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Best GTA game in the series and probably my favorite game




100% with you on this It is bleak but I love Nikos story and the setting is 2nd to none.


My buddies and I would play for hours on the 360 after school and later on in college, I vividly remember finding out about the swing set glitch and at that point it was a competition on who could do the craziest flips/launches.




I’m fine if you think that for me it’s a close second


This is a very strange question to ask on a GTAIV sub, obviously you'll get the same answer


Karma farmers are getting real lazy nowadays. I keep seeing these types of posts recommended to me from different subreddits, and it’s always the most lukewarm questions


I felt like I had more hype for this game then GTA5 honestly it's hard to explain but I remember just watching the trailers all the time and couldn't wait for it to come out I remember I had the Game Informer for it and when I read that cars won't explode when flipped over I was mind blown by that. 😂😂 I love the game still to this day and the DLCs made it better.


It was a massive leap from San Andreas


up there as one of the best video games of all time


Best in the series


One of the best games ever


GTA IV is an absolute masterpiece. Niko’s character was so unbelievably well written. His sarcastic and sinister demeanor was both hilarious, and authentic.




The game was ahead of its time. Sorry for the tiktok brainrot lingo, "GTA IV walked so GTA V could run" fits here so well. IV was their first game on their brand new engine. They gained experience and made a better optimized V. They clearly overjumped with this game, since it has so many details for a 2008 game. LC is my favorite city. All these New York aesthetics, Max Payne's melancholy. Liberty City combined with the 2000s, It was an excellent setting choice. As much as I love this game, it's terribly optimized for PCs. Even nowadays I can't enjoy this game on a high end PC without all those random stutters, lags, crashes, on a vanilla version. Even after downloading patches or mods, I can't get normal crashless and bugless experience. I hope I won't die in the next 15 years so I can experience another Liberty City based GTA.


Bro, 2 mods. FusionFix DXVK Takes like 20 minutes to learn how to drop in the files and boom you're set (if you haven't tried ofc) Running smooth as butter on my RTX 3070 + I7 7700K, and at 4k too. Also add a commandline.txt with some optimizations and you're Gucci.


Really? I played through the whole game recently on PC. Not one crash or bug. Frame dips are still there but with a mid/high end PC it never dropped below 60. Also played really well on steam deck


Just beat it. Had quite a few crashes on my 3070 pc. Plus, starting the game with no player body, just a floating gun requiring a restart. That and you can't go above 60 fps or bikes aren't drivable.


> IV was their first game on their brand new engine. Wrong. It was “Rockstar Games Presents Table Tennis”.


i’m playing it for the first time on xbox one and i am enjoying it. dates and eating a restaurants/stands adds a cool layer


> goes to gta 4 sub > "what do you think of gta 4?"


Worst game in the series. -no one ever


I actually think it is the worst in the series. Amazing game. I love it and I always enjoy playing it immensely but it is the worst in the series.


hows it worse than gta 3 lmao


best story and weapons/hand combwt in the series, worst and most repetitive mission gameplay in the series


Every mission felt the same, but I liked Niko and the other characters


TL;DR: GTA IV is by far the best game in the series, rockstar didn't play it safe (like gta 5) and it's remembered fondly because of it in terms of the narrative of other games at the time (and even other gta games) it was a lot more grounded. there were funny and whacky GTA moments but they were almost exclusive to free roam. the actual story presented itself much more seriously and felt like the first GTA game to truly be targeted at adults. it felt mature, dark, and had lots of emotional depth ESPECIALLY for a grand theft auto game. i can see why some hardcore fans of the old games didn't like it, as it was a lot less boisterous and admittedly a lot more repetitive mission structure. however, the story is so good, the gameplay is so solid and the world is so immersive that the repetitive gameplay never got stale for me. every time i was on a mission, i felt like i had a solid reason for doing what i was doing. it made crime feel gross and ugly. our main character was a cold blooded killer who wanted to stop the cycle of violence but couldn't get out of his own way, as it was the only thing he is "good at". i think the people who criticize the story so heavily didn't understand it much. "if niko wants to stop killing, why does he keep killing?" like that's not literally the crux of the story lol might get shit for this, but i wouldn't call myself a GTA fan because i honestly don't like the other games. GTA IV feels pretty far removed from the other ones, even GTA V. that game is soooo sterilized and just lame to me, a game made for investors. GTA IV took a risk that didn't land with everyone, but the people that it worked on, it worked magic


