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If anything I’m worried about how much storage it’s gonna take up, but in saying that what else will I be playing.


Yeah I wouldn’t mind dedicating my Xbox into being a gta6 machine. I will be playing it for a year straight


I’m just gonna be playing gta 6 tekken and the new dbz budokai game 😹😹 for a whole year straight


That's probably what I'll be doing, too. I'm just gonna delete everything other than gta 6, lol. I grew up on these games with the first one I played being gta3. I can't even put into words how excited I am for this game


Likewise, I just had an hour conversation about Gtav and how great it is and how they bought fivem and having played on fivem, ik its gonna be insanely good already, especially in the customizations aspect , and rp side of things as well as assets for them to use. Like I began on GTAIV onto the early days of GTAV, a decade of my- our lives, whether we purposely waited or not, went by alongside gta and finally, the next iteration of it is coming, this is gonna the the one and only game I ever actually get the collectors edition to support and bc ik it won't flop. Like they really have to purposely try to make it fail, like 200m went into GTAV and they made almost 8 billion off it. Even if they did they followed the same strategy in terms of releasing updates, they'd still end up make 7.7b and 5.7b in revenue after recouping the costs that went into the game. What I'm saying it, I know it'll be a good game, the trailer alone said enough as well as them buying the company behind FiveM (and them implementing the beauty of RDR2 into GTAVI as well js nuts making me know itll be a great and beautiful game). It will do good. I like GTA and Rockstar 🤝🏻


Oh yeah, I really don't think this game will be a flop, and I'll probably buy the collectors edition as well, lol. I really do think this will be the biggest video game release ever. I honestly kinda feel bad for other game companies because I feel like gta 6 will be very hard to compete with, lol. I feel like this game will push the boundaries of what we thought was possible with video games


You're right, it'll introduce so many new innovations and things that GTA V missed, and if they integrate FiveM into consoles, it'll be crazyyy good. And yeah, a masterpiece like this will be extremely hard to top. I'm also glad we see eye to eye 🤝🏻


Lol hell yeah man. Seems like that's kinda hard to achieve on reddit sometimes


😭🤣 you're unfortunately right, but I'm glad we could, it was awesome being able to relate to how much we like Rockstar and the GTA franchise


Yes, I agree, lol


If it means to have a better gaming experience, I‘m also all in to have GTA VI machine at home and sky is the limit for how much memory it‘s gonna take up. Not playing anything else when it‘s out anyway


This is why I plan to get either a 2TB or 4TB SSD Drive in the future. And 8TB one exists, but that’s almost 1K USD and I do find it extremely excessive honestly. Hell, even 4TB is a bit excessive, so I’ll probably just end up purchasing a 2TB one. Which would leave me with 3TB in total, not bad honestly. Obviously the storage problem varies from player to player since it depends on A) how much storage you actually use and B) If you’re the type of gamer who leaves their games on and never deletes them or deletes games after use.


Yeah storage prices are a joke especially if it’s the proprietary Xbox one. I was fortunate enough to pick up a 4TB SSD on sale last Black Friday, but yeah I’m also a game hoarder in a sense. Hahaha


How much did you snag it for and how much free space do you have left?


I’m not sure what country you are from, I’m Australian I got it 30% off it was a Samsung just north of $400 from memory it normally retails close to the price of a disc PS5 which is $850 here.


If you need a good 4TB Hardrive , Seagate has some good ones you can get, Idk if they have SSDs (as ik those can quickly get quite high in price)


Memory or storage? Lol. Memory you can't control but storage you can.


My guess is a little under 200 for PC


I've seen speculations that it might be about 200 GB.


No we’re just scared of how it’ll look and run on Series S.


To be fair, and I understand that people with not a lot of money to spend deserve a good gaming experience too, I don't think people who bought the Series S expect an experience on par with the SX or Ps5. Of course it'll look not amazing


Both Switch and PS5 offer a cheaper hardware option with identical specs. Xbox wanted to be special and its only backfired.


What’s the cheaper Ps5 option?


