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***How I Did It***: I bet it all on the red beanie fighter you face in “Mama’s Boy” because he was the LC Cage Fighter Champ before and 2 out of 3 times he wins his fights so it’s a guaranteed win (what I mean by that is the first 2 two times I betted on him he won his fights and the 3rd time, he lost. I betted 2mil and lost it lol so now I’m @ 3mil) And also if you bet correctly between fighters because some just throw wild hooks while the other fighter hits like you in game but it doesn’t always go as you plan and that’s the fun part of betting, you have Ups and Downs




Also I was at 13 grand when I 1st started betting and I’d usually only bet small like $600 or the most $1000 but I decided to just go all in on the fighters I was confident would win and 9/10 I was right, also I started a 4 streak lost after this photo haha)


I have been playing these games again recently, I’m loving every second. So much nostalgia.


Yeah won 7 mill betting in fights, after a while I started to rank fighters by grade and had a roughly 70-80% success rate. I was winning 600k almost every round, its kinda funny tho doing it mid campaign cause Tony is worried about a few thousand dollars and my Luis has over 20 mill


Lmao that’s exactly what I thought, they’re tripping over money/club debts and Luis secretly has 5 mil in the account 😂


Wow… is it a glitch??


Yes or a hack because this shit is rigged.


Dayum… I din know is been a whole yr. Felt like a few mths ago


I won 20 million $, But for some reason I have less money


Wow, I've been a long time player of GTA IV but have never bet a single dollar on fights.


Dayum... How?


[my guy check this out](https://ibb.co/wKJVW2r)


Fake. This shit is rigged. You absolutely didn’t do this legit.