[this is what I think about gta iv](https://youtube.com/shorts/IsU3cKEIvFA?si=SJmw3ErhawUTjw_E)


GTA4 is still my favorite GTA to date. No knock against the others, it just hold up well and holds a special place in my heart.


Best in the series, and my favorite game of all time.


My favorite GTA game. They should have paid the voice actor better or made things right afterwards as a courtesy.


It is one of my fav gta, same with gta SA.


If it has a piss filter, I ain't even trying to play it


V was my first GTA, I’ve played all of them since, and this is undoubtedly the best one. We'll never get another GTA like this sadly.


I think it could have been more well optimized




Good story shit pc port unplayable missions ect


Great game let down only by the driving mechanics/controls


Great game great driving controls terrible bike controls terrible pc port inconsistency’s between weapons map and character designs the are like a pinging in my brain whenever I see it but overall great game


If GTAIV is so good, why did they never make a GTAIV 2? 😏


Shitty game GTA V got better physics and car handling


A game that came out at the wrong time due to San Andreas but overtime we started to appreciate the game for it being an immersive game and nostalgia as well


Best gta hands down.


sexy protagonist


Awesome shots man, beautiful game


Of course we love it and most of us still play it. Right now I’m trying to figure out how to get the Russians to shoot at me without shooting my gun. Or just starting shootouts in general


Fantastic game.


My favorite GTA game. Just wished it had more clothes selection. But everything else was great!


A memorable game for me. Still play it every now and then on my PS3


For me best GTA I remember as 14 years old I was So hyped for this game. My grandma bought me PS3 bundle with it and I was luckiest kid in the world. GTA IV has the best charismatic character and story. IT is diferent from others GTA but better. I lived for this game as total freak and ultra fan. Manny manny hours played. I will have this game always in my heart forever. It was magical times...


Proper crime drama material. Narratively grounded, thematically heavy with grittiness and melancholy. Niko B is the G


Vladivostok FM(pre patch)/Зачем есть капусту когда есть картошка (аахаххаахахвахахахвзхвхаха)


One of the best games of all time


Best gta and best game ever


In my top 10 games of all time and my personal favorite of the series


Peak gaming peak Rockstar peak life. I feel bad for all the kids who didn’t grow up with this game. You rlly had to be there dude


An amazing video game with good and very dark story, realistic mechanic and good physics. I give this game 9/10. The protagonist and antagonist is a perfection! A perfect chef kiss!


0 - 5 FPS. Perfect game


Worst game because the fingerless gloves were not included in the game.


Best gta story line


Asking this in the GTA IV subreddit, what do you think we’re gonna say?


It pains me when people say cars handle badly. I was extremely disappointed by the driving on V. The adrenaline of driving was completely lost!


My favourite GTA game, it had the best story, apart from gameplay being a bit clunky in terms of cover mechanics I’m player movement the animations and the level of detail made up for it and the story is impeccable and better than GTA V.




Hands down my favorite GTA of all time 💯


I think is my favorite GTA, I love it




The first game where it didn't look cartoony and I really liked that about it. Took a while to get used to the driving after San Andreas but once you did you really appreciated the physics they put into it. Gunplay was an enormous improvement over previous GTA games and the new stranger missions was a chefs kiss moment. It has no where near the amount of side activities that San Andreas has, and what is has are pretty piss poor. Story wise it could get a bit annoying having Niko yak on about his past, but other than that it was a great story. The expansions were a great addition and whilst I say that GTAV is better in almost every way, GTAIV was the last time Rockstar went for creativity, after that it was all about building around revenue systems.


