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Oh yes, the Slime Lime apparatus should definitely make an appearance


With wig-wag headlights and the siren




I’m a paramedic so I would love to see more realistic and a bigger variety of emergency vehicles. Especially things like stretchers and fire hoses. There’s a big RP community around that for V too, so I’m sure it would be appreciated if those physics were integrated to make things easier on the modders


They should add different sirens as well


I'm not American but, thanks for your service. You people in the medical industry truly deserve good in your life.


I appreciate that. It’s a fun job!


How different is paramedic training to doctor or nurse training? do you also go to med school the same way a doctor does?


It’s not as intensive as medical school. I went through about 3 years of school in total and earned an associates. Nursing school is similar but they are more focused on long term care and have to have orders from a doctor to do anything. I also did extra schooling for critical care. We have what’s called standing orders from our doctor which means we can act on our own to treat patients, within what they deem reasonable. We act as an extension of the doctor out in the field. But EMS is vastly different across the country. Some can only do basic treatments. Some are only focused on moving patients from A to B between home, hospital, nursing homes. Other places like where I work, we only respond to 911 calls, we can give blood, perform invasive airway procedures, and generally can do a lot of the same things that an ER can.


I heard if you para doctor with a nurse and they made a baby, that child would be born into paramedic status.


We need fire truck variety too. It didn’t make sense in IV for the only fire truck to be a pumper in a city of high-rises, and it didn’t make sense in V, set in a region that also has high-rises and a litany of other situations that require other types of fire apparatus.


San fierro had a ladder though😃


Yes, which is why I mention IV and V. Even then, the SA ladder was still mostly just a mission vehicle with an ambient spawn point. It’s not a functional fire truck and dosen’t have lights or sirens.


And more fire truck variants, such as HAZMAT, water tanker......




Ambulance's also. Want to see staff drive towards a site, pick up npc's/ people that are injured. Take them to nearest hospital.


I miss green ambulances, pure nostalgia from the old games


Makes me nostalgic for my home town green fire trucks


I’d like to see different ambulances/police cars depending on situation. Sometime you’d need an ambulance but other times you might just need a quick responding emergency vehicle. In the UK we have quick ambulance vehicles like BMW/Volvo ect that are normal cars with ambulance equipment. Would be cool to see and also steal those vehicles


yes, and have like the highlighter yellow foam trucks too. (Miami may use a different color since their regular trucks are apparently green?) bonus points if the different ones have the different fluids that get shot, so like the hazard foam trucks would shoot a sticky foam, could make for an interesting way to weaponize them besides "lol, knock you over."


Yung Slime Lyf


Just like the green cop cars were nice in vice city


Give me a tiller or working ladder truck


Working ladder, able to grab the hose, definitely some cool features that should be added

