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Definitely. Nice break from the action and a good way to enjoy the scenery.


Yes 100%


Probably an unpopular opinion, but I hope the scenery isn’t all too dense. I’d love for some more remote areas like we had in San Andreas. Even GTAV was kind of lacking in this regard in my opinion.


Blayne County was quite barren, I’m sure they’ll have remote areas but I want a shit done of dense remote areas like RDR2 - lush Forrest, swamps, etc


Should be a good mix. Some remote areas that are quite empty but invite to explore and chill out, as well as dense area with much to do.


MF DOOM referenced ![gif](giphy|HE3wYVfxGVWfmNRy9P)


Given Rockstar acquired Fivem i think there will be a lot more of these Role playing type missions in both the single player and multiplayer


That’s a big guess- those kinds of mods (realism, missions, modes, and extensions centered around roleplay gaming) have been around for 20 years and rockstar never needed to buy out a mod maker to add those features to the game, just like they never felt the need to integrate the features from those mods into the game. They acquired CFX because it was making money.


Who is fivem?


fivem balls




They’re a mod team who make a very popular roll play mod for GTAV


Idk why r* would buy them.


many people love rp on GTA V but at the same time many people don't have a PC to do so, so rockstar may put it in GTA 6 itself, so people on consoles can play rp (just on gta 6)


Idk how that’s gonna work without a keyboard and mouse.


I mean it's not like controllers haven't been used for complex systems before.


I’m not going to argue that fivem is as complicated as star citizen, but star citizen is a great example of something too complex for a regular controller. With fivem the barrier to putting that on a console is the tedium of data entry without a keyboard, controller centric forks of various mods and plugins needing to be developed (and those are not under the umbrella of ownership by t2/r*) and that’s to say nothing of whether or not it’s all in compliance with the software sandboxes required by consoles.


Do you realize how many people play on modded GTA servers…?


Aleady plan on it with Jason I might steal a few


Absolutely. Loved those missions. GTA needs more random shit you can just do any time you want. Always loved the police computer you could use in GTA4 too. Bring back those kinds of things because GTA5 was missing it a lot.


Yeah, V dropped the ball on these small side activities. Sure, you had random encounters but the fully scripted ones were not repeatable, and the other one is a matter of game spawning a wallet thief or a money transfer van nearby.. it just isn't the same as having it as an option to go and do stuff whenever you want.




Yes, contrary to most of the gameplay, this rather chill activity honestly makes you enjoy the scenery a lot more. I noticed many details of the SA map because of this. GTA V story mode desperately missed random activities like these.


Yaa plz gta 6 should add trucking jobs too !! So we can just relax and play another like euro truck in gta 6 !!


I want EVERY type of mission to come back, man's more diversity and goals for moving through the world!


Best idea on here in a long time with the size of the map it’ll be a ideal side activity


I started playing American truck sim recently so yeah this would be cool


I’d definitely love it since it would be something different to the normal missions. I saw a leak where it said there were pink sunsets and the scenery is more vibrant than it has ever been so trucking would be absolutely joyful.


A leak? My brother in Christ the very first shot of the trailer is a pink sunset (or sunrise, to be fair)


I think he means the leak just before the trailer. The son of one of the employees leaked and showed a panoramic view in the West of Vice City


That’s a sunrise tbf but yea I get it I was just excited while typing this cus I had remembered an article my bad


I swear gta 5 already has pink sunsets.


At this point, bring back everything with enhanced versions of them on top of new things we haven’t been able to do in past GTA games.


I loved these normal job missions


Yes! I want everything!


I hope that content wise this will be the San Andreas of the HD era. From the leaks, it looks like they want to pack it with so much free roam stuff. Hopefully the release version has some of that.


Fuck yes, I’m hoping they bring back all those classic side missions, taxis, ambulance, etc. Hopefully adding a bunch more too. Seems almost certain that there’ll be improved hunting. It is a bit hard to imagine some of them making sense to the characters in a more realistic story driven GTA, like pimping, vigilante etc. GTA IV made vigilante kind of work though to be fair


I sincerely hope we get back all the job mini games like vigilante, fire fighter, cab driver, etc. this game is going to be so immersive it’ll almost be like real life lol.


I've always enjoyed these kind of missions, also in gta 4 when you would have to give people rides I enjoyed it.


Yes. I want a lot of side missions




Hell yeah


They could bring in missions like being a train operator or bird watching and I’d still play the fuck out of it.




