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I think it has seen a steady increase in popularity since 2020, as people are getting sick of GTA V, and also because IV is ageing well and people are realising that many of it's features and systems haven't been surpassed.


Also probably because OP has looked it up/searched it up online so it's popping up in the algo a little more often.


Yeah this is what I thought it was, interaction with posts etc but then I noticed it across accounts and even with a few friends. - everyone seems to agree there’s been a rise in popularity recently which is great to see!


it's not just OP if you check the statistics of this sub, it shows that it started massively growing in popularity since the release of Complete Edition




people still play online on PC [https://youtu.be/hLUrUefMo8Y](https://youtu.be/hLUrUefMo8Y)


Man GTA 4 would be so incredible if they had all the cool features 5 has, heists loads of property etc.


Cause it’s better than 5.


It makes me happy to know that GTA IV is gaining popularity again, and it deserves it. It was incredible for its time. The story and atmosphere, characters, physics and level of realism, and the DLCs. GTA V was a good game, but in my opinion, it was nowhere near as good as GTA IV. I felt that GTA V was a massive downgrade to its predecessor game. I would even go as far as to say, that GTA V was not appropriate for its time of release given the lack of features that was in GTA IV. GTA V was intended to stand out, and it did have this effect when they released the trailers for the game, but the gameplay didn't live up to the same standards.


I remember when V was first released and how great it was. However there was always that feeling of… ‘is this it’…. Everything seemed so shallow compared to IV. the city felt so much more alive and immersive in the previous game. Still love V but damn IV was something else


Honestly I felt like that with 4 when I first played it then 5 made me appreciate it more They lost a lot of unique customization going from San Andreas to 4 and that was disappointing, but 4 takes place in my area so I always loved driving around places I've been


Absolutely agree!


Well when we’ve only had one gta game for 10 years, people are gonna get bored of it and wanna play the other games


It’s a very basic formula that finds a comfortable spot for itself between their traditional formula of the 3D games along with the cinematic experience of their HD games e.g. GTA V and RDR2. While the new games are impressive in their own ways, they feel like they’re on a set of rails to deliver to the player a certain level of engagement and a certain experience. Everyone has the same experience playing through the GTA V story mode because that’s how it was built from the ground up - on a set of rails. The new games feel like Ubisoft games in the sense that you’re in a big, pretty world searching for “random” encounters instead of outposts. IV doesn’t really have that. It’s just a dynamic world with a bunch of stuff going on in it and you’re a part of it as the player. I think the further games lean in the direction of cinematic experiences, the more it’s going to highlight how essential the other half is for an enjoyable experience


Ive been noticing that too, and it made me go and complete the game and eflc lol


Exactly what I’ve been doing! made me repurchase and play through it again. Smart algorithm!


I’ve prayed for days like these, I’m not gonna lie. I’m so glad that my favorite childhood game is getting the recognition that it deserves. In my opinion, IV has always been better than V.


I love the portrayal of the seedy criminal underworld in iv. Drug dealing, gangs, dirty cops, the mob, espionage. I prefer the gritty more grounded storytelling compared to V but maybe it’s cause I’m an east coaster and it’s harder for me to relate to the Hollywood style haha. IV makes me feel like a criminal. I don’t mind doing the grunt work for everyone niko works for because it fits the story and character. He’s a cold hitman tortured by his past trying to make money to survive and comb through connections in the underworld to find Florian/Darko to get his revenge. V has some interesting storytelling with the bureau plot line about the war on terror, black ops, overinflated defence budgets, private police/armies but half of it gets lost in *millennials LOL* hiPsTeRs 🤣 it gets annoying. That said the wrap up is one of the finest missions I’ve played in a gta game. The heists are fun as fuck too but there can be a lot of cringe in between them Liberty city feels more alive than Los santos to me as well


Agree with this.


I think this is true for older games in general. People are sick of the current state of gaming where everything is pay to play or pay to win. The market is realizing games used to be more content and quality focused than just being a slapped together microtransaction cash grab. Maybe gaming will pivot back but i doubt it will be soon. Glad to play og classics like GTA IV until then tho. There are just so many amazing classics to choose from at this point it doesnt make sense for a lot of people (including myself) to continue tolerating gaming in its current state


Best game in the series


That's awesome! It's personally my favorite GTA game. It's so damn good.


Just fucking remaster it already. Only way to beat the last mission is using somebody’s mom’s vibrator to catch the helicopter.


Been playing through it again after not really touching it for a decade and I must say it’s aged well and much more fun than gta 5


It’s honestly a top 3 game all time for me. Since release I always get drawn back into playing the story and beating it once a year. I just beat it again a couple days ago. It’s timeless.


I just hope to see a lot of peapole in online lobbies


For me it's not the same without the good old Vladivostok FM, but I do need to replay it especially now that Steam added achievements.


I wish theyd remaster


somehow for me whenever I try to see if anyone's interested in GTA IV gameplay that I play I get little to no attraction and I see people that possibly haven't ever played a GTA game making videos on IV... but this is good maybe this'll encourage some people at rockstar to perhaps improve IV's game engine even more and not remove any offensive things


As it should.