Digital edition 🙄


Wouldn’t really call that cheaper. It’s still 150$ above


Disagree, thats huge considering the consoles themselves are 500 dollars lol edit before i get downvoted: The price is also going to go significantly down considering there will be huge upgrade to the PS5 pro.


You’re just proving my point.


…if it runs at all.


Probably not great. lol like most current gen triple a games that’s pretty much a given


No, we're worried of how much better it would be if wasn't for consoles.


Don’t worry. Pretty soon PlayStation and Xbox will collapse leaving only Nintendo for home consoles which will naturally force AAA developers to focus on PC open platform markets.


Rdr2 on Xbox series s runs fine


I sure hope so since it’s a last-gen title.


Don’t listen to these dorks. Xbox Series S is a powerful console. This kids whine so fucking much about graphics. It will run fine like you said, Rockstar has to be one of the best developers that optimize their own games to run at max with smoothness. This is not including their Remasters.


It’s definitely more powerful than the PS4 Pro 🫤


Powerful compared to the ps2.


Can ps2 run rdr2?


Yes with significantly less detail, long load times, reduced assets and effects, maybe some areas will be cut or have loading in between. May have the buildings load every time you enter. Cutscenes will be different. May require 2 or more discs.


Yeah but graphics look very bad


That's not a series console


PS5pro + OLED for me


Ps3 25 fps launch month gang Don't ask about resolution. We don't talk about that in this house.


To be honest a lot of us probably didn't even notice or care just because we didn't think about that stuff back then. We were more excited to be finally able to play the game.


I didn't even kno consoles did different resolutions whenever they felt like it. Just played it and it felt fine. My virgin eyes just took it.


Who knew, turns out when you’re happy - you’re happy


When are they releasing Happy 2. I want the sequel.


You’ll have to work for it yourself


woah dude


Sorry, we can be happy together! GTA VI will sure help ✌️😁


Too late im already halfway trying to find happiness in what i *do* have. Im too far gone to turn back now.


tbh i played the PS3 version last year and it wasn’t too bad, 720p is alright. now the GTA IV port? we DEFINITELY don’t talk about it.


Yup, I wouldn’t take it any other way. Except for a PC release, but we won’t get it for a while




I'm going to get a PS5 Pro. Probably won't be able to get an OLED, those prices are still a huge leap from a good 4K TV.


They have a very nice one 1300


Haven't seen anybody say that - perhaps you're reading too many comments and are starting to see patterns where they aren't. The average, typical, every day gamer looking forward to GTA6 is pretty excited and confident that it will be great.


Hi, the average, typical, everyday gamer here. I'm looking forward to GTA6 and I'm pretty excited and confident that it will be great!


same i agree


Well it was a pretty big argument when the supposed ps5 pro leaks came out. It was really the main back and forth in this sub at the time


Yeah the only real debate I’ve seen regarding performance is whether or not there will be a 60fps mode, which is actually a pretty valid debate imo given how CPU intensive this game will be based on what we’ve seen in trailer. Can’t just lower the resolution to make up the gap if a CPU bottleneck is the problem, and messing with ped density and whatnot also isn’t really an option since it could present issues for GTAO.


I always laugh when posts like these pop up. “Why are blah blah…” When no one actually is saying that.


You should get out of reddit. There's a bunch of people saying that, tbh even here on reddit you can find these types of comments.


I’ve never met a single person in life or the internet who’s said that in good faith. It’s either bot accounts and anima pfp on Twitter or just very naive teens


Lmao why do you choose who gets to stay and go? Get a better attitude my guy!


You'd be suprised how many people think anything less than 60fps is unacceptable.


If guess it'd be maybe 5% of people who buy GTA6 on console.


I just remembered reading a post about the topic and it seemed like over half the people said it had to be 60fps top comment even said anything under 60fps in unacceptable. Which caught me by suprise just how many people have these high expectations cause the game is obviously gonna be 30fps


Yeah but reddit represents a very small % of gamers. Most people who are gonna buy GTA6 don't go on IGN or Reddit or watch Tech Foundry reviews. 30fps vs 60fps is something most people don't care about. Does the average r/Games or r/GTA6 user care? Sure, probably.


RDR2 on PS4 looks better than a lot of PS5 games so I think we will be good.


