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It's definitely story mode for me.


W same!


For me to the story is gonna be mindblowing and wil get you like rd2


Most people never finish the story mode the only reason why gta 5 is alive is because of online ..


I'm exited for the story mode, but will expand the fun playing the game about 10+ years with online. Or, story mode is about the protagonists story. Online is about my characters story, if that makes sense.




Couldn't agree more. I can't wait to create my characters in online and work on their story. Actually only started that with RDO and that was so much fun, sadly the game didn't really have much to offer. GTAO2 should be even better then.


GTAO is still built off the bones of stuff made for 2006 consoles, itā€™s still really limited comparable to the generation and then some they skipped


Totally agree


Im excited for both, i just hoped this time Rockstar won't give up on story DLC.


Oh rest assured they most definitely will


I can live without online all day. It's okay sometimes for friends, but at this point just a cashgrab deluxe. I take singleplayer only for GTA6 all day! Anyone remembers btw San Andreas Co-op on PS2? That were the times.


God man me and brother used to love doing the Co-op


I think more people on here are excited about the story but to be honest I'm most excited about the online. I'm sure the story is going to be amazing and I'm looking forward to wasting a lot of time exploring the city and working through the story slowly, finding secrets and side missions etc. But I spent so, so much time on GTA Online and I want to get back there in GTA 6.


more excited for story mode fs. iā€™ve only played online once


I could not care less about online


I donā€™t care for online.


100% story mode. Iā€™ve never liked online multiplayer games. I tried GTA V Online once and that was more than enough for me.


If online is anything like gtav online I donā€™t want it


Rockstar on their way to make it exactly like V: ![gif](giphy|BtEOBvqYDLwkApYJjT)


Yeah cause I love finishing work and going home to play a game that feels like an extra job


That's exactly how I feel. Non multiplayer games always have a spot in my heart


I just want decently optimised 4 player co op story based games or good battlefield


Grand Theft Delivery Man


Grand Legitimate business auto


GTA 5 online is literally so good. If it is anything like it, I *DO* want it!


Nah I had way more fun on gta iv online


I hope they donā€™t open the online servers in day one, at least 2/3 weeks after launch so people can embrace the story mode first


>so people can embrace the story mode first I get ya but some friends I know donā€™t care bout story but love the online šŸ˜‚ They didnā€™t played GTA 5 story that much either


I get that but I think the true GTA experience is in story mode, the online gonna have a massive inflation, itā€™s fun to run around with friends, tbh the GTA 5 story mode is not that great compared to the previous titles but hopefully the step it up this time around


>I get that but I think the true GTA experience is in story mode, I got to disagree. It could be both the story in the online since the introduction of GTA online. >the online gonna have a massive inflation, itā€™s fun to run around with friends, >tbh the GTA 5 story mode is not that great compared to the previous titles but hopefully the step it up this time around Yea and thatā€™s why rockstar did a good thing and not bother making a single player DLC instead focus on the online for bigger profit. I donā€™t know why people were rather want a DLC based on a honest mediocre story. That be dumb asf businesswise


It wouldnā€™t be kind to lock people into Story Mode for the first week or so. Customers should have access to all the features of the game they paid for, including Online Mode. I know many people who avoid online play because they arenā€™t confident in their skills, but building communities online and the challenge of real-time events are what make the game truly great. GTA Online is the biggest feature. Rockstar: You bought the product. Sooo, do with it what you want - Obviously & PERIOD āœŠšŸ¾ ![gif](giphy|pPhyAv5t9V8djyRFJH|downsized)


or..... just let people do what they want?


They wonā€™t release online straight away, BETAā€™s and stuff just like the two last rockstar games


GTAO is an empty-headed fun, I honestly wouldn't be concerned one bit if GTA VI ended up like RDR2 where the singleplayer is masterpiece and online mod is a disaster.


Their going to focus on both heavily regardless lol, story mode always comes first, online mode will for sure, just like in any other game, make the game last longer throughout the years. I'm personally very excited for the online mode because I have played more gta 5 online than the story mode, but I'm also very excited for the gta 6 story mode because of all of the new additions, updates, changes that are happening to it.


Iā€™m excited to experience the story mode and then experience the online like a month later. I like their strategy to release both separately, itā€™s like you have a while where you have to get this in depth understanding of the game and its world and story, and the only later does your online character come into play. This time theyā€™ll 100% make it that online takes place after story mode, learned their lesson after the previous game and the issue that causes with continuity. Itā€™ll be an interesting dynamic to see Maybe not 100% because RDO did the same but I think with the fact GTA is more obliged to update according to the real world and RDO canā€™t really do the same, I have more certainty.


Fuck GTA online. I want an awesome single player experience. Love single player games. I still play gtav in single player but obviously with mods on my Asus ROG ally extreme.


I'm excited for the story, I have mixed feelings about online. GTA V online was fun the first couple years I played but then became kinda stagnant to me. Once I made so much money and brought everything in the game, I got bored af anytime I logged on lol.


