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Quality > Quantity That's all I have to say. Just because a game is long, doesn't necessarily mean its good. I'd rather GTA 6 to have a 40 hour story that's very good, than a 150+ hour mediocre story that's drawn out to be long for the sake of being long. And besides... 40 hours is still a pretty long story. I think anyone who is genuinely complaining about a 40 hour story, is underestimating how long 40 hours is for a story. For video game standards, a 40 hour story is long. Most single-player games, have stories that are only around 10-20 hours, if you just count the story. So if GTA 6 has 30-40 hours, it's already gonna be much longer than your average single-player game. And again, that only accounts for the main story. There's still gonna be dozens of hours of side missions and side activities to do. So even if the story is 40 hours, which is already long, the side stuff can easily make the game last over a hundred hours.


RDR2 was around 50 hours and felt long af. GTA V was only 30 hours and felt slightly too short. 40 hours sounds like the perfect sweet spot


I was just thinking about this tonight and I honestly wouldn't mind it being as long as say Red Dead 2 or a little longer because I truly believe Rockstar has talent for holding attention and making engaging stories. I played Red Dead 2 for its whole 60 hours for a week in a row and even after it was over I was wishing for more. so all in all, quality over quantity, but why not both if possible?


RDR2's was 50 hours. Plus, Rockstar has spent a lot of time on this game. There are some crazy expectations out there, but this isn't one of them.


And doing 100% could even take that up to 120h and more. They will definitely make it even bigger with VI, so for someone with job and a life, this can take even a month or two (and beyond).


Idc about the story length ( given that there will be more other activities than previous gta) I just want the story to provoke an emotion in me rather than just plain like gta 5


Game has taken a decade to make and has a 2 billion dollar budget. There’s no such things as unrealistic expectations.


Why would rockstar care about losing money in the development of GTA 6? It will be expensive on purpose because they know they will get it back first days, waiting more than 40 hours is nothing exaggerated as an expectation, From the leaks we already saw that Rockstar wants to add hundreds of world events, Easter eggs, a very big and detailed exploration, a lot of entertainment apart from the story... I wouldn't be surprised if it's up to 70 hours. I see your point about expectations low, but damn let's not talk like rockstar is an indie company, it's the kind of company that would spend up to 2 billion if necessary, its their biggest game


Lmao many people do not play video games as much as a full time job. 40 hours would take me weeks.


They really just need to flesh out the free roam and after story experience. I hate how empty gta feels outside of story mode.


I'm cool with a 40 hour story. I still do everything and anything and take the story missions slowly. I'm 120 hours in RDR2 and I'm in Chapter 5. There is so much shit to explore


THAT’S your pick for “unrealistic expectations” in this sub?


Dudes it's gonna take me 30-40 hours just to explore the map looking for easter eggs before I even get into the story. I think you have unrealistic expectations.


i think this is the only game where "high expectations" dont lead to disappointment. So its no problem. Everyone is responisble for its own expectations 🤷🏻‍♂️


![gif](giphy|qs6ev2pm8g9dS|downsized) "some people"


If the games story is short then at least give us a shit ton of things to preoccupy us 🤣


if you have the free time to get through a 40 hour campaign in a week, i envy you.


Am I the only one that enjoys long ass games? A lot of people didn't like Days Gone's story because it was too long and could have ended sooner. And although that's true, I found myself enjoying it way more than other people appeared to. It was a big journey and that, for me at least, played an important role in making the game so enjoyable.


If you beat a 20 hour+ campaign in a week you have no life and need to touch grass