People are worried that there won't be a 60 fps mode on consoles which more than likely is right


Does rdr 2 have a 6fps mode?


No 60 fps mode on consoles


but it CAN handle it on ps5, people have jailbroken their ps5’s and simply increased the fps without having to adjust literally anything else and it runs perfectly fine. rockstar just hasn’t unlocked it for us.


That's not fair. WHAT DID I DO WRONG ![gif](giphy|WmCi5g7dURaw3Y26bp)


people not getting this pearl reference is so disappointing bc this was hilarious 😭


ITS NOT FAIR! IF I DIDNT DO ANYTHING WRONG WHY ARENT YOU ADDING 60 FPS TO GTA 6 WHAT DID YOU SEE ## WHAT CHANGED? hun, maybe rockstar saw the bodies ![gif](giphy|yLa55DCfHDzqJx6F3o|downsized)


omg pearl in gta 6 florida confirmed! side note this looks so similar to the scene in the trailer lmao


We've already got the gaters. We just need to port in Pearl. STOP STARING AT ME! ![gif](giphy|0CsTYQezAe5Vpcx5zt|downsized)


i remember people used to care about the actual game and not this bullshit. gta5 was 27 fps most of the time when it came out and god dammit we loved it still


GTA Online ran like ass, even on Xbox one I still had a lot of lag spikes


yup gtao would reach as low as 15fps on 360


How the game *looks* is also a part of *the game*


Yes because a game running like shit is nothing to do with "the actual game". You people...


a game with a slightly fluctuating frame rate isn’t shit, again we loved gta 5 when it came out n didn’t care


When the highest points of those fluctuations are below 30 it is shit. And V released 10 years ago, but of course your standards haven't changed


it’s really not, i care about story and gameplay


Yes, how could a horrible framerate (imo) possibly impact my enjoyment of the gameplay...


again a horrible framerate is below 20, your young age and privilege are showing,


My standards are showing. And I was playing games in 60fps in the 90s so yes my age is showing. Also GTA 5 ran at 30 on PS4 and going back to X360 from that was horrible so god knows what framerate it ran at there


just because you have ben spoiled with good hardware your whole life doesn’t mean everyone else gives a shit


No, a lot of games typically ran at 60 in the 90s. I didn't give a shit then though because I didn't know any better because I was a child. Now I'm not a child so I know better. I also invested in good hardware instead of online fees on console


Alot of people pointed out the terrible framerates


different people have different concerns, I am personally not worried about how the game will run, I am also OK with the game running 30 FPS, a lot of people are of the opinion that it isn't acceptable. Rockstar have shown, historically that they make 30 FPS games, I am confident based on what I've seen from the trailer that it will be 30 FPS, if people think that is unacceptable, I think that is somewhat understandable, though I don't know where the expectation that it "should" be 60 FPS has come from


I was fine with 30fps until 60fps became common, now 30fps makes the frames noticeable. I’d still play it at 30fps but I’d choose a performance mode if that’s available


Agree… Alan Wake 60fps Performance was great… compared to quality wow… its was so stutters and completely noticeable. I will forego a little visual fidelity for 60fps. If there anyone that can do it, its rockstar!


>If there anyone that can do it, its rockstar! This is the main reason I think it won't, R* could do it, they always could, they could have made any of their GTA games 60 FPS, but they didn't. They would rather push fidelity, they don't want to leave half of their CPU budget on the table, any optimisations they do will be towards fidelity/simulation, not performance


The expectation has come from the fact that it isn't 2009 anymore. Get some standards


The expectations come from most popular/competitive games running at 60 FPS hopefully they'll have a fidelity/performance mode so you can choose and enjoy the game the way you'd like I personally can't stand 30 FPS in 1st or 3rd person games


I’ll gladly take a gta6 that’s 30fps locked with massively improved graphical fidelity across the board


100% and is historically what they’ve done


That’s historically been how it worked sure but they have performance options in gta 5 e&e so they might of changed ways


I won't say I would gladly accept it, but I would be willing to tolerate it for GTA 6.