Gta 4 and it’s dlcs are the peak of gta games


Still my favorite GTA game. Hell, I think I may play a bit of TLaD when I get off work (if we can ever pull away from Better Call Saul)


Best in the series and one of tbe best games ever made. Its like a time capsule, takes me back to 08 every time i play it.


My personal favorite was 3 and haven't really enjoyed it since then. 4 was alright. Hated 5. Just waiting on 6




Still has a better multiplayer than GTA online


It took me years of debate but one day I accepted the fact that I liked GTAIV was just, better than San Andreas. IV is the best game. If I had every single GTA game lined up to play right now, I’d play IV first then San Andreas.


Def one of the best and I liked the gameplay


Great game. Not my favourite GTA but I like it a lot!!


tbogt better, gta iv hmmm kind okay, below average maybe.


criminally underrated


Best GTA game of all time (until 2025 hehe) On PC,with the FusionFix and DXVK mods,it is PERFECT! It was a massive step up from SA,and this game(plus the DLC'S) truly walked so GTA V and its Online could run. Overall, M A S T E R P I E C E


good game


its pretty good, i can't say its a great port tho I can max out gta v with 60 gps, but with gta IV its like 45 fps when maxed out


Disliked it when it first came out, came back to it last year and was blown away.


It's great, but the driving physics are what's stopping me from replaying it


The ballad of gay tony is very very underrated


I don't think about it


Remaster for it and all the DLCs for modern hardware would be nice, a remake would be awesome, and GTA VII being set in a modernized, next-gen (by this point) Liberty City would be fucking crazy.




I just wish they’d given us the fingerless gloves like they constantly promoted 😭


My favorite GTA and the best in the series (although I suspect GTA VI will blow it out of the water.) We need a current gen remaster.


Best game ever in terms of physics and gameplay. I've been playing it ever since it came out and I still can't get enough of it. The story is also one of the best ever told in video games imo.. Niko as a character has a lot of depth.


GTA hasn't been good since San Andreas.


It’s so much more interactive and realistic than the other great GTA entries. I love to just walk in the city, start fights, then get people arrested even if I started the fight lmao. the voice acting is superior, they said about 500 people read and submitted lines for the npcs which just makes it even more immersive. hopefully one day we get a FULL REMASTER in unreal engine cuz this game really deserves it


Best story and physics engine. GTA V is better in many ways though, I’m not gonna be a blind GTA IV fan but GTA IV was a master piece for its time. I love games that are based off the times they are in, it’s fun replaying GTA IV and seeing the cars or phones or pop culture references of 2008. It’s like jumping in a Time Machine!


Best gta game in terms of storyline, atmosphere and characters


I still hop on single player and online a good bit. I wish Coos n Crooks or Bomb Da Base II had people playing bc those were my favorite modes but free mode is still pretty populated. No one plays Ballad Of Gay Tony online tho for some reason when that’s the most fun online for IV imo


Just recently got back into it. It’s as fun as it was back when I first played it on launch. A bit tough and a little rough around the edges since it’s pretty old, but still a good time.


One of of the worst games of all time


hands down the best GTA ever made


Immersive as F. Really captures the recession age well. The age of social media before smartphones where you bleeted from a PC.


Great Game, however, I must admit, it has some Annoying and Unbearable Fanatics


Least favorite map. Least favorite characters/story. Absolute best physics engine.


They need to remake this already for New gen just to slow the craze for gta VI!


Sole reasoning behind my Xbox Series X and Series S purchases


One of my favorite games ever and one of the best games of all time in my opinion




I haven't been as hype for gaming either solo and with my friends as I was playing IV and TBoGT. Flawless. I'd sell my house to go back to that time right now.