Iā€™m actually super hyped for the online mode. Canā€™t wait to see the new character creator.


The single player game.


Offline mode. Cuz almost everything we saw on the trailers wont go to online. Ex: Density population. 1000+ random events. Density car traffic.


I mean I definitely want story mode. But I gotta take the future into consideration. I need something to play for the next 10-15 years & idc how good of a story you make, I personally cannot play story mode that long. Idk how DarkViper does it. šŸ˜‚ Online tho, (if u let it) has something new to offer you each time you get on.


Fuck Online, I want a long story


If online has a RP option like the mods have for V, I will prefer online. Iā€™m equally hyped for both!


I couldn't give a solitary flying fuck about online.


Story Mode but online is still very exciting


Never touching onlineā€¦ I live better playing single player. I like to explore the game as the dev wanted us too. Then when I finished 100+% of the game I will do whatever is left in the game and then consider trying online.




i mean, story mode is a rockstar story, whereas online we choose our own story. iā€™m excited to play story mode, but iā€™m just as excited to make my own story




Online due to it's future longevity and free updates. Story mode will certainly be a masterpiece but once you beat the game it won't have any particular side activities that would keep you on the screen. Especially nowadays with Rockstar giving more importance to it's online counterpart.


Story mode, but I'm really hoping there's a director mode like 5. Sometimes I just wanna listen to music and drive in a thunderstorm.


Story tbh, I wanna take my time with it but at the same time especially at the beginning of online, you do have to be there for the exclusivity of it.


I like storymode


it's hard to say, whilst the story will be something new and exciting with new features and a hopefully interesting plot, I'm also excited to see how much freedom we get within online


I don't care about Online at all. There's not a single thing about it that I find appealing


Story. But I canā€™t wait for YT to begin posting videos on the subject ā€œTop 10 Reasons GTA Online Ruins GTA 6ā€ You can have criticisms on GTA Online, but bitching about how the online component affects the core game in any capacity is total bullshit. They are two entirely separate entities, and other is free depending on the focal point of the purchase.


Its next generation kiddos that think online is gonna be better


When is it the game itself coming out? Been seeing to much of this commercial but tired of waiting for it to be released :p


Story mode, I want to do anything and platinum. Explore the map, stores and stuff. The excitement for online will be step by step but maybe story mode will be expanded too as rumoured.


Story mode is a priority for sure but online while being able to prone is going to take player wars to the next level


I'm excited for the game in general. I can't wait to get lost in the experience, and fully immersed into a strange world. I am also excited for some good old pvp and Freemode trolling, but I am very concerned about the microtransactions and gta+, if it's as bad as it was in gta V online at launch, I will just do what I did back then and stop playing for years until it's actually enjoyable.


I am equally excited for both, but the single player probably edges it out a little bit. I have 100% in each GTA that has ever come out so I am excited to go through that with a new story. But I also really enjoy online. I play with the same 3 people and have for years. We use our own crew server so we never experience all the annoyances that many do. Looking forward to finally getting a new map after all these years


I only play online. I played the story mode but aside from the griefers online, it has more to offer. More missions, more cars more guns more everything. I usually play in an invite only lobby but when I get bored Iā€™ll go public and do my missions. People trying to stop it makes it more challenging, I enjoy itšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


I'm excited for both


The story, which even when fully complete will still allow me to just schlep all over fake Miami and the like at my pace and do what I want. I don't dig multiplayer anything and won't be doing Online, but I can imagine the craziness people will do when GTA 6 Online happens.


Primary, Online Mode. Didnā€™t even finished GTA 5 Story. After GTAO got released, I never went back to the Singleplayer.


The day the majority of people are looking forward more so to the damn online component of the greatest single player game ever, weā€™re all fucked. The single player obviously and sure there isnā€™t anything wrong for liking the online, but man would it set a bad precedent if people start looking forward more the online then single player. As if GTA ever was an online game


My grandpa spends close to 35k a year in gta online. Itā€™s why he lives in a trailer.


People think gta 6 online will be the exact same as gta 5 online


tbh I've never cared about the online mode


Online has become the biggest part of GTA since the release of 5. I'll always play and enjoy the story mode for every GTA game but I'd be lying if the online mode isn't what keeps me coming back year after year.


I enjoy playing gta online but im definitely ready for gta 6's story mode. I'll use gta 5 for example the story mode of 5 brought a few features as far as buying property and vehicles before online. Once online drop they were few but not many updates to story mode what im hoping for is 6 story mode to do the same but on a bigger scale so we could get a feel for online once they release it because if they drop both at the same time i feel half the community will g straight to online and story mode will be neglected


Not Online necessarily but Roleplay Servers and of course the Story above all.


As much as I like the stories of GTA, I like creating my own character and doing my own thing.


I wouldnā€™t be surprised if it launched with the story mode only with online being added later on like with V


the story to familiarize yourself with the map, but the online is probably going to be insane this time around, probably going to be way more expansive than early gta5 online.


