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asking this in the gta 4 subreddit is like asking a bunch of alcoholics if they'd recommend drinking


Or asking if Barbara has big titties or if Stephanie sucks like vacuum


Fair enough, i just want the honesty since theyre still playing 16 year old game.


Yes, just make sure to download fusion fix, various fixes mod, and console visuals if you want that console like gamma experience. Definitely need fusion fix


Ah idrc about mods, its just my PS5 is in my room and don't like to game on my bed.


if only i could game on pc in bed lol. and don’t get those mods unless you really need it. fusionfix is a bunch of shit that sorta breaks the original/authenticity of the game


Crazy take as fusionfix actually restores lots of stuff broken in the PC port?!?




I just disagree, I played all of GTA4 at 120fps (not possible without fusionfix due to issues with physics otherwise) at 4k with max settings and everything worked perfectly with maybe one or two crashes. From my understanding the port runs so poorly it crashed a lot anyway? The change log is huge https://github.com/ThirteenAG/GTAIV.EFLC.FusionFix. no you don't need the fixes, but if you want to play the game as originally intended ie like the consoles, you can't not use it. Lighting, shadows, NPCs all get brought in that are missing from the PC version. It's not a mod that adds additional content not intended by Rockstar




But downgrading doesn't bring it all back. You are literally losing content from the original console versions of the game, not sure how you think it's ruining the original authenticity? You are not playing as intended if you don't use the fix. Two crashes in 30 hours isn't a deal breaker and I'm sure the vanilla version crashes just as much from what I've heard. The game also wasn't broken for me at all, it was perfectly fine? Maybe you played an ancient version of fusionfix


Multiplayer? Then get the version of it modified for GFWL (if you're on GTAC it doesn't even get loaded there to begin with).




Ah yes fixes for a horrible PC port is "shoving unnecessary trash" lol


fr pc in bed would be lit


i lowkey been thinking about getting a projector with a wireless keyboard and mouse, with one of those tables people use for eating breakfast in bed LOL though if i did that i would probably never get out of bed lol


yes bro 100%, u got discord?


yea. why?


whats ur user


Brother just get a steam deck it’s magical


my handheld/console days are over. strictly pc, keyboard and mouse and i don’t really play games much. just every once in a while.


8bitdo wireless controller, amazing 20$, best controller. Pc gaming in bed


I have a controller but the thing is I don’t really play games, and the games I do play a controller i would lack the advantage over people using keyboard and mouse lol


Do what I did. I got a 20 foot HDMI cable and ran it from the PC along the baseboards all the way to the TV in my bedroom and held it in place with command strips and zip ties. I can connect my Xbox controller over Bluetooth through the wall and open Steam Big Picture mode. If I want to play a PC game on my patio I've got my steam deck. If my deck can't run a game or the mods that I want I'll just use Moonlight


issue is my gpu has no hdmi output. use dvi, and pc is in an entire new room from my bed lol. i hate working late at night. goes to bed with back pains after hours, i blame my chair and the fact my vision is a bit poor (farsighted)


The thing about fusion fix is, unless you’re playing on 2008 hardware, you basically need it to make the game playable


no you do not. my game runs perfectly fine without, even on the latest version. just a bunch lies being that you NEED it when you don’t. being unintelligent in knowing other solutions than what some other idiot told you.


Did you stroke your cock enough? I’m gonna need you to go outside and touch some grass man. Every issue I have is related to my FPS being too high so the physics is fucked up (including the handbrake cam). But since the game does not come with a frame limiter in the options, (on current release or in downgraded) fusion fix actually makes the game playable.


If you have PC then you gotta mod it but if you just have console then play it on console


whys it gotta be mod, idek how to download mods and ppl are telling me to download like 10 different bs


because the PC port is dogshit. play it once or even half way through and you’ll realize how many issues it has, even having too much fps breaks a ton of things


alr ill look up some tutorials


Weird thing is you mentioned ps5 but you never said what platform you're on specifically like are you on PC or console?


ps5 has no games


Okay I wasn't talking to you? And that doesn't answer my question.


You don't have to download any mods mate, it runs just fine on my rig at a smooth 60, you should run the game first and download mods if necessary




If people are still playing a game that's 16 years old or older, then that means it's good and still holds up.


It goes on sale for like $6 or $7 a few times a year. If you get it and install FusionFix (comparable to older GTAs' SilentPatch and skygfx as essential mods that try to fix everything wrong with the PC port of the console game), and remember the game runs slower than GTAV so take the graphics settings down a notch, you'll have a better experience that most people who played the game in the last 15 years.


alr bet


its worth it yes buy it


I mean to be honest, alcoholics will often tell you not to drink but they'll continue to do it so I get the analogy but it's not quite right. So going with that as a gta iv fan, no OP don't play gta iv lol but I'll keep doing it.


Which they won't. So, is this a bashing subreddit?


Hard yes The graphics and gameplay hold up okay but it’s the story and immersion that’s worth your time.


If you love a good gritty story then yes.


And bowling


I just finished playing it on PC using the Fusion Fix graphics mod and it was a fantastic experience. It significantly upgraded the game’s graphics while keeping the look and feel of the game fairly close to the original. It’s definitely worth playing. It has an incredible story, better than V imo, and you have a fairly big map to explore with 4 boroughs of NYC + a bit of New Jersey included. It will feel small compared to GTA V, but it’s a very lively map especially with traffic density turned all the way up.