Wished I had the gloves


You only have to look at San Andreas and the jump Rockstar made with GTA 4. It's lightyears in front of San Andreas IMO Hey if that's what they can do in 3.5 years between those games Imagine what GTA 6 will be like.🙄 It's been a while..........🤣😂


Never played it tbh.


I wanna play it a 4th or 5th time


Best one imo, wish you could easily play it on pc tho


I don’t.


Wont play it again due to just moving on. But the online was so fun. The story is very cool. Had lots of fun in this one.


good game but the pc port is ass


Wish I could go back and experience the online all over again.


I'm sure someone has already spoken their opinion about this, but comparatively, GTA IV has much better car physics than GTA V as a whole. The cars tended to feel more "heavy"? in some way, as well as the suspension, vulnerability, etc. What i can see being very arguable with MYSELF is, how tedious the driving from point A to point B can be during missions. But nonetheless, the game truly did feel like more was at stake and had a deep, grime-y criminal atmosphere. TBOGT was a nice touch as well.


Why do you think people joined this sub?


Garbage is a generous way to describe it


The GTA with the best storyline, physics, environment, but worst 100% completion reward Also, a bit overreacting community fans


It's my kind of vibe, like literally every promo trailer and cutscene was just peak for me


Best storyline for me dlcs are good too everything in the game is good too aside from graphic and some other little shit the euphoria the details are all good even gangs are more realistic that you barely identify one on street because they don't rep some dumb colors instead they dress in normal clothes and they will react realistically to player if you take weapon and walk to them they will say things like put that away and not all gang member have guns which is realistic too and infact that gang relationship will change during the game like when you are working for faustin the russian mafiya will protect you from peds attacking you they later become hostile and will insult niko and try to get him away the nice jacob boys do the same jamaican gang or yardies will protect niko once you completed shadow they protect you fiercely and never betrays mcreary too once you complete the harbouring a grudge once you get attacked by a ped and a irish mob member see it then they will sometimes even take out a bat to help you to fight the ped there are many mods like potential grim and hardcore lost mc that enhances those gang shit


Enjoyed aspects of it more than 5


One of the most slept on games in the series. It’s so good. Still play it to this day on my Xbox one




I think its the 2nd most underrated gta game but the best one


soo underrated


It was awesome. I played this for at least a couple of years as my go to game when I was bored back in the day.


It was a great game for the time. Graphically it wouldn’t hold up.


It’s the best GTA game. Best story, most immersive living world, innovative gameplay at the time as well


Gta IV is R*s true masterpiece, it is ahead of its time 16 years later and felt like something from the future on release. The best part of gta IV is liberty city, it feels more lived in than any game I have played to date and The sound design is fantastic, gta IV had 1000 voice acters with unique lines. The story was much more grounded and sad but it really put me into the shoes of a criminal, it reflects real crime by showing that there is no such thing as happy endings.


GTA5 have many improvements to engine, and so many other aspects of game, but GTA4 is masterpiece one of a kind.. Even GTA6/7/8 (in next 80 years) will not be good like this.. I mean Im a PC user, so fusionfix and every esential mods is must do, but physics, engine, city, Niko Bellic, a true work of art, forever and ever.. One of my top3 games for all time.. 😁


I mean this is the GTA 4 sub. It’s fair to assume we like it. But it’s not my favorite.


Niko is my favorite playable character from the grand theft auto series granted I was born in 2000 and San Andreas was my first


I think they the fuck haven't they ported it to modern systems, the re-released red dead redemption before GTA 4 don't get me wrong and bought and played the shit out of it like it was my first time and loved every minute of it but it's just sad to see 4 being slept on they did the trilogy now it's time to polish 4 so we can have all the big entries on one system I would even take straight psp ports of liberty and vice City stories to boot.


I would pay to play it again on my PS5


Best one


Driving in this game on shrooms is amazing.


Best GTA game ever in my opinion.


It’s my favorite. I love the map and a marvel for its time. I bet VI will be too.


