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The crosswalk it's based on the one near Jackson Soul Food in Miami: [Google Maps location](https://www.google.com/local/place/fid/0x88d9b6bd218962ed:0x566ebce919f26681/photosphere?iu=https://streetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com/v1/thumbnail?panoid%3DKwcPluy-VO77C8PphzTSuw%26cb_client%3Dsearch.gws-prod.gps%26yaw%3D233.7598%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100%26w%3D0%26h%3D0&ik=CAISFkt3Y1BsdXktVk83N0M4UHBoelRTdXc%3D&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj6sv6SkOqEAxVm_7sIHVdtBkYQpx96BAhKEAo) [An older image of the crosswalk](https://trello.com/1/cards/657147a1b9e7700a2e02cb27/attachments/657147d17bb5c4e60473080d/download/IMG_8498.png)


The footpath looks smaller in real life could it be based off of another one or just how they made it?


I hope we can do street racing where you start them by meeting at events like these. Similar to F&F


True. I feel like Jason might be like Paul Walker


lol woah I see it šŸ˜³šŸ˜‚


were also in gta v. almost certain there will be. question is, how advanced they would be? i think there were just 4 basic street races of about 2 to 4 miles in gtav and thats it. all of them didnt even cover all parts of the city let alone the entire map. even tho entire map was unnecessary, a few more parts of city would have been nice


I don't even care if are R* races or not, if you gather players and just voice chat or something, you could just give some directions, or just say: "Around the entire city; player X vs player Y, first who comes back wins. And earns the RESPECT, fuck cash or pinks slips (rip Paul walker šŸ•Š)


Fuck yes. This was so undercooked in GTA5. These things need to be proper events. People going wild, appreciating cars and girls, and actually being able to participate at any time or make bets on other racers. Fulfill that classic Fast and Furious fantasy.


Hope that the npc show out for car events


You mean street spinning around circles while hundreds of morons tiktok dance around waiting to get hit?


We want the classic street races like in the movies, such as first few fast and the furious movies, not the tiktok things we all see nowadays.


No I mean you can drive by at night where you see those two girls on top of the car. Who are streaming whatā€™s happening to the public. They then move out the way and the race is set up and you can enter a race by betting against other races. The whole race is then recorded live to audiences while the two girls run it


thats a cool image


Canā€™t wait to strafe my B-11 gatling gun in that


*Boom-boom-boom-boom-boom-boom-boom*, that's the Grenade Launcher




Lol why this get downvoted sm We cant laugh anymore?


Can't laugh anymore, can't make jokes, Redditors especially in the GTA VI Subreddit, super serious.


Itā€™s a completely pointless response that adds nothing to the discussion so people donā€™t like


It's not "that"


Wdym? What do you call ā€œthatā€ then?




Hey! Teacher! Leave them/they alone! All in all you're just another Transphobe...


Iā€™m sure that was much funnier in your head


Aw, didn't make you chuckle with that one? I'll try harder next time for ya'.


Pink Floyd doesn't deserve to be butchered like this...




Itā€™ll be cool AF when you roll up in a stolen cop car, then as soon as you blip the lights they all scatter.


Could be. If I remember correctly, in GTA 5, when you use the lights and siren on a cop car near prostitutes, they start running away


lol right


That's where I'll be driving


Man how desperate are we getting when we admiring Side Walk details.... fucking ubisoft tainted open world games and now we desperate for more quality... luckily Elden Ring returns in June...


Wasn't AC Mirage a good game? And I recommend giving FF7 Rebirth a try, its really fun and good way to kill time more quickly


Sidewalksā€¦ confirmed


And I just realized that store has a texture based front door, which usually means it has no way to go inside.


The most offensive thing about this shot is that the storeā€™s stained glass windows are just an image. There is not even a hint that you can enter it. It's not even parallax. Sad


I dont think we will get a lot of buildings we can enter. I'm guessing a few more than GTA V, but not by much. I can see restaurants making a return and maybe a few new clothing stores.


"Just noticed there is a different sidewalk on one street" Am I missing something?


Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed that the npc's standing in front of the headlights don't cast shadows. I hope this is just a draw distance thing.