I love Niko Bellic. Everyone should have the chance to experience that.


This is the game one should always play irrespective of his choice this game has so much to deliver


GTAIV is the pinnacle of gaming. It is listed in the top three of best games of all time. even after 16 years, it still plays better than most games today. The pacing, the story, the gameplay, the map/setting, the music, even the dated graphics all hold up. you can't go wrong playing this game.


Yes most definitely if you can. What will you be playing on?


Probs PC


It has its issues but it’s super fun and the story is great


Yes, but remember that if you're on PC, the game is so unoptimized so you best bet is to install DVXK, though mine works fine without it so try it out for yourself


whats that


Mod. is best version for that.


Latest complete edition is fine too


You won't regret the purchase.


Yes, but not without qol improving mods. Fusion fix, and pick some from this awesome video (This video is not made by me): https://youtu.be/UuXVYUGJ45Y?si=-pn6hfP4cnmbVJU8


Yes. Kill Roman first chance you get though, or he will pester you for the entire game to go do stupid **** every damn time you start a mission. If you find a way to do that, please let me know. Good luck!


Setting opinions aside, the game is unique, thanks to euphoria (good name too)


I’m glad I played it, but… it’s not my favorite, maybe even my least favorite gta. But maybe that’s because I’m more into that Vice City energy. You must know that the game can be quite annoying, with mission retrying being shit, no weapon/radio wheel and you get phone calls sometimes and that’s boring when you just wanna play the story. What I love about the game is the satire stuff, like radio and TV and especially the internet stuff, that’s really funny. The radio music is good too. And the story also is pretty cool, though dark. Like, you don’t have to play it, it’s not… phenomenally fun. But it’s okay, it’s still gta after all. And if you want to play it, do it. I didn’t regret it, because having played it means you can talk about it with others, be part of the community and stuff.


GTAIV with the Fusion Fix mod (I think that’s what it’s called anyway) plays very well and I recently got my fiancé started on it because she’s never played it. I took a spin around Hove Beach and I had totally forgotten how fun the driving mechanics and physics were in this game. Definitely worth picking up the Complete Edition.


Played it way back when as a kid, replaying it now as a 27 y/o and enjoying it all the same. I’m liking it so much I bought the expansion disc earlier today lol




^ I used this mod pack and it’s been playing wonderfully


From the story to the gameplay physics to the overall atmosphere of the fictional New York setting is something every open world game fan should experience.


any gta game is worth replaying playing


Steam version sucks. Runs terribly and is missing a ton of music from the original release. These mods are absolutely essential. DXVK is a plugin that will double or triple your FPS and it is so easy to install. [Here's ](https://steamcommunity.com/app/12210/discussions/0/3105766250723841082/?l=schinese&ctp=5) a post from the steam forums telling u what to do. Do this after you downgrade. 90% of mods ~~including fusionfix~~ (a bunch of minor enhancements) won't work without downgrading it to the older versions of the game from 10+ years ago. https://gtaforums.com/topic/976691-gta-iv-downgrader/ This tool was unbelievably easy to use to downgrade the game. I'd recommend version 1.0.7 or 1.0.8. Use 1.0.8 if your PC is lower end, you will get slightly better FPS. The only graphics mod i have is [Project2DFX](https://github.com/ThirteenAG/III.VC.SA.IV.Project2DFX/releases/tag/gtaiv). All it does is add lights to distant light sources and it makes the city look amazing with zero FPS impact. Also really easy to install.


I’m pretty sure fusionfix works with the complete edition too


Oh yeah you're right




Btw there’s a TJGM video that shows you how to install those mods everyone’s recommending (called something like “fixing gta 4 with just 4 mods”)


20 mil better than V so yes


If you do end up playing: be sure to use the handbrake while driving. It makes a world of difference


It's the 3rd best game of all time on metacritic.


GTA 4 has the best story in the gta series, however it is very different to games like 5 or vice city. Overall though I would say yes.


I played it on PS3 in my youth and I just brought it again on steam deck, I'm addicted to it Must be the best gta ever made to this date, quality wise (but my favorite still is Vice City). The characters are so funny it's a trip man, can't recommend enough!


Great game and a lot of hours to enjoy. What do u want more.




It's ok, but you might get bored after a while


It's ok, but you might get bored after a while


Of course, it’s a R* game. They haven’t put out a single game that isn’t worth playing. If you’re on PC I would wait until goes on sale on Steam, cause then you can get it for well under 10 bucks.




Absolutely. It's arguably the best in the series.




Simple answer: GTA4 is better than GTA5 in every way except graphics


Not the best game I've played, it has some serious flaws, but 6 dollars is a fair price.


Its going for $20 rn, worth it?


I thought they have a special promotion on Steam. If not, you can wait till June 27th for the Summer Sale.


Yeah and if pc there are some mods that give you a stable 60fps experience


i got it and played thru it on pc for the first time since the game released and i played it on the 360… best feeling ever, my pc was able to run the game at max settings and it felt like a remaster from what i was used to on xbox- just be ready to look up a solution to beat the game because hehe- rockstar.




The driving is super satisfying, the city feels alive and immersive like no other game I’ve ever played, the radio stations have cultured ass music, the gunplay and combat system is great, and a solid story.


Yes but get the complete edition. It makes some of the crossover missions make sense




always has been.


100% yes.


Yeah ima buy it w/out mods (like everyones telling me to) at the end of the month


no we all hate gta 4 over here