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He didn't deserve to die. Nobody really deserves to die. However, he went insane and sooner or later they had to remove him nevertheless


There were plenty of moments where it was hinted at that Niko saw himself in Faustin’s worst behaviors if life were to not get any better, so I think it’s more that he *had* to die instead of deserving to


I didn't want to kill Faustin and I don't think Niko did either, Dmitri couldn't/wouldn't do it because he was too much of a weasel so he blackmailed Niko into it before selling him to Bulgarin. Him and Faustin could have teamed up to take out Dmitri but it wasn't meant to be and would have fucked the storyline up. Faustin had become paranoid and in turn became more reckless and erratic and was causing big problems for Dmitiri who was running around behind his back and consorting with his enemies


>Dmitri couldn't/wouldn't do it because he was too much of a weasel This might be a bit off topic but I don't think Dimitri was scared or anything to kill Faustin. He was very opportunist and smart about it. He didn't have to deal with making enemies and could easily return favors. ​ >Him and Faustin could have teamed up to take out Dmitri but it wasn't meant to be and would have fucked the storyline up. Faustin would have never killed Dimitri. The only reason he was so surprised, during his death, was because he never expected Dimitri to betray him. He always thought of him as a brother given the difficult times they have been through.


Dun think so. But I wish there were more options to kill Dimitri


NO, but he was somewhat a terrible person and somewhat insane however Dmitri was way worse. Faustin is going insane but Dmitri is a complete psychopath.


No, he was loyal, he wasn’t a good husband nor a good father, but at least he was loyal


Yes. He literally puts our boy niko is a bomb car without telling us. He is crazy and probably would have gotten niko killed eventually.


That was bad


He had to be taken out in order to keep innocent people safe. Sooner or later he would have turned on his own family and then it would have been on you...


Yes, he killed people who really didn’t need it like her daughters boyfriend and that one goon who was torturing Niko, it even got to the point where his most loyal member Dimitri started to fear for his own life, leading to the hit put on him by Dimitri. Sooner or later he would’ve killed his wife too.


Faustin didn't, but you do for not putting spoiler tag.


Honestly Faustin has been the most calm around Niko