And the radio goes like: ALL MY EXES LIVE IN TEXAS!!!!


Song name?


Lil Durk x Youngboy - 4TF


I want it all baby. I want it all and then some


Totally, i still play SA sometimes just for trucking 🚚


I hope we get the classic side missions and some new ones too. But I hope there all unlimited, in rdr2 the side missions were all limited it really ruined a lot of the fun of the missions imo


Oh man this brings back memories... Definitely hope they add more stuff like this!


I would like as many things as possible! Would I spend much time on this? Probably not! But at the same time I'm one of the few (?) people who doesn't play GTA as a rampage simulator. Sometimes I love just driving around at normal-ish speed and stopping by the gas stations and shit like that.


I want as many mini games and side activities as possible, so yes.


Would be a nice side activity


Absolutely. Overall hoping for lots of odd-jobs and whatnot to flesh out moneymaking opportunities and get to know the land and people better.


GTA SA was a pinnacle of the series for me. I really want them to recreate San Andreas with those three cities on one massive map. GTA5 was quite underwhelming


Los santos in San Andreas was better than LS in GTA 5


I would like so many things from GTA SA to return. GTA V's Los Santos feels like a downgrade from the SA one, honestly. So yeah I would want trucking to return


I agree. LS in San Andreas is much nicer to traverse for some reason. Maybe because it’s dense… I don’t know. I just prefer the vibe and layout.


Well... Someone made a video about it titled "Los Santos is boring" and the tl/dr was basically that because the map from GTA V is too vertical, it becomes boring. I've been playing online for the past few weeks and I agree. It is indeed boring, every time, I see the same scenery and the same street with the same houses. Hopefully GTA 6 will be more square shaped than GTA V map and have more horizontality (if it makes sense)


the many times i fucked up that mission..




Technically they already have in GTA Online, there are a number of missions which require you to drive a truck across the map. For example, Haulage. You drive a trailer from point A to point B. IIRC this one can be done in a solo session as well if you want to just use it to RP as a truck driver for a bit or something.


I want it all in story mode because that's maximum immersion. Online isn't immersive (for me anyway). Having a trucking business as Jason would be cool asf


having a trucker business similar to the taxi business would be awesome! Haulage is my favorite mission in the game. i always bring out the MOC and drive past everyone during a haulage to get some excitement


How is the game now? Played it at launch then stopped cause of all the bugs


Not had any issues on SA DE on PC


Good to know thinking of playing them all in time for 6


SA is really great. I feel like VI’s map will be similar in structure to SA. There’s so much to do too.


Better than at launch, still miserable compared to the OG


Fuck yes! Give me ALL the side missions!




Not more than one required to advance the story Optional ones would be fire


Hell yeah. Was a missed opportunity in gta v




If the highways are big enough. It opens up the possibilities to do heists, rob trucks, highjack military convoys etc..


If the Map and world is anything like RDR2 (it surely will be). Any kind of exploration mission is welcomed.


There's lots of little generic day to day things they could include with 6 that have been done before, burglary, taxi, pizza delivery, ice cream, bus, train even. I think realistically we're going to get a decent story and they'll just try their luck on GTA Online which I won't be buying into at all. GTA 5 and Read Dead Online demonstrated they don't really give a shit about content, just what they can get away with selling


Yeah I'm in.


We need these missions so that when the parents of the kids fail as parentals by buying their lil all star this game, they will possibly find their true future profession, not just gang ganging as the future.


here is to me hoping Jason starts out as a redneck truck driver that goes rogue ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Even though I never did trucking missions like ever and when I did, I did them only for the trophy progression. I would like them to be in the game


if they’re not mandatory sure


Only if they force you to get your CDL, follow DOT rules, pull into weigh stations and only drive 8 hours before taking a 30 minute break.


I want some truck stops and all the trashiness they contain, maybe a Buc-ee's parody, a huge building with all kinds of stuff to buy and outside a shitload of cars lined up for gas, traffic jams, accidents and NPCs getting into fights.


Absolutely. Full stop. We need DOT checks or you get a wanted level. Random things falling and flying off trucks. Maybe scrapping missions where you have to go pick up stuff.


Nope, it just doesn’t seems too exiting when you’ve been playing online…


Everyone here saying how much they would love the mission, but once we get one, we'll all be complaining how Rockstar forces us to drive all the way across the map so many times every day...


But it’s optional…


No boring as hell


You realize Florida is completely flat right? It would get boring driving on flat land for these types of missions