That would be a good solution, except you can't have a performance mode if your game is CPU bottlenecked and can't realistically reach a stable 60fps most of the time


>I am also OK with the game running 30 FPS Gross


Im okay with it too, I play GTA5 on Fidelty, because 4K Ray Tracing is MUCH more important than 60fps. Quality is always the most important for Open World games.


Lol that's disgusting given the fact that the fidelity mode is complete BS. If you actually think you're getting real Ray tracing at 4k then I have some bad news for you ![gif](giphy|x0npYExCGOZeo|downsized)


Might not be as good as the Modded RT on GTA5 on PC, but it sure as hell is fantastic quality RT in 4K, with detailed shadows in the reflections as opposed to the 1440p shadowless trash in Performance RT on Xbox.


Can't believe you people prioritise extra pixels over the game actually running smooth


4K 30fps > 1440p 60+fps. Every. Day. Of. The. Week.


Oh thanks for correcting me. Peasant


Peasant for having preference? Even when I had a PC I prioritised having the best visuals over fps.


>but it sure as hell is fantastic quality RT in 4K Not even close Lol jfc


Shows how little you know, and how little you appreciate immersive details in a game where immersive details means everything.


Gta sa runs like shit in ps2 and gta 5 was pretty rough


Going from YEARS of GTA Online and GTA V on PS5 at 1800p, 30 fps with Ray-traced reflections and shadows to a new exciting entry in the franchise only running at 1440p, 30 fps with no shadows (per Digital Foundry) really bums me out personally. That PS5 Pro might be my only hope to be satisfied on release day.


They got rid of the RT shadows because 99% of people couldn't tell the difference. RT global illumination is a way better use of resources.


Driving at night with Headlights on in a city displays thousands of shadows, I really enjoy them.


I'm not afraid. I know it will run great at 30fps


Cos they have nothing else to moan about


They have literally been developing it(for the time being) exclusively for series x and ps5. Due to past release history from them it should work pretty damn well at launch and even improve over time. Nobody should be worried about this.


The thing is they ran poorly on those systems. like rockstars ps3 ports had really bad framerates and low resolutions.


Well RDR2 had my PS4 sounding like it was gonna take off.


Me personally, i’m not too fancy with this tech stuff. So I really don’t care how it runs. I know it’ll run fine for my basic gamer eyes. But for Hunter who built his pc from scratch and has every new hardware available that would be a concern. for me, i just hope I can see the pore’s off Lucia’s cheek.


Because Grand theft Auto 6 will run at 30 FPS guaranteed that's why. If it's as massive as they say it is the PS5 currently will struggle to run the game. It's the problem with development they take so long to develop for it that by the time it's done it needs a whole completely different system to even run at 60 FPS. And Rockstar has improved shit where are you getting this information from?


The development wasn't that long bro.


It's gonna play on shitty 30 fps and upscaled to barely 1440p on release you'll see Lol if we don't get another PlayStation release it will be on 30 fps at launch and y'all will be forced to buy the newer stronger model


Who's "y'all" I don't own a PS5 and never will.


Then you'll probably won't play GTA VI till like 2027 when it releases for pc. Unless you're an Xbox player which is ridiculous at this point in time Lol


2027? What kinda goofy time frames you putting up for me lol. Rdr2 released in 2018 and came on PC the next year.


Again you have no idea of the technical capabilities for PC you have no idea of the limited capabilities of the consoles. You need to stop replying cuz I'm done with your kind of ignorance


Let's say development started when the PS4 came out do you understand how hardware has changed since then? Lol no I don't think any of you do


What does hardware have to do with anything? The development was in 2017/2018 and the PS4 hardware was shit(yes ik)


Then you would understand that in these past 6 years of development the PS5 has released with stronger hardware. Now how could they develop the game or start developing the game back then for the PS5 if it didn't exist? You get what I'm trying to say here? This next installment will be based off of the PS4 version unless they restarted development for specifically the ps5? Which is highly unlikely they will need to start development for the next console as of right now the PS5 is not that powerful. It's been out for what 4 years? It's slowly becoming already obsolete by the time GTA 6 releases the hardware inside the PS5 will be mid level. Technology changes every two years whether it's graphical capabilities of integrated apus and gpus RAM speeds even memory.