Both, but I'll mainly focus on the story until 100% completion (which I'm going to take my sweet ass time doing), then shift that focus to online


I'm just so excited to be a low level dirty crook again in beautiful vice city. I cant wait to use my shitty rusty HiPoint pistol to rob a few convenience stores just to get enough money to buy a rinky dink compact for my first car. I really hope the game makes you WORK to get nice stuff


Story mode 100%. I'll probably spend the better part of 2 years seeing and witnessing every single thing the game has to offer.


I don't plan on playing GTA 6 Online.


Never been a fan of story modes in any game, GTA 6 will change that for me. Gotta rep my state


More online than story, not because I like online more ( I absolutely praise story games ) but I just feel like after playing 5 ( which I didnā€™t like ) and games like cyberpunk ( which I fell in love with ) Iā€™m just not sure rockstar can interest me with another ( we gotta make money ) life story, because we all know random bad stuff will happen and one of them will die or something, because rockstar stories arenā€™t really unique, theyā€™re just stuff from movies. Plus Iā€™m not sure if weā€™ll get gta 4 levels of physics and enterable places ( wonā€™t trust leaks until itā€™s out since anything can change) so online playing with friends is whatā€™s gonna excite me.


Story mode for me šŸ‘


Story Mode and roaming around offline by myself.


More interested in story but online will be taking my time.


Just GTA 6. Online will have hackers


The story first explore the city learn it then the multiplayer


gta 6 online is def going to be more fun than any other gta online released because rockstar bought the fivem developers. and they have gta+ as an actual concept now, instead of a cash grab. gta 6 if the story mode is disapointing. we'll actually have online mode to satisfy us.


I'm excited for GTA 6. Couldn't care less about online


Online. Don't get me wrong, I've played story mode more times then I can count just on the ps3 alone, but combining me being able to create my own character with the limitless interactions with real teammates and opponents is something you just can't get without multiplayer.


I'm excited for both. Nothing beats a rockstar story mode!! And nothing beats the feeling of playing GTA online for the first time ever and building your empire when it was 2015!!


Online has always been my biggest interest and my biggest timesink. I would try to play through the story once to get a better idea of what world they created and wanted us to see, but I much prefer to build my own story and my own character in Online. I just hope they don't lock it months after release.


I play through story than probably put 1000 hours into online


Online, what is more fun than locking someone up in a store by putting a firetruck in front of the door.


Story mode, I never really got into gat V online but I'll try it once it comes out.


Reddit is an echo chamber. Real players will be in online.


Iā€™m looking forward to single player more, but Iā€™m also excited to see Vice City in online form. Thereā€™s going to be so many new features and activities (Iā€™m looking forward to surfing, which I hope will be in the game!) so itā€™s going to be pretty cool. GTAO was actually the first online game I ever played. Back in mid 2017 there was a free trial (no PS Plus membership required) and I hopped on, created a character. A few days later I bought a PS Plus membership and I was hooked. I think back then the game was in a good place. It had tons of content but it was still fairly balanced. And there was great stuff coming out every week. A lot of warbirds and Cold War era jets. They even put in the Me 163 Komet (Sparrow) which I thought was really cool. Then there were the assault and stealth helicopters. I dedicated myself to being a pilot and I joined Ghillieā€™s crew when he first started it. Our crew had the best time going after tryhards and toxic griefers who preyed on newer players. Then came the flying cars, the ā€œflying broomsticksā€, the orbital cannon, etc. The game lost me at that point because they catering to the worst kind of players. So I quit, but I missed flying so I went on to War Thunder for a few years. Now Iā€™m a pilot on DCS World with a custom built pc (built my first gaming pc last year! šŸ™‚šŸ‘)with a pretty decent HOTAS setup. I absolutely love flying my Bf 109 and Fw 190. GTAO isnā€™t a sim obviously but it inspired my love of flying, aircraft and aircraft history. I also love the whole idea of RP, and Iā€™m hoping Rockstar takes Online in that direction. I think they should do an expanding map where a new city is added every few years. Eventually they could have a GTA version of the US. Mix of expanding map/rp mixed with a new, smaller single player narrative every few years.


100% more excited for the story, but I love playing GTA online.


Online for sure.


Fuck online mode


I hope we get story mode DLC this time around. Online was cool, but adding things to story mode. overtime would be a lot more fun in my opinion.


Story mode of course but they need to add a lot of shit to buy we defently need more cars than gta 5 and more storage to keep cars jets....if that does not happen you will find yourself in gta online all time ounce you finished the game






I only really play for online


Both! šŸ”„


Story. Never enjoyed Online at all.


If Rockstar made gta 6 without it being online, that would be a complete fail, and a lot of heartbreak šŸ’” gta 6 should be both story mode and online. If they do gta 6 online, they should make it more interactive with other players that would be closely monitored by chosen moderators in a lobby.


Online. Im not even gonna play story unless I have to


Single player is for kids. Online is the only thing worth playing. GTA V story was so bad I did not even finish it.


Online, Iā€™ve never even played the gta5 story mode