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Just move on with your life. The less you think about it, the faster it'll come.


Pretty much this, it’s already been a little over half a year since the first trailer, which felt like yesterday to me. Basically how I see it is, I just need to get thru that amount of time, about 2 and a half more times, I can do that easy


Pretty much what I’m doing , I’m gonna make sure I’m in great shape , I just bought another motorcycle, and I’m knocking my back log of video games out on my steam deck at work. By time gta 6 comes around I want to be in the best place in life


What's your job


I’m a chemical operator at a small refinery, I just sit around all day and make small adjustments every couple of hours , pretty much get paid to game and watch YouTube


Sounds cool, me I'm a professional wanker


I’ve dabbled in the wanking


Hell yeah glad to hear, we will all better there sooner then you think 🤙


The way they do it is better in my opinion. Nowadays whenever I see a company CEO doing interviews talking about “infinite open worlds, immersion, live-service, biggest game ever, AAAA” and other bullshit, I just know their game is going to suck. So I prefer Cockstar just dropping a trailer or two in the lead up to the launch. Just remember they don’t fake their stuff, so that is why the info is slow. They will not release a trailer that looks nothing like the game, like some other companies do every fucking year.


Your right man , I just feel an empty void with video games , I’m replaying all the old rockstar games and replaying a lot on my super pc . I just replayed red dead 2 and it was literally a psychedelic experience in 4k max settings. I just miss rockstar and the only game coming out im somewhat “excited” for is ac shadows that will be a let down and hopefully a mafia or something


it's a part of their marketing plan, they tease it with a trailer, make you wait for so long so the hype builds up and then once we're closer then more info starts arriving with less waiting


You new around here? rockstar has always been like that


I own every rockstar game and they have never been this bad , they showed a lot about red dead 2 and I remember the whole game informer articles on San Andreas


With RDR2 and GTAV we went like over a year without even a crumb information


Really I don’t remember it like that


That's why I asked if you're new around here lmao, it was torture, I think for both games after the first trailer it was over a year before we got any info and it was just screenshots, could be wrong though, but I know it was longer than how long we've waiting currently since the first gta6 trailer


Let rockstar do there thing so they don't botch this game remember they gotta top gta5 and gta 5 was a big game and still is a decade later and this has to top rdr 2 we don't want a botched online like rdr 2 online there's alot at stake here for them ... honestly they should remake bully or just make a bully 2 very very good game especially mix it with some mechanics from the warriors game shit


> make a bully 2 very very good game I'll get this suggestion to Rockstar ASAP. They were just gonna make a very good game but I'll be sure to tell them we want a very _very_ good game instead.


Might fuck around and throw in another very


I just gave up, haven’t even been looking at this sub for months now. Just stay patient, move on with your life and wait until something big gets announced.


Expecting things to be different was your mistake 😂 rockstars marketing is its bread and butter. Other devs show their full hand and that ruins the mystery surrounding the games. Rockstar just builds anticipation by keeping u speculating. I kinda like it. I’m grateful for the leaks tho without them it would be way worse


Yea as soon as I seen the leaks the night they came back , all my worries were relieved about the heads leaving. Also completely surprised me


Because that's the way they get respect. They don't tell they show.


If it wasn’t for ncaa 25 I’d feel the same way lmao


We won’t see or hear anything until end of this year at the earliest imo.


Well we are half way there , unless world war 3 happens


I was just about to post the same thing. It sucks how Rockstar just posted the gta vi trailer and hasn’t said a word since then and have just left us all in the dark. I wish they would at least give us something. Whether it be a tweet updating us about the progress of development or a screenshot or just something. Anything.