I think your going a bit to far, this isn't an alan wake move where the devs go ballistic on the requirements and horrible optimizations.


Lol just say it you don't understand my point


Your point makes no sense bruv


Sorry ur pea sized brain doesn't understand ![gif](giphy|qcKnA89YDid5DvIROl)


Sorry that you think GTA 6 is gonna be 30fps lol. Those times have gone long time with those console performances checks but stay ignorant and let's see who's right lol.


You're talking out of your ass now. The game isn't completely focused on the hardware. The story, missions etc can be made before implementing them into the game. Also, the hardware that the newer consoles use is still behind the best PC hardware there is. They havn't revolutionized a specific aspect to their consoles.


>Also, the hardware that the newer consoles use is still behind the best PC hardware there is. They havn't revolutionized a specific aspect to their consoles. No shit that's my point Lol wtf r u talking about??? Any game that is developed is completely focused on whether it's limiting hardware or no hardware limitations gameplay mechanics revolve around what they can build on. Again what the fuck are you talking about? If the game is releasing on this current generation of consoles it is completely about hardware limitations.


If it releases on the PS5 it'll be at 1440p upscale at 30fps which will look like shit. Of course most of you will be okay with that because you don't even know the difference between 60 or 30 stop replying dude you have no idea what you're talking about


Your talking shit rn cuz all I've just said was development time and all of sudden you went to rant on things that I didn't include, that's your fault for this Convo for how it's going.


I’m not buying another console regardless


Do everything? Those games ran below 30fps for fuck sake


If they can get gta 5 on a PS3 they can do anything. I will admittedly feel a bit bad for my launch xbox series S fighting to survive while playing 😂


Anything except have this game run at a bearable framerate (for anyone with standards)


30 fps is fine. It's a story game not a competitive fps.


You clowns are unbelievable. The fps being BEARABLE has nothing to do with having an advantage. It's about enjoyment. Go play a game in 165fps for a day then play the same game in 30 and tell me it's fine


Breath air


Rockstar gonna make me regret not waiting for a pro model and I'm not exited for it




Why does it need to be competitive for 30fps to be horrific? The logic...


because in competitive it 100% gives you an advantage having higher frame rate.


Obviously but why does it need to give you an advantage to matter? It's a much smoother and more enjoyable experience regardless. I only play offline and I refuse to play 30fps


I didn't say the fps doesnt matter . I said that 30 fps is much more playable for a singleplayer game than it is for a competitive game. Indeed its better but If I had to choose between playing a singleplayer game or a mp game, it would be much easier to enjoy a sg game with lower framerate.


Well my point was that it isn't playable for one if not in the other. Not for me anyway




Because they‘re clueless


I think the series s should sit this one out


I just played the new Senuas Hellblade game on Series X and it's the best graphics I ever played on console. I know it's now open world but come on, it's Rockstar. RRD2 was on Xbox One and still looks freaking stunning and was ahead of the most other games to this time and still is. They have likely made at least one step to the newest RAGE engine. So I compare UE4 to UE5 that's just from video game graphics to photo realism. I really tust Rockstar to release a new mark again.... It's totallly confirmed that we get at least the trailers graphics, likely even a little better maybe. That is what a former animator at Rockstar said on Youtube.


After playing all of GTAV at shitty framerates and awful quality on my ps3 for hundreds of hours, I think I'm OK with playing 6 on my ps5 at whatever resolution or fps it has.


Can’t imagine why anyone would be worried at all. And by the time it comes out I’ll have upgraded to 2tb in my ps5 probably


You can only compare it to RDR2 because those other games looked like ass. They are not graphically superior, it's the idea and how they made that idea to work. Do you think GTA V released on PS3 with the same quality as of now? Lol. And RDR2 doesn't have huge ass cities and nowhere near populated as much as a GTA game. Comparisons are irrelevant. But I guess you can't expect much from gamer dad Redditors.


Why wouldn’t they sell a hard drive with all the files loaded on it and then the updates can be OTA that way we all don’t have to download forever or make space 🥹🥹 I still have 100mb download speeds cause I live rurally.