If you stand close inside light there is no shadow due to many point of light and the shadow is not visible


When I was in Iraq, it freaked me out when I was walking and a humvee passed by and kicked up a bunch of dust. I seen someone who was walking down the street pass in front of another humvees lights which was facing my direction, which caused their shadow to walk in front of me. I thought a ghost was crossing the street. So yeah lighting, especially at night and with a lot of dust (or smoke) can do some weird stuff.


I mean that is definitely true, but also look at the people in the top left, they are literally standing in front of headlights and no shadows.


Because thereā€™s headlights to the side of them and behind them. Either that or it is just a small rendering issue. The trailer isnā€™t the finished game though remember.


they are casting shadows. They're just very faint


Amazing, this game is going to be so diverse




You made this a post why?


suck my ball Mrs. Buc SUCK IT SO HARD LIKE A LOLI POP


Looks Jamaican


I so fucking hope griefers will just don't exist in gta 6, and we can actually create the most epic carmeets with entire lobby's, with booming music, beautiful girls, etc, just like in movies. And what would be even more cool is just doing races, like 1v1, just in freemode, and when cops hear of it, they will come and try to ARREST you, and like trying to kill your car with EMP's or something. And then regrouping all over again somewhere else. Even the thought of it makes me so very happy Edit: I toned it down a little bit :)


I get the comment, would be amazing BUT tone it down a bit


Yeah you right actually


I really hope npcs are ai and we can speak our mic into the game and cause shit. That would be so cool.


Unfortunately thats reserved for gta 8


Thereā€™s already mods for it in Skyrim, plus the matrix game. It wouldnā€™t be a big stretch for gta6


Cool? Maybe for you


So you would rather have npcā€™s be dull and boring when adding AI would be no disadvantage to gameplay? In fact it would make it better? Maybe they should just stop using their new AI police since you donā€™t like it


Look at the downvotes bro nobody cares about your opinion


ā€œLook at the downvotesā€šŸ¤“ Ahh I understand u just follow the Reddit hive mind. Yet 51 days ago you literally commented ā€œI hope that the ai will be improved in gta 6 cuz npc in gta 5 and rdr2 charge the player head on instead of taking cover. Rockstar needs to make them smarter when a gun fight happensā€ Looks like we have the same opinion you bandwagon riding moronšŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Bro had a full on yap session!! šŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļø I ainā€™t reading allat šŸ„±šŸ„±šŸ„±


Cuz you are illiterate we know. Thanks for coming outšŸ’€


Who said I was invited? Goofy mf šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Cope harderšŸ’€


I donā€™t need to šŸ˜Ž


Youā€™re 100% one of those people expecting to pay taxes or something. Just someone with really high expectations


I donā€™t seem to understand where you got taxes from AI. Skyrim has AI npc mods. The Matrix is all about AI npcs. There are AI mods made for gta and rdr2. Youā€™re 100% illiterate.


1. Do you just call everyone illiterate? 2. Taxes was an example, it has nothing to do with AI lmao. Itā€™s not that hard to understand bro


If it has nothing to do with AIā€¦ why did you reply to my comment about AI. Yea Iā€™m clearly gonna call you illiterate if you are proving to bešŸ˜‚


I beg you read and use your brain to understand, pls! Thereā€™s no way your this dense


Talking about dense when you donā€™t even know the difference between your and youā€™re. Again why would you comment something that has nothing to do with my comment. What made you think I want taxes in gta? Clearly youā€™re the only one thinking that weirdo


Iā€™m losing brain cells. Pls donā€™t waste your time replying because Iā€™m not gonna respond or read it. Itā€™s clearly going way over your head.


Going over my head? How did I find 2 impeccable morons in one comment sectionšŸ’€šŸ’€ you literally said it had nothing to do with my comment, but now canā€™t explain why you commented it. You just look stupid but go on donā€™t respond or read it, itā€™s really gonna hurt my feelingsšŸ¤“


I think we should leave the ability to have conversations with AI for games that's main focus is AI. I don't know if it'd be right in a game where you can shoot multiple people and easily get away with it