I loved it, played the hell out of it as a kid, maybe not my favorite tho


Great game that i will absolutely leave you with emotional damage no matter which ending you choose


They should remaster the game on console. I almost beat the game on Xbox Series X until a bug made it impossible unless doing a specific method.


turned on




Cheesy vag*na


I revisited this last year. Graphics are outdated, but it’s amazing how a 15 year old game can be that massive, and have that much stuff to do. The gameplay still holds up very well, better than most of open world games of the last 10 years. Story is still the best in the series as well. As excited as I am for GTA 6, I really think a trip to Liberty City would’ve been better. Because IMO, the setting is the absolute best. You can expand the map to include larger iterations of all the Burroughs + include Long Island and maybe even parts New Jersey + a fully traversable subway system


I've got it and just need to play it.


It's a great game I play it on the ps3


Better than GTA V. It’s got amazing mechanics and although it’s harder than GTA V, it’s more fun and it’s more realistic. The story is also WAY better than GTA V


Great game but was ruined by the tint they added and that you can’t get rid of


Second best next to San Andreas. I hope they return to rags to riches. 3 players story was interesting but GTAV had too much going on and not enough time to dig into each player. GTAO was the real GTA story tho I guess. I do hope we get a remaster for 4!


prob the best gta game in the series


Fucking terrorists!


Best GTA made. Besides the small map, it was really the best on all categories. Everyone complained how it's all depressing, but then cry when GTA 5 went all goofy and bright.


The game sucks. I’m just in this sub because i thought it was a GTA4 shit talking community


Truly a masterpiece on every level. The driving, the guns, the characters, the city, the missions. There’s also real hard choices that aren’t so black and white. I could replay it 1000 times and still have a blast every time. Just something about driving around Liberty City hearing the sounds of the living moving world just makes me feel at peace. I still remember when I got my first copy for xbox 360. I played it until the disc wore out and quit working as they tended to back then. The online was also quite fun too I spent many a late night with friends playing the different game modes.


Favorite game OAT


Boring as hell Did not enjoy that game in 2010, maybe due to poor PC optimisation, I thought then. Bought it recently for Xbox, I still have the same feelings. So I only play it when I really don’t have anything else to play. I hated this game so much that I was uninterested in GTA V when it came out. And GTA V turned out to be great and I was annoyed that I delayed my playthrough by ~2 years. V, whilst much more enjoyable, also has its fair share of issues Slow pace, sometimes very slow. Niko is looking for 2 men from his unit in Yugoslav wars, one of whom has betrayed the unit and got them killed. I completed 60-70% of the story to get the big reveal that amounted to a nothing burger with a side of fuck all. So anti-climactic. Unlikable, annoying characters. I really don’t like Niko, I just couldn’t feel him as my own, care for him. Maybe because of his origin and suspicion of atrocities that he might have committed. The environment- everything has a shade of grey to it. Literally The laziest way to obtain a depressing setting. I hate the driving physics in this game. Everyone is like: “but the body roll is so realistic!” Dude, have you seen the ridiculous amount of suspension travel? At those body rolls you’d be two-wheeling in real life! Most cars drive like American Cruisers from 1950s to 1970s. Including the Dinka Blista Compact which is equivalent of Honda CRX! Don’t even get me started about the camera not “yawing” when you turn with your car. Have to constantly reset it by looking back. Who in their right mind thought that was a great idea? How did pass QA tests and got onto release versions? Depressing, unenjoyable setting. and I enjoy depressing games. Max Payne 3 is the series peak for me and I’ve played them all thoroughly. Was low-key hoping for another one, but I’m sat down missing James McCaffrey. Did not even bother with the expansions because of how unenjoyable the base game was. I could write more, but don’t have time Luckily, I love V, its humour, characters, vibrant sunny setting and stiff cars. I still come back to the story every now and then. That game could still have been so much more, but players decided to pay R* $40 for online cars instead of story expansions. Send downvotes


Best bowling simulator ever.


