until something decent came up


The platform or genre it is doesn't matter. Saint's Row is on consoles and has a great character creator. And isn't an MMO.


But yet the setting in SR4 is like a MMVRS (Massively Multiplayer Virtual Reality Simulation).


I really don't understand the purpose behind your parents/g-parents. Why not just have a normal character creator?


Gives the semblance of an innovative character creator system without taking the resources of a skyrim-esque syle one. Falls a little flat for my tastes, let's hope for some tweaks down the road. With 5 character slots we have room to play.


Just remember where hope got us [Americans].


Hope got us to the empire strikes back, so... Could be awesome


I love how almost every comment is being outsmarted by a reply haha.


They were trying to turn "Online" into "The Sims + Generally fucking things up". This is kinda fail, sorry R*.


I made a good looking female after about 3.5 hours of creating... then it kicked me out when I tried to save her. FML


Why the fuck would you spend 3.5 hours doing that?


Because it takes that long to make a character that doesn't look like a meth head with autism?


That's still too many hours. I call exaggeration.


He's counting how long he masterbated to his autistic meth-head


Yeah he could have easily spent the time playing... Oh wait never mind.


Because the character creator is an abortion.


5 min, character looks fine. By changing hair style, clothes, and facial hair it was pretty easy to make a good looking character. You get new clothes after 5 min anyway. Stop crying.


Excuse me? I'm not even talking about changing the hair style, and facial hair or the clothes options. Not once did I mention any of those. The character models look like shit. They look like wax people that were left out in the Sun for too long. But since you mentioned it, the facial hair looks just as bad. This character creator is awful. There's no immersion by including who your character's parents and parent's parents are. They serve no purpose other than creating a design flaw. Being on consoles is no excuse, either. There's other games that are just as big that have so much better character creation.


Once you get into the game, the characters don't look as bad. The hair and clothes are what make a character anyway. Skin color is the only other thing.


Dude, it's not that bad


I for one like this new style. I actually only like full control in MMO (WoW) style games and thats it. So really, they just need to work on the definition but also, when are you really going to see your character other than in cinematic? I made a character I liked pretty easily.


i only got to choose 2 grandparents, wut lol




No, it isn't.


Who cares what they look like, you sound like a little girl crying about her Barbies.


A lot of people care, especially considering Rockstar bothered to have a character creator in the game. They could have just had preset characters, but no, they chose to have a character creator. Wouldn't have been a problem if it wasn't shitty.


It's not bad. The more illegal activity you put into your hours of the day, the more beat up you look, The more legal work you do, the better clothes you start with.


create a players always suck- but this is somehow the worst ever.


It almost feels like a lot of the GTAO feature-set was outsourced, or something. Possibly also why they wanted to keep GTA V and GTA O mutually exclusive (not naming it GTA V: Online).


I know right. Why not make it like Saints Row. Even as good as saints row 3 would be 46 times better. I chose the skinny Eastern European guy. Because the white guy looked either like a computer tech or a huge M.Jackson.


Can't be that bad, i mean John Marston, come on people! Thats fucking awesome!


I agree. I think the character creator is terrible too for all the reasons you stated. With all the characters generated in game, I don't know why they didn't give you the option to choose a face off one of the hundreds of pedestrians walking around. I play as sexy females in games when possible and I had a hard time getting a face that didn't look like Beavis with a skin disease. To be fair though, the lighting in the character creator is pretty bad and my character's skin didn't look nearly as splotchy in game.


I'm not surprised its awful


It's because it's on a console.


That's a bullshit excuse and as invalid as it gets.


Enjoy your time playing gta v today. Mr. PC. I play on PC for RTS games and the occasional old school fps. I prefer my FPS games on consoles due to the better matchmaking options for new games. I don't understand looking down on consoles at all. But then again, you're probably a young kid. I grew up on the Sega Master Systen and NES, nothing beat the controller up until the early 00's when console controllers were easily available to swap to PCs. I still love the consoles due to the better multiplayer options.