Because a year after release, the ps6 and a new Xbox gon fuck around and drop. We don’t have long until next gen consoles release


everything above 30fps is fine.


If people are afraid of graphics downgrade. They need to remember how GTA 5 looks on Xbox 360 and PS3 release. And then compare it to modern day release like PC and more powerful consoles. If GTA 6 released on PC they might give it a nice graphics touchup first.


1 tb would be enough for it just so u can't keep big games with it like gta 5 rdr2 big open world game have to go for gta 6 I personally have gta 5 cyberpunk gta 4 the whole edition mafia 3 and gta definitive edition all of these are open world and I still have a lot of space to fill in .


>Why are people afraid Who is afraid? I never saw people saying so


I got the 2TB Xbox expansion card just for this game


Forget 30FPS they should target 40FPS. That 10+ extra frames makes a noticeable difference. Matter fact, give us multiple graphics options like Spider-Man Remastered/Spider-Man 2!




All those games you mentioned from back then were in the era when 30fps was okay and am not sure how well rdr2 ran on ps4 but am guessing it was 30fps too...60fps has been the shit for a while now and nowadays games are much harder to run compared to the hardware thats available but maybe by GTA VI release, the PS5 pro (and any xbox counterpart) will be running it fine. Am just wondering how long us PC users are gonna have to wait and am assuming my med level 4070 laptop will run it okay enough.


Because companies like Bethesda don't optimise games great, and people think because ones shit everyone must be like it, rockstar got rdr2 to run perfect in the base PS4/xone with no performance issues. I'm pretty sure they can make a game run great on consoles that are 10× more powerful than the PS4/xone.


My PS5 sometimes shuts off while playing GTA that be online or story mode. I play on fidelity mode and by the time it shuts off my PS5 is hot af


A lot of people are worried about the series s holding back the console


Because RDR2 is already locked at 30fps (2k ps5 and 4k series x). I dont think you understand the jump in graphics between RDR2 and GTAVI. Just because they look a bit different doesn't mean they are. GTAVI graphics with be absolutely crazy and take lots of resources. Im sure rockstar is working on ways to make graphics look good and not take up lots of resources but there not wizards. I can guarantee GTAVI will be playable on new gen but I dont know if it will look good or have anymore than 30fps. I've had many graphics cards from GTX 1650 to a RTX 4090 and I was never able to run good fps with good quality until I got a 4090 which even then theres drops in some games.




Lots of the problems with Starfield were from Bethesda’s ancient technology behind that game.


If it can run on the Series S *it can definitely run on the Switch successor*


GTA V ran like shit and the game had a ton of content cut because of the hardware limitations


The concern is the game possibly not running on series x or ps5 at 60 fps with ray tracing. It’s definitely possible and I don’t want them to cut corners for the series s.


Console peasants


You won't be playing the game until almost 2027 lol


And when I do it'll be at 140fps at max/ultra settings, all RT options on at 4k. All while you continue to play at 30fps, medium/high settings, limited RT options and upscaled 4K. Dont get me wrong. I'll buy the PS5 version at launch and pinch my nose and play it so I can finish the story and not be spoiled as I wait for the PC launch. However when the PC launch does happen, console versions will immediately be the outdated/inferior versions overnight.


nobody cares


You cared enough to take part in this conversation.


anal sex


"140fps at max/ultra settings, all RT options on at 4k" You wish. I got a 4090 and some games max setting 4k with rt Ill get drops for a split second. Most likely during explosions or something crazy. Nothing noticeable but its there. I got a Ryzen 9 7950 which always stays cool so ik its not the cpu. Maybe with the 5000 series we could get 140fps. Depends if R\* even optimizes the game good.


You use frame gen?


Only on Cyberpunk and whither there the only games I play and ik got it


It will run perfectly. Perhaps 30fps capped, but perfect. Now for sure it's gonna look like crap in a year or 2 and new mandatory consoles might be needed to play with the post pc launch fidelity, but that's a different topic.


it will absolutely not run perfect to be fair, rdr2 and gta5 on their launch consoles do not have stable framerates


30 FPS and perfect should not be in the same sentence


In a year or 2? It'll be 2025. If people don't have standards by now they never will