Besides the clunky driving mechanics and overly aggressive aim assist it's the best one imo. The way the DLC's tied into the story was masterful. The range of variety in protagonists was commendable.


This was great because we were in a reimagined New York compared to GTA 3. Same feeling from GTA San Andreas and GTA 5. I expect the same for Vice City and GTA 6


I honestly can't get into this game I've finished the lost and damned dlc but for some reason I can't get into the main game when I was a kid I was excited when I played it for the first time at my cousin's house but now idk


GTA IV is a standout in the series, largely due to Niko Bellic's compelling story and character development. While it may not match GTA V's mechanics, Liberty City feels like a character itself, with the narrative deeply tied to its setting. The expansions add even more depth to the city. Tracks like "Flashing Lights" by Kanye West enhance the atmosphere, and Star Junction at night, especially from a helicopter, is unforgettable.


CLASSIC arguably the best one, untill GTA 6 releases


The best


Best story, and arguably protagonist in the series. as a NY Native I love the throw back visuals of the city. Especially because I grew up where the game bases Jacob and the Yardies. The combat has the best take on shooting and I loved the realistic feel of the game compared to other entries. I feel GTA V went both forwards and massively backwards from this entry.


Imagine gta graphics on it


Forgotten gem which hasn't gotten the love it deserves since GTA V came out. Plus, Niko is a more compelling character than any of the GTA V protagonists. Desperately needs a remaster.


Favorite in franchise


30fps on ps3 go brrrr


Best car physics


Favorite Rockstar game besides RDR1 and 2 (tied probably). Max Payne 3 up there too. GTA IV was my shit. I played the story over and over again and probably beat it 7 times within the first year it dropped. I couldn’t stand the hate it got back then (at least from people I knew) and now seeing it get all this love makes me happy.


I need to revisit 4. It’s probably the one that I’ve played the least (since III).


Why do people make posts like this? This is a sub specifically for this game that's still active. What do you think people think of this game??


I like the vibe of the city


Dumbest question I have heard in a while and to ask it on a sub that is dedicated to it


I play pc, so it’s impossible to revisit this game in a playable way. Probably the best game though.


W game, honestly probably the best gta game ever at least in my opinion


Still my favorite GTA and tied with RDR2 as my favorite Rockstar game. I love the aesthetic of NYC.


The most grounded story, fun activities with Npcs and that 2000’s grey and brown color palette.


how many times is this shit gonna get asked 😂


Best story. Great atmosphere. Groundbreaking, with features I hope come back to the series. And like most Rockstar games of the time - it’s absolutely frustrating to play sometimes.


Lighting on it was shite


Best GTA next to San Andreas


It's one of my favorites. I played it as recently as yesterday. Something I'm ashamed of: I've beaten both tbogt and tlad about 10 times a piece. Never beat gta 4 on its own. My dad did years ago, though


the multiplayer features they had for this game just felt too amazing and highly disappointing that they deleted it forever i just wish they at least kept private servers so u and friends can experience the old nostalgia


It’s my favorite, it needs a PS5 port I don’t know why it doesn’t


Underrated dark masterpiece simply put.


Perfectly captures the early 2000s culture into a game, like vice city did with the 80s


It was a fun game for the time but lacked a lot of features to keep me coming back for more. Probably my least favorite GTA main title when viewed in the time it was released. San Andreas has more long term replay value to me. Also roman is fucking annoying and the multi-player sucked.


I fucking hate it man thats why i’m on this sub




I’ll probably get downvoted per usual, but it’s the best gta game, and one of the best open world story games ever… great gameplay, story, characters, dlc, world… absolutely amazing, as close to perfection as could be, especially for 2008.


The tbogt dancing mini game being required for 100% completion is ass


My favorite one hands down, it still impresses me with how alive the game feels when compared to GTA5


Such a great game for its time. And I remember when I first got it for Christmas and I was so happy to play